Ice Flower Path of ice

By Zeroshifters

332 34 9

Title and cover may be temporary. Dustin is an orphan, always has been, he never met his parents. Levi is an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

14 3 0
By Zeroshifters

I wake in the corridor, my body feels heavy and limp and I still struggle to keep my eyes open. Did I really stay up for that long last night? Though to be perfectly honest hearing the singing made it worth it, I doubt I'll find out who it was that was singing anytime soon. The hard brown wooden floor creaks slightly as I stand earning glances from others in the corridor. It's relatively crowded which probably means I slept in. I don't really recognise anybody, at least nobody that I talk to on a regular basis instead the people are just complete strangers that I'll probably forget given a second or two. Unless they look cute in which case I probably will remember them. Still who was that singing last night, whoever it is has an amazing voice, I wonder what song they were singing. I make my way towards my room's door and walk in confidently swinging the door open immediately regretting my decision. There Levi stands, with no cloths covering his body. He is completely naked. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"I umm sorry bro." I quickly close the door, why am I flustered, why did i find it hard to speak? Strange, though my cheeks are certainly bright red. I sit back down leaning against the door laughing at myself, of course I would walk in on Levi naked of all people.The corridor isn't as crowded anymore, in fact I can't see anybody, I can hear them but not see them, they're just faint voices in the background. Well done me, peice of shit. I knock lightly on the door still scared to speak in case I'll trip over my words, I force myself to talk anyway.

"Hey can I come in?"

"Yeah it's safe now." I stand this time opening the door slowly just peeking inside to make sure he still isn't naked. Which thankfully he isn't, he's half naked pulling a shirt over his head. My cheeks are still bright red as are his, we're both clearly embarrassed about what just happened.


"Yeah." Levi turns away from me and makes his way over to his bag clearly trying to avoid eye contact. I can feel my cheeks starting to go red and try to will the blushing away clearly failing miserably. I try to think about something else and my mind quickly drifts to Brock when we were speaking outside the battle dome, when he didn't have a shirt on... This only makes my face turn a brighter red, why it does I have no idea because there is no way I like Brock especially since I haven't known him long.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you would be, you know."

"Eh it's fine, I'm assuming you enjoyed the view anyway."


"I'm kidding I'm kidding. Anyway I'm pretty sure it was my mistake, I thought you were in the shower so I thought it'd be safe."

"Yeah well I still walked in on you naked bro."

"Dude you have walked in on me jerking off before."

"Just- just shut up, I don't want to remember that."

"Fair enough, now that I think about it I have no idea why I reminded you about that one." Levi finally turns with a small grin on his face, probably more out of embarrassment than anything else.

"So if you weren't in the shower where were you anyway?" He turns and starts to rummage through his wardrobe looking for something, what it is I have no idea.

"I was-" Fuck I set myself up for this one when I slept in the corridor. "Well I slept in the corridor." A slight shiver runs down my spine as I reach to rub the back of my neck, I catch myself and lower my hand. I am not developing those habits. I refuse.

"Dude who sleeps in a corridor, on a hard floor? I mean at least our room is carpeted."

"Well I heard someone singing and I sat outside there room, I must have fallen asleep while listening to them." Another shiver runs down my back, I really was setting myself up every time now.

"Well- umm- you know what nevermind." He chuckles to himself for a second before continuing. "Any idea who it was that was singing?"

"I- actually have no idea."

"Well- nevermind. Have you seen a pen anywhere?" He stands and moves over to the desk rummaging through papers and books.

"Haven't seen one bro, I'll let you borrow one of mine when we get to class."

"Cool thanks dude."

"Anyway I'm gonna get a shower now and can we forget about the whole you being naked thing?"


