My Heart Will Go On (Sequel o...

Od xNekorux

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Ashe now lives in the Du Couteau estate with her girlfriend, Katarina. The two of them seem to be enjoying li... Více



899 20 9
Od xNekorux


Katarina scratched the back of her head as she walked into the main headquarters of the Black Rose, her mind on autopilot as she headed to LeBlanc's office. Ashe had just gotten out of the hospital yesterday and when they got home, Ashe denied her request for sex.

Yes, it was bluntly denied.

She sensed that Ashe still seems to be somewhat angry at her for doing what she had done at the hospital. She has no one but herself to blame for being too bold with her actions, but she didn't really regret pleasuring Ashe that time, even if the timing wasn't the greatest. Every moment with Ashe is always a memory for her to treasure and forever remember. She plans on giving her late monthsary gift later on, since she assumed that Ashe must have 'cooled down' enough.

Before she left the estate though, she had told her father that she 'thinks' that Sarah might come back for Ashe to finish the job. Actually, she damn well knows that she'll be seeing the Bounty Hunter again in the near future.

Thanks to her father's power in the military, Ashe is currently going around the Institute of War with the grand general, two soldiers trailing behind them and serving as Ashe's own bodyguards.

Katarina was thankful for that. At least while she's going to be chasing down whoever it is the person that's hiring to kill Ashe, she can travel and 'work' with a somewhat calm mind, knowing her girlfriend is safe and won't be harmed.

She decided not to tell her father about her involvement with the Black Rose. To be honest, her father knows nothing about her connection with Evaine and the dangerous organization. In her opinion, it would probably complicate things, mostly for her.

Yes, she knows her father, a high ranking general, can use his military position to pull some strings to try and track down who posted the five million dollar bounty for Ashe to be killed. But, she also knows that her father would probably take her off the situation and won't let her participate in the process.

THAT is something Katarina won't stand for. She wants to catch the mastermind and kill him or her with her own bare hands, and maybe a helping hand from her blades.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Ashe walked just a step behind Marcus, two soldiers holding two assault rifles walking on either side of hers. As she followed the grand general through the wide halls of the Institute of War, she can't help but feel a little conscious with herself. She regretted letting Cassiopeia choose her outfit for today.

Currently, she donned a pair of denim high-waisted shorts, a fitted white shirt tucked in, a matching jean jacket and a pair of dark blue combat boots. Her shorts, obviously, presented her pale and long legs to every pair of eyes that wandered downward. Also, the cropped jacket is fitted and is useless in concealing her rather noticeable bust.


She snapped her gaze to the general, who had abruptly spoke up and called for her attention.

"Yes, Uncle?"

"As much as possible, keep that jacket of yours on."

"Oh, of, of course!" Honestly, Ashe has no intention of removing her jacket from her body anytime soon.

"The men here, despite their disciplined selves, are not quite... immune to females like you."

"Like... me?"

"I'm sure you've noticed most of the soldiers are men."

"Yes, I have."

"Note that most of them, if not married, are single and are... craving for a woman's touch."

"O-oh," She blushed lightly. "I see..."


"Umm, Uncle? May... May I ask a question?"

"What is it?"

Ashe picked up her pace a bit until she was walking alongside Marcus and matching his own walking pace.

"Most people that we pass, they, erm, usually stare. Is that normal here?"


"Oh, so, uh, why...?"

"They are curious."


"Hm," Marcus nodded once. "You are the first person I brought to work with me that's not a family member."


Ashe rubbed her arm, showing off a sign of her mild nervousness. She actually preferred being with Katarina, despite the dangers that currently lurks in every corner they encounter. Well, that's how Katarina worded it, which is why she's with the grand general.

Although, she found herself internally worrying about Katarina, knowing her girlfriend must be out there, probably planning on catching whoever it is that wants her dead. If she were to actually decide for herself, she would have accompanied Katarina in her 'hunt'.

As they walked, Ashe lagged two steps behind the general before pulling her cellphone out and opening her message thread with Katarina. After a quick glance casted to the general, she focused her gaze back to her phone's screen and began typing, sending her composed message immediately.

Ashe: Where are you right now? Are you okay?

The reply didn't take long. In fact, she had just exited the 'Messages' app, when she received a response, which she viewed in an instant.

Katarina: At the Black Rose. I'm fine, don't worry.


Another reply came.

Katarina: Are you still mad?

She shook her head as she read the message, a small smile appearing on her lips.

Ashe: Not anymore.

Katarina: I'll make it up to you later, I promise.

She was just about to type up her next text, when Katarina sent another one of hers.

Katarina: Got to go. About to talk to Evaine. See you later. I love you. :*

Ashe chuckled into one of her hands when she saw the emoticon in her lover's message. With a smile present, she typed her reply to the cute message.

Ashe: I love you too. ^3^




Katarina: Can you do that face when we see each other later? :3

Ashe: Not gonna happen, Kitty. :P

"Texting Katarina, I assume?"

She snapped her head upward and saw Marcus looking over his shoulder and looking at her, a smirk threatening to show on his face.

"Umm, how did you know?"

