Protecting my Ex

By heyitsmae68

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I was fifteen years old when I got my heart ripped by my first love. I was clueless, naive and madly in love... More

First day
Never again
In his mind~
Revenge is sweet
Authors Note~
Miami Baby!
Teach me how to...
My turn
Dance with me
The Ball
Will always be


3K 62 10
By heyitsmae68



“Ok so we split up here, you go to the left and I’ll go to the right. This way he’ll think that we ran outside” I ordered Aiden and he nodded in response. But before making my way to the right turn, Aiden grabbed me and spun me around.

“What are you doi-” all of the sudden his lips was pressed on mine cutting my sentence. His lip was warm and soft, full and luscious. Before I could respond his lips left mine leaving me empty.

“Just in case” he winked before running to his destination, leaving there frozen as a statue.


Should I be happy?

 Should I be angry?

Should I feel anything at all?

There had been times that I just felt weak and let my heart take control, to let it open for just a second, to let my barrier to fade for a moment, but I knew that there will be consequences. I let him in and opened myself, and now he took that opportunity to take advantage of me. But why is my heart beating like this?

You’re so delusional, you love him just admit it!

That voice in my head echoed making me even more confuse. Was I being delusional? I was wasn’t

Stupid, its love what did you expect, it does whatever it wants

Yes, it is love. It’s as cliché as it could get, I keep saying to myself that I would forget about this feeling. I told myself that I’m going to be strong, to be independent, to throw away the past. But I’ll be realistic here, love is complicated. I guess I’ll just have to let destiny? Faith? to take over, I just need to watch and see where it takes me. Who knows maybe it’ll come out great, maybe it won’t but that’s for me to decide.

What are you going to do now?

My voice inside in my head asked me, as much as I wanted to answer, I also did not know the answer.

A bitter chuckle escaped my lips, I guess I’ll just do what I’m best at. I’m going to hide and facade my feelings until I can really figure out my true feeling towards him. Yes I admit, I’m coward, I’m a light weight, I’m a glass, easy to fall, easy to break.

Unconsciously my tongue trailed the bottom of my lips the kiss still lingers on my lips, my heart still filled with a fog of emotions, and my mind feels like it’s going to explode from all thoughts rumbling in my head.

But there was one question that keeps ranting in my head.

Why did he do it?

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard screaming coming from the bar. Right then I realize how stupid I was right now, there was a criminal on the loose and I was here standing thinking about my fucking feelings. How messed up is that?

Shit, I cussed under breath when I remembered that I was supposed to be protecting my ex boyfriend. Ok now that’s messed up. I ran towards the exit of the back of the bar just as planned. I just hope that Jason was dumb enough to fall for my little and obvious plan. However I knew Jason better than that, he was smart in some ways but he can get a little carried away and act before he think.

“Come on Jason, come to mama” I muttered nervously feeling slightly irritated, I wish this is one of those days that I will be lucky.

My body tensed up when the door opened slowly; I was so ready to beat the crap out of him when it all faltered apart when an unfamiliar figure appeared on my sight.

“Uh...” the man with an apron hanging down on his hips looked at me like I was crazy.

I smiled sheepishly and a blush creped on my cheeks from embarrassment. Apologizing from startling the poor man, I ran back inside the bar hoping to find Aiden.

I looked everywhere, Jason wasn’t there and so is Aiden. That wasn’t a good sign and I started to feel the nervousness creeping down my veins. I grabbed my phone expecting a text message from Aiden. There was.

-I’m at the park at the far part of town- Aiden

 I read the text message making me relax. But something still felt wrong and suspicious. It then struck me, usually his text message will contain a pet name or a teasing remark but this text message didn’t contain any of that. I guess I’ll have to take the risk and go there.

Making my way outside, I noticed that the happy and sunny weather disappeared. The sky started to get dark and the air feels misty and cold.

Wow, talk about suspense.


I arrived at the park where I was told he would be, but I suspect that I won’t be getting a hug or a kiss. Yes! My mind is still wind up from that kiss, could you blame me though? As pathetic as it may sound, I haven’t kissed a guy for I don’t know how long. It wasn’t my top priority to smack my lips with just any guy, but from time to time I would fantasize about being a normal girl again. Nothing wrong with that.

The wind picked up sending chills down my body, I admit that I was slightly scared. I used to be confident about my fighting skills and what I do but since I was now babysitting my ex I think I might have lost my touch.

“Welcome princess” my body tensed up when I felt a hand trailing down my waist making me shiver in an uncomfortable way. Just hearing his voice makes me cringe from disgust.

Turning around I rested my hand on Jason’s chest, my other hand playfully teasing his hair. I mask my face with a seductive smile which he obviously enjoyed.

“Nice to see you again baby” I cooed bringing my hand over to the hem of his shirt tugging it slightly.

“Oh princess, I missed you so much” he brought his face down to my neck, nipping it with his soft yet dangerous lips. I didn’t bulge from his touch; instead I looked around and studied the place. He had two men with him, and none of them had any weapons on them. My eyes found Jason’s back pocket where his knife was located. I carefully caressed his body, my hand slowly moving towards his ass. Suddenly a chuckle caused me to stop what I was doing. With one swift motion, he gripped my wrist with a devilish smirk on his face.

“Do you really think I would fall for that again?” he hissed. I frowned.

“Well...yeah” I said honestly humour filling my voice which I immediately regretted.

He didn’t comment on it, “Bring the rich boy over here” Jason ordered and my eyes snapped towards Aiden who was being hauled up to our direction, his eyes filled with not horror or terror, but concern?

Jason pushed me back causing me to stumble back to Aiden, my back was pressed against his chest. Aiden leaned down next to my ear and whispered as low as possible.