"Awesome thanks bro." I quickly head over to my wardrobe picking out my school uniform and a towel along with some underwear. Not wanting to get into more conversation that was sure to make me late to class I practically ran through the door and into the still empty corridor, though I can still hear faint voices. My shirt is off before I even make it into the shower area and I quickly take my other clothes off too. The shower itself needs to be cleaned. The curtain of the shower I am getting in has a few mud stains though it is naturally white and the tiles are slightly darker than they should be. Otherwise the area is clean. I turn the knob that lets warm water pour over my body. The streams relax me, the water isn't too hot or too cold, it's just right. I still need to be careful not to touch the knob again though, one slight twitch and I can either have the flames of satan himself, or the freezing cold water of the antarctic raining down on me. The thought of this makes the thought of being in the shower a little stressful but the steady flow of the water over my naked body quickly calms me. I almost completely forget about school and how I have to be there in ten minutes. I still need to brush my teeth too. Shit. I run my hair under the water and rub shampoo through it again running it under the warm stream of water to rinse it out. After this I wash my body and let the soap pour off that too before getting out and drying myself as fast as I could. I did not want to be late for class. After this I brush my teeth with the two minutes it takes going by painfully slowly. I'm going to be late aren't I? I run out of the shower area forgetting about my clothes for a split second, once I remember I run back in and dress again running out into the thankfully empty corridor. It's silent too, which probably means everybody has gone to class already. I half run to my room again this time going inside with more urgency not caring if I walk in on Levi naked or... Jerking off. I run over to my bag stuffing it with my books for the day along with three pens. One for me. One for Levi and one for if I lose the first. Levi isn't in the room anymore, he has most likely gone to class like everybody else. I shove my dirty clothes in the 'clothes basket' as me and Levi had taken to calling it. I would take it down to the washing room later, I guess I could do washing for money if I want to. Well I don't, but money doesn't hurt. What am I saying? I would rather die than do that. But the thought of food makes it all the more tempting to do it. Fuck it I'll do it- after school. I cringe for what is the third time thinking about doing the washing but ignore it. I grab my bag on the way out of the room.

Unfortunately no student is allowed to run if they're outside unless you're in designated running areas, you're not supposed to run inside either but nobody checks inside the living area anyway so it didn't matter if you ran in there. A teacher might see me out here which meant I couldn't run. Worry quickly starts to consume me, I'm certainly late which means I'll be pulled aside by the teacher, something you don't want to happen unless you like being talked about by the students in class. Suddenly somebody cuts in front of me from a joining path and we crash into each other, I fall to the floor but he manages to stay standing.

"Oh my god sorry, let me help you up." The guy offers his hand and I take it smiling up at him as if to say it's cool bro. His hair covers his right eye and is a dark red, maybe crimson colour up to the roots which are brown. The one eye I can see is very light brown, almost hazel in colour but not quite. He's around the same height as me but is a lot scrawnier, other than that there's not much to be noticed about him, he just seems average.

"Are you ok?" He asks with evident calmness in his voice, his voice alone could calm anyone down, it's almost perfect in a sense of melodious sound, for speech that is.

"Umm yeah sorry for bumping into you, I guess I wasn't really paying attention." I comb my hand through my hair quickly coming to the realisation that I hadn't styled my hair and look like crap right now.

"Oh no need to apologise, I wasn't paying attention either to be perfectly honest with you. Besides you're the one that fell over, are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, it's cool bro."

"That's a weird word?"


"Oh I'm talking about bro, I mean if you think about it too much it sounds weird."

"Huh I guess it does." Oh my god it does. What has this guy done to me?

"Anyway we should probably keep heading to class, we're already late, not that I know what you have. God I must sound creepy right now."

"No trust me you don't sound creepy at all. I just realised I never introduced myself." I hold out my hand waiting for him to shake it. "I'm Dustin nice to meet you."

"I'm Ryder and likewise I guess." Isn't this the guy that's dating Lynx?

"So do you have any extra curriculars this year?" He asks continuing to smile. I never understood how people can keep a smile on their face for more than thirty seconds but it seems natural for him.

"Well I'm supposed to be joining the swim team today which I hope will go down well."

"Sounds fun, I could never swim myself. But Lynx can maybe you've seen him before?"

"Yeah he's a pretty good swimmer, best in the school isn't he?"

"Mhmhm he's just amazing." Ryder seems to drift for a second and I resist shaking him back to reality, the smile on his face is even wider now and I don't want to mess with that. I decide to keep the topic on Lynx.

"Isn't Lynx your boyfriend? I swear I've heard people talking about you two before."

"Yup." He replies popping the p. "He's so cute and amazing. He took me into town the other day and we had ice cream and just walked around. I bought him some new swimming stuff. You should have seen him he looked so happy. Ugh. We're planning on going out again this weekend, a fancy restaurant this time, it'll be great. And I'll get to see his adorable face the whole time. I'm just so excited I can barely contain myself." Sure enough he starts jumping a little and clapping his hands together. He kinda reminds me of Brock. I give a half laugh and start to look at the floor.

