Ascendent (Nephilim #1)

By keanu003

655 78 4

Hunter Cross couldn't care less if the world was ending today, because he's the guy that every other guy secr... More

1. The beginning (1)
3. Maybe I'm going a little crazy.
4. The Institute
5. Secrets
6. Our first kiss
7. Can this day end
8. fight or flight
9. close call
10. first date
11. Day off
12. Surprise.
13. This means war.
14. A visit from Michael
15. Some good news please
16. That was me not holding back.
17. The truth 1
18. The truth 2
19. Didn't see that coming!
20. I'm not weak!
21. Recooperation and Reparations
end credit scene

2. The beginning (2)

66 9 0
By keanu003


Crescent Falls abandoned plantation.

"The boy is not under the protection of his father, now's the time to attack" said Marius. "Not yet, Marius. We first have to take out the problem, before we collect our solution," replied Kaiyas. "If we want the boy we going to have to take his father away from him. Not kill him of course, but let him start searching for answeres, and then when he gets close to it, we attack." Marius scowled at Kaiyas, but nodded none the less. Kaiyas was the master, a and whatever he said goes. "Now, let's head to the house and await Mics arrival."
School wasn't that bad, besides the obvious long hours, but doodling during class and doing pair work seemed to be most of my day. "I'm so glad this day is over, I can't take it anymore. So what you guys doing tonight?" Asked Freya. "Nothing much. My dad's working late so I'm just gonna order take-out and hire a movie" I replied. "Well I'm going to jasmines party, it's a superhero theme this week. I'm going as the flash." Said Chris. The flash has always been chris' favourite superhero. "Come on Hunter, you have to do something today," said Freya. "Well, I'm going to help Mrs Frederick's clean up the shop." They nodded and we left.

I got to Mrs Frederick's shop and walked through the door, the bell signalling my entrance. "Good afternoon Hunter, how are you today?" She asked. "I'm very well thank you Mrs Frederick's, how are you?" I replied with a smile. "Oh you know, busy as always. Why don't you put your stuff in the back and start packing. I'll join you after I get this order ready for a customer."she said. "Of course" I answered. I put my stuff in the back and got to work. Mrs Frederick's owns a magic shop. She's a really sweet lady and always puts the needs of others before her. After I cleaned I said my goodbyes to Mrs Frederick's and got into my car. When I checked the Time, it was already 19:30 pm. I drove off and stopped at a diner and ordered two double cheese burgers and large fries with one chocolate shake and strawberry shake. I knew my dad would be home soon, so I decided to buy the food then so it's still, hot when he gets home. I checked my phone and realised I hadn't looked at it the entire day. I saw a message from dad saying he would be home by 5pm because his meeting was brief. I put my phone back in my pocket and drove home.

When I got home, I parked the car and started for the front door. When I opened the door, I saw the house had been ransacked, like a tornado swept through it. I ran for the kitchen and put the food down. "Dad! Dad!" I yelled but there was no reply. I checked in his study, but he wasn't there. I ran upstairs to check his room, but he wasn't there either. I checked the garage, the backyard and the library, but he wasn't there. I tired calling his cell and it rang. Then I heard the familiar ring tone of his phone coming from the lounge. I looked through the rubble and found it. I started freaking out, I felt like I was having a panic attack. I picked up my phone and dialed 911, but before I could hit the call button I heard a thump behind me, with a low growl. I stopped and turned slowly. When I faced the back, I came face to face with a creature of some sort. It had horns and really long fingers. It was slightly hunched and was black in colour. It let out a ear piercing screech and lunged for me. I rolled put of the way just in time before it's claws could reach me. It threw out its hand and I ducked under, launching my fist into its stomach and coming up with a scissor kick, catching it under the chin, causing it to fall the floor, but it quickly regained it's stance. I ran towards the couch, jumped on it and front flipped over the back, rolling into the kitchen. I ran for the knife rack and took out the biggest one and turned to face the creature. It launched its fingers at me but I blocked it with the knife. When the knife connected with, it was like steel on steel. I swung low with knife across its abdomen, giving a clean slice. It stumbled back and i did a round house kick, catching it in the face causing it to fly back into the wall.

I took my chance and ran up the stairs into my dad's room, locking the door behind me. I ran for his closet and got into it, closing the door behind me. I reached for my phone in my pocket but it wasn't there. "Shit" I exclaimed, panicking. I checked for my dad's safe, to get the gun. I looked through everything, but couldn't find it, but then I came across a wooden chest. I opened it and saw different knives, daggers and swords. There was also a bow and arrow. The blades of the weapons looked as though they were made from glass. I took hold of the daggers and surveyed them. They were really light, but the blades seemed really sharp. I put the blades back I the sheathe and buckled them onto my belt. I slowly walked out of the closet and towards the room door. I took three deep breaths and opened the door. I peeped out the door way and saw the creature standing in the hallway. I took one more breath and stepped out of the room. The creature turned towards me and let out a growl. I unsheathed the daggers and darted towards the creature. The creature ran towards me but I slid down and swiped the blade across its foot and it cried out in pain. I turned around and swung the dagger for its back. It caught my arm and threw me back. I landed in front of the steps with a thud. The creature lunged for me but I decided to roll down the stairs.

The creature jumped from the top to the bottom, standing with its claws out. "Okay, let's end this" I said. The creature darted towards me and swung it's claws out, I back flipped out of its way,and landed with one knee on the floor, using it to lunge. I stretched my hand outwards and plunged the dagger deep in its chest. It let out a screech and then burst into ash. I stood dumbfounded for a moment, trying to understand what had just happened. I had just battled a creature and lived to tell about it, which would make me seem out of my mind if I had to tell anyone else. I thought of Freya and Chris and realised I had to tell them. I sheathed the daggers and raced to the car.

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