
By IrelandNicole

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Chapter 1 ~Pilot~
Chapter 2 ~Stronger Together~
Chapter 3 ~Fight or Flight~
Chapter 4 ~Livewire~
Chapter 5 ~How Does She Do It?~
Chapter 6 ~Red-Faced~
Chapter 7 ~Human for a Day~
Chapter 8 ~Hostile Takeover~
Chapter 9 ~Blood Bonds~
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, & Social Media
Chapter 11 ~Stranger From Another Planet~
Chapter 12 ~Bizarro~
Chapter 13 ~For the Girl Who Has Everything~
Chapter 14 ~Truth, Justice, and the American Way~
Opinions/Input needed
Chapter 15: ~Solitude~
Chapter 16: ~A New Life~
Thank You
Who Would you Rather Meet?

Chapter 10 ~Childish Things~

554 19 2
By IrelandNicole

Ashlee was just finishing unpacking when her phone rang, "Hello-what do you mean Lucy has moved to National City? As in, like, oh. Oh my god." The brunette sat down. She glanced down, "She is training with Hank and I have been given my two weeks to get prepared for working at the DEO.", she sighed, "I know, but I needed a change. I couldn't be Cat Grant's assistant forever. I promise it isn't just because of m-him." She smiled, "Tell Lois I say Hi. Alright, bye." She hung up and sat down, turning on the tv. "The criminal known as 'Toyman' to his fellow inmates escaped from the Van Krull Maximum Security Prison this morning. Toyman got his name-", Ashlee stood up and quickly changed, "Winn.", and ran out.

Ashlee ran into the room with a glare, "No, he wouldn't even know where to look." Ashlee slammed her purse down and planted her hands firmly on the table, "This questioning is over, now. Leave." A tone no one had ever heard from the girl made itself known and a glare that could kill was on her face, "His father hasn't contacted him, his father hasn't attempted to contact him. He doesn't know who his father would contact. Based on the dead bodies, his father hates people." The FBI Agent looked at the brunette, "As his son, he must-", Ashlee's voice snapped scaring Kara and the lady, "Finish that statement and I'll have your badge for false allegations." She grabbed her purse and Winn's wrist, leaving the room with a slam of the door. The two stood outside on the balcony and Winn sighed, Ashlee tilted her head and licked her lips, "What did he send you?" He sighed again, "He wasn't always like this. He was a good dad, he was normal. We would go to his workshop and tinker, build a toy." Ashlee placed her hand on his, "Winn-", Winn looked at their hands and then at her, "His boss stole his toy designs and got rich off of them. He didn't say anything, he didn't stand up for himself. He put a bomb in a teddy bear. Then he sent one to his boss, but his assistant opened the package. It killed her and five other people." Winn looked at her and send a small smile, he could she the pain in her eyes from the breakup, but the worry for her friend was covering it well. "I found this on my desk this morning.", Ashlee x-rayed the toy, relieved there wasn't a bomb. "Son, come meet me at our favorite place. I'll be waiting for you." Ashlee shook her head, "I can't let you go. I can go, he can't hurt me." She hugged Winn, "I will leave an Agent here in case your father shows up." Ashlee glared, "I have already made a call for protection. I have to go report to my commanding officer." She rushed off and changed into her Haven suit, quickly flying the balcony and landing. The FBI Agent's eyes widened, "What's the plan?", Ashlee wore a smirk and Winn softly smiled.