"Your smile says it all."

Ashe blushed when she realized that her small smile had actually turned into a full-blown one, making it obvious that she's quite happy with who she's chatting with.

"I want to go to her." She murmured, toying with her cellphone by rolling the gadget around her grasp.

"You very well know why she wanted you to come with me," Marcus said, halting his walk and facing her directly.

"I do," She sighed. "But, now that I know what she's currently doing, being apart from her only worries me more."

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows. "What IS she doing?"

Ashe became rigid. She so badly wanted to give herself a slap. She knows that Marcus doesn't have a single clue about Katarina's relation with the Black Rose.

"She's at school today, so why are you worried, then?"

"Oh, um," Ashe laughed nervously. "I'm just worried that she might get into a fight or something of that sort."

Marcus gave her a skeptical look, but thankfully let her unusual behaviour slide. Ashe could thank the Heavens for letting such miracle happen. She isn't really fond of lying to people, especially to someone she considers like a family. As if her silent prayer was answered, a soldier came and took Marcus' full attention from her. She resisted the urge to sigh in relief.

Turning away, she held her phone against her beating heart.

'Be safe, Katarina.'

She bit her bottom lip in worry.

'While you're scared to be the reason my heart will stop beating, know that I'm scared that I'll be the reason why YOUR heart stops beating.'

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Katarina scanned the file for the third time before looking back up to LeBlanc, who calmly sipped from her glass of wine.

"All of this is accurate?"

"Yes," LeBlanc nodded. "One of my contacts traced the signal of the message back to that location."

"Alright then, I'll go check this out now."

Katarina stood up and turned to the door, folder in hand and intending to leave the room without anymore distractions.

But, LeBlanc seems to have different plans.


Suppressing a groan, she turned back to the older woman. LeBlanc was already standing from her chair when Katarina faced her again.


LeBlanc approached her and stopped just in front of her.

"Be careful."

Katarina raised an eyebrow.

'That's it? She calls me back just to tell me to 'be careful'?'

"Something you want to tell me, Evaine?" She asked, becoming a bit wary towards the other female.

"Well, since you asked..." LeBlanc straightened her posture. "I don't want you to die."

"What, because you'll lose your number one assassin?"

"If I were to be followed, then I would actually dismiss your services with the Black Rose now."

"What brought this up?" Katarina asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Katarina," LeBlanc placed both of her hands on her shoulders. "When I found you, all I saw in your eyes were rage, sadness and bloodlust. But now? Honestly, all I can see is happiness."

"What are you getting at?"

"Quit the Black Rose, Katarina."




Katarina blinked.

'Did I hear right?'

She couldn't believe what LeBlanc had just said. It's the complete opposite of LeBlanc's number one rule in the organization. Once a person gets involved with the Black Rose, that specific person can never leave or ever be free from the clutches of the organization itself.

"Evaine, I think you've drank enough wine for today." She finally said after a moment of silence.

"Katarina, I'm serious." LeBlanc returned, looking at her with a humorless gaze. "You find the person who wants to kill Ashe and kill whoever it is. After that, quit."

"You want me to quit?" She questioned with disbelief. "Me? After more than five years of spending almost all my time with the Black Rose, you want me to just quit?"

"I don't want you to quit. I need you to quit."


"The longer you involve yourself with this group, the more you are risking the life of, not only yours and your family's, but Ashe's as well."

Katarina looked down, knowing that LeBlanc's words made sense. Black Rose is danger and death combined. From the very start, she knew this.

"I know that if Ashe dies because of someone you had angered in the past, you will never forgive yourself."

She scoffed half-heartedly. "Afraid I'll come after you if that happens?"

"No," LeBlanc let go of her shoulders. "If that ever happens, then I will willingly let you kill me."

"As if I'd believe that."

"There's only one person I see worthy taking my life,"

Katarina raised her head and met LeBlanc's eyes, and for the first time in her whole life, she found sorrow in her the woman's bronze eyes. It's an emotion she never thought she'd personally see.

"And that's you."

"Why me?"

She had to ask. Deep inside of herself, she had this desire to know the reason why she's the only person LeBlanc would let her murder, well, her. As if the sadness in LeBlanc's eyes weren't enough of a surprise, LeBlanc sincerely smiled at her.

"I see you as the daughter I will never have."

Katarina didn't know how to react, truthfully. She felt a bit... weird inside. She felt fuzzy and a little... warm in her heart. She looked down again, still not knowing what to say or do.

"That's also the reason why I need you to quit the Black Rose,"

Half-hesitantly, she raised her gaze, meeting LeBlanc's own.

"I don't want to see my daughter die."

Looking back on her memories for what seemed like a nanosecond, she  knows that LeBlanc had shown her an outlet where she released all the anger and fury she felt towards the world when she was a child, despite the said outlet being... unusual. But, now that she looked closely, she realized that, the closest person that she can actually consider as a mother, when her biological mother died, is LeBlanc.

No one else.

No else, but Emilia Evaine LeBlanc.




"I'll leave the Black Rose after this."

LeBlanc nodded, turning away and heading back to her desk. "Good."


