
By _Jazzabelle_

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I'm really bad at descriptions so just read the book. Its good I swear. More

The Original Sketch
Sorry, No Second Sketches
Guest Speaker
Leona's Past Part 1
Leona's Past Part 2
Friend's Reunited
Relationship Problems
Special Date and Paper Collecting
Stalker Watcher
No New Friends
Without a Trace
Searching For Her
Fur Lease Novel Dot
Christmas Trip
Who Is She
JK I Lied
Christina and Gabriella
Lyd and Mel
Are You Really Found?
Shading and Blending
Graduation Day
Life Goes On
Baller Problems
Carter and Rae
Single Soul
Back Home
Just why tho? (Issa snitch)
To Escape or Not to Escape
What Matters In Life?


33 3 0
By _Jazzabelle_

Lydia's POV

     "Melissa?" we just looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever until I hugged her and she hugged back and I felt tears going down my face. "We can't stay out here she's watching. Come with me," she said picking up the bags and pulling me into the condo. What does she mean? "I know there are so many questions going through your head right now and I'll explain later but I can't even start on how much I missed you." She said putting down the bags and smashing her lips into mines. She walked us over to the couch and we had a heated make out session until I pulled back. "Wait I want to know what happened why you disappeared without telling me or anyone for that matter. I had thought you had died or something." I said catching my breath as much as I wanted her right here right now I needed some answers first. "Ok so at my old job there was this girl there named Xayana (Zay-an-uh) but we all called her Xa." I nodded she had brought her up once or twice before.

     "Well we went out for lunch together once since we had the same break time that day. We went to this really fancy restaurant and she kept calling me her Queen. I would tell her that I was had a girlfriend and that I was extremely happy with you. She just wouldn't let it go and then asked me to leave you and come be with her. I of course said no because I was madly in love with you and that we were happy together. She then flipped her lid and told me I would regret it. I shook it off and went back to work after she stormed off. When my shift was over she came was waiting by my car and that's when she put the tracker in my old car I think. She said nothing to me but just walked past me smirking at me the whole time. Then before getting into her car and disappearing into the darkness she whispered in my ear that I would always belong to her. By the time I got home that night you were already sleep and I didn't want to wake you up. The next morning I had to cover her shift because she quit that morning and hour before her shift started. So I not only was I rushing to get there I didn't think it was important to tell because she wouldn't be around anymore." She started to put her curly hair in a ponytail and because she kept pushing it to the side and it would continue to get in her face. "You should have still told me. I would have had someone keep an eye on her just incase she pulled some stupid shit." I said sitting back on the couch and sitting Indian style and turning her way so I was facing her more.

    "Yea I know but I wasn't thinking. It wasn't one of my best moments. Antiways I didn't notice her again until we went out to eat and she was at a table by herself behind you. When I noticed her its when I went to the bathroom and collected myself in one of the stalls. When I was washing my hands I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and I thought it was you. So I was like 'Lydia stop its other people in the bathroom.' because there was, and she was like 'wrong person my Queen' and I immediately pushed her off of me and rushed out the bathroom." She said mimicking my sitting position. "Yea you said that you started your period and started leaking. I remember that night." I said chuckling "Yea now you know the truth. But after that I kept seeing her everywhere. Then she started sending me texts but I never gave her my number. She would text me every morning and night and then all throughout the day. Every time I would block one she would get a new one and after a while I just stopped trying. Then it got worse I would hear the door open and close and would think it was you or you would be gone and I would hear footsteps upstairs. I would go to see who it was but no one would be there and there would be notes left like on the door saying things like 'I'll wait for you my Queen' or 'Soon we'll be together' and I was getting scared. I should have told you then but you were so busy with work and I didn't want to add to your burden. That's not the worse part. It got to the point where she would send gifts to the house and to my job and stuff. There would be a person who delivered me food every day saying it was from 'the person who loved me the most.' At first I thought it was you until one day she sent me flowers and the card said 'I see you liked all of my gifts my Queen. Hopefully it will help you move on from that girl you have' I burned everything she bought me and started bringing my own lunch or buying it and not accepting anything delivered that was already paid for. At this point I felt like if I told you, you would leave me because it sounded like I was cheating or think I was crazy as hell." She said and tears had started to fall down her face.

