Teen Wolf Imagines

By jordantateeee

1.2M 13.8K 2.4K

All of your teen wolf Imagines I take requests of course go check out my other books ? you babes Also not... More

Scott McCall (help)
Scott McCall ( Alpha Smut)
Derek Hale (violent)
Stiles Stilinski (smut)
Scott McCall (Angel)
Derek Hale (cravings)
Scott McCall (Caught)
Derek Hale (jealous)
Stiles Stilinski (notebook)
Scott McCall ( Beautiful )
Derek Hale (anchor)
Stiles Stilinski ( impressive)
Scott McCall (Beautiful pt.2)
Derek Hale (welcome)
Stiles Stilinski (Avoid)
Scott McCall (The Bite )
Derek Hale (inturupted)
Scott McCall(how I feel)
Stiles Stilinski ( real funny)
Derek Hale (smut)
Scott McCall (Missing)
Stiles Stilinski ( jealous)
Derek Hale (study )
Liam Dunbar (smut)
Stiles Stilinski ( feelings)
Malia Tate (mine)
Derek Hale (babe)
Scott McCall (Feisty)
Stiles Stilinski ( tree house)
Derek Hale (jealous)
Scott McCall (Rivalry)
Stiles Stilinski ( jealous)
Isaac Lahey (learn something )
Derek Hale (choke)
Scott McCall (Werewolf?)
Stiles Stilinski ( Pissed)
Derek Hale (care for myself)
Scott McCall (be careful)
Isaac Lahey (fluff)
Stiles Stilinski (void)
Derek Hale (forever)
Scott McCall (You are Mine)
Isaac Lahey (rough)
Stiles Stilinski ( special pt.1)
Scott McCall (Gone)
Stiles Stilinski special pt. 2)
Derek Hale (smut)
Derek Hale (forever you)
Scott McCall( ugly green monster)
Scott McCall (hope)
Isaac Lahey (no problem)
Scott McCall (Mate)
Scott McCall (Alpha)
Derek Hale (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (teenagers)
Scott McCall ( how I feel)
Scott McCall (open up)
Stiles Stilinski (smut)
Scott McCall (hot stepsister)
Isaac Lahey (wolf boy)
Malia Tate (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (sick)
Brett Talbot (smut)
Isaac Lahey (overstem.)
Scott McCall (princess)
Young Peter (smut)
Scott McCall (reunited)
Derek Hale (fluff)
Scott McCall (lovely)
Stiles Stilinski(hurt)
Scott McCall (tell her)
Scott McCall (babysitting)
Isaac Lahey (slight smut)
Derek Hale (fluff)
Scott McCall(no more )
Scott McCall (came to help)
Scott McCall (here for you )
Scott McCall ( not leaving )
Stiles Stilinski (collage bound)
Scott McCall ( puppy crush)
Stiles Stilinski (moving on)
Scott McCall ( got a shot )
Stiles Stilinski (notes)
Scott McCall (smut)
Young Derek (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (jealous)
Isaac Lahey (bondage )
Stiles Stilinski(overstimulation)
Stiles Stilinski (overstem. 2)

Scott McCall (Bait)

14K 139 27
By jordantateeee

Most women worry and stress about their partner's reaction when they tell them they're pregnant - but you didn't. In fact, you never even had to tell Scott, because he found out before you did. He heard the extra heartbeat and had approached you with tears of joy trickling down his cheeks.

Ever since that day, he became even more caring and protective than usual. It wasn't annoying; it was sweet, actually. Scott often called or texted you from work saying he thought of another baby name, which you usually disagreed on - especially when he would bring Stiles over to the house and hound you about it.

"Come on," Stiles pleaded. "Name it after me."

You pinched the bridge of your nose as short laughter escaped your lips. "Stiles, even you can't pronounce your first name, why would I name my baby the same thing? Besides, we don't know the gender yet."

"Either way, I think it'd be awesome to name it after Stiles." Scott shrugged and high-fived his best friend.

You rolled your eyes.

Other than the incessant pestering about the baby's name, everything was fine. The baby would be born in a few weeks and you were happily married to the father; Scott. Everyone from the pack showered you with gifts and compliments, each one of them declaring themselves an aunt or uncle.

