Mistakes?- A Kevor Fan Fic

By HeavenisO2L

1.5K 52 7

"When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you fee... More

Overview: Trevor Moran POV
2 Months Earlier: Kian's POV
2 Months Earlier: Trevor's POV
1 Month Earlier: Kian's POV
1 Month Earlier: Trevor's POV
Reality Now: Kian's POV
Reality Now: Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Flashback: Kian's POV
Flashback: Kian's POV Continued
Flashback: Trevor's POV
Flashback: Trevor Moran's Continued
Real Reality- Kian's POV
Real Reality- Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Kian's POV Continued: Ricky's Letter
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Kian's POV: Trevor's Letter
Kian's POV: Ricky's Letter
Trevor's POV
Trevor's POV: Kian's Letter
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV
Side POV: J.C Caylen
Kian's POV
Trevor's POV

Kian's POV

11 0 0
By HeavenisO2L

Ever had the feeling of running away? Running so hard that your lungs give out and it's not until you are nearly at your final breath that you take that important gasp of air. Ever wanted to keep running even though everything is telling you to stop? I can see and feel the darkness all around me and I can feel it creeping slower and slower towards me until it is encasing me and I can't scream above it. I can't scream above the black cloud. I know as it encases me that maybe this is it and maybe it's encasing me for a reason. It's not until I wake up that I know it's only a dream and that it is not my reality. Or so I thought. I will explain.

Remember when I said that I had a horrid feeling that something was wrong with Trevor the other night? Well the next morning, I remember turning on the T.V and see the headlines: "Local boy found near death in the basement of a church. Abuse or self-oppression against the LGBTQI+ Community?" followed by a picture of Trevor. I remember the remote falling in slow motion and me sitting there numb as the stretcher pulled him away and the girl that had been his kidnapper being taken away in handcuffs muttering the words: "He will be prosecuted. He will pay. He will see the light of day. He will give in." over and over again. I knew something wasn't right and I knew that this all fitted. I remember during the day receiving a letter from Trevor and jumping in my car without any hesitation. I knew that Trevor needed me no matter how long it had been. I needed to be there.

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