Golden Days {Springtrap X Gol...

By CrazyMofo_x3

34.1K 1.1K 293

Ever since then I hadn't seen him anywhere, it was as if he had disappeared. His phone was off and I couldn't... More

☼ Prologue ☼
☼ O N E ~ M E M O R I E S ☼
☼ T W O ~ H O U S E ☼
☼ T H R E E ~ S H O P P I N G ☼
☼ F O U R ~ T A L L M A N ☼
☼ F I V E ~ F R E D D Y ☼
☼ S I X ~ C H A I N S ☼
☼ S E V E N ~ L O S T ☼
☼ E I G H T ~ L O S T A N D F O U N D ☼
☼ N I N E ~ M U M ☼
☼ T E N ~ E S C A L A T I O N ☼
☼ E L E V E N ~ R E A L I T Y ☼
☼ T W E L V E ~ P L A N S ☼
☼ F O U R T E E N ~ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ☼
☼ F I F T E E N ~ C H R I S T M A S ☼
☼ S I X T E E N ~ C O N F E S S I O N ☼
☼ S E N V E N T E E N ~ M O V I N G ☼
☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼
☼ N I N E T E E N ~ B A B Y ☼
☼ T W E N T Y ~ F I N D I N G O U T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y O N E ~ R E S T A U R A N T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T W O ~ T H E F I R S T ☼
☼ T W E N T Y T H R E E ~ H E A R D A N D B A C K ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F O U R ~ J E A L O U S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y F I V E ~ P H O N E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y S E V E N ~ C H A N G E S ☼
☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼
☼ T W E N T Y N I N E ~ M E E T I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y ~ L O N G T I M E N O S E E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y O N E ~ T R U T H O U T ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T W O ~ R E D ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T H R E E ~ T I M E ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F O U R ~ C A L L ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T F I V E ~ P A R K ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S I X ~ N E W B E G I N N I N G ☼
☼ T H I R T Y T S E V E N ~ T W O ☼

☼ T H I R T E E N ~ D E C O R A T I O N ☼

756 24 4
By CrazyMofo_x3

Goldie's POV

After a long talk about feelings, emotions and maybe some...over dramatic crying...Many strange things. We finally reached town. Freddy parked up, surprising the town wasn't as full as I expected.

Freddy and I got out of the car, Freddy locked it before we left and we began walking down the street.

"Where was you planning to go?"

"Um...I don't know...", I shrugged. Freddy continued walking with me as he observed all the shops.

"Well what was you planning to get?"

"I don't know that either...", I admitted to him. He didn't look surprised, not even annoyed.

"Well we can look around and get a good idea of what we want then, right?", Freddy suggested, smiling down at me.

I nodded back, forcing a smile on my face. Freddy swung an arm around my neck and walked with me, "Seriously though, you should see how Spring feels or it's going to be on your brain forever."

"I can't just tell him," I spat, he glanced at me, waiting for more.

"I can't tell him, he's lost his memory, Freddy, for him it's only a week! He obviously wouldn't feel the same. Plus you remember what he said? He said he didn't want to date anyway," I huffed.

"That may change. Your perception has changed, right?"

"...I guess," I admitted.

"Then don't you think it's possible his could've changed too?"

I sighed, why did Freddy always prove me wrong? I was meant to be older but yet he's still years ahead of me. I didn't answer him.

"I think I've made my point.."

I groaned, picking up my pace and hurrying into a random shop with him.

"I'll change the subject," Freddy sighed at me, "you have up your decorations yet?"


"Then maybe you could do it when you get home? Could be fun," Freddy persuaded. I nodded a little, it could be. As long as I didn't screw up.

"I guess," I agreed.

"What do you think we could get today then?"

"I wanted to get something for Spring. For now and for Christmas," I told him, glancing around the store.

"Ah, anything else?", Freddy asked me.

"I also need to get Clyde something, I don't know why I left it this long," I thought, there must be something else, "oh and I need to definitely but food. Yeah."

"We have a lot of work to do then, what should we get first?"


Freddy nodded, walking through the shop with me. We picked up various things, mostly food but there was some other things like earphones and energy drinks.

After that, we went to the car, dropped the food in the boot and went out on another search for gifts. I planned to get Clyde's first since buying for Clyde was one of the easiest things.

Spring's gift, however, took thought and a lot of decision making but I got it done eventually. With Freddy's help, of course. Freddy let me drive home but I had to be stable to Freddy's so he'd let me go. Thankfully, I was.

"Okay, drive safe now, alright?", He warned.

I sighed, "you worry too much."

"Damn right I do!"

"Alright, alright, I'll see you on Christmas? Probably?"

