The Blood of Olympus - A Perc...

Galing kay driftingskies

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Featured in the official Wattpad @Fanfic Percy Jackson reading list! *ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN... Higit pa

The Blood of Olympus [Fanfiction]
Chapter 1: All Aboard!
Chapter 2: Meeting A New Friend
Chapter 3: Mice On The Argo II
Chapter 4: Too Dumb For A Demigod
Chapter 5: Just Keep Swimming
Chapter 6: Human Fish Sticks
Chapter 7: The Stolen Cereal
Chapter 8: Annabeth's New Room
Chapter 9: Fast Food Cravings
Chapter 10: What Happened to Frank?
Chapter 11: Here Come The Puns
Chapter 12: Doubts of Demigods
Chapter 13: Wishing For Home
Chapter 14: The Horse Man Brings A Message
Chapter 16: Frank The Huge Elephant
Chapter 17: The Monster [AKA, My Future Mother In Law]
Chapter 18: Frottling To Camp
Chapter 19: When Romans Attack
Chapter 20: Meeting Enchiladas
Chapter 21: Poseidon and Apollo Become Girls
Chapter 22: Fake Frank is Furious
Chapter 23: Bad Songs by Rebecca Black
Chapter 24: Gorgeous People Invade
Chapter 25: Questions and No Answers
Chapter 26: Meeting Death
Chapter 27: Too Much Fighting, Too Little Time
Chapter 28: Jason's Ego Goes Down the Toilet
Chapter 29: Feeling Stinky and Free (Like Garbage is Raining On Me)
Chapter 30: Free Fallin'
Chapter 31: Tricky Situations
Chapter 32: Hassle in the Castle
Chapter 33: Flame Off
Chapter 34: Fighting To Lose
Chapter 35: Army of Angry Tuna
Chapter 36: Fireworks Keep The Monsters Away
Chapter 37: My Little Soldier
Chapter 38: The Power of Minty Freshness
Chapter 39: Scooby Doo Clues
Chapter 40: Napping on the Job
Chapter 41: You're Running Out Of Time
Chapter 42: Cold Coffee
Chapter 43: Demeter's Revenge...?
Chapter 44: REALLY Terrible Ideas
Chapter 45: Do the Worm!
Chapter 46: The Too Round Rock
Chapter 47: A Budding Bromance
Chapter 48: You're Not Alone
Chapter 49: False Accusations
Chapter 50: Strange Alliances
Chapter 51: Leo Almost Drowns [Not Really]
Chapter 52: The Office
Chapter 53: Soda Bombs
Chapter 54: The Talking Owl
Chapter 55: The Desolation of Smaug
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: The Truth Revealed
Chapter 58: Safety First
Chapter 59: The News
Chapter 60: The Rising
Chapter 61: An Old Face
Chapter 62: Together

Chapter 15: The Breath Mints Save The Day

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Galing kay driftingskies


            Annabeth came rushing in only a couple seconds after Leo's call of distress. Leo could only imagine what was running through her mind when she saw her boyfriend bleeding on the ground, and Leo kneeling next to him.

            "Leo! What happened?" Annabeth asked. She pulled up the bottom of Percy's shirt, and inspected the wound. Leo saw that one side of it had reopened, and was beginning to bleed again. Percy was also now unconscious.

            "I-I," Leo gulped. He really didn't want to tell Annabeth the truth. She was Annabeth Chase, after all. Plus, he didn't even know what came over him. Leo was upset, but even he was sure that it was too harsh to do that to Percy!

            Annabeth cursed in Greek. "Never mind. Let's just get him into the infirmary." Frank walked in at that time.

            "Percy?!" He wondered incredulously. He jogged over to the others, and helped lift