"But?" The older woman halted but didn't look back.

"I'm not leaving my mother."

A lone tear ran down from one of LeBlanc's eyes, unknown to Katarina.

"You of all people know where I live, so I expect you to visit at least once a month."

Katarina smirked to herself as she turned away and resumed her walk to the door.

"Make it once a week, 'Mommy'."

With that, she reached the door and left the office.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Katarina took off her sunglasses and let go of the handles of her motorcycle as she audited the outer appearance of an abandoned two-story building with a top to bottom scan. This is the same location where the signal of the message was tracked, which is the main reason why Katarina's there now.

"To think the person's able to pay five million dollars. Can't even find a decent hiding place." She muttered as she parked her vehicle in a small and narrow alley.

She made sure to check all of her holsters, which is where her knives are stored in, before she approached the dilapidated structure.

'Well, if it's really abandoned, might as well check whatever it is inside.'

Instead of entering the building through the front door, she went around and climbed the half-destroyed fire-exit at the back. Once she scaled it, she easily got inside through a typically broken window.

The room she found herself in was empty. That is, if she doesn't count the ripped and stained carpet and the broken three-legged chair leaning on one of the dirty walls. The whole room smelled like shit, and Katarina had to stop herself from gagging at the smell.

'The sooner I finish looking around, the sooner I can leave this dump.'

She soundlessly left the room and checked the one across from it, finding nothing but a vacant and, as she expected, stinky room. She searched the whole second floor, finding nothing relevant for her little investigation. Seeing that the second floor is useless, she snuck down the stairs.

Katarina kept her guard up and maintained her stealthy movements, not wanting to cause the person inside the apartment to flee, if there is one inside, that is.

She checked the kitchen.


The bathroom.


The living room...

Katarina narrowed her eyes when she spotted a brand new-looking laptop perched on an old and worn-out table. The appearance of this certain gadget aroused her suspicions, so she instantly drew one knife and kept her senses on high-alert. As she inched towards the tech, she got a much clearer look at the screen of it.

It displayed a picture.

A picture of her and Ashe casually sitting at one of the couches at the living room of the Du Couteau estate. It seems whoever had captured the photo merely peeped through one of the living room windows.

What caught her attention though, was the fact that a sloppily-drawn red line was encircling her. She assumed that whoever edited the pic had used the laptop's 'Paint' application. Underneath the pic, messily drawn words can be seen.


"What the...-!"

The laptop's screen suddenly became pitch black.





Katarina spun around and instantly shoved the knife she held in the stomach of the person that had snuck behind her. The attacker was just a rugged-looking man, a goon, to be specific.

But, of course, he wasn't the only one there.

Another man came and lunged at her, only to get a knife thrown at the center of his forehead. Katarina dodged another goon's assault, using two of her knives this time to slit the attacker's throat in an X-motion.

Blood spurted out, but she wasn't in front of the man to get stained. In fact, she was already killing the next one, which she eliminated out of the equation with a simple stab at the bottom of its jaw.

Unexpectedly, a man came up and charged from behind her, while she was stabbing a different person. The surprise attacker secured his arms around her, limiting her movements greatly.

"Fucking get off...-!"

Before she could kick or at least headbutt the guy away...-!


The back of her very own head was suddenly surging with absolute pain. The man she recently stabbed pushed her down the floor, and she ended up crashing onto the surface sloppily.

Whatever had hit her, she assumed it was a pole or a pipe, it had disoriented her senses immensely. Her vision became a bit blurry, the back of her head throbbed and an agonizing headache formed inside of her head.

She rolled halfway to the left and halfway to the right every now and then, while she used one hand to touch the spot where she was hit. When her fingers touched the spot where the blunt weapon had hit, it sent a jolt of pain through her head, which increased the pain she currently felt.

"Too easy,"

In spite of her blurred line of vision, she found an older woman practically strutting in circles around her fallen self. The said woman smirked at her, twirling a black steel pole in a moderate speed.

"Not so tough now, are you?"

She then felt a foot collide with her back, sending a painful surge throughout her body.


The woman chuckled. "Anything you'd like to say, Katarina?"

She received a few kicks on the stomach and back before she managed to regain her breath...

Only for it to get knocked back out of her system yet again.

Her supply of oxygen rushed out of her as soon as a hard kick landed on the very center of her stomach. Despite being out of air, she still managed to utter two words.

"Fuck... you...."

A low growl was what she heard before she lost her consciousness, courtesy of the rough kick on the face she received from Ashe's one and only stepmother.

Sierra Avarosa.

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx

Author's Note: Let's face it, all of you totally expected Sierra to be the mastermind. That's certainly no secret. :P

Well! I think this story will at least reach ten or fifteen chapters. Not sure yet, though. I mean, this story might even end at ACT 7 or ACT 9 or whatever. But, I'm pretty sure this story won't reach more than 15-20 chapters. ^_^

Honestly, when I started "I Won't Give Up", I didn't originally plan to make a sequel of it, soooo yeah, hopefully, this goes well. :)

And, yes, I admit, this part is sort of like a half-filler. :3

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