Teen Wolf Imagines

Da jordantateeee

1.2M 13.8K 2.4K

All of your teen wolf Imagines I take requests of course go check out my other books ? you babes Also not... Altro

Scott McCall (help)
Scott McCall ( Alpha Smut)
Derek Hale (violent)
Stiles Stilinski (smut)
Scott McCall (Angel)
Derek Hale (cravings)
Scott McCall (Caught)
Derek Hale (jealous)
Stiles Stilinski (notebook)
Derek Hale (anchor)
Stiles Stilinski ( impressive)
Scott McCall (Beautiful pt.2)
Derek Hale (welcome)
Stiles Stilinski (Avoid)
Scott McCall (The Bite )
Derek Hale (inturupted)
Scott McCall(how I feel)
Stiles Stilinski ( real funny)
Derek Hale (smut)
Scott McCall (Missing)
Stiles Stilinski ( jealous)
Derek Hale (study )
Liam Dunbar (smut)
Scott McCall (Bait)
Stiles Stilinski ( feelings)
Malia Tate (mine)
Derek Hale (babe)
Scott McCall (Feisty)
Stiles Stilinski ( tree house)
Derek Hale (jealous)
Scott McCall (Rivalry)
Stiles Stilinski ( jealous)
Isaac Lahey (learn something )
Derek Hale (choke)
Scott McCall (Werewolf?)
Stiles Stilinski ( Pissed)
Derek Hale (care for myself)
Scott McCall (be careful)
Isaac Lahey (fluff)
Stiles Stilinski (void)
Derek Hale (forever)
Scott McCall (You are Mine)
Isaac Lahey (rough)
Stiles Stilinski ( special pt.1)
Scott McCall (Gone)
Stiles Stilinski special pt. 2)
Derek Hale (smut)
Derek Hale (forever you)
Scott McCall( ugly green monster)
Scott McCall (hope)
Isaac Lahey (no problem)
Scott McCall (Mate)
Scott McCall (Alpha)
Derek Hale (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (teenagers)
Scott McCall ( how I feel)
Scott McCall (open up)
Stiles Stilinski (smut)
Scott McCall (hot stepsister)
Isaac Lahey (wolf boy)
Malia Tate (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (sick)
Brett Talbot (smut)
Isaac Lahey (overstem.)
Scott McCall (princess)
Young Peter (smut)
Scott McCall (reunited)
Derek Hale (fluff)
Scott McCall (lovely)
Stiles Stilinski(hurt)
Scott McCall (tell her)
Scott McCall (babysitting)
Isaac Lahey (slight smut)
Derek Hale (fluff)
Scott McCall(no more )
Scott McCall (came to help)
Scott McCall (here for you )
Scott McCall ( not leaving )
Stiles Stilinski (collage bound)
Scott McCall ( puppy crush)
Stiles Stilinski (moving on)
Scott McCall ( got a shot )
Stiles Stilinski (notes)
Scott McCall (smut)
Young Derek (smut)
Stiles Stilinski (jealous)
Isaac Lahey (bondage )
Stiles Stilinski(overstimulation)
Stiles Stilinski (overstem. 2)

Scott McCall ( Beautiful )

14.4K 187 108
Da jordantateeee

Y/N walked down the crowded hallway, wrapping her arms around her notebook and tightly against her chest as she looked down at her shoes. Her brown curly hair fell forward, covering her face as she made her way towards her locker.

Y/N stumbled back as the head cheerleader bumped into her. "Watch where you're going, fat ass." She laughed, as her little minions laughed with her.

Being called a fat ass wasn't the first. In fact, Y/N was getting tired of that nickname. She got the courage and exhaled before she spoke. "You bumped into me. If I'm such a fat ass maybe you should get your eyes checked and watch where you're going."

The head cheerleader stopped laughing, her minions mirroring her actions. It was kind of creepy. It was not only too robotic, but too quick.

"You got jokes now?" The beautiful blonde cheerleader said as crossed her arms to her chest. "Maybe if you weren't such a Pillsbury boy, people wouldn't actually run into your fat ass."