Both you and Scott had multiple conversations questioning the possibility of your baby being a werewolf. Although the two of you were fine with it, you had no experience raising a child, let alone a supernatural one. You'd have an extra weight on your shoulders and a constant concern of your child's own safety.

"It'll be fine," Scott had assured you, "there hasn't been any action since we had to deal with the dead-pool a few years ago."

You believed him, just as you always did. Deep in your heart, you knew that if anything did happen, Scott would take care of it in a flash. He always knew just what to do and say.

On the current day, you were in your living room watching rom-coms and subconsciously rubbing your belly. Scott was at Stiles' house, hanging out like they did every Saturday. It was a bit lonely without him in the house, but you were happy to let him have some time with his best friend since they rarely did anymore.

All was still; quiet. The only source of light in the room was from the television. The movie trailed on, earning a giggle from you every now and then. Outside, wind rushed through trees and the chorus of ruffling leaves could be heard.

And then a low, growling sound pierced your eardrums.

Your first instinct was to call out for your husband, plead for Scott to come home; but you couldn't do anything. You sat, rooted in your spot, eyes widened in fear as you waited for the inevitable. Hands trembling over your rounded stomach, breaths short and loud; you didn't - couldn't - move. The creature's snarling made a crescendo until its nose brushed against your ear. Every ounce of you quivered, silently praying for Scott. Scott.

It wasn't until the mystery beast's claws pressed into your bicep that your instinct kicked in, the desire to protect your unborn child. You pushed yourself off of the couch and made way for the stairs, skipping every other step, hoping - and knowing there was no way - that you could outrun the supernatural.

Helplessly, what was left of your voice screeched, "Scott!" Over and over, you wailed and begged until you could practically feel the beast's presence behind you, the atmosphere growing chilled and suspenseful. The rumble that emanated from its throat was the last thing you heard before a sharp force met with your temple and your cheek met the carpet.


Days had passed.

You counted five, but you couldn't be sure. The hunger was all you could focus on; your baby's hunger. This was inhumane - it was torture. Days earlier, you'd woken up only to be met with a pitch black room. A room that echoed reflected moonlight on its cracked walls whenever the shine could manage to seep through the thin window above you. There was no bed, no bathroom, no food, no water; nothing. All you ever got were snide comments made by the men sent into the room to ensure you were still alive.

It was known that Scott would find you. He always found people. Yet, as the time blew by like dust, your hope dwindled and you found yourself willing for your baby to survive, even if that meant you wouldn't. Your entire body felt weak, weak enough that you'd tried lifting yourself off of the floor and nearly passed out in the process.

Not sure when your last moments would be, you tried to keep your thoughts about the pack; tried to find something to hold on that much longer for - an anchor.

Your baby.

Tears pooled in your eyes. What if your baby didn't make it, but you did? That would be cruel, it would be selfish. It would be your fault. You had to fight for your baby. Just stay strong a little bit longer and give Scott the time he needs to find you.

Easy, right?


It hasn't been easy. Another day passed and you were almost positive that you were beginning to hallucinate when Deucalion, the man Scott and Derek gave a second chance years prior, began pacing around your room and mumbling nonsense to you. Everything sounded muffled, looked blurry, felt numb. It was cold, so cold.

The chipped concrete walls closed in on you, a sense of suffocation hanging over you as you found yourself hysterical. The sight of this dark, chilled, empty room was mocking you, driving you mad. Humming your favorite songs became a pastime as well as something to keep you awake so you didn't pass out.

Your fingers subconsciously traced patterns on your tummy, the thought of your baby's health worrying you. If your child died at the hands of your kidnapper, you knew you wouldn't even have a chance to lash out on him before Scott lost control.

Hours passed - slowly of course, since humming lost its fun and you began to tap rhythms on the floor until one of the guards came over and barked at you - and you were scared to fall asleep that night. Your eyelids kept slipping shut, only to pop open when you realized what you were doing.