"Hm...Yeah...Actually, I'll be right back, wait a minute," Freddy told me as he left to his house to get something.

I sat there for about five minutes, wondering what he was doing. Eventually, he came out with some things wrapped in foil.

"Do me a favour and see what Spring thinks of these? Oh, don't worry, I've got some stuff in there for you too."

I nodded and put the things in the passenger seat, "okay, I'll call you?"

"Yeah, good idea, be safe," He cautioned again. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"I will," I reassured him as I drove off. Driving was an easy job now if gotten things off my chest and I'm glad Freddy actually gave me advice. And listened.

I felt guilty, I was meant to be oldest yet I was acting like the youngest. Then again, I've always been the smallest to at only 5'7. Freddy was probably the tallest person I knew since he was 6'4 and the youngest, Red, was 6'1. Must've been the fact that our dad was tall and our mother was small.

Either way, it didn't mean anything. At least I maintained a good relationship with Freddy and it was one of the closest I've ever had - the other being me and Spring. Red and I were never close...Over personalities clashed. Yet he got along well with Freddy.

I parked outside the house, picking up the food Freddy had wrapped up, plus the other stuff I bought and took it onto the house. I placed it on the table and glanced around the living room and kitchen. No Spring.

Must have been upstairs?

"Spring!", I called, "I'm back!"

I heard Spring quickly race downstairs. It was nice to know he wanted to see me.

"Hi," Spring greeted. I found it sweet how he still greeted me so formally.

"I'm going to put these away-"

"Should I help?", He interrupted, I shook my head.

"I need to ask you to do something though," I told him as I observed me picking up the foiled treats.

"Can you try these? Freddy wants opinions."

Spring nodded, "just sit down and eat them while I put these away, yeah?", I smiled, leaving to the kitchen.

I put the food away and wondered, what if Freddy's cooking brings some memories back? Hopefully...I also haven't shown the Skype convocations...but they contained some things which bay make him remember too much. I couldn't risk it.

I sighed and walked back into the room, I say by Spring and took one little glance of his face. He was beaming.

"These are fucking amazing!", Sprong explained. I laughed lightly, mainly because he was right and maybe I was a little, tiny bit jealous.

I wanted to make him smile like that again. But he'd forgotten me. So I couldn't. I turned to the table and got the things out which Freddy had for me.

I nomes on one of the angelic cookie and turned back to Spring, "So what did you have?"

"Um, these was two brown cookies, one light one, a mini bite of a cheesecake thingy, a cupcake with green and red icing and a bunny thingy," Spring listed.

"and thoughts?", I asked, he peeped down at the foil and then back up to me.

"No improvement could be made for me really," Spring shrugged.

"Kay, I'll make sure to tell him that," I told him, biting into my second cookie. I really should've learnt how to cook nice things. Both my brothers could. Guess I was weird.

"Plus there's a drink for you in the kitchen," I added on, he smiled at me and got up.

"Thanks," He thanked me. I think his nerves were calming down a little. Once they've completely calmed down, I'm sure we'll be closer.

Spring came back with the energy drink of left for him on the counter.

I smiled at him, trying to get him to feel more welcome, "So, anything with your memory coming back yet or not much?"

"Well, some things have come back," Spring shrugged, "not much though.."

"Oh, what kind of things came back?"

"One was with you and a puppy...And the cat was bringing all the other stray puppies to you so you could pet them and I couldn't go near you because they'd bark at me."

I remembered that, I snorted a bit thinking about it, "anything else?"

"I got a memory if my parents I think," He sighed, I swallowed thickly, shit.

"It was from years ago-"

"Oh, right," I whispered.

"I'd prefer not to speak about right now," he told me, I nodded quickly and patted his back.

"of course, it's okay..."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I smiled a little, trying to warm up the mood.

"Do you know anything about my family?", Spring asked. My expression dropped. Truth being, I never knew much. I just knew Spring's mother was a bit...Strange?

"Honestly, I don't know. You never said much about your family, it always made you down."

"Fair enough," Spring shrugged, sipping the can.

"So, Christmas is coming up, I still haven't gotten anything up, want to help?"

Spring gave me a look as if he was lost, "what do you mean?"

"I haven't got a tree up or decorations...", I explained. I forgot myself that Spring didn't know much about Christmas despite celebrating it.

"Oh, of course, right, okay," Spring agreed.

"I'll go get some things," I told him, walking to the cupboard under the stairs. I pulled out a tree, lights and baubles.

Tugging the tree towards the living room first and then going back for the baubles and lights.

Spring watched me get the tree out, getting up while I did. I stood it up and smiled at Spring. This was probably going to take long. But I didn't mind, at least I had Spring by me.

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