     "You should have told me I would have dropped everything to make sure you were ok. I loved you and that hasn't changed." I was kind of nervous to hear her response. What if she didn't love me anymore. No she couldn't have gotten over me we had been together for too long and we were going to get married and have kids and grow old together. I needed to stop stressing about this. "I know and I was being a dumbass per usual and was just scared. I shouldn't have been because you had my back and I had yours but I just didn't want you to get hurt. Honestly even being here is making me nervous. She could come in anytime and hurt the both of us. The night you proposed she found out before I did. She told me when I was getting my hair done that day and I thought she was bluffing. She also told me that I needed to choose between you guys and I said I would always choose you. She said that my choice would have drastic consequences but I thought she was bluffing. Then the best thing ever happened to me. You proposed and I said yes of course because I couldn't see myself with anyone else. Then on the ride home she kept texting me saying that I could spend my last moments in peace with you. That you wouldn't be here for much longer so cherish your last moments. This is when I realized that she was serious as hell. I told her I would do anything she wanted as long as you were unharmed. She told me I had until 4:30 AM to spend with you, get my shit together, and be outside the condo. If I was a minute late she would assume that I was choosing you over her and would kill you. After you went to sleep I went and packed my stuff. I cried the whole time and the whole ride here. She made me quit my job and opened another bank account that she puts money in every week. She made me get a new phone and made me block everyone's number except for my parent's number. They don't even call unless there is a family event I should go to and then I have to make up some excuse as to why I can't go." She was in full tears. I hated it when she cried so I wiped her tears and kissed her again.

    "Its ok Mel. I'm here now and you won't have to worry about her anymore. Why didn't you try to come and find me?" I asked I was just curious but when I see this Xayana bitch she got three bullets to the head. No one fucks with my family especially my future wife. "I tried," she started, "Every time I would leave she would find me and bring me back. She has sensors over the windows and doors so she would know if I left as well as a tracker on my car so I wouldn't make it far without her finding me." She said taking out her contacts and reaching for the glasses case taking out her black glasses and putting them on. I grab her hand and drag her upstairs and look through her closet. "Lyd what are you looking for?" she asked sitting on the bed. "Did you miss me?" I stop rummaging through her closet and sit on the floor in front of the door. She nodded and that gave me a little bit of relief. "Do you still love me?" I asked and she tilted her head. "I never stopped why?" I reach in my pocket and get out her engagement ring. She left it on the kitchen counter the day she left. "Will you still marry me." I asked looking down sorta scared for her answer. She came and sat next to me and took the ring putting it back on her finger. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I smiled and kissed her before going back to going through her closet. I found her suitcases and got them out and started stuffing things into them with her help of course. We packed all of her things and walked out the condo.

     Ray was in the car on his phone probably playing some game or texting some girl. He wasn't paying attention and until I knocked on his window scaring the shit outta him pointing to the trunk so that he could unlock the car. I open the trunk and put her bags in the back. I got in the car and Ray went to sit in the back allowing Mel to sit next to me. She got a text and so did I she grabbed her phone and read the text before chucking the phone out the window. "She said she doesn't know why I keep running because she'll always find me," I nod as she checks my phone. "It says 'Taking things that don't belong to you will result in your permanent removal. Watch your back bitch." I busted out laughing as well as Ray. "Permanent removal. She need a wakeup call if she thinks I'm about to die." I say Ray agreeing and Melissa just shaking her head. "Babe can you put her address in my phone if you know it. We catching this mother fucking bitch tonight." She nodded and grabbed my phone putting the address in my notes. I pull up to the Verizon store and go in and by her an iPhone 7 plus. I give it to her and allow her to set it up as we drive back to Capri's house. I finally got my baby back and no one will take her from me again and that's on my momma and poppa's grave.

A/N: AYEEEE #teamLyd&Mel4L. But hey Xayana could get it frfr. But vote and comment yall please. Wuvvvv youuuuu -Stay Saucy

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300K 8.1K 74
Not good with descriptions just read I promise it's good lol
9.5K 201 16
Just read my book.
495 12 7
If you thought you were going to get a description, you were wrong. Don't read this shit, it's kinda trash. But if you want to, I won't stop you.
18.9K 457 26
I'm bad with descriptions so read to find out ;) lol.