"Something the matter?"

"Oh no don't worry bro. You just reminded me of one of my friends is all."

"Hmmm are you crushing on hi-"

"Hey wait up." We both turn to the sound. Lynx is quickly catching up his vibrant red hair being pulled backwards by the wind. You can barely even see his blue eyes. Though you can clearly tell that he is taller than both myself and Ryder, in fact now that I think about it Ryder is a little shorter than me. Lynx catches up and wraps his arms around Ryders waist pulling him into a kiss.

"I missed you babe." He pulls out of the hug but they hold hands as they walk.

"I missed you too baby." I don't know how it's possible but Ryder's smile looks brighter, like he wasn't genuinely happy before but now he is.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't see you, it's Dustin right?" It takes a moment for me to realise that he is talking to me, even though he said my name. He's holding out his hand and I shake it giving a small smile, his hands feel surprisingly dry, considering the fact that he controls water.

"Yeah don't worry about it bro. And you're Lynx."

"Yup yup." I hadn't meant it to be a question, just a statement telling him no need to introduce himself, but I didn't say so, he seemed nice, no need to be a shit bag.

"Bro... Broooooo, bro."


"Oh nothing, bro is just a weird word if you think about it too much." Oh my god not this guy too.

"Oh god, don't we have tests soon? I'm gonna do so badly, I mean I haven't studied at all, I'm gonna fail my classes."

"Baby, I'm sure you'll do great, even if you don't study I bet you'll at least get the passing grade, you're really smart baby."

"Yeah but-"

"Besides we can always study together if it helps."

"Of course babe but- that usually doesn't involve a lot of studying if you know what I mean."


"Shit sorry, Dustin forget I said that." By this point I have already zoned out. After all right now I'm just a third wheel. I guess he said something about sex if he's asking me to keep quiet about it, I understand why because well, not many people like broadcasting their sex life especially here. They were both sixteen that much I knew which meant they were legal but the school had a policy against sexual relations between students. Not that any of the students cared anyway, most of them- that are legal, were doing the deed. You can hear it sometimes and honestly I can never sleep after doing so since well, I'm literally laughing so hard I'm crying and Levi just stares at me all night because weirdly he can sleep after hearing sex. He normally calls me immature for it but I mean hearing sex will always be funny. I should probably start trying to talk to them too. I mean it's awkward otherwise but I just can't bring myself to it. Ryder looks so happy talking to Lynx and I don't want to be the one to come between that.

After a while of walking, with me staying silent the whole time just listening to the sounds of their voices as they talk about god knows what, the school itself comes into view. A large stain glass window is at the very top of the building looking over the grounds. It is where the principal's office is located. On the window is a blue flower made to look like it is made of ice, which looks quite cool. The rest of the building looks to be cut into two halfs. One half, the left, is surrounded by a giant pool of water, the school swimming pool actually. It has a path that could fit maybe four average sized people standing side by side if they were willing to be uncomfortably close. Sometimes if someone a person didn't like was walking next to someone they would get pushed in. It's funny when you see people get pushed in, not so much when you're the one getting pushed in. The right side of the building was covered in ivy, red and green leaves mingled around the edges of the building. At the bottom of this side was a large beautiful garden. Amazing flowers covered the area, red, pink, blue, white- basically every colour a flower can be is in the garden. Then there was the area with trees, there is willow trees, oak trees, spruce trees. All of them are beautiful, the leaves of the oak and spruce a deep green that always manages to captivate me while the leaves of the willow trees are a magnificent emerald green. I like to think they are most fascinating when they start to change colours in the autumn. The emerald of the willow becomes a colour similar to a yellow tourmaline. The deep green of the oak becomes a beautiful citrine. I want to go over there, to relax laying in the flowers and even climb high into the oak tree but I have school and class is more important.

"So you like flowers huh?" Lynx's voice snaps me out of my temporary zoning. "You've been staring at them for a while now." Still I keep staring at them not wanting to look away for a second in case I miss the beauty of it all.

"Yeah, they're beautiful, the colours, the way they move, the way they change and grow. I want to be here all day, just sat amongst the flowers without a care in the world, no responsibilities, no worries, just being relaxed. It just feels natural to me."

