Eccentric|| Yuri On Ice x rea...

By TranquilNinja

584K 17.3K 24.6K

"The way she moves is astonishing!" "She's like a whimsical flower in the wind." "Her performance is truly... More

History Maker
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
You Only Live Once

Chapter 11

15.5K 483 816
By TranquilNinja

Merry Christmas! It's Viktor's birthday!

"Makkachin, behave while I'm gone, okay?" Viktor said squeezing his dog's cheeks. Yūri and Y/n stood by the door bundled up since it was cold outside. "Don't you dare steal any steamed buns." He hugged his dog.

"Viktor, we're going to miss the flight!" Yūri exclaimed. He finally came along. Y/n exhaled seeing her breath appear in the air. "Okay, I'm off to Beijing."

"We'll be rooting for you," Hiroko said waving with a smile.

"Good luck Yūri," the triplets chanted.

"I'll be right behind you!" Minako added.

Y/n pressed against the window trying to look out at the clouds and the ground below them. She practically trampled Yūri wanting to sit by the window. Viktor sat in the middle with Yūri by the aisle. "I haven't flown coach in a while," Viktor said. "Want to get some champagne?"

"Um, Viktor, can I get some sleep?" Yūri asked.

"Sleep is for the weak," Y/n said though in most likely five minutes she'll be knocked out.

"I'm surprised you can sleep in such a cramped seat!"

As predicted, Y/n fell asleep not even five minutes later. Instead of laying her head on the plane, she leaned on Viktor's shoulder. Viktor leaned on Yūri who was the only one with a neck pillow and fell asleep too. Y/n had brought a blanket, but she and Viktor hogged most of it.

'Hello. I'm Katsuki Yūri, one of the top men's figure skaters certified by the JSF. And at last...'

"Welcome to the Figure Skating Grand Prix Series, where the top figure skaters will compete to determine the world's best figure skater. This event marks the start of the race to the podium.

At Skate America, Leo de la Inglesia won his first gold in his home country, while Guang-Hong Ji placed third. Both will now compete in the Cup of China.

At Skate Canada, Jean-Jacques Leroy, the bronze medalist at last year's Grand Prix Final, won the gold. We also saw an awe-inspiring Yuri Plisetsky, age 15, win silver at his first senior event.

And finally, tomorrow will be our third event in the series, the Cup of China. Japan's late bloomer, Katsuki Yūri, age 23, will be aiming for his second consecutive Final qualification. He declared his program theme to be "love."


"Huh? How much power of love do I have?" Yūri questioned. Reporters gathered around him, Viktor, and Y/n.

"Yūri, let's go have hot pot already," Viktor insisted.

"Can we? I like the sound of food," Y/n said.

"Hey, I'm in the middle of an interview!" Behind them, Yakov and another person walked by.

"Hey, Yakov!" Viktor gabbed the back of his coat. "Hey, hey. Want to come eat hot pot with us?" He asked following him. Yakov didn't respond. "Hey, why are you ignoring me?"

Yakov stopped and looked back at him. "Viktor. Listen, I feel sick when I see you playing pretend-coach. I'd prefer if you'd only talk to me when you're ready to plead for your return to skating. Got it?"

Viktor stared at him blankly before going back to Y/n and Yūri. He held Y/n's hand and draped one arm over Yūri's shoulders. "Yakov's not interested. Let's go."

"Yay! Food!" Y/n cheered.


"Look, Yūri! Y/n! Shanghai crab! Drunken shrimp! Duck blood!" Viktor eagerly tried the shirmp. "Vkusno!"

"Viktor, you're making it seem like you've never had this before," Y/n stated using her chopsticks to dip a dumpling into some soy sauce. Viktor just smiled.

"Huh? You're not eating the shrimp?" Viktor asked Yūri.

"It's right before the competition, so I want to avoid raw food."

"Then I'll take it." Y/n reached over the table and used her chopsticks to take the shrimp off his plate. There was still much food on Yūri's plate. Steam emitted from it as it was still hot.

"It's really good," Viktor said.

"It is. I love Chinese food. But I love Kimchi more," Y/n stated. "Or do I love sushi and rice balls? Wait, then there's Thai food. But my cousin in Vietnam makes great meals.... Uhhh...My brain hurts. What was the question again?"

"There wasn't one."

"Huh? Oh...are you going to eat that?" Y/n didn't wait for Yūri to respond and took more food off his plate. Yūri sighed.

"I ran my mouth too much at the press conference. What will people say if I lose after all?"

"Oh, Yūri?" Someone called.


"Hi Phichit!" Y/n sat on the booth on her knees and looked over waving. Phichit smiled waving back to the girl.

"So this is where you were eating."

"Hi," Viktor greeted.

"Oh, hello. But talk about a coincidence. Oh, can I invite Ciao Caio? You want to see him, don't you?" Phichit pulled out his phone.

"Not really..."

"See if he'll buy me Pocky," Y/n said.

