Instagram J.G

By mendes01_

28.7K 490 155

"Jack Gilinsky has requested to follow you" What happens when Claire friend Kate , comments on one of Jacks p... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Nine

1.7K 32 3
By mendes01_


Rylee DM me please!! i need to talk to you about your character...

Claire's POV

"That wasn't funny" I glared at Shawn and Jack. i pouted.

"yeah really , like we had the rights to be scared." Rylee pouted , Shawn looked at her then me.

"Lil , please come for a sec" he asked me , i nodded. Getting up walking into my room , waiting for Shawn to close the door. He shut the door and walked to my bed and sat on it.

"What is wrong?" i asked him , he placed his hand on my cheek making me face him.

"i took it to fast." he told me , i knitted my eyebrows.

"what did you take so fast?" i asked him 

"the me liking Rylee thing , she's gorgeous.. but you know i still haven't moved on." he told me , looking into my eyes , i nodded.

"Holly?" i asked him , he nodded. holly is our best friend since middle school, shawn and her had feeling for each other. but never confessed. when shawn had to go on tour , he left without saying goodbye to her , because he didn't want to hurt her nor himself. since then they lost contact and shawn never returned to Pickering. he moved here straight away.

"i miss her.." he told me

"text her , you left her. she was your best friend and is mine.. text her." i told him , grabbing his big soft hand , smiling.

"what do i say , hey Holly I'm sorry i left you without saying goodbye , two years ago.. and i miss you" he said , i nodded.

"yes , say that. Shawn you know Holly well enough , she forgives everyone. you mean a lot to her." i told him , he held my hand and looked at our hands.

"I love her" he trailed off , i lifted his chin with my free hand.

"I'm sure she still likes you too" i said , after i  noted what i said my eyes widened. god i should really stop talking to people about there peoples feeling's.

"Still?" he asked me , i can see a sparkle of hope in his eyes.

"She told me that she liked you , when you left for tour" i told him , he nodded.

"you text her , i'll go fix up the guest room for you , and Rylee can take Kate's for the night." i told him getting up , he nodded and grabbed my hips. he hugged my hips with his head on my chest , i ran my hand in his hair.

"I love you , hun" he muttered.

"i love you too" i told him , i kissed his hair. he pulled away and kissed my cheek.

"go now , ill text her." he told me i nodded. i left the room , and walked into the guest room. i grabbed the blankets , i tried to reach the pillows but i couldn't. who put them up there? kate isn't this tall , and me obviously.. i attempted again but i couldn't.

"JACK?" i yelled. i heard footsteps.

"yeah?" he answered , walking into the room.

"please help me get the pillows down" i asked him , he smiled and nodded.

"Come ill pick you up" he stood with his back facing the closet , i walked up to him. he bent down and wrapped his arms around my hips and butt , then he stood up. i reached for three pillows , i threw them onto the bed , jack put me down and kissed my cheek.

Jack hugged me. 

"well that was random" i giggled , he shook his head.

"i like your hugs , i get to feel you really close to me." he smiled , i nodded.

"well i have to go." i chuckled pulling away , i turned around and jack being a boy he slapped my but. i turned to him and glared at him.

"what?" he smirked , oh no. dirty jack is here.

"stop" i told him , acting angry.

"you know , being angry doesn't help me..." he trailed looking down , i followed his gaze , oh no.

"go to the bathroom , do what boys do" i shrugged , he's my boyfriend but thats hella awkward.. jack shook his head chuckling.

"okay" he smiled , i nodded and walked out of the room.

"Rylee?" i asked looking for her.

"yes?" she answered , from the living room. i walked over to her.

" look Laire" she told me looking into my eyes.

"i don't like Shawn , i do. but not in a relationship type.. i fangirl over him and all but i don't see us together." she told me whispering.

"good." i told her , she gave me a weird look. Shoot. i need to learn how to filter...

" i mean , i don't know.. what shawn said he didn't mean it.. he wasn't sure" i told her , she nodded and smiled.

"iv'e always wanted to be friends with my idol , not in a relationship" she told me , i nodded.

i heard something break.

"OW ,BABE?!" a voice yelled , jack.

"YEAH?" i yelled back , i gave Rylee the one sec finger and she nodded.

"COME HERE!" he yelled , i ran to my room , to see shawn laying on my bed laughing his ass of , i turned to jack and saw that he broke my eyeshadow palette. I glared at Jack , then realised its make up... i don't like make up i shrugged.

"Jack are you okay?" i asked him panicking 

"Wait? you aren't mad?" Shawn asked from behind me , jack was frozen.

"nope he broke something i hate the most. he did me a favour " i shrugged.

"Jack why are you frozen ?" i asked him.

"Babe , theres glass in my foot." he told me , i panicked and ran over to him , but Shawn held my waist.

"You're barefoot , wear something before walking to him" Shawn told my i nodded.

"take your shoes off " i demanded shawn. 

"what ?" he asked me , i looked at him.

he took them off and handed them to me , i put my small feet in them they were huge. i walked over to jack.

"sweet's , hop on the counter." i told him , he smiled.

"sweet's i like it , you never pet named me." he smiled , i nodded.

he hoped on the counter , i clean the broken mirror glass and the powdered eyeshadow. i grabbed some spraying alcohol and twizers and a bandaid then walked over to jack.

"lift you leg up." i told him , he nodded and lifted it up.

i saw the glass resting in his skin , it wasn't in too deep. the top of it was showing. i pulled it out with the twizers , it was huge. 

"jack this might hurt" i told him , grabbing the alcohol. i sprayed it all over the cut , jack only bit on his bottom lip. i put a bandaid on his leg.

"thanks baby" he told me , kissing my forehead.

"you're welcome , now we have to get to bed. you have a show tomorrow " i told him. he nodded.

"Shawn , go to the guest room." i told him , walking out to Rylee. 

"Rylee , ill show you your room for the night." i told her , she nodded walking over to me.

"all i need right now is sleep" she told me , i nodded.

"great , here it is" i told her smiling , she hugged me.

"goodnight" i told her 

"night" she smiled , shawn passed us. he told us good night hugging us.

i walked to my room , to see a shirtless jack on my bed.

"hey" i smiled , he looked at me smiling. i crawled into the bed. jack hugged my waist.

"Goodnight gorgeous" he smiled.

"goodnight , sweet's" i told him. he kissed me cheek.

i thought about the day , and drafted into deep slumber.


i woke up to the bell ringing. i walked out of the bed , and to the door. why did shawn or jack or Rylee wake up.. they're deep sleepers. they can sleep through war.

i opened to reveal a cameron , and kate.

"what?" i asked them grumpily , I'm not a morning person.

"Hello to you too" cam joked pulling me into a hug 

"not the mood cameron." i told him , he smiled. Kate pulled me into a hug.

"Kate , Rylee is in your room" i told her , she nodded.

"we got you breakfast" cameron smiled , raising his hands reviling. a box of donuts.

" i have to brush my teeth and wash my face , be right back." i told them.

i walked into my bathroom , i washed my face and brushed my teeth , i walked out of the bathroom.

"JACK WAKE UP" i yelled into his ear , normal people would wake up but jack didn't.

i jumped on him.

"WAKE UP" i yelled slapping him , his eyes fluttered open.

"what the hell Calire?" he asked in his deep raspy morning voice.

"you wouldn't wake up , by the way wash your teeth and come to breakfast" i told him getting off.

"and wear a shirt" i pointed my finger at him , he smiled and nodded.

i walked to Kates room 

"RYLEE WAKE UP" i yelled at her , she shot up.

"What happened " she yelled.

"nothing " i shrugged walking into shawn's room.

"SHAWN PETER RAUL MENDES" i yelled into his ear , no luck.

i grabbed his cup of water and spilled it on his face.

"WHAT THE FU-" he cut himself of when he noticed me.

"Shawn swear " i smiled. he shook his head getting up , making me look up at him.

"Cam and Kate got breakfast." i told him , he nodded.

"there is left over muffins" i told him , he pushed me out of the way , and ran to the bathroom to brush his teeth. i rolled my eyes and walked back into my room.

"sweet's?" i looked around for jack.

"morning baby" his voice said from behind me , wrapping his arms around my waist.

"morning" i smiled , he kissed my cheek. then i kissed his.

"how's may princess doing?" he asked me

"hungry.. and when does your concert start?" i asked him.

"in 2 hours i have to be in sound check" he told me , turning my around to face him.

"okay , you better hurry." i told him. he nodded.

"lets have breakfast" i yelled. he chuckled , grabbing my hand walking to the kitchen.



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