Mirror Image

بواسطة cupcakediamondx

41.8K 1.8K 725

Michael and Mike are twins. They look exactly alike but they couldn't be more different from one another. Mik... المزيد

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 1
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 2
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 3
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 4
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 5
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 6
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 7
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 9
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 10
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 11
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 12
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 13
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 14
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 15
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 16
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 17
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 19
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 20
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 21
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 22
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ FINAL PART
Mirror Image ~ THANK YOU!! ♡
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 8 (republished!!!)

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 18

1.1K 73 53
بواسطة cupcakediamondx



. . . "Mike, come here!" He sits down on the chair next to me. . I put my arm around him and pull him close to me. "What are you hugging me for???!!" - "I'm hugging you because I know you could use it. . . and because I know you're hurting" - "I'm not!!!!! who cares about that BITCH?!!" 

. . I pull him closer and give him a tight hug. .

Mike's eyes get all watery. .
"I DON'T NEED THAT HOE!!! . . she ain't nothing. . ."


Mike lets go of me and looks at his phone. . . "Mike do you want me to order you something? want a beer?" - "Naa . . I'm not in the mood for alcohol" . . . Mike is not in the mood for alcohol?? Ok, now he's freaking me out! . . "Come on, have a beer with us, I know you want one" I gently punch him in his arm. . he looks up at me and forces a smile "Alright . . one" 


I just took a shower and got ready for bed. Mike is sitting in front of the TV with that sad look on his face. . . he's heartbroken and this is something you don't see every day . . actually . . I can't even remember the last time he had a broken heart . . . "Are you going to bed already?!" - "Yea, I have to work in the morning, I have an early shift" Mike turns down the volume and puts the TV remote on the coffe table. "Michael I wanna talk to you about something" - "What is it?" I sit down on the other couch and grab a pillow. "I'm sorry about Mariah . . I didn't mean to. . . you know . . the whole thing . ." 

"Hey . . forget about her, ok? . . it doesn't matter now, she's out of our lives and she's out of our lives for a reason" . . I can't believe how sad he is . . I've never seen him this way . . never . . . I don't know this side of him . . but I like it . . . he's finally able to show feelings for a woman. . .

"I really liked that bitch, you know? . . I felt bad for dating her behind your back and shit but . . I had to . . I didn't know what was going on with me . . it was after the second date. . I was . . I don't know . . . I started liking her" I let out a laugh "I know, that's what I'm saying. . today when you walked into the bar, I saw the look on your face . . I knew exactly what you were thinking and I just couldn't get mad. . this drama is all my fault and I'm the one to apologize" I get up and sit down next to Mike. I put my arm around him "Mike. . as bad as it felt seeing a woman I like walk out of my life . . . it felt worse seeing the sad look on your face when she pushed you away. . ." 

Mike turns to me and hugs me. "But aren't you mad at me?! don't you care about Mariah?! I thought you were crazy about her!" - "I was . . . but when she asked 'who's the doctor here' . . I just couldn't take her seriously anymore . . . I'm completely honest now Mike . . I don't care about her anymore . . and you shouldn't care about her either" He lets go of me and looks at the TV. . he grabs the remote and turns up the volume. "Mike, I think we should continue this conversation, don't you think?" - "Michael, all I have left to say is, I'm a failure and that's all there is to say! . . if I weren't a failure Mariah would still be interested in me . . . she left because I'm not a doctor . . I'm a NOBODY!!!!! that's why she left!!! it felt so good to be someone else for a change, you know? . . she thought I was a doctor . . that made me feel like on top of the world . . it felt good to be something! . . or just to make her believe that I'm something . . . but the ugly truth is that I'm NOTHING!! you are the doctor and I am NOTHING!"  . . . he starts crying . . . 

"Mike. . . even if you were a doctor . . that would've been the only thing about you she'd be interested in . . . would you be ok with that?? I know I wouldn't . . . I want a woman to like me for ME . . not my money, not my profession . . not anything but myself. . and you should feel the same way . . find a woman who will love you for who you are!" Mike looks at me with tears in his eyes "NO GIRL WILL EVER LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM . . . I DON'T EVEN LOVE MYSELF, SO WHY SHOULD ANYBODY ELSE?!!!!!"  . . . I take him in my arms . . . . he starts crying on my shoulder . . . 

"I'M NOTHING!!!! I'M A PIECE OF SHIT!!!! WHY CAN'T I BE LIKE YOU?? I WANNA BE YOUU MICHAEL!!!!" . . I put my hand on the back of his head  . . . Mike never cried this hard. . ever . . his whole body is trembling . . . "Mike you are yourself and you should be proud of that!" - "PROUD OF FUCKING WHAT?!! WHAT CAN I POSSIBLY BE PROUD OF?!!! . . NOTHING!!! MY LIFE IS A JOKE . . I'M A JOKE!!!!!" - "No you are not a joke . . you're a wonderful person and I love you more than anything in this world!!"

"I need a cigarette" - "No . . come on . . you can do without . . look at me! please look me in the eye!" He looks at me. "Let's forget about Mariah and move on . . let's live our lives like we did before, ok?" - "Alright . . . I'm getting tired, I think I'm gonna go home now" - "Mike stay . . it's ok . . you can sleep here, I'd love to have you here" - "Alright . . thanks . . but I have to have a cigarette before I go to bed, I'm serious" - "Fine . . then go smoke your stupid cigarette but please go outside, I don't want the smoke in here" - "Alright, alright"

I walk into my bedroom and get in bed . . AHHH this feels good . . I'm so tired, I know I will be falling asleep in no time . . . . 5 minutes later, just as I'm about to fall asleep, the door opens . . . "Michael? you still up?" I pull down the covers and look at him "Mike I have to sleep!!" - "I know . . and you will have your peace but can I sleep here with you?" - "Yea sure . . . just please be quiet, I don't have much sleep left" - "No problem. . . I'll be quiet" . . Mike takes off his shirt and jeans and gets in bed. . .

(10 minutes later)  . . "Michael, do you know what I was thinking the other day? . . why do we even have gendered shower gels? I mean, if I wanna smell like strawberry buttercream, why can't I? is smelling fruity only a girl's thing or what?! and if I wanna smell like coconut paradise then I fucking will, because. . ." - "GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!"

(NEXT DAY) 6am

"Good morning!" She looks at me smiling "Doctor Jackson, wow you're early. . it's not even 6am!" I grab a chair and sit down next to her. "How are you feeling? did you have a good night sleep?" She puts her hand on mine "Oh doctor . . . my babyboy and I slept better than ever, how did you sleep?" - "Well . . let's just say, I had a total 2 hours of sleep" - "Oh my! . . that's not good doctor . . you have to sleep more! how come?" - "Long story short, my brother is a pain in the behind" She starts laughing. "Gosh, you're so funny . . I'm amazed doctor . . . you didn't have much sleep but you're still here on time just like you promised . . . I have huge respect for that"  

"Thank you . . it's my job and I truly care about my patients . . now if you'll excuse me . . I have to check on a few other people, I will be back in about an hour . . . is there something you need? something I can do for you?" - "Actually . . yes there is" - "What is it?" - "Please turn around" . . I turn around . . she starts laughing "Thanks, that was it" - "Huh? . . I don't get it, why did I have to turn around?" She smiles. . . . . 

~ to be continued ~

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