The Purest of Blood (vampire...

By gingerfancy

10.3K 242 58

(Unless you have finished the manga do not read!) Kaname has become the new parent and has told Zero and Yuki... More

Chapter 1: Recovering
Chapter 2: Healing
Chapter 3: Purest of Blood
Chapter 4: Kirei Iida
Chapter 6: Masquerade
Chapter 7: The Locked Door
Chapter 8: Blood and Water
Chapter 9: Revolation
Chapter 10: A Change of Plans
Chapter 11: Problems at Home
Chapter 12: A Bloody Mistake
Chapter 13: The Road To Find Out
Chapter 14: Kirei Stirs
Chapter 15: Kaname/Kirei
Chapter 16: The Next Turn
Chapter 17: Counting Down
Ch 18: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 19: Fighting for Love
Author's note:
Chapter 20: The Dust Settles

Chapter 5: Unspoken Feelings

636 18 0
By gingerfancy


I fell asleep in the stables again. I hadn't done that in almost a year.

"Come on lazy we have a job, get up!" Kaito sighed kicking me in the side.

"Fine," I groaned rolling to my feet.

"We've got a level E in the abandoned part of down town." Kaito explained.

"Alright." we walked through the gates of the academy and I couldn't help but look back at the moon dorms.

We walked into town and trekked cautiously. Once we were in the abandoned part of town I could sense our target. I still don't know why Kaito had to go with me still. I didn't see why I had to be monitored.

I walked into an abandoned building and smelled the level E. Easily I aimed bloody rose up at the rafters and shot one round. A burst of dust followed after a cry.

"Was that it?" I asked.

"We were told that there was a group of them." Kaito said. I waited until I could sense them. Then without speaking i went into the building next to the one we were in prior and was met with a swarm of level Es.

As Kaito caught up to me the vines of bloody rose swarmed the room trapping all of the level Es in its web. All of the vampires screamed desperately but I just tightened my hold until all of them were drained. All of them disappeared into a pile of dust.

I took a knee and panted. Bloody rose had seemed as though it was draining me more lately. I slammed the gun on the ground and hissed a curse in Kaname's name and the gun burned my hand.

He's taunting me! Kaito came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Zero, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm tired, doing that drains me a bit," I panted.

"We should get back," Kaito said putting my arm over his shoulders and standing me up.

"It usually isn't this bad. I feel like he's trying to kill me," I struggled.

"Or maybe he'a doing it to cause you pain or make you feel bad," Kaito suggested.

"Yuki," I hissed knowingly.

"What?" Kaito asked.

"He wants me to feel bad about making Yuki sad." I sighed as we neared the gates.

"Wow that's some crazy shit," Kaito chuckled. "You know you are going against his dying wish."

I smiled at that, "Yeah he's telling me to stop messing with his sister's head."

We walked up to the gates where Yuki was standing. she looked at us and her eyes went wide. My heart clenched in my chest when I saw her. She started running toward us. I thought she was running to hug me but she got out Artemis and activated it's scythe form.

She ran past us and rammed the scythe into a level E that followed us from town. Once the vampire had turned to dust she looked back at me bewildered.

The night class students that were with her cried out to her. Yuki stood up and dropped Artemis. She ran and collapsed in my arms making me fall to my knees.

"You scared me to death!" she cried.

"I'm sorry," I chuckled. "and i'm sorry I just made my pregnant girlfriend kill something."

"Did you just call me your girlfriend?" she asked startled.

"I never remember saying I was leaving you," I said looking into her crimson eyes.

"Not to ruin the moment but Yuki you might want to distance yourself from Zero for a minute," Kaito said taking hold of Yuki's arm. She stood up and stepped away.

Takuma and Senri ran over as I collapsed. The last thing I saw was Yuki smiling.


I was elated. Senri and Takuma carried zero up to his room and left us alone. I had Zero back.

He laid on his bed and I held his hand. After awhile he blinked and looked into my eyes.

His lavender eyes suddenly glowed red and he tackled me onto the floor. I gasped and realized my arm was bleeding. Zero had me pinned and I couldn't move.

"Zero, stop," I cried. my heart raced as I struggled to get free.

He lowered his head down to my neck. I felt something stir with in me and I cried "Get off me!"

Zero froze and lifted himself off of me. I looked up at him and he stared back blankly.

"Zero it's ok now you can snap out of it," I said nervously waving my hand in front of his face. He relaxed and looked at me wide eyed.

"Zero I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I shook my head in disbelief. "I can see why my mom sealed my power. Though now i'm out a more than a decade of practice." I sighed.

"Hey, you'll get used to your power," zero sighed throwing half a hand full of blood tablets in his mouth.

I sighed. I needed to eat also. Both of us needed blood and neither of us was healthy enough to give it. I took out my case of blood tablets and took a few as well.

Zero laid down on his bed and sighed.

"Zero are we-" I started to ask if we were ok but he put his hand up to silence me.

"Please Yuki, not right now I'm too tired for that," he sighed.

"Yeah I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately either," I yawned. I looked up at him and he was holding the covers up for me. I slid off my shoes and jacket before climbing into his arms.

"I love you Zero, I really do," I said into his hair.

"I know Yuki and hearing you say that makes me so happy," he smiled kissing my temple.

"Do you think we can get through this?" I asked helplessly.

"Yuki, I'm not leaving you. You could have had three kids by the man and I would still stand with you." Zero answered.

I moved closer to him and hugged him tighter.

"I'm glad. I was worried."

"Yuki, if you don't hate me and it's alright I'd like to be there when the baby's born," Zero said quietly.

"And what about after?" I asked laughing as he blushed slightly.

"I was planning on sticking around for awhile longer," he smirked.

"Good," I laughed. Not long after Zero fell asleep and I wasn't far behind.

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