Her minions burst into a fit of laughter, grabbing everyone's attention close by. The head cheerleader smirked before she turned on her heels and walked away as her minions followed her, still laughing at Y/N.

No matter how many times she's been picked on about her weight, it always got the best of her, but she refused to let anyone see. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to fight back the tears for a second. Before she calmed herself down and took another step towards her locker, the quarterback stopped her by standing in front of her path.

Great, she thought to herself. Can't I have one day without getting picked on?

"Hey, Miss Piggy!" The quarterback tried to say with a straight face, but failed miserably when a snort escaped his nose.

"Here's my English homework," he handed her some papers from his backpack. "Try not to make me sound so smart. Mr. Smith doesn't understand why I sound so smart on paper and not so smart in class."

"So... You want me to make you sound stupid? You can do that by doing the homework yourself." She bit her lip back, instantly regretting the words that bluntly slipped out of her mouth.

She mentally slapped herself. Gosh, why are you trying to stand up for yourself, when you know it's only going to bite you in the ass in the end?

"Listen, Chubster!" The quarterback slammed his hand against the locker next to Y/N, making her jump. "I don't need your smartass remarks. Just do my homework." He shoved the papers to her chest and walked away.

From across the hallway, Scott had seen and heard everything that happened to Y/N within the past five minutes. Scott had known Y/N since she transferred just a month after their senior year started. He didn't have any classes with her, but he'd seen her around school. She seemed like the most sweetest, kind hearted, and beautiful girl. He couldn't believe people were picking on her.

"Scott?" Stiles' hand waved in front of Scott's face. "Earth to Scottyyy!"

"Stiles," Scott's eyes followed Y/N has she tucked in the quarterback's homework in her book bag. "Do you know her?"

Stiles followed Scott's gazed. "Y/N?" Scott nodded. "Yeah, she's in my chemistry class," Stiles finally answered his best friend's question.

"Do people always pick on her?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Stiles sighed. "Some people are assholes. I think she's pretty nice. I often pick her as my lap partner."

"Because you feel sorry for her?!" Scott almost asked angrily.

"No!" Stiles defended himself. "Because she's funny. Chemistry can be dull and she makes it fun."

Scott stayed quiet as he saw Y/N close her locker door and rush out of the building, almost as if she was making a break for it before anyone else could ruin her day.

"Why?" Stiles asked, pulling Scott out of his trance again.

"She was just picked on for her size, and-"

"Who was it?" Stiles grabbed the straps of his backpack tight and took a step towards the hallway. "I'll kick their asses!"

"Calm down," Scott grabbed the back of Stiles' backpack and pulled him back. "I got this."

Stiles started following Scott, only to stop quickly in his tracks when Scott turned around in front of him. "No, you stay here. I want to do this myself."

Stiles' furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?"

Scott has never lied to Stiles and he wasn't going to start now. "Because I like her."

"Say no more," Stiles patted his shoulder for encouragement. "Go get 'em tiger!"

Scott shook his head with a smile on his face and walked out of the building. His eyes immediately landed on Y/N who was sitting on one of the wooden tables outside by the pick up curb. Her back was facing Scott's, but he imagine her hair had fallen forward and covered her beautiful creamy face and her breathtaking hazel eyes. What he didn't expect was her body softly shuddering.

Using his werewolf hearing, he heard a sniffle, confirming she was crying. As he got closer to her, so many emotions were radiating off her body. She was sad, angry, and hurt.

"Hey," Scott spoke softly as he sat across from Y/N. "Are you okay?"

Y/N immediately wiped away the fallen tears from her cheeks and regained herself before looking up at Scott.

"I'm sorry." He quickly apologized. "That's a stupid questions. You're crying. You're not okay."

She bit her lip, trying to figure out how to respond to Scott without breaking down again.

"I'm sorry Robin and Hunter were being so mean to you-"

"I don't understand why they're so cruel to me," she interrupted Scott. "I've never done anything to them to deserve their bullying," a fresh new set of tears escaped the corner of her puffy red eyes.

"I mean for crying out loud I do their homework," she said with a shaky breath.

"Why do you do their homework?" Scott was curious to why she still kindly continued to do them a favor when they didn't treat her nice.

