Golden Days {Springtrap X Gol...

By CrazyMofo_x3

34.1K 1.1K 293

Ever since then I hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. His phone was off and I couldn't... More

☼ Prologue ☼
☼ O N E ~ M E M O R I E S ☼
☼ T W O ~ H O U S E ☼
☼ T H R E E ~ S H O P P I N G ☼
☼ F O U R ~ T A L L M A N ☼
☼ F I V E ~ F R E D D Y ☼
☼ S I X ~ C H A I N S ☼
☼ S E V E N ~ L O S T ☼
☼ E I G H T ~ L O S T A N D F O U N D ☼
☼ N I N E ~ M U M ☼
☼ T E N ~ E S C A L A T I O N ☼
☼ E L E V E N ~ R E A L I T Y ☼
☼ T W E L V E ~ P L A N S ☼
☼ T H I R T E E N ~ D E C O R A T I O N ☼
☼ F I F T E E N ~ C H R I S T M A S ☼
☼ S I X T E E N ~ C O N F E S S I O N ☼
☼ S E N V E N T E E N ~ M O V I N G ☼
☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼
☼ N I N E T E E N ~ B A B Y ☼
☼ T W E N T Y ~ F I N D I N G O U T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y O N E ~ R E S T A U R A N T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T W O ~ T H E F I R S T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ H E A R D A N D B A C K ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F I V E ~ P H O N E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ C H A N G E S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y N I N E ~ M E E T I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y ~ L O N G T I M E N O S E E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y O N E ~ T R U T H O U T ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T W O ~ R E D ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ T I M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F O U R ~ C A L L ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F I V E ~ P A R K ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S I X ~ N E W B E G I N N I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S E V E N ~ T W O ☼

☼ F O U R T E E N ~ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☼

884 25 4
By CrazyMofo_x3

Spring's POV

Goldie sat on the counter as I sat beside him, the energy was practically bouncing off him. He was really excited for Christmas.

"I can't wait, it's going to be so fun, i'm so excited," Goldie rambled on. I just watched him, smiling at his usual, charismatic behaviour.

"It's going to be better this year," Goldie smiled, drinking some of his hot chocolate, "I've got you with me."

I laughed slightly and broke into a larger smile, "Thanks."

It was nice to know I was still wanted and it was getting easier and easier by the day to talk to him. I could finally see that we really had been friends for years and for the right reasons.

The reasons being that he helped; helped with everything. He was kind and casually charming with a strong personality that that not even an amnesiac like me could forget.

A ringing sound came from Goldie's hip, making him stay quiet for a second. Goldie brought out the phone and answered it, "Hi."

I sat there, watching Goldie talk on the phone, I tried not to listen but he was pretty loud. I played with my thumbs, glancing around casually.

After a few minutes or so was up, Goldie hung up, "Well, that was irrelevant but okay," Goldie shrugged.

I wanted to ask who and what it was but I decided to stay silent...I knew he'd tell me anyways.

"That was the doctors ringing to tell me that they'd informed your psychiatrist about the accident. Why do I need to know this now when your appointment is in two months? Like seriously?", Goldie ranted, putting the phone back.

"I dunno, they're dull as hell sometimes, the systems are pretty much fucked at this point. Can't remember it doin' me any good but that might've been somethin' to do with the fact I've lost my memory but nah it's only a small thing," I told him. He laughed lightly and put an arm around my shoulder.

"True. I would bring up a 'Do you remember' scenario but uh...I don't think you will," He joked back as I raised an eyebrow.

"Try me," I challenged him. Goldie shrugged, swirling the cup of hot chocolate around.

"Well," He begun, "Remember the time when we was younger and after knowing Freddy for a few months I was talking about him finally getting medication after years of visiting the psychiatrist?"

"Eh...No," I frowned, "but that's how long it takes, I do remember something else because of this, after living in the hostel for about the 3rd time, before I met you I think-"

"Yeah, it was, I remember you telling me about the family wing homeless...", He mumbled.

"Don't worry, anyway. It took my father like twenty years to get his right medication and to claim benefits which was a nightmare since Plush wasn't born. Then again the real nightmare hit us when Plush came out, I remember that," I cringed, squinting my eyes.

"Took Freddy long too but I work as Freddy's carer so I don't need to work, luckily the council still ain't aware we aren't living together anymore so we're still claiming for the next five years and I'm alright until then," Goldie smiled, sipping his hot chocolate again.

