A Fallen Angel (Sequel to "A...

By Kittykatpsah

16.4K 879 135

Beth couldn't live without Mac, so she decided to go to him. Mac needed a fresh start. Then the dead came. More

Second Book!
The First Days
Small Talk
Another Taste
Being Discovered
I'm Sorry
Im horrible
This might be the end...
Dont murder me


585 35 7
By Kittykatpsah

Mac was almost there. But the closer he got to Merle's house, the more hurt he felt. Beth was in the same state as him, and god was he missing her. He felt his heartstrings tugging at the mere idea that Beth was so close to him, yet so unreachable. It made him want to grab another beer.

While he was glancing around the road for any sign of a beer joint, the radio changed from a boring country song to static. Mac glanced at the radio in confusion, and then he heard a mans' voice.

"This is the Center for Disease Control. Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. The Center for Disease Control will try to keep you updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous."

Mac stared in confusion at the radio, before it buzzed out and continued playing country music. Dead bodies attacking the living? What the hell were they trying to sell? The dead couldn't come back, even Mac knew that was scientifically impossible. The dead coming back to life...

It must've been a scam. The CDC was trying to sell expensive vaccinations for this "disease" just to make a quick buck. Classic government business. He shook the warning off and continued to Merle's, which wasn't that far now.

Mac pulled into the driveway just as Merle came out, smiling broadly as Mac trotted up the steps of his cabin. Merle lived in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, and the nearest populated area was the highway just 2 miles south. He lived fairly close to Atlanta, but that was about 10 miles northeast. But there was a smaller suburban area just a few miles east. As far as Mac knew, Merle lived alone. Mac was his only sibling, and Merle couldn't keep a girlfriend. And honestly, Merle preferred hookers over girlfriends anyway. "They're less clingy" was what Merle had said.

"There he is!" Merle called, his arms opened wide. "The man with the magic!"

"Yeah yeah, got all the ingredients. Now where's the setup at?" Mac muttered sourly. He couldn't take his mind off of Beth. She was so close, but he had no idea where she was. Even if he wanted to track her down and being her home, he had no idea where to start.

"Out by the shed. And hey, later why don't you and I go huntin'? Got a new bow for ya, if yer interested." Merle offered, gesturing to the crossbow leaning against the door to the cabin. It was a Horton Scout HD 125, and it was a beauty. Mac whistled softly. He had always had a soft spot for crossbows. Hell if he could afford it he'd buy one himself.

"Sure. Why not?" Mac mumbled, heading over to the shed with his bag of chemicals. Merle smirked as Mac went into the shed, finding that there was an entire set up just waiting for him. He pulled on his gas mask and got to work.

It took nearly all day, in which Merle had graciously moved all of Mac's things into the spare bedroom, but Mac finally got the batch done. Now all he had to do was let it cool, and by tomorrow they'd have a hell of a lot of meth.

Mac headed out of the shed and pulled the gas mask off, relieving his sweaty face and relishing the cool air. He took a look up at the sky, noticing that it was nearing dusk. Dinner time. He hadn't had a meal since Beth had left. He'd mostly just eaten whatever he'd found around the house.

He shook his head. Stop thinking about Beth ya dumbass! He sighed. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She was beautiful, funny, talented; perfect. And he had blown it.

He trudged inside the house, glancing at Merle, who was sitting on an old recliner sipping a beer and watching some football game. He glanced up at Mac as he walked in. "Hey there, lil bro. How's the batch comin'?"

"Just needs to cool. Tomorrow it'll be ready." Mac muttered, noticing that the crossbow was sitting on the table now. It's smooth shiny body glistened in the sunlight, making Mac bite his lip. Man did he love crossbows.

"Ya just gonna stare till it grows wings or are ya gonna pick it up?" Merle demanded from his spot on the recliner.

Mac strode over to it and slowly picked the crossbow up off of the table. It was heavy in his hands, and Mac felt himself loving it already. "When're we goin' huntin'?" He asked. He wanted to give this baby a test.

"Tomorrow mornin'. Wanna have enough time to get fucked up." Merle stated, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Then he turned and offered Mac one. Mac narrowed his eyes at the cigarette. This wasn't like Merle.

"The hell's gotten into ya? Why're ya bein' all sentimental an' shit?" Mac demanded. First the crossbow and now a cigarette? What the hell?

Merle shrugged. "Feelin' good an' wanted to share a cig with my lil brother. But if ya ain't wantin' it just say no." He muttered, stuffing the cigarette back into his pocket and turning his attention back to the TV. "By the way, I invited a few hookers over tonight. They should be here soon. Hope ya like brunettes."

Suddenly the TV was changed. Now it was on the emergency broadcast system again, and it was flashing a warning.

"WARNING: Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. Follow the messages on screen that will be updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous. We advise that you remain indoors, let all pets inside, and to make sure to lock your windows and doors. We'll keep you updated as the event unfolds."

"What in the hell..?" Merle muttered, squinting at the television as messages scrolled along the bottom. Mac scoffed. They were still at it?

"I wouldn't worry. Got that message on the way here." Mac muttered. "It's probably some scam tryin' to get us to buy fancy pills and shots."

Merle scoffed as well. "Stupid fuckin' government." He growled. "Sounds just like them."

Then there were knocks at the door, and Merle stood up. "Good. The whores are here." He mumbled, his smile returning. Mac rolled his eyes. Would he want to fuck? He felt his stomach squeeze at the thought. It had been him lying about cheating that drove Beth to suicide, what would happen if he actually did fuck another woman?

Before he could fully make up his mind, Merle opened the door for two women. One was a blonde with very large breasts, a slim waist, and a big ass, and the other was a brunette with a similar body. They were both dressed in black mini skirts, red spaghetti straps, and knee high high heeled boots. Mac too thought they were hot, but Beth...

"Dibs on blondie." Merle stated, grabbing the blonde by the waist and dragging her over to him. "Brunette's all yours, baby bro."

Merle and the blonde headed down the hall to the door at the end of it, leaving Mac and the brunette alone in the kitchen/living room. He glanced at her, biting his lip. He wanted to get over Beth, but was cheating really the way to do it?

The brunette smirked at Mac and walked over to him. "Hey, big boy," she purred.

"Yeah?" He answered absentmindedly. He didn't want to hook up with someone like this. He wanted Beth. But he couldn't have her.

"Wanna show me to your room," She asked in a sultry voice, her hands hooking on his belt and tugging him forward, "or do you just wanna do it out here?"

Mac however didn't want either. He didn't want to make his lie become the truth. "Nah." He muttered, stepping away from hooker. "I'm good."

"Excuse me?" The woman demanded, stepping away as well.

"Ya heard me." Mac growled, grabbing her wrist. Then he dragged her down the hall towards Merle's room. He threw the door open, just as the blonde was removing her top, and tossed the brunette in. "Here. Have a threesome." Mac muttered, slamming the door shut and trudging to his room. He shut the door and turned on the tiny radio, listening to the soft county music playing. He didn't want to listen to Merle and the hookers moaning all night. He laid down on the tiny single bed and closed his eyes, when another warning popped up.

"Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. Follow the messages on screen that will be updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous. Please remain indoors. We'll keep you updated as the event progresses."

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