Mentally, you listed off possible baby names - anything to keep yourself awake. It would be pretty cute to name it Melissa if it was a girl (you were secretly hoping for a girl, but in the end it didn't actually matter). You knew Scott would love the idea and slipped your hand into your pocket to get your phone and text him.

But you remembered that your phone wasn't there, and neither was Scott, and you were trapped here.

The reality of the situation began pushing down on you like a thick layer of smoke, infiltrating your lungs and pulling your breath away. The room spun, swirled together in a mix of gray walls and black silhouettes that were rushing towards you - the last thing you saw before slipping out of consciousness.


Being dropped onto a hard, metallic surface pulled you back into consciousness and your eyes flew open. It was bright; sunshine glared through the large wall of windows to your left. You were clearly taken somewhere - but it wasn't home. You shifted on the chair you were so ungraciously placed upon and gasped.

The pack stood before you, all eyes wide with shock - you assumed you didn't look the best at the moment. Your gaze met with your husbands, who shook his head as if this was his fault.

"Scott," you murmured in relief.

"Ah, yes," a hand was placed upon your shoulder and you nearly jumped out of your own skin. "Scott is here - but you're not safe, yet."

You bent your neck to glare at your captor and instead found yourself gawking at him.

"It is you," you breathed.


A taunting grin stretched across his face. "Surprise."

"But - but Scott let you go! He gave you a second chance..."

The previously demonic wolf shrugged. "I still want something from him."

"What is it?" Scott interceded. "I'll give you anything you want, as long as you don't hurt her."

"Well, Scott," he slowly paced in front of you, "All those years ago, you may returned my vision to me, but you took away all of my power. I miss it, really."

Malia squinted at the aged man, Kira holding the same expression. "So, what do you want?"

"I want Scott to join me and rebuild a pack together."

"No -" Scott started.

"- If you don't, she dies." Deucalion tilted his head, gesturing towards you.

You wanted to tell Scott that it was okay. Scott was always about doing what's right, but you knew that joining Deucalion was wrong and would lead to more inevitable deaths than Scott could prevent. If you died, no one else would have to.

But you couldn't tell Scott that it was okay. You had a baby inside of you; a living, breathing child that was yours to protect and care for. There was no way you would let your baby die, and neither would Scott.

Your desperate gaze locked with his, uncertainty heavy in the unspoken conversation between the two of you. Hope lay somewhere deep within all of your doubt that Scott had a way around this.

"I'm not going to join you," Scott announced slowly, his stare unwavering, "and my wife is going to come home with me, unharmed."

It was obvious that Deucalion was fuming with anger without even having to see his face. His hands trembled as they clenched in to fists, only to uncurl with claws sheathed. The room suddenly became full of glowing eyes and sharp weapons that surged forward to clash with one another.

Everything around you became less clear and your vision wavered in and out of focus; you were weak. Amongst the growls and clashes of metal, Lydia's chilling wail rung loudly and that was the last thing you heard before your vision went dark.


Hours earlier, you had woken up in a hospital room, surrounded by the pack and your parents. Scott was the first to jump out of his seat and shower you with apologies and concerns. He had answered your endless questions about what had happened with hesitance; he had to kill Deucalion.

"I had given him a second chance," he breathed, tear-filled eyes looking down at his fingers tangled with yours. "I didn't expect him to do this, I thought he could change. I - I had to kill him, I had no other choice. He was going to..." He swallowed and shook his head.

"It's okay, Scott." You placed your free hand on his cheek. He brought his head up and mustered up a smile for you, his eyes dark - like soil after it has rained. "You did what you had to do. You saved the baby and you saved me."

"I'm so glad I did." He spoke just above a whisper.

"I am, too." You crooned fondly at your stomach. "While I was stuck in that place, I had some thinking to do. I came up with some names that I'm pretty happy with." You peeked up at him, failing to conceal your excitement.

Finally, he smiled - a smile that lit up his whole face. "And?"

"Well, if it's a girl, Melissa." His grin grew wider. "And if it's a boy, we'll name it -"

"- After me?" Stiles' jumped in front of the doorway.

You pursed your lips. "Way to ruin the moment, Stiles. I was gonna say Tyler."

Scott snickered as Stiles threw his hands up and stalked out of the room.

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