"Not exactly," I argued, watching him raising an eyebrow.

"Well, as long as I'm living with you, you claim for me so...depending on how long I stay...Which could be anything from a month to the rest of my life which but I don't think is going to be long-"

"Oh my god, shut up you poor little soul," he pouted, hugging me tightly, "I want you here forever, trust me, it's true."

I wrapped an arm around him, "yeah, I know, I love you too," I smiled. Goldie was cold but I loved it, I always too warm.

"I can't wait for tomorrow though, I'm excited, I've got you something I think you'll really like," He announced proudly.

Shit I didn't get anything.

"I didn't get you something..."

"You can't go out and get anything but I don't care. I have you here and I know you're safe and that's all the stress off my back, do you know how much of a gift that is to me? I need you safe, you're a part of my life, connected really," Goldie revealed.

Blushing, I hugged him tightly and nodded, I honestly didn't know how I deserved him.

"Don't you dare go feeling bad, I want you to be as happy as possible and if that means having to tell you every hour of the day, don't think I won't," He warned me. I laughed lightly.

"Of course, if it helps you, anything," I sighed.

"That reminds me actually, I need to give Red and Freddy their stuff and I'll probably do it today since I don't want to go out tomorrow...Wonder where Freddy's going for Christmas this year. Probably Red's or something. Want to come with me?", He asked, drinking the last of his hot chocolate.

I nodded, agreeing to go as he put his cup in the sink, "I'll wash it when we get back," Goldie thought aloud, grabbing a bag with presents in.

I followed him out the door and into the car, me and Goldie were just talking about brothers and things that we related in. It wasn't awkward anymore, I trusted him and as far as I can remember, I've never trusted someone so quickly.

Goldie parked outside Freddy's house, helping me get out and worrying over nothing. I didn't need my crutches for short walks but Goldie would've held me regardless.

Looking at Goldie's attitude now and back then, I realised something. He'd gotten less awkward too. Guess I wasn't actually the only one who was being shy.

I felt Goldie tug my arm lightly and hold it, knocking on the door, "I'm here," He assured me.

The two of us jumped when he heard Ms shout saying: "someone's at the door!". It wasn't Freddy's.

Freddy answered the door and looked at both of us and smiles awkwardly. He was in a dressing gown with his hair lazily tied back.

"Are we intruding or...?", Goldie asked, Freddy shook his head instantly.

"No, no, it's all okay it's just...Uh...", Freddy didn't know what to say, he glanced behind him and looked back at us.

"You can come in if you want?"

Goldie looked at me and back at Freddy, "No thanks, I'm in a hurry," He lied, "are you seeing Red today or tomorrow?"

"Seeing him later today, why?"

"I got him things so yeah, drop them off to him for me please?", Goldie asked, "I would do it myself but y'know, might make Spring feel uncomfortable, you know what I mean," Goldie explained.

Freddy nodded, "I get what you mean, anxiety and stuff," Freddy took the bag and put it in the nearest place he could.

"And I got you stuff but I planned you first so surprise," Goldie told him, giving him the stuff.

"Thanks, haven't opened yours yet, right?", Freddy asked Goldie.

"Pfft, no," Goldie rolled his eyes.

"You done it last year, remember?", Freddy teased. Goldie huffed and glared at him. The two were clearly bonded tight.

"So who's in your house then?"

"I-Uh-No one," Freddy stuttered.

"Someone's at the door!", Goldie mimicked. Freddy played with his lip.


"So who is she?", Goldie raised an eyebrow.

"They're nice," Freddy shrugged, I glanced behind Freddy, someone was coming downstairs, in a dressing gown also. Goldie saw the person too.

"What's her name?"


"She has a nice name."

"He does," A voice echoed from behind Freddy. The person walked behind Freddy and lifted up Freddy's arm, looking at both of us.


"Oh shit, what the fuck, Freddy?", Goldie exclaimed.


"You never said you were dating him! Never even said you was dating?! Since when do you like guys?! I thought you was as straight as they come!", Goldie ranted, clearly upset that he didn't say, "have you two just had sex?!"


"I bet you're wearing nothing under that," Goldie pouted. Freddy lifted the dressing gown away to show he was dressed in a shirt and some shorts.

"And what about Bonnie?"

"Rude but if you need proof," Bonnie hissed, lifting up his dressing gown too.