Ashlee stood on a building roof by the harbor, "It still smells like fish.", she laughed lightly and pressed her ear comm, "Come on Winn, it can't be that bad." He glanced in her direction with a smile and she smiled. He could see it but he knew, she was trying to distract him from the fear. Winn walked into the arcade and her heart was pounding. Ashlee was getting anxious and Kara whispered, "Don't do anything stupid." Ashlee rolled her eyes, "I'm Haven and I am scared to death for our friend alright. Pardon me for my twitchy state." She closed her eyes and focused on the arcade, "I love you. Do you love me?", she heard footsteps, "Dad?" She gulped, "Something isn't right." She stood still. "God, look at you." She went to take off, "Dad, you need to turn yourself in.", the older man answered, "I broke out of prison for you, for us. I'm sorry I was gone so long." She flew off and hovered over the arcade ready to bust in, "You need a doctor, okay? You need help." She farrowed her eyebrows, "My son. My good boy. My greatest work." Winn scoffed and Ashlee had to keep her self from flying in and knocking the older man out, "I thought this was your greatest work." Ashlee saw the FBI moving in and she listened, "I was not okay, I watched my dad get dragged off to prison when I was 11 for murder. How okay could I be after that, dad?" She sighed, "Weapons free!", she busted in and shielded his dad only to see glass falling. "I told you to come alone. Now run.", Ashlee tilted her head, "Run." Gas started filling the air and Ashlee quickly slapped her hand over Winn's mouth and nose before sucking in the gas. She looked Winn and sent him a nod before flying away and releasing the gas into the Ozone. She heard the FBI agent grilling Winn and she quickly landed and changed before storming in, "Together we can do anything." Ashlee glared, "The guy is crazy. I've already told you, Winn knows nothing. Keep this up and I will get you for harassment as well." It was a snarl and she stood by Winn, tall and proud. The Agent walked off and Ashlee coughed, "Are you okay?", she nodded, "Are you?", a man walked by, "They're going to kill him." Ashlee looked at him, "Winn, I swear I will do everything to prevent that." He looked at her, "I can't ask you to do that." She sent a small smile, "But I am going to because you are my friend Winn. Think of all the things you've done to help Kara and me. Without you we would be in the dust, Kara would have a crap suit, and Cat wouldn't be your boss. Winn you don't see it, but we need you. I need you. When everything happened between Max and I, it wasn't Kara or James that came to my side, it was you. I believe when your dad says he misses you, because if you weren't in my life. I would be lost too, and heartbroken." He smiled at her, "Please, just let me help you." He smiled, and her phone binged and her heart stopped, "Ash?", she shook her head, "It's alright. Let's go to my new house." He looked at her phone reading the text, "Looks like Max has moved on pretty quick.", attached was a photo of Max Lord on a date with Alex. She walked away with a sigh.

Ashlee sat in her kitchen with coffee and glanced at the whiskey. She really didn't need to drink right now. "Ash, come here." She rushed into the living room and sat by Winn, "Is that a Y? What does it mean?", he looked at her, "It's a slingshot. Slingschott Toys was the company my dad created. It went bankrupt but the old factory is still standing." She lightly bit her lip, "Do you think-", he nodded and she stood up before placing a kiss on his forehead, "I promise, everything will be okay." She changed and flew off with a boom. She landed in front of the factory and broke the weld with her heat vision. She walked in and listened for anything. "Mr. Schott? I am a friend of your Son's." She heard a clicking, a doll dressed as her, well Haven, rolled out. She gulped, "I know how much you love your son. I love him too. Think about what's best for him." The older Schott stood on a giant letter cube, "That's all I think about.", she glared but used her xray vision to see the quick sand. "Mr. Schott, you have the chance to make it up to your son.", he chuckled, "I am making it up to him. That is why I am here." Ashlee heard knocking, "Help! Is somebody out there?", Ashlee closed her eyed and listened trying to find the third heartbeat. "It is so easy to lure a child when you offer them a toy." Ashlee looked at him, "You kill a child, Winn will never forgive you. Why are you doing this?", the voice spoke again. "Please, I'm scared. It's dark in here." The child was still crying, "Save the Kid, or send me away." Ashlee still couldn't find the heartbeat so she was freaking out. She flew up and caught the box as it fell, Schott walking away. She opened the box to see a Haven doll. She glared, "Nothing is going my way today is it?" She flew back to her house.