"It's like me with water." He laughs a little, Ryder keeps quiet probably not wanting to make it awkward.

"Yeah I guess it is. We should probably get to class, we're already late." It's true, it was late as soon as I left the dorm rooms, around five minutes then. We have been stalling most of this time too, me staring at the flowers is no doubt not helping in any way. We all start walking still a little far away than the school doors themselves. I force myself not to walk in the direction of the flowers, it might be relaxing for me but an education is more important.

"So Dustin what's your favourite flower." Ryder leans his head on Lynx's shoulder as he speaks, there is no doubt, they really do love each other.

"Probably- hmm monkshood I guess. I'm not too sure why, it doesn't really grow here so it's quite rare around these parts. The colour of it is just captivating and also it's just so cool. But it is actually poisonous so people have to be careful around it. In fact some people say it's the queen of all poisons but it has tons of names, like wolfsbane, leopard's bane even. But the name I find creepiest is devil's helmet. It just gives it this eery feel you know. It's scientific name is Aconitum-"

"You know a lot about it huh?"

"Oh yeah, I probably got carried away sorry. I did a lot of research on it but people aren't usually interested." I give a nervous laugh and start to reach for the back of my neck, I catch myself and lower my hand. Dammit I haven't even known Brock that long and he's already giving me a nervous habit.

"Oh no I didn't mean it that way, it's awesome, tell him baby."

"Y-yeah that's so cool." Lynx forces a smile, Ryder's seems genuine though. I decide not to pay it much attention, after all most people would have told me to shut up ages ago.

"So do you have a favourite colour?" Do they want to get to know me? It's strange most people lose interest after a while, or if I'm talking to Shocker I will have been punched ages ago, maybe even received a lighting bolt in the chest.

"I'm not sure, maybe purple or something." Lynx's bottom lip pouts a little and he nods as if in approval. It seems like these two are my parents and it's weird because they're not much older than me. The doors of the school stand in front of us and I push them open, they move without much effort and I hold it open for my two new friends, if you can call them that.

"We have art now right baby?"

"Yup yup. We'll catch you later Dustin." Both of them smile and start walking away, I wait a moment before replying.

"Later bro." I wave slightly and turn and walk in the opposite direction. I hear Ryder say something but only hear the word 'cool' the rest I can't make out.

The inside of the school is a little different than the outside, while the outside was just brick and ivy the inside is painted to be different colours, probably to add to the appeal of the school making students want to go to class and not ditch school. The walls of the corridor itself had two different colours covering it. The upper half had been painted blue up until about halfway down the wall where it had been painter white. The colours contrasted well but the white paint is graffitied on sometimes, usually in blue spray paint which really pisses the teachers off. The doors to each classroom are red with the plaque telling the students what subject the class teaches being red too. The lettering is white but never seems to look like the same shade of white as the paint on the corridor. The lettering is some fancy font that I can only just read.

I keep heading down the corridor until I finally come to my class, English. The room is full save for the one seat that has been assigned to me. Reluctantly I open the door to the classroom and walk in almost cringing when the teacher, Mr Sage, sees me.

"Dustin stop there I want to talk to you." Mr Sage's hair is brown, in between dark and light brown. It has a certain shine to it, probably because of the gel he uses. He's probably the youngest teacher in school being only twenty five. He actually looked younger. He is taller than all of the students in class and many of the teachers in school, in fact he's probably the tallest teacher. He makes his way over to me and looks down, it would look ominous if he wasn't smiling so kind heartedly.

"So why is it you're late?"

"Well I slept in super late and took ages in the shower for whatever reason. I'm sorry."

"Ok that's fine, just try your best not to do it again ok?"


"Also before you go and sit down," His voice quickly becomes a whisper so the rest of the class can't hear what he's saying.

"I heard what happened in p.e class. Are you doing ok, you're not hurt are you?"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure, I heard you were in the nurse's office for a while afterwards."

"I said I'm fine." I say with a little too much malice in my voice. A flash of hurt crosses his eyes but it's replaced almost immediately by the same happy look he always has. "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Dustin it's fine, don't worry about it. It must be embarrassing to talk about. Go sit down and I'll tell you what we're doing once I've explained the rest to the class." As I move to my seat next to Levi and Mr Sage moves to the front of the classroom I start to hear faint muttering amongst the students. No doubt they are talking about why I'm late, drawing their own conclusions. Garnet glances up at me but says nothing as I pass her. I take a seat and pretend to listen to what the teacher is saying, he said himself that he will tell me afterwards what we're doing so there's no point in me listening now. He finishes talking and makes his way around the classroom with multiple sheets of paper handing one out to each of the students. The paper has multiple questions concerning grammar. I swear we do this every year.