I honestly hadn't spoken a word, I felt like I should've but I didn't.

"...My point still stands, why didn't you tell me?", Goldie frowned.

"We've only been dating for...How long now?", Freddy asked Bonnie. Bonnie clicked his tongue.

"Errm...'Bout two and a half weeks?"

"Yeah, only that long, and I didn't even know if me and Bonnie was a legit thing!"


"Wait, you didn't know?", Bonnie raised an eyebrow.

Freddy glanced down at him, "No, not really."

"Oh, you know now though, yeah?", Bonnie asked, Freddy pecked him on the lips.

"Of course."

"Freddy, I'm waiting."

"I don't know, I thought I loved him but platonically and I guess it's more than that...Bonnie's the first guy I've ever dated and I guess that means I like guys since I'm really attracted to him so...", Freddy mumbled, "Surprise...Heh..."

I watched Bonnie and Freddy stare at Goldie, Bonnie seeming to glare more than state though.

"That's...", Goldie paused, "that's fucking great," He told him.

"You aren't mad then?"

"Well, I was...But I guess you didn't know how things were gonna turn out so I forgive you, I understand."

"Thanks," Freddy smiled in relief. Bonnie rested on Freddy's arm, the two of them seemed tired but I didn't want to say anything still.

"But yeah, it's been ages since I've seen you, Bon...", Goldie muttered.

"Same to you I guess?", Bonnie replied, "You and Spring spending Christmas together?"

"Yeah," Goldie smiled, "You know about what happened, right?"

"Um, no?"

"Spring got into an accident, lost his memory," Goldie explained quickly, petting my hair.

"Oh shit, that's horrible."

"I know, it is. But he's staying with me now so he's going to be safe, right?", Goldie smiled.

I nodded, "mhm."

"So yeah, I'll leave you two to...whatever you was doing?"

"Kay, I'll see you whenever I do, yeah?"

"Yeah, bye you two," Goldie smiled.

"Bye," They both said, Freddy shutting the door.

"Well that surprised me," Goldie laughed, helping me into the car.

"True, true," I agreed, "Do I know Bonnie though?"

"Yeah, you do. You two are just super awkward around each other," Goldie informed me, starting up the car.

"Is Bonnie gay or bi or something else? I forget what they are," I sighed.

"Uh...I dunno," Goldie shrugged, driving, "I've never heard of him dating a female. I've never heard of him dating anyone to think about it."

"Discrete sort of character?"

"I'd say so," Goldie nodded, "nothing like his brother if you ask me though."


"Ah, sorry, Clyde," Goldie told me, "remember me showing you a photo of the small one, blue hair, make up."

"Yeah, that's him?"

"Mhm, the one next to him was Red, yeah? Remember?"

"Mhm, yeah. Do they get along?", I asked Goldie.

"Who? Red and Clyde?"

"Yeah," I nodded, Goldie laughed and took a short glance at me.

"They're married, Spring."

"Oh fuck, shit, I knew that, shut up," I blushed, I probably should've remembered that.

"Wait so that makes you and your brothers gay and so is Bonnie and Clyde.."

"Huh," Goldie thought, "it does, shit. Didn't notice."

"How old is Clyde then?"

"Nineteen, they got married two months ago and Red's twenty one. You could've sworn they've been married for years really," Goldie smiled, "I mean, I honestly wouldn't get married that quickly though."

"Why not?", I asked, agreeing with him but wanting to know his reasons first.

"They're really young. Like really young. Clyde got out of school this year and got married within it. Then again, they was dating for three years before it..."

"I agree, but I think it's nice that they're happy."

"It is. It's what everyone wants really, despite whatever gender you're into you really just want someone to stay with and do the stuff that couples do."

"The stuff the couples do," I repeated, grinning.

"oh shush, y'know what I mean," Goldie frowned.

"But do you know what you mean?", I asked.


"Do you know what couples do?"

"They kiss...They cuddle and make each other happy and do things for one another and together...", Goldie listed.

"So...All the things we've done?"

"...I guess," Goldie blushed.

"We're close, Goldie. You don't need to be shy," I told him as he parked up the car. Goldie glanced at me, his cheeks rosy along with his nose.

"Thanks," He mumbled, getting out and helping me walk again, as he always did, worrying about me and truth be told, I wasn't bored of it. In fact, I never wanted it to stop.

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