"Not after what you did," Yūri stated. Y/n felt an arrow go through her back. Anime tears streamed down her face. She grabbed Viktor's shirt and got close to him. His nose turned pink.

"V-Viktor, you'll buy me Pocky right?"

"Huh? What's a Pocky?"

Y/n laid on the table, dead.

"Ah! Printsessa, are you okay!" Viktor panicked shaking Y/n's shoulders. Her soul left her body and he panicked even more. Celestino showed up not much later.

"Caio, ciao!"

"Um, hello," Yūri said. Viktor and Y/n now sat next to him. When Y/n 'came back to life,' she muttered how Viktor's never lived before.

"Want some shrimp?" Viktor asked holding up the chopsticks.

"Oh, that kind of food doesn't agree with me-"

"It's really good!" Viktor insisted holding it out. "Here, you eat it Printsessa!" Viktor fed it to Y/n. Yūri's eye twitched in irritation.


At a food stand, a boy ordered something to eat. His cheeks were pink from the cold air. "Guang-Hong," someone said. Guang-Hong looked behind him. "I thought I'd find you eating here."


"I was worried because you weren't answering." Leo held up his phone.

"Sorry, sorry," Guang-Hong apologized.

"I got a call from Phichit. He wants me to come to a hot pot place to interpret."

"Huh? But I don't like hot pot."

"Viktor's there, too," Leo said reading the text.

"I'll go!"

"Right?" Leo smiled.

"I want a selfie with him to post online!" Guang-Hong said.

"Okay, let's get right to it. Phichit also said Yūri's cute manager is there too. The skater from Korea."

"Yay! Let's go."

"Hurry up and finish."

The man walking with Yakov earlier chuckled to himself having walked by. Georgi Popovich. "So young..."


Leo and Guang-Hong were left speechless when they arrived. "Sorry," Yūri apologized. "Viktor's had way too much to drink."

Viktor had a blush on his cheeks from the alcohol. He stripped of his shirt and wrapped his arms around Yūri's neck causing the male to blush. Phichit took a picture of Celestino who was passed out drunk.

"Let's all go to the hot spring," Viktor said. "Where did my Printsessa go?"

"Y/n went to the bathroom, remember?"

"Celestino, keep it together!" Exclaimed Phichit. Leo and Guang-Hong just sat there with their phones out. A depanned expression adorned their faces.

"Hot spring... Hasetsu Hot springs, great place..."

"Viktor. What are you saying? Hey! Don't strip!"

"This is getting kind of R-rated..." Guang-Hong trailed. "Is it okay to post online?" Viktor's pants landed on Leo's head.

"Don't. Restrain yourself."

"Hey! Someone help!" Y/n exited the bathroom and headed back to her table."Y/n!" Yūri yelled. Y/n paled at the sight.

" was gone for five minutes!" Her eyes landed on Guang-Hong and Leo. Hearts filled her eyes. "Another adorable cinnamon roll!" She squeezed Guang-Hong in a hug. His cheeks turned pink. "Awe! You're so cute and adorable. My name's Y/n, but you can call me Nee-chan! You are younger than me right? I'm sorry you have to see this."

"No, my Printsessa left me!" Viktor cried.

"Y/ me," Yūri pleaded.

"But, the cinnamon roll..."

The next day

"Hey, did you see the photo Phichit-kun upped? That was pretty risqué!"

On Instagram, Phichit had posted the picture of a nude Viktor trying to kiss Yūri with him peeking from the side. Yūri shook in horror.


"Sorry. I couldn't stop myself from sharing it online."

"Hey, we managed to hold back. Cheater," Leo and Guang-Hong said in unison.

"Yūri look! Guang-Hong, Leo, and I's selfie got 21k likes!" Y/n exclaimed happily. Yūri was in his own world.

"Now they'll think I was fooling around before the competition," he thought panicking. "If I mess up now..." Someone then moved close to him grabbing his butt. Yūri froze up and looked at the male with blonde and brunette hair behind him.

"Yūri, why didn't you invite me?"


"Looks like you got into shape. Guess your masters' giving you very though training."

Viktor walked over. "Chris!" He waved. "How's it going?"

"I'm not motivated without you," Chris replied.

Phichit, Leo, and Guang-Hong were taking pictures. "Hey, Viktor and Chris are together!" Phichit exclaimed. Y/n tugged Guang-Hong's hand.

"Pervert..." She hissed. "Come on cinnamon roll, while we have the chance to escape." He stood there motionless. Leo tried to get Phichit's attention, but he was too focused on taking pictures.

"I want a photo with them at the banquet!" Leo said.

"Me too!" Guang-Hong added.

Y/n sulked in her emo corner. "I tried to save him. I failed...Kami-sama."

Chris grabbed Viktor by his tie. Viktor didn't move. "You're always like that at the start of a season," he told Chris.

"Viktor. Chris is right," Chris's coach said. "He can't get serious without you. Come back to the fold."

"Viktor!" A couple girls from Russia called.