"Ok Dustin I know I know we cover this all the time but as you know in English we don't do tests we do essays, this time it's creative writing and the principal told me to make sure you all know basic grammar. I know you all do already but you know the principal is a bit of a-" He mouths the word dick since he's not really aloud to cuss, in fact the only reason he felt comfortable mouthing it to me is because he's much like a father figure to me. I laugh a little as he walks away, he's not wrong. The lesson after that drifts by quickly, Lvi and Brock stay silent unless they are asking each other for help or even asking me for help, not that they really need it, they just want to check their answers most likely.

I start to follow behind Levi having no idea what class I have next...

I walk outside and over to the three guys waiting for me. My first swimming practice. Levi left me to go study for a while, the only person I know here is Lynx, the other two I don't talk to, ever. Lynn and Luna. I stand next to Lynx.

"Yo." He turns and smiles at me.

"Hey I'm glad you could make it, this is Lynn and Luna."

"Mhm I've spoken to them once or twice before." The wind starts to pick up slightly, it wouldn't normally affect me but considering the fact I was only in swimming shorts is gives me goosebumps. Lynn has hair much like Lynx's, it's blue rather than red however and clearly dyed, his eyes are a similar colour to his hair. He's taller than me, in fact he's taller than Lynx too. I have to admit he does look good without a shirt too.

"Are you checking me out buddy?" His voice, it's strangely calming. Amazingly so actually, if I was anxious before I'm not now.

"Oh I ummm-" Fuck my tendency to zone out. I feel the familiar tingling in my cheeks as they turn slightly red I look away from him quickly, my movement is probably too fast because I hear him laugh and whisper something to Lynx. Luna is standing slightly out of the way of the others, his hair is dyed red though it is fading back to its original brown colour. What is everybodies obsession with red hair? Is it a thing? His skin is a similar brown to his eyes. He is way taller than all of us here and towers over us with an almost ominous glare that seems half friendly.

"Awww he's blushing, that's cute." This only makes my cheeks burn brighter as Lynn laughs at me. He makes his way over to me embracing me, I swear if I blush anymore I'll explode. I don't hug him back, I'm too nervous to even move, he's cold, really cold. He moves away from me and stands next to Lynx, both of them start laughing.

"Sorry buddy I just like making people blush." He had done a damn good job of it too. Both Lynn and Lynx kept laughing, Luna kept the same blank expression on his face, it's almost like he's a statue.

"So what are we going to do today?"

"Hmmm I was thinking maybe do a race first to get an idea of how fast we swim then maybe just practicing our breaststroke and stuff." Both Luna and myself stay quiet, Lynn glances at me and laughs a little again.

"Sounds good, come on you two, Luna stop looking so miserable you're scaring Dustin." He really isn't, I'm more worried that Lynn will keep flirting and I'll blush even more. Lynx and Lynn both dive into the water going under for a few seconds before popping up one after the other. Lynn's hair is matted against his head while Lynx's stays the same. Their names are strikingly similar, if it wasn't for the fact that their faces looked completely different I'd think that they are related. Luna climbs into the water slowly, the pool has been made to be at least two meters deep across the whole thing which meant even someone as tall as Luna can't stand in it. I jump in away from the others but still water splashes onto Lynn. He just laughs.

"Shall we start?"

"Yup yup let's do this." Lynx replies moving so his back touched the edge of the pool, the others followed and I do the same.

"Ok 3...2...1...Go." Lynn and Lynx rocket through the water and are already half way by the time I make it just a quarter of the way. Luna is just ahead of me. I quicken my pace and manage to overtake him just about. I don't want to come last that would be embarrassing. Still Luna smiles for a second which he replaces with the same blank expression he had before. He easily overtakes me and starts to catch up to the others, I try to keep up but fall behind. By the time Lynn and Lynx finish me and Luna are just about three quarters of the way. Luna speeds up again and makes it the rest of the way, I slow down a little but keep going, i stand no chance, that much is obvious. I finally make it to the finish point and Lynn makes his way over to me.

