It Doesn't Matter, You Still...

By NiallsPrincess326

74.6K 1.9K 147

I looked down at my stomach. A small bump was beginning to form, only if he knew. "Please don't go." I ple... More

It Doesn't Matter, You Still Left
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Part Two~11
Chapeter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 8

3.4K 92 5
By NiallsPrincess326

Read authors note at bottom!!



Niall- Please just for coffee at Starbucks, nothing else.

Why is he so persistent? Niall has been texting me for over an hour begging me to go to Starbucks with him tomorrow-Saturday-and I don't have any plans but I really don't want to go.

But then I thought, maybe if I do go I'll tell him, or start hanging out with him more and build up the courage to tell him. Either way, he's going to have to find out and I have no clue how he'll feel but it's worth a try, right?

I took a deep breath then began typing a response.

Me-Just coffee Niall, tomorrow, pick a time and I'll meet you there.

Wait, I totally forgot about Paisley, won't he get suspicious if she's always with me? I mean they look exactly alike it's not that hard to figure out, the blond hair, blue eyes, nose, the things she does, her obvious.

My phone buzzed immediately after I sent the message...

Niall-Great! I'll pick you up if you want? And 12 in the afternoon?

Me-Ok, but no I'll drive myself. See you tomorrow.

I quickly decided to call Ella and tell her after I finished my conversation with Niall, she loves hearing about peoples 'love' life, if you want to call it that. I scrolled through my contacts until I found her name, I pressed call and held my phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" She answered warily since I barely ever call her, we usually text.

"Hey." I said more cheerfully then I wanted to be

"W-what's up?" She questioned, still wary

"So Niall texted me today.." I trailed off

"What? Really? Details please." Didn't I tell you?

"Well he asked me to go for a coffee date with him." I began

"And you said?" she waited for my to start again

"No." I started again but got cut off

"You didn't." She was shocked

"Let me finish." I huffed "I said no, at first, and then he tried talking me into it for about an hour before I gave in and said yes. Now I'm going to Starbucks with him at twelve tomorrow."

"Yay! Miall is back together." She cheered

"Miall?" I questioned trying to stay serious

"Ya, it's the ship name I made for you two love birds." She giggled and I could tell she was smiling ear to ear, I just hoped she couldn't tell how wide my smile was

"Oh my, and sorry if you got your hopes up love, but we aren't dating."

"Yet!" She snapped

"Whatever." I mumbled, still trying not to laugh

"I would come help you get ready tomorrow but I'll be working." She sighed "Oh wait! I'll get to be there during your date."

"It's not a date." I corrected

"Whatever you say hon. I have to go, see you tomorrow." I shook my head replying with a 'bye' then I hung up and called the next person who needed to no, if he didn't already.

The phone rang twice before he picked up. "You're going on a date with Niall." He shouted in a sing song voice before even saying hello

"It's not a date." I corrected, once again

"Whatever you say love." Deju vu much? "Need a babysitter?"

"Only if you want to babysit." I said

"Of course, I'd be helping out my mate and you. It'll make tomorrow less stressful." He still had a little sing song going on in his voice

"If possible and thanks."

"Why? Are you planning on telling him?" He questioned

"Not exactly planning, but some things aren't meant to be planned, I guess I'll know when it's time." I shrugged

"I hope that times soon."


I was about to add onto my sentence when Louis changed his tone of voice and began talking.

"Ok mum, love you too, talk to you tomorrow bye." He hung up to quickly for me to say anything. I just guessed Niall had walked in the room, it wouldn't be the first time it's happen.

I just can't wait until this is all over and back to the way it used to be, hopefully. As long as Niall...why do you keep thinking so negatively, Martha?

I shook my head and got up walking into the kitchen, there I found Paisley walking around in her walker opening all the cupboards in her reach. I laughed and closed them all trying to keep a serious face when I told her not to do that although it's partially my fault because I wasn't watching her.

"Nack?" She asked

"Ok." I smiled and reached into a cupboard grabbing a baby cookie and handing it to her. She shoved it in her mouth making a huge mess.

"Messy girl." I laughed wiping her up, I picked her up and carried her into the bathroom upstairs. "Bath time!" I sat her on the bathroom floor and closed the door so she coukdn't get out.

I got out her bath toys and started the water at a good temperature. Once it was filled about halfway I took her clothes off and plopped her in. I cleaned her up and brushed through her short brown hair putting little pigtails in. I changed her into a cute little onsey and baby jeans with little pink socks. When she was all dressed I got her into her sweat shirt then carried her outside putting her in her car seat, I was already dressed and showered so I just ran back in the house to grab my phone and diaper bag, which I forgot, I'm kind of day dreamy today.

"Where going?" I looked in the mirror and saw her lift her shoulders.

I laughed then fixed the mirror back on the road, "We're going out to get lunch."

"Yum." She giggled

"Figured you'd say that." I said quietly "Moosic?"

I looked down at the radio and turned on the music, of course What Makes You Beautiful was on so I quickly changed it.

"Back!" Paisley demanded

I sighed and put the radio onto the previous channel. Paisley was kicking her feet and nodding her head, jamming out in the back seat. I laughed and turned my sight back to the road, before I knew it I started singing along, every word flew out of my mouth. It's a really catchy song and I could spot Niall's voice right away every time. I miss watching him sing around the house or hold me and just whisper lyrics in my ear....I miss him.

"We're here." I turned off the music when I pulled into the parking lot. Once I found a space I pulled the key out and walked to the back of the car grabbing Paisley, the diaper bag, and sliding my phone into my pocket.

I carried her into the little dinner that was very much empty except for a couple elders at the stools drinking coffee.

"Hi, just you two?" The host greeted me

"Yes, can I have a high chair please?" She nodded and I followed her to my table, it was against the same wall of the few men that were there but a few tables away.

I slid into the booth and buckled Paise in her high chair giving her a sippy cup.

"Your waitress will be with you shortly." The host smiled dropping down the menu and walking away

I looked through the menu real quick and the waitress came soon. "Hi I'm Kate, I'll be you waitress today, what can I get you?"

"I'll have orange juice with an omelet meal." She smiled writing everything down then took my menu and walked away.

I was just looking around when I caught the three guys glancing at me every once in a while and that's when I realized something weird. They had black hoodies and pants on with sun glasses. Wouldn't one of the workers have told them they needed to take it off? I shifted in my seat uncomfortably then looked at Paisley who was sucking down her juice.

"Mumma." Paisley shouted when I realized I had turned my attention back to their table.

"Sorry, what's wrong baby?" I asked

"Hungwy." She mumbled

"The foods going to be out... oh here it comes." Paisley whipped her head around to see if it was really coming then faced me and smiled ear to ear

"Here you go." The waitress said placing my food and drink in front of me

"Thanks." I smiled at her and she nodded then walked over to the men, when they started talking to her they were really quiet I could barely hear them but I swear they sounded familiar.

The waitress left them and all three of them stood up and began walking towards me. Their table had already been cleared so I figured they were heading towards the exit, but nope they walked right up to my table standing across from me.

Paisley looked from them to me and then covered her eyes. I looked up at then with a slightly frightened face.

"Your Martha! I remember you." the voice was definitely familiar, it was a deep thick British accent..believed to be harry.

"Um, who are you?" I asked hesitantly

All three of them smiled and took off their hoods sliding there sunglasses off and into there pockets. I smile realizing it was Harry, Liam, and Zayn. They're were the lads in One Direction who picked up Niall from my house a few weeks ago.

"Sorry if we scared you, love." Zayn smiled apologetically

"It fine." I mumbled

"We can't really leave with out disguising ourselves unless we want to get mobbed by fans." Liam stated with a million dollar smile

"Understanable." I nodded

"Hungwy mumma." Paisley chimed in and out heads whipped around towards her

My face turned so red and I was just thinking that this could be the end, Niall's going to find out I have a kid wether her thinks it's his or not. the lads looked from me to Paisley and back at me.

"Didn't you date Niall just as few years ago?" Harry asked

"Y-ya" I gulped squeezing my eyes shut for a quick second

"And you have a kid, already? what is she, like o-" Harry went on before Liam cut him off

"Harry, stop!" Liam snapped

My eyes were wide, I looked directly at Harry speaking to him. "Ya, she's mine." I sighed then looked at all of them "But promise not to tell niall."

"Why can't we tell Niall?" Harry asked in a tattle-tailing voice

The boys eyes stared straight into my soul waiting for answer.
"Please, can I trust you lads?" I pleaded with helpless eyes

"Of course love." Zayn smiled and I caught Liam trying to give Harry a warning glance

"W-well, she's Niall's kid too. but he doesn't know." My face heated up and the boys mouths dropped to the ground and all color drained out of them.

"He has a kid?" Liam asked astonished

"And doesn't know?" Harry shook his curls

"Oh my.... modest!" Zayn's eyes widened and when he said modest I thought they were all going to die

"Please, you can't tell him. Don't even tell him you saw me." I begged, my eyes starting to water but I hoped it was unnoticeable.

"We won't but you have to, soon." I nodded at Liam's statement

"I will, Niall and I are going out for coffee tomorrow, I don't know if I'll tell him then but I'll tell him soon." they nodded

"Well we have a meeting and better get going." Liam smiled and I nodded

They cooed at Paisley for a little bit, telling me how cute she is, and then gave me a hug and left.

Honestly after that I couldn't even eat, I fed Paisley half the omelet and got the rest to go.

Ugh, I hope I can trust the three of them. I mean I barely no them, only with my luck I would've seen them here. Out of all the places celebrities can eat at they choose a small dinner in no where! I mean what are the chances.

Right now curling up in a ball and crying my problems into a pillow like a thirteen year old girl sounds like the best option.

Sorry! I haven't updated in toooooo long

So what do you think now that 4/5 of 1D know, except for the person who should know the most?

So comment your opinion and if you have any ideas please hit me up in the inbox or comment, I see all reads and comments....

No dedication sorry

Next updat:Tuesday

If I get five or more comments and over seven votes on this chapter I'll update early!!!!!

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