"Are you really a coach now?" One asked.

"Just split up with him already. You know it won't last. Don't you feel sorry for him?" The other girl asked. They both started laughing. Y/n appeared behind them a fiery aura emitting from her.

"Yūri, the sin of keeping Viktor to yourself is grave," Chris told him. "The whole world is hoping for his return." Yūri didn't say anything cause he already knew.


"Now, Group 1 in the Men's Single Short Program is about to take to the ice."

"Listen, Phichit," Celestino said. Cameras flashed taking pictures of the twenty years old and his coach. "I'm certain that these short and free skate programs will become your signature performances." Phichit nodded. "Looks like I don't need to say anything more."

"First up, Phichit Chulanot from Thailand, age 20. After placing fourth in Skate America, the first Grand Prix Series event, he'll need to place second or higher here in order to qualify for the finals." Dressed in red and gold, Phichit skated out to the center of the rink waving to the enthusiastic audience.

"This will be the first time a Thai skater performs this piece," Celestino thought. "Write a new chapter for skating in Southeast Asia!"

The music started and the audience started to clap along. "The music is "Shall we Skate?" from The King and the Skater. The audience is already clapping to the familiar theme. The King and the Skater was the first movie he saw, and it's had a big influence on him.

His first planned jump is a triple axel." The audience's cheers filled the arena. "Nailed it."

Yūri stood in the lobby stretching a bit. 'He's said he wanted to skate to this music for a long time. Phichit-kun's giving everything he has to this season, too.'

'Shall we skate?-'

'Many different people have skated to this music, but I'll overwrite that history! This music is mine!'

"More jumps are on the way as his program enters its second half. The first is a combination." A triple lutz, followed by a triple toe loop; Phichit landed them beautifully.

"Yes!" Celestino cheered.

"Now we have a jump added to the second half to secure a win... A quadruple toe loop." Phichit missed the jump falling to the ice, but he quickly got back up. "But he had enough rotation. He got up immediately, so his program's proceeding."

Y/n also watched Phichit perform from the lobby. A smile adorned her face before a shiver went down her spine. Chris wrapped an arm around her waist. Y/n paled, face ghostly white. "C-Chris...p-per-personal..."

"Hmm...will you watch me perform with that expression too?"

"No...I mean, maybe. Wait! No! Stay away from me... Wait... Eh?" Y/n rambled mixing up Japanese, Korean, and English, so Chris had no idea what she said after no. Y/n walked off shakily muttering. Chris stood there for a minute before smiling.

"... Following this, he'll do a combination spin."

The audience's cheers and claps to the music grew even louder as they sung to the song cheering for Phichit.

"He's got the entire audience on his side," Celestino thought.

'Shall we skate?'

Yūri watched Phichit on the tv in awe. 'He's made the music his own...' He suddenly jumped when someone's hands touched his back. Yūri looked down at Y/n who was in a somewhat terrified state.

"Help... Chris is stalking me like the stripper he is..." Yūri sweatdropped.

'I got help and Chris. The rest is what I want to assume is a mixture of Japanese and Korean or gibberish.'

Y/n's attention focused back on the television screen to just catch Phichit finishing his program.

Phichit Chulanot
Technical Elements 44.76
Presentation 42.99
Deductions -1.00

SP Score 86.75
Rank 1

"His short program score is 86.75! It's his new personal best by a large margin!" Phichit smiled widely, realization finally sinking in. Celestino gave him a side hug in congratulations while he held up a heart sign with his hands. "Next is a skater who made a grand debut in the first event, Skate America, by finishing third."

Y/n took off down the hallway nearly pushing Yūri to the floor. Yūri noticed the funny way she ran. He then sweatdropped hearing her yell in Japanese. "Move bitch. My cinnamon roll is performing."

"Here's Guang-Hong Ji from China, age 17, now competing on his home turf. He is skating to "Le Parfum des Fleurs."

"Phichit-kun was amazing," Guang-Hong thought nervously.

"Guang-Hong-kun." The boy saw Y/n waving a huge smile on her face. "Good luck!" Guang-Hong's cheeks dusted with pink.

"Y/n-chan...okay, I can do this."

Compared to Phichit's song, Guang-Hong's was much slower and classical with a violin as the main instrument. "His first planned jump is quadruple toe loop, which was just added to his roster this year." The audience's more scream like cheers filled the building when Guang-Hong landed it.

Jogging up and down the hallway, Yūri had become antsy. 'After seeing Phichit-kun's performance, I'm no longer unsure. People who want to see Viktor skate, and even Y/n, will never be satisfied with my skating. The people who're cheering for me wouldn't be satisfied with the old me, either. If that's the case, I want to be hated as the man who took both Y/n and Viktor from the whole world!'

"Viktor, is he alright?" Chris asked.

"Shh! I've never seen Yūri like this."

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day! I did...

Cause today's my birthday!

Yep, I share a birthday with Viktor Nikiforov. :)

If you haven't noticed, I love Guang-Hong.

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