"You did good buddy, you looked pretty good out there, in both ways." My cheeks start to go red again and he laughs at me, Lynx starts to laugh too.

"Ok I swear I'll stop now promise." I'm already starting to get tired, the race and the fact that I have to constantly keep kicking to keep myself above the water is wearing me out.

"Can we rest for a minute? My legs are getting tired."

"Hey Lynx Luna can talk." Lynx laughs at the joke, I don't see how it's funny but smile anyway, to please if anything else. Lynn is the first to climb out of the water and sit on the tiled edge of the pool, Luna follows, both myself and Lynx climb out after.

"Do you guys find it weird that your names all start with an L?"

"I guess it is pretty weird isn't it? And my name and Lynx's sound almost exactly the same which makes it seem weirder." Lynn rests his hands just behind him leaning back so his arms supported him, I force myself not to zone out again because if I do he will think I'm staring again.

"I know I'm clearly hot and all but buddy you staring is kinda weirding me out." Fuck I am staring again. I snap out of it and quickly look away back at the school building. The sun is setting now and it makes the bricks seem a little orange, maybe a little yellow. How come I never zone out looking at the sunset but always zone out when I see a cute guy?

"I'm just kidding with you. I mean if I were you I'd stare too." I feel a cold arm brush my shoulder before resting on the other and my back. I can see his hand hovering just above my chest. It's weird but strangely comforting, he just seems like the type of person you can tell everything. He was so nice, it's a nice break from the bullying I get from Shocker.

"So how was class today you guys?" Lynx's voice is a welcome distraction, I don't want to think too much or the bad thoughts come in.

"Ummm kinda boring I guess." I reply wary to speak in case my voice cracks, Lynn is making me both nervous and calm at the same time creating a strange melody throughout my body.

"You guess? Aww buddy lighten up a little." I feel my body being forced into the water as Lynn pushes m slightly, he doesn't stop though, instead he pushes me into the water and I sink for a second. I let myself go to the bottom and stay there calming my nerves. What is he doing, he has to be trying to get in my head, nobody is this nice. Not to me. After a few seconds under the water I push against the floor and my head quickly breaks the surface of the water, I take a few deep breaths before finally opening my eyes. Lynn helps me back out of the water and pulls me close so that my arm is touching his chest, his arm is round my shoulder again.

"Come on bro not cool."

"Sorry couldn't resist doing that either." Suddenly an idea comes to mind, one that will properly utilise the ivy on the other side of the school. I hide my hand behind my back opening it as wide as I can. I hear faint rustling as the ivy moves, the noise quickly disappears, I just need to make it grow enough. The first ivy vine wraps around my stomach holding me in place, I have planned for Lynn's reaction. The next three vines I move more slowly, I take a glance at Lynn to make sure he still hasn't noticed. He's just staring at the water smiling as he hums to himself. Lynx however has noticed, a wide smile covers his face as he watches the vines move forwards towards Lynn's back. They all stop save for one that only graces Lynn's back. He looks at me then behind him spotting the vines. Before he can react I snap my palm closed and the vines shoot forwards shoving him into the water, he tries to pull me with him but the vine around my stomach stops me from being pulled in with him. After a few seconds the vines that pushed him in recede but the vine around my stomach stay in place, I'm not taking any chances. He breaks the surface of the water after that.

"I'm so getting you back for that." I shrug and laugh, Lynx joins in and I spot the smile on Luna's face.

"You got me first."

"Touche but still-" He splashes me with water and I hear his fingers click and he pulls me in, a faint shattering sound comes as he pulls me in. Fuck. I go under the water but come out faster than the first time.

"Told ya buddy." We both start laughing, this is more fun than I thought it would be.

"Come on bro you got me first."

"Yeah I know, I just like making you- almost said something, I promised I wouldn't flirt." We both laugh again but I still blush a little.

After the swimming practice ends I make my way back to my room, Levi isn't there and the laptop is off. I don't pay it any attention and instead open my biology book to study a little. I hate biology. Darkness comes faster than I think and I soon find myself drifting off, Levi still isn't back but I sleep anyway, today has been a long day...


AN: So this is a little long but oh whale, what do you guys think of the new characters? :D There's still more characters to be introduce xD Please vote and comment thanks :D

Ryder character aesthetic^^^

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