"I just figured they would stop," she pulled a tissues from her purse. "But they won't. I'm starting to think maybe their right."

Scott's eyes narrowed as he shook his head, disagreeing with her statement. Except, she ignored his protest and continued, "I understand. I mean I see the girls around campus and noticed how much skinner they are, how they fit into the high brand clothes, and how they have a better sense of humor than me. More importantly, I noticed how much prettier they are than me." She looked away from Scott and looked at a couple of girls from the drill team walking to gym for practice. They were all dressed up with their ponytails high, their make up looking flawless, and their tummies showing as they wore their tight sport bras and booty shorts.

"I can't help but look at them and wish I looked more like them, because when I look at myself, I see what everyone else sees..." She trailed before she had the courage to say the next words. "I wouldn't choose me either."

Scott's heart literally broke into pieces. He hated that all of these jerks put these ideas in her head. That they fed her reasons not to love and accept who she is. He could literally feel her pain and smell her sadness. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and take it all away. She didn't deserve any of this.


"I'm sorry." She immediately stood up from her seat and grabbed her things as she saw her mother driving up to the curb. "I didn't mean to ramble on you. I'm sure you never wanted to hear any of this."

"Y/N, I hate what their bullying has done to you," Scott rushed over and stood in front of her, stopping her from leaving. "Because I think you're really beautiful," Scott admitted honestly. His muscles began to relax as soon as the words came out of his mouth. He didn't understand why he held back on his feelings, but he was glad Y/N finally knew how he felt.

Y/N eyes narrowed at Scott, who suddenly recognized the anger radiating off her body. "You don't need to butter me up if you need me to do your homework." Scott's smile immediately faltered. "God, Scott! You're just like the rest is the jocks. You think just because your the lacrosse captain, you can get whatever yo-"

"No, no, no," Scott immediately shook his head, defending himself with his hands in front of his chest. "I'm not like them," he emphasized, referring to her bullies. "I mean it. I see you every day and I'm in awe. I just want to wrap my finger around your bouncy, perfect curls. I can't help but take in your floral scent when you walk right pass me in the hallways. I can't help but get lost every time the sunlight shines over your hazel eyes, because I can see the specks of gold shining brightly, making your eyes pop." Scott let out a deep sigh. "I think your absolutely breathtaking and you make me nervous. That's why I never had the guts to tell you how I feel you."

Y/N eyes were wide, as she stood there frozen in place. This was new to her. She had never been compliment. She was feeling overwhelmed. She didn't know how to respond or react.

"But I'm fat," she immediately said without realizing the words slipped out of her lips.

Scott sighed as he took a step towards her. He grabbed her hand and hesitated before speaking in case she pulled away from his gentle touch. "I'd really wish you'd stop saying that because you're not fat at all. You're just curvy... And in all the right places too," he winked at her.

Suddenly, Y/N felt something she hadn't felt before, her cheeks hot. She was sure she was blushing and something about it gave her a warm feeling at the pit of her stomach. She looked down, trying to hide her flushed cheeks from Scott.

Scott laughed as he lifted her chin with his index and thumb, making her look at him. "You're cute, you know that?"

She bit her lip trying to fight back the smile forming on her lips, as she shook her head.

"Would you like to go out a date this Friday? After my lacrosse game?" Scott smiled.

"I'd like that, Scott." She smiled.

"By the way, your smile is amazing. Did I forget to mention that?" Y/N bit the inside of her cheeks as Scott walked her mother's car.

Before getting into the car, she turned around and gave Scott a quick hug. "Thank you," She smiled. "You really turned my day around."

Scott hugged her back tightly before he whispered in her ear, "You're beautiful..."

She pulled away with a huge smile on her face. Scott opened the door for Y/N and closed it after she got in. He leaned down and looked at her mom through the opened window. "Hello, Mrs. Y/L/N." He smiled at her and then looked back at Y/N. "You ladies have a wonderful evening."

She gave him a small wave with a sheepish smile before her mother pulled away. "Who was that boy?" Y/N recognized the excitement in her mother's voice.

"His name is Scott McCall," She smiled back at her mom. "And he just asked me out on a date after his game on Friday.

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