“Stupid girl, you shouldn’t have come” his voice tickled my ear.

“Yeah you’re right, I should’ve let you die” he really is annoying.

“Ouch babe and after that kiss we shared”

Giving him the deathliest glare I smacked his arm wanting him to stop with the teasing, “Are you fucking kidding me? Can you see we’re close to getting killed, so shut your little mouth before I kill you myself” I hissed not realizing that we were being watched.

“Are you guys done?” Jason asked looking at us with an irritated expression. Annoyance lingered in his voice and his eyes looking at my waist where Aiden’s hand was located. Giving him a smile, I shrugged Aiden’s hand away not wanting to cause any more trouble. I nearly forgot that we had a history together, and it was a relationship that I regretted. Yeah he was hot and all, but he can be really possessive.

“Sugar bunny, don’t get jealous we can work it out” I cooed once more, hoping that this will soften him up. It didn’t.

“Sugar bunny?” I heard Aiden mumbled behind me but I did my best to ignore.

“Sorry cupcake but I’m not in the mood” he trailed sighing in exasperation, “Tell you what, leave the rich kid here and I’ll let you live”

“As lovely as that sound, I can’t” I said, actually thinking of ditching this rich bastard and moving on with my life.

His eyes hardened at my response but he didn’t bother to reply. Grabbing Aiden by the collar, he took his knife and positioned it on his neck. He was threatening me by that? How pathetic, he needs this rich hottie to get what he wants there is no way he’s going to kill him.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, I decided it’s time to stop playing games. I kicked my foot forward lightly causing the sand to get blown by the force. All of them gave me a ‘what the fuck?’ look clearly confused with what I was doing. I tried to hide a smirk as I let the cool air hit my skin causing me to once again shiver. Just by the movement of the trees, I could tell that the wind was picking up rapidly. I watched as Jason tightened his grip of the knife making Aiden winced.

Jason was pissed, annoyed, and curious while Aiden gave me a smirk making my lips twitch. Huh, he’s not as dumb as I thought.

Finally my hair began to flow in different direction which meant it’s time to get this plan working, let’s just hope this will work. With one swift motion, I flicked my foot on the sand making it fly in the air and getting inside their eyes. As unrealistic as it sound, it worked somehow.

I knocked the knife out of Jason’s hand before grabbing Aiden and running away, he was still hissing from the pain in his eyes which made running harder than expected.

“What the hell? You could have at least warned me” he gritted through his teeth as he tried to match my speed.

“I thought you knew what my plan was” I retorted back as I looked around for somewhere else to hide.

“I didn’t”

I looked over my shoulder completely baffled in disbelief, “Then why the hell did you smirk?”

“Because you looked incredibly sexy on that outfit” he commented.

Incredible, this guy is seriously something. Not bothering to comment on what he said, I ran to the alley where trashcans where located. Well this is better than getting killed by my obsessed lover who want to capture my ex boyfriend and use him for ransom. My life is so messed up.

I slumped down with a grunt as I catch my breath, Aiden did the same.

“Wow that was a workout”

I sighed, “Yeah it was”

“Do you think we lost them?” he asked as he leaned his head down to my shoulder. I tried to shrug his head off but stopped in defeat.

 “No, they won’t let us off that easily” I replied feeling a little uneasy. There’s still something I need to clear out.

“Aiden” I trailed

“Hmm?” he hummed as he played with my hair, entangling it with his fingers.

“Why did you kiss me?” I asked bluntly not really caring anymore.

His eyebrows arched, “Because I like you”

I stared at him shocked with his confession; I didn’t expect him to be this open. How could he confess that easily?

Aiden gave me a small smile, a smile that can make any girl fall on their knees. It wasn’t a smirk, it was a smile, a gentle smile I might add.

“Ok whatever” I shrugged as if It didn’t affect me.  “We better go, they might be closer” I said standing up.

We went back to the hotel in silence, as soon as we stepped inside our room my hand was grabbed by Aiden causing me to look at him questionably.

“What?” I asked slightly irritated.

“You hand” He trailed, his eyes fixed on my bloody hands.

 “Oh I didn’t even notice, I guess I must have cut it when I knocked Jason’s knife” I said not really bothered by it, I’ve been injured way worse than this but he didn’t know that. Next thing I know I was forced to sit in the bed while Aiden grab the first aid kit in the bathroom. When he got back, he sat beside me and took my injured hand into his as he washed it with a damped clothe. His brows furrowed from concentration, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Why are you so calm about this?” he asked partially quiet.

“Because I’ve had worst” he stiffened from my casual response.

He then looked up and gazed into my eyes taken me a back, “Why did you choose a job like this?” his question made my smile faltered.

Because I wanted to forget about you, I wanted to leave you, it’s all because of you. I wanted to say those words, but I didn’t.

“I don’t know” I replied averting my eyes away from his.

Aiden didn’t say no more instead he continued with his work. Gently and softly he wrapped a bandage around my hand. My eyes landed on his neck and his wrist which was covered in bruises.

“You’re hurt, I should be the one helping you” I said concern lingering in my voice.

He laughed lightly, “As much as I want you to nurse me, you need more help than I do. Besides it’s just bruises”

Once again I didn’t expect him to say something so sweet and kind, I just smiled not really minding that he can see a real smile plastered on my face.

“Thanks I owe you one” I said and instantly the smile on his face was gone. It was now a smirk, a devilish naughty smirk that made me regret what I just said.

“Oh really?” with one swift motion, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer towards him so I was sitting on his lap. My eyes bulge from the unexpected surprise.

Leaning down to my ear, he whispered “Then kiss me”


Thank you for reading :) and for sticking to this story even if I rarely update :(

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Note: this was not edited, I will post the edited version soon.

My predition is that this story will have 8-11 chapters left

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