"I never should have let you go in there. If he would have-", she smiled at her friend, "Winn, I am fine." He was playing with his phone, so she grabbed it. "They will kill him.", he looked at her, "Let them. The world would be better off for it." Ashlee looked at him, "You don't want that on your conscience, Winn. I'll find him and put him back in prison." Winn turned, "What's the point, huh? There is something rotten inside of him, something that can't be helped." Ashlee glanced at him, "You said it yourself Winn. He is sick. One day he was normal, the next he-", she paused and walked toward him. "No, it can't be like that.", she frowned, "Sometimes that is just the way it happens Winn." He looked at her, "What is going to stop it from happening to me?", he held tears in his eyes and Ashlee's eyes glazed over, "Huh?" The two sat on her couch, "We were inseparable. We looked the same, we talked the same. We were good at the same things. Now he says we are linked. What if he is right?" Ashlee grabbed his hand, "He isn't." She just looked at him and held his hand, "His genes are just ticking time bombs, waiting to go off inside of me. Turn me into him." Ashlee shook her head, "That isn't going to happen. You're a good person." Winn looked at her, "That's what people said about him." Ashlee licked her lips and looked down. "And then he cracked."She looked up at him and into his green eyes, "Now everytime I start to get angry, I think 'Could this be it? Could this be the day that I lose everything?" Ashlee gulped and looked at him, "Our lives changed in a single moment Winn. But I promise, you will not turn into your father. I can see it. It's your eyes that tell me you won't." She glanced down before looking back up, "Your father changed after his world was changed. He gave into the hate. When your world changed you didn't. We both lost our worlds, and our lives show it. We are giving back as best as we can." She glanced down at their hands, "You and your father aren't the only ones that are linked. We are too. And no one is going to mess with that, ever." Winn leant into her and her eyes searched his before his lips met hers. She didn't pull away and his free hand held her face while hers rest on his shoulder. He pulled away and her eyes opened searching his, the next words leaving his lips, "I'm so so-", she closed her eyes, "There is nothing to be sorry for." She looked into his eyes and soon their lips met again, with a fever behind them. Winn moved closet and Ashlee laid on the couch, she removed Winn's tie and unbuttoned his shirt.

Ashlee woke up the next morning alone, she sighed. "Idiot.", she stood up and noticed his clothes were gone, so she picked her clothes up and took a quick shower. She was drying off when her phone rang, "Kara, hey. What?" She paced back and forth, "What do you mean Winn is missing? He stayed the night with me and when I woke up this morning to make breakfast he was gone. I figured he went to work." She froze, "The convention." She quickly got dressed into her Haven suit and flew to the convention. Winn seen her, "Ash, he planted ten bombs in here." She froze and started using her x-ray vision to find the toy. She froze, "He is in the basement." She flew into the air, "Move! Get behind me! Now!", the people agreed and Ashlee heated the sprinkler system with her hest vision and then froze the water to make an ice wall. The bombs went off and Ashlee was knocked back into Winn. He was holding her and the two stood, she flew off and caught Schott has he was running. Ashlee walked into Catco, saying hi to everyone and smiling at James and Lucy. She walked over to Winn, "Kara is hosting a movie night and thai food tonight. Do you want in? I will probably order a pizza." He looked at her, "I'm not hungry, I have a lot of work to do." She nodded but frowned, "You're playing videogames. Your dad is in prison and we can go back to normal-", he looked, "That shouldn't have happened Ashlee." She nodded, "Right. Um, it's happening at Kara's. I might just turn in." She walked off and Winn hurried after her, "I didn't mean it like that.", she turned with tears in her eyes, "Then how did you mean it Winn? You regret it, Max just used me. Am I that bad? Is everyone better than me? I-", she glanced down as tears fell, "It didn't matter to you and you regret it so I'll just forget it. I need to go. You should go to Kara's and talk to her. " She ran into the elevator and cried. When she got home, she trashed her house before she collapsed and cried. Would she never be good enough for anyone?

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