Why Twilight SUCKS!

By stray_coconut

16.2K 300 581

(I wrote this when i was like 13/14, so my relationship with the saga has kind of changed) YES! I have read a... More

Why i hate Bella Swan!
Another persons opinion #5
Why i hate Edward
My thoughts about Twilight
Another persons opinion #1
Smeyer magic
Twilight fanfictions ClichΓ©s
What if they don't like me? - Meme
Meme #2
Another person(s) opinion #2
Another persons opinion #3
Another persons opinion #4
Midnight sun Opinion

Why i hate Renesmee!

1.2K 21 47
By stray_coconut

Shes a Mary sue just like her mother. She is just like a 2.0 version of Smella.

She is just a fill in character because Smeyer ran out of ideas for her stupid "saga". She is an unesseary character and (B)edward and Bella should have got rid of that little thing, she ruined Twilight more than it already was. (and twilight was already ruined by the first word!)

And Jacob imprinting on Renesmee.. that is just GROSS and DISGUSTING. That just confirms that Jacob is a pedophile! And imprinting... more like child grooming.

Everyone fawns over her from the moment she's born. She's talented, beautiful and smart. She has NO flaws at all. She's a mary sue to the fullest. Even worse than Bella. She's a Bella 2.0 and Smeyer's insert grandchild.

Bellas pregnancy was disgusting and gross! The disgusting thing is the bone breaking part and the childbirth was also very disgusting.

Renesmee aka 'it'; its my fault isn't it?

Everyone in the room: No no it's not!

Its Bella, (B)edward and Smeyers fault that lil thing was born.

Even her creator Smeyer don't even want to admit that her Smeyerpires can't have children... which was stated in the first book! Because a women is not fully complete without a child... and Bella needed a child to prove her love for Edward. 

Because of Renesmee Bella got to keep Jacob aka pedowolf (imprinting is pretty disgusting and gross) and Charlie. She sacrificed nothing to become a vampire. Smeyer simply made Renesmee to complete her insert self without having to put work into it... (her whole "saga" was just pulled of Smeyer disgusting ass).

She is also a pretty unimportant and fake character. She is probably one the blandest character in the whole series.

Flaws: She have NO flaws whatsoever.

What also annoys me how perfect she are. She is being described as being  "immensely beautiful", even more beautiful then Edward and Rosalie (who is "The most beautiful woman/girl in the world). Smeyer made her sound so perfect... and shes waaay to perfect for a child.

Sexual relationship: Disgusting Jacob pedowolf imprinted on Renesmee when she was a newborn baby. His relationship with Renesmee will most likely turn sexual when she's 7 years old (and looks like a seventeen old young woman). It's just so disgusting to think that Jacob Pedowolf will fuck a little 7 year old girl. Even when Jacob will stop shifting and stay a wolf he'll age. He will be in his mid-late twenties when Renesmee is 7 years old. He is damn grown adult.
Phycially he'll look 18 years old something, but that is not an excuse... because he will still be a grown adult.
Let's talk about Eddiekins and Snellas little demonspawn Renebrat. Renebrat will phycially look 17 when she is 7 years old (fully grown, wth makes no sense at all). But looking phycially old is not an excuse to bang somebody young, because normal technically she'll still be a little 7 year old child.
And adults and small children are not supposed to have sex with each other... enough said. Looking phycially older is not an excuse to band each other.
Wth is going through Smeyer head? A part of me think she LOVES and ADORES pedophilia with her whole heart:

Her name:
Her name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen. The name Renesmee is so damn stupid, she'll end up being bullied for her name when she goes to school (probably high school). Because she's so special that she can't have a normal name like Jessie or Emma.

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