Satellite Heart (Embry Call F...

By HayHalsey

152K 2.9K 414

When Lamia Sinclair dreamed of what she wanted to be when she grew up, it never involved slavery. At the age... More

Satellite Heart (Embry Call Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 2

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By HayHalsey I decided t oupload the next chapter. Let me know what you all think!! Feedback is much appreciated :)


        The barracks for the humans in the Volturi lair were impossibly small and smelt dirty and metallic. It was located at the farthest end of the whole lair where we wouldn’t disturb or “tempt” the vampires living here. It was the only place here that wasn’t scrubbed down on a daily basis. The other solitary place that could almost compete in unsanitary conditions is the torture chambers where servants would get punished. It was cleaned every three days depending on the amount of torturing that has taken place. The barrack’s walls were made of the same stone as the rest of the rooms belonging to the Volturi except dirt was visible on them. The floors were almost black compared to the beige color they appeared when it was cleaned spotlessly.

        Servants were given no shoes except when taken out of the lair which isn’t very often. There were no windows considering we were underneath the city and only small lamps illuminated the room enough to see where to walk. The walls were lined with beds for all the servants. There was barely enough room between each bed to walk. Only a pillow and thin sheets covered the beds making sleeping unimaginable during the winter when the stone walls held no heat. About twenty servants all occupied the one room which meant practically no privacy or space but who needs privacy as a servant? We are all in the same position and are never given anything worth having privacy for. If this was an actual home, we would have all been picked up long ago by child services and sent to better homes but we were stuck here. If the vampires didn’t kill us first, some disease probably would.

         I had the bed closest to the door which was always guarded by at least one Volturi guard. I sat with my back against the wall while I was on my bed. My knees were curled up to my chest with my arms around them and I rested my chin on them. The other servants never approached me. On the rare occasion that one was brave enough or new to servant hood, I would tell them to go away in not so nice of words. I didn’t really mind being by myself because I knew they’d be gone in a month or two once the Volturi grew tired of them or just hungry.

        As I looked around the room, the other servants had gathered in small groups and were spread out throughout the room, not that they could go far. I could vaguely hear the chatter of the different groups. One group of all girls were talking about the ‘hotness’ of some of the vampires and werewolves with the Cullens. That had been over a month ago, yet here they were talking about them still. It was rather amusing that people could be thrown into the direst of circumstances and they manage to still converse about material things. Did they not understand the position they were in? Perhaps they haven’t been here long enough for it to actually sink in that they weren’t leaving, to see what was inevitable for all of them. I knew. I had seen thousands of human like them pass through here. It would only be a short amount of time before they too were replaced. When that time comes, it won’t matter which boy was cuter. I turn my attention to the group closest to me. It was made up of the most recent recruits.

        “We’ll have to try to escape during the day since they don’t go out into the sun because it’d expose them,” one human boy that I hadn’t bothered to learn the name of whispered to the group. I snorted loudly at the idea of actually trying to escape. My outburst caused the group to look at me and the rest of the chatter in the room to cease. “What,” the same boy asked slightly annoyed.

        “Are you really that stupid?” I inquire looking him straight in the eye. He shrunk back from me. He knew not to mess with me.

        “It could work,” a girl beside him said confidently. I stood swiftly and approached the group who looked at me with wide, scared eyes.

        “For it to work, you’d first have to get past the guard standing outside the door to this room. If by some miracle he doesn’t kill you, then perhaps one of the other hundred or so vampires that dwell here will have a turn at killing you before you could even think of getting down the hall let alone to the city,” I stated, arms crossed staring down at them. They were turning white the longer I spoke but I was on a roll so I wasn’t stopping. “You’d have to know the maze of hallways like the back of your hand to even maneuver to the exit. A second of hesitation and it’s over. Now, just because you whisper doesn’t mean they can’t hear you. Hell, if I heard you a couple feet away, the whole place probably did,” I say throwing my hands up before walking back over to my bed where I laid down and stared at the ceiling. “Just be lucky if you make it here another week,” I finish bitterly. I could hear some sniffles from the others as they realized what I was saying. They were going to die. It was unpreventable and had probably already been determined. I might have been harsh but they needed to know. Being ignorant to the fact didn’t mean it wasn’t going to happen.

        “If they kill all the human servants eventually, then why haven’t they killed you?” a girl, who had previously been talking about how cute one of the Cullen boys were, asked sadly.

        “I don’t know,” I replied in a tight voice and it was the truth. I had no idea as to why the Volturi kept me around. Truthfully, I probably made life difficult. I always gave them a hard time about doing my duties then they’d have to punish me. Why would they put up with me? I had asked Jane one time when we were in a fight. I had yelled at her to just kill me but she said she couldn’t and wouldn’t elaborate. I didn’t think I was anything special but obviously there was something about me that Aro and the others saw that I didn’t. Whatever the reason, I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to be here and didn’t want to be turned into one of them, so why keep me around?

         The sound of the door opening caused everyone to quiet down. Jane entered gracefully, followed by her brother Alec. All the servants stood at attention at the end of their beds like we were supposed to do but I remained looking at the ceiling on my bed. I heard Jane and Alec’s footsteps come to a halt at the end of my bed. “Aro would like to speak with you,” Alec said calmly. I tilted my head up and looked at both of them. Alec looked just as calm as his voice insinuated but Jane looked like she was trying to hide her anger.

        “What for?” I asked. Jane’s eyes turned to a glare at me and I smirked in response. It never failed to make me feel the tiniest bit better in this hell hole when I could get under Jane's skin. I could only take my disobedience so far. I'm still just a servant after all.

        “Just come before I force you,” she hissed. I could feel the tingle of her power starting to take effect on my body. She was just using it enough to make me feel an uncomfortable pain, not her usually crippling wrath. I stood up and followed them out of the room. Alec was in front of me while Jane brought up the rear.

        We turned and twisted down several hallways. The walls became nicer and cleaner as we walked. Tapestries hang at spots along the walls. Each door we passed was increasingly more ornate and bigger in size. The floor changed from the beige tiling like the servants barrack to a sparkling white marble. All the decorations and spotlessness let me know we were getting closer to the throne room where the leaders held either important meetings or sentencing for punishment. I spotted the two familiar huge wooden doors ahead and knew we had arrived. I had only been in the throne room a handful of times including the first time I met Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Alec stopped and knocked solidly on one of the doors before pushing it open. I quickly moved through the door and stopped in front of the three thrones where the leaders sat.

        Once we entered, all eyes turned to us. Throughout the room were some of the top vampires along with the wives of the leaders. I could tell the difference in the ranks of vampire in the room from the quality of clothing they were wearing. The wives were wearing full-length gowns and dazzling jewels as accessories. The others were wearing the exactly what Alec and Jane were. They were dressed mainly in all black and some wore long cloaks. Aro, Caius, and Marcus stopped their conversation with another vampire who I had come to known was named Demetri and ordered him away. Alec and Jane soon came to stand on either side of me as Aro stood up.

        “Ah Lamia, how lovely to see you again,” Aro exclaimed coming to stand a few feet away from me. He had a smile on his face that seemed somewhat kind yet there was a darkness and something sinister about it.

        “Likewise,” I respond and slightly bow my head. I had to be on my best behavior around him and the others or my punishment is immensely worse.

        “We have a proposition for you. Think of it as a job of sorts,” Aro stated. I look up at him. His eyes held a glint of excitement which made the hair on my neck stand up.

        “A job?” I question unsure of what he meant. He could just tell me to go clean a hall. Why is he making that a big deal?

        “Yes child. We have been discussing our visit to the Cullens a month ago. It seems that they could become a significant threat to us if gone unchecked,” Aro said gesturing to Caius and Marcus who both looked bored. Caius has always not liked me. He thinks I should have been replaced long ago but Aro wouldn’t listen to him. Marcus could care less either way. He really didn’t say that much or at least I haven’t heard him. It was funny what you hear through the grapevine of guards and servants.

        “So what do you want me to do?” I asked still confused as to why I’m here. I couldn't help but shake the feeling that this so called "job" would change a lot in my life. Good or bad I was not sure.

        “We want someone to keep an eye on them and the shape-shifters they associate themselves with. You’ll be sent to live in Forks to monitor them. Blend in and learn their weaknesses,” Aro stated shuffling around the room obviously excited about the plan.

         “Why me?” I ask looking at the several vampires present. I was human and had no special gift. It seems that a vampire would be better equipped to watch over the Cullens and the shape-shifters.

        “We need someone human to do this job. If we sent a vampire, the Cullens and shape-shifters would smell them and the plan would be compromised,” Aro said seriously yet his eyes were still playful. I stood there in shock. I was getting to live out of the lair? I would still be controlled by the Volturi but I wasn’t going to be watched every second of every day. I could live on my own and be around normal people.

        “While you are away from our watchful eyes, don’t be careless. Jane will visit after a month or so to see your progress,” Caius exclaimed like he read my mind. I didn’t look at Jane, who still stood beside me, but I could just tell she was smirking.

        “When do I leave and what’s my story?” I question hoping I can leave sooner rather than later. The more time I get to spend away from this place, the better.

        “We have everything taken care of. Once you land in Port Angeles, a car we rented you will be waiting. The driver will take you to the house we got you. There will be a car in the driveway but that’s just supposed to be your pretend parents’ car. You’ll attend the school that both the Cullens and shape-shifters go to in order to keep a closer eye on them,” Aro replied picking up on my mood. School? I haven’t been around or socialized with regular teenagers in years. While I didn’t go to school after being forced to be a servant, the Volturi had an extensive library where I spend most of my leisure time. I was self-taught and pretty smart. Hopefully I read enough to help me blend in at the school I’d be attending.

        “You leave tomorrow. School starts in a couple of days so we want you there and ready to begin,” Marcus said bored. I could tell he and Caius were cautious about sending me. They knew my feelings towards the Volturi in general but I wasn’t a complete imbecile. It’s not like I could outrun or hide from them if I wanted to.

        “I’ll begin packing right away,” I respond bowing my head to the leaders. I didn't want to give away how excited I was in front of everyone. No need for them to be more suspicious of me leaving then they already were.

        “No need, a suitcase with all new clothes to help you blend in will be brought to your room,” Aro exclaimed happily. I thanked him before following Jane and Alec back to the servant corridors. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Not only was I leaving the Volturi lair but I was going to be gone a good amount of time. I almost couldn’t contain myself when I was back in the servants’ room. They all tried to ask what happened but I told them to mind their own business.

        Shortly after returning, a huge suitcase was brought in and laid at the end of my bed. Inside were the new clothes Aro promised and a list of things I’ll have in the house I’d be staying at. In the years I had been here, I had never been in such a good mood. Perhaps this was my chance to escape from my hellish life here or at least have a vacation from it. The only problem is what happens when I have to come back and I don’t want to?

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