
By _Jazzabelle_

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I'm really bad at descriptions so just read the book. Its good I swear. More

The Original Sketch
Sorry, No Second Sketches
Guest Speaker
Leona's Past Part 1
Leona's Past Part 2
Friend's Reunited
Relationship Problems
Special Date and Paper Collecting
Stalker Watcher
No New Friends
Without a Trace
Searching For Her
Fur Lease Novel Dot
Christmas Trip
Who Is She
JK I Lied
Christina and Gabriella
Lyd and Mel
Are You Really Found?
Graduation Day
Life Goes On
Baller Problems
Carter and Rae
Single Soul
Back Home
Just why tho? (Issa snitch)
To Escape or Not to Escape
What Matters In Life?

Shading and Blending

35 2 0
By _Jazzabelle_


Christina's POV

     Jimmy was speeding down the highway like his life was on the line. Hell, maybe it was I was trying to keep up with up with him and it was hard as fuck. The closer we got to the destination the houses became bigger and farther apart. Capri must have some real money like these were mansions on steroids. Finally, we stop at a gate and a man comes out walking up to Jimmy's car. After a while he opened the gate and we moved up. I turned my music down as the same guy walked out of the booth and walked to my window. "Your name and I.D. please." He told me and I get my wallet out of my pocket. "Um Christina but she knows me as Chris though," I said giving him my driver's license. He looked at me and then walked back into the booth. "Do you think we are authorized to come in like she got all this fucking protection. I wonder why." Kiara said. "She is a kingpin dumb ass where do you think the money came from. She is the boss of almost all the drug dealers in California. That's a lot of fucking people Ki think now." Lexi said giving her a "should have had a V8" tap on her forehead. Kiara rubs her head as the guard comes back and gives me my I.D. back and I put it back in my pocket. "Ok so I was told to let you in but to tell you that if you try any stupid that you'll be escorted off of the property. You already have someone in the house mad at you as was brought to my attention. So I would say tread lightly." He said referring to the other girl on the phone. "You are to follow the path to the front door and park there. Someone will meet you there and take you to where you need to be." He said and then goes to open the gate. Lexi busted out laughing after I rolled up my window, "You ain't never been here and already got someone mad. Typical Chris." "No ma'am you can't talk. Shall we bring up Ms.Lanila (La-knee-luh) cause I will go there." I said following the path. I heard nothing but Kiara laughing. "Thought so."

     We all get out the car and look at the car. There was Capri, some dude, another stud, and a lady in tan yoga pants and a white t-shirt. "Wow I almost didn't recognize you with your twists down. Always got em in some kinda bun thingy," I say joking she rolls her eyes and flips me off. "Hey, I mean she kinda right you never wear them down like that." The other stud says laughing. She sucks her teeth and motions for the lady to come over to us. "This is Maria she's going to show you where you're going to be until I have time to deal with yall mess. Take them to room 5 and watch out for this one she won't leave your hair alone when she's not prancing around trying to be Misty Copeland and all them other principal dancers for the American Ballet Theater." She said pointing to Kiara. It was true when she wasn't in someone's hair she is normally practicing her dances. Maria nods and motions for us to follow her. Kiara goes first followed by me and then Lexi. She takes us up an elevator to the top floor. There were five rooms up here and we went into the one all the way at the end of the room. There was a large flat screen and a bunch of movies on the wall. "Pick a movie and I'll put it on for you until Ms. Capri is ready for you." She says and Lexi goes over and picks out Paranormal Activity it was a set of all of the movies. We sit down and start to watch the movie. I just can't stop thinking about where is Lee.

Lydia's POV

     Jimmy was here and we were in the living room trying to figure out where Mel was. In my search, I only found out that she was still in California and lived in an expensive condo with no job. At least it wasn't a legal job if she did have one. We were tracing her phone and car yet none could be found. "If she still has the same phone its deactivated, off, or dead. Her laptop was last shown to be at your place as well as her iPod," he said typing away. She must have known that I put trackers in her laptop and iPod in case of events like this. "Scratch that about her phone. Its still working and not dead but its heavily guarded with some sort of security software. She must have know we would be looking for her or someone else. I can try to hack into it and find her location but this is going to be hard." He says eyes focused on the computer screen. "Hey buns and other people who I don't know. What cha doing? Oh hey Jimmy didn't know you would be here." Leona said sitting on the couch. "Wow I feel hurt we had geometry and calculus together and sat next to each other at that and you don't even remember me. I even sat next to you during graduation and we cracked jokes at Hailey when she gave her valedictorian speech cause she had a lisp and it mad her words sound funny." Ray exclaimed and put his hand over his heart. I mean even though I graduated a year later I was there for Pri and Ray since they were graduating. Their valedictorian did have a heavy lisp and talked really funny.

     Leona looked surprised and then her eyes grew big like saucers. "Ray, that can't be you. I didn't even notice you its been so long how have you been?" She asked giving him a hug. "I'm as good as it'll get. But you've changed a lot dyed your hair got a nose piercing and everything. Your gay." He said laughing. She looks at Pri and slaps her arm, "Last time I tell you anything out here telling all my business." We all laugh except Jimmy who is still trying to hack Mel's security system. "But who is this since this is a high school reunion," she said referring to me. "Wait how did you know you we all went to the same high school?" I said. "Well Ray and I were friends to an extent and I would see him after school but never really talk to him because I would be talking to my other friends. He would always hang out with these two girls and you guys strongly resemble the two girls he would hang out with. Granted Capri had darker brown twists and you didn't have faux dreads so I just put two and two together. So, let's try again who is this." She explains and Pri starts to introduce me but I can cut her off. "I can introduce myself thank you. I'm only a year younger I can handle myself thanks. But I'm Lydia. Capri's younger sister nice to meet you." I say with the biggest grin on my face. "I DID IT AYE BOSS UP NIGGA!" Jimmy yelled jumping up and down.

     I get my things and head to the address that Jimmy gave me with Ray leaving Capri at her house to deal with her friends or whoever. We arrive at the condo and I stop the car and just sit there. "What are you waiting for? We didn't drive all the way out here for you to punk out last minute." Ray said and I looked at him. "What if she doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if that's why she left? What if she's moved on? What if-" he cuts me off. "Mother fucker if you say 'What if' one more god damn time I swear. It's been a month. She hasn't forgotten you and from how close you were I would doubt she's lost all feelings for you. Just go in and talk to her. The worst she can do is say she never wants to see you again." I put my face in my hands and sigh. He's right the worst she can do is say she never wants to see me again. I get out the car and walk around to where the door was. I contemplate on if I should ring the doorbell or not. Then I remembered Ray was in the car and pressed the doorbell. After a while I rang again and there was no answer still. I rang a third time and then decided to leave. As I turn to walk back to the car I bump into a person carrying a ton of big brown paper grocery bags knocking everything over and out of their hands. "Oh my god I'm so sorry here let me help you," I say grabbing the mangoes and a bag of grapes. Those were her favorite fruits and she would eat them all day. I then grab a package of chicken breast and ground beef and place it in the bag. Finally I grab a package of mint Oreos. Those were her favorite cookies of all time. I pick up the bag and stand up. "Here I'll carry these for you since you seem to have your hands full." I say as she picks up the bag and I couldn't really see her face because her hair was in in her face. It was a honey blondish color and was really curly. She flips her hair out of her face and I could see her face clearly. I drop the bag and feel my jaw drop all the way down to the ground. I can't believe its really her. "Lydia?" she asks as if it's a question and drops her bag as well. "Melissa?"

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495 12 7
If you thought you were going to get a description, you were wrong. Don't read this shit, it's kinda trash. But if you want to, I won't stop you.
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I'm bad with descriptions so read to find out ;) lol.
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tbh just read .. I think this one of my best books fr.
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