Dirty Little Secret [5SOS]

By livesbywords

17.1K 271 8

philophobia (noun): 1. fear of falling in love But what happens when you are and you have no one to turn... More

1: Arrival
2: Maybe..
3: Trouble
4: Beep, Beep. Tick, Tock.
5: Hoo roo!
6: Rule Time!
7: 'A Ghost'
8: Internet Boyfriend
9: Sweater Shopping!
10: Adventure Time!
12: Pixar Tent Cuddles
13: A Change of Colour
14: Da Boot
15: A Reason to Smile
16: The Plan
17: San Fran
18: Three's A Date?
19: Tipsy Turvy
20: Overthinking,
21: Pool Games
22: Disneyland Part 1
23: Disneyland Part 2
24: Paper Airplanes
25: Peach
26: Arctic Foxes
27: Beachy
28: I'm Ready
29: Batter -- What?!
30: Girl's Day
31: Home
32: TMH
33: Suds
34: Pup
35: AM
36: Secrets Don't Make Friends
37: Tour Day

11: Muffin

396 8 1
By livesbywords

"Ashton," I whisper, nudging him to wake up. "It's almost sunrise."
He moans and then flickers his eyes open.
"Morning, muffin." I smile at him as he smirks, looking at me.
"Muffin," Ashton asks, looking at me with a very amused expression. I smile at his thick, sexy morning voice.
"Yes. It's cute," I tell him and poke his nose.
He laughs and smiles at me in silence before saying, "Alright, Pay." I don’t usually let anyone call me that but it’s Ashton so I just let it slide. I smile and then let out a squeal when Ashton picks me up from the bed and sets me down on the chair outside. He takes the seat beside mine just as the sun begins to peek over LA's horizon.
"Can you hand me my crutches," I ask and Ashton nods, handing me the crutches leaned against the table in front of us. I go over to the dresser and come back with a professional looking camera. I sit back down, set the crutches back against the table, and snap a few pics of the upcoming sun. I catch Ashton watching and smiles in response.
I scrunch my eyebrows and ask, "What?"
"You look pretty in the sun," he smiles.
I start to blush and then go back to looking over the pictures.
"You like photography?"
"Kinda. I mostly take it for B-roll," I tell him, then set the camera on its tripod and adjust it to look directly at the sun. I sit back in my chair and lean closer to Ashton.
"Aren't you tired," Ashton asks and looks over to me with that ‘look’ that everyone gives me.
"Not really," I say, trying to avoid conversation. "You slept pretty last night." I smile and then realize what I said, widening my eyes. "I-I-I mean, you slept pretty well." I laugh nervously and Ashton just smirks at me before laughing his enchanting laugh that distracts me from the embarrassing event.
"I know what you mean," he winks and then laughs again. The door opens and we hear footsteps. I turn around and notice Michael walking in. Ashton drags another chair over and Michael sits down.
"What are you two doing out here," he asks.
"I had to take some B-roll," I explain, pointing to the recording camera on the table, "so I asked Ashton to keep me company."
"You could have had me come out here with you," Michael mentions, a bit hurt.
"Well I knew you had studio today so I didn't want to wake you."
"Well, I came to tell you that Calum and I only have studio till noon today and then Ashton has to go in with Luke at two. Just to let you know."
"Really," Ashton asks and walks off, leaving me and Michael for some reason.
"You guys are like peas and carrots now, aren’t you?"
"I guess. He's a cool guy."
"Michael, stop it!"
"You always assume stuff. Nothing is going on. Ashton has to stay with me. If you have such a problem with it, then why did you allow it?"
"I did, but I wanted to stay with you! Management was going to cut down on Ashton's studio time anyway, so I just said yes!"
"What," a voice comes from the doorway. Michael and I shoot a glance over and see Ashton is standing there, a bit hurt. "Is that true, Mikey?"
"Ash. Ash, I don't think they meant it like that," Michael says, getting up and walks towards Ashton. "You're the drummer. You got the easy part, that’s all." Ashton is taken by this.

"Maybe I shouldn't have joined. You guys weren't that good anyway!" Ashton runs off downstairs and I hear the front door slam. Michael runs his hands through his hair and starts pacing the room. I on the other hand get up and make my way down the stairs and outside. Ashton is nowhere to be seen, so I make my way slowly down the footpath. I see Ashton just around the corner and I call for him with a worried tone. He has his hands in his hair and he is bent over slightly pacing a bit; I notice he is sweaty as I draw closer.
"Ashton. It's just me," I soothe as he stops and I put my hand on his back. Ashton stands up straighter and lets his hands drop from his face. He turns around with a straight face and I give him a small smile. He rushes and takes my face in his hands and looks me dead in the eyes. I become frightened. He has never done this before and I’m worried of what he might do. My crutches fall on the ground with a loud crash and my eyes widen in fear. I wobble and quickly decide to place my hands on his waist to stable myself. This might have been a bad idea. His hands become pressured on my face and I try to wiggle out of it, but he still kepps them there. He finally notices his tight grip and moves his hands to my shoulders with a lighter touch.
"I'm sorry. I am just a bit mad. I can't believe that management, and even my own bandmates, think that I am not as good enough. I've always had insecurities, and I didn't know this is what they meant by 'letting me have time off'. I guess they just saw it as a better way to break the news to me. 'Yeah, just go off and spend time with your girlfriend. We don't really need you here,'" he mocks them and sighs. I could try to comfort him, but I really want to question him calling me his girlfriend. I consider his previous actions and finally decide what to say.
"Well like you know, a friend who is a girl. I-I mean w-we are friends r-right?"
"Of course. Best friends in fact," I set my head down on his chest and smile. My head fits perfectly under his chin and I smiles at the thought.
"Good. Do you think I'm good enough? Singing wise?"
"Sing for me," Payson smiles and Ashton begins to hum a familiar tune.

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
When sooner or later it's over
I just don't wanna miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am...

"Gorgeous," I pull back, not even realizing we had started swaying there.
"Really," he asked, his eyes filled with hope and trust. I hold on to my answer for a while because I like how vulnerable he is and how he hung onto every word I was saying and about to say.
"Absoluetly, muffin," I smile and Ashton loosens his grip, about to let me go, as I start tipping onto my broken foot. I latch myself onto him in a quick second and he pulls me in tight, never allowing me to fall.
"You alright," he asks.
"I'm perfect," I smile and he pulls me in a bit closer. My hands tighten around his waist and his hands slowly move to my face. This time, he touched me like I am a piece of fragile china that would break at the slightest amount of pressure. He leans his head in and presses his forehead against mine.
I close my eyes and start to feel guilty, so I whisper, "We should probably go back inside."
"Right," he slides back and he reaches the crutches just lying on the ground without letting my hand go. I situate myself and follow him back to the house. Inside, Calum and Michael are fooling around with breakfast and Michael stops abruptly at the sight of Ashton in the room again.
"I never meant it like that, you know. And I'm sure neither did management," Mikey explains, patting Ashton on the shoulder.
"Yeah. It's all good," he smiles yet again and joins Calum on the sofa. Luke comes down the stairs and joins the party before Michael and Calum leave for the studio.


Hey! (Is it hi or hey?) I highly doubt any of you will read this but I just wanted to let you know that I do have a Twitter [@MyStoryOnLife] and an ask.fm [@livesbywords] ! So please, please, please check that out and interact with me!! I'd love to hear your thoughts on how the story is going and where you want it to go. Thanks if you read this and if I can get 10 Twitter followers by Staurday, I will post the chapter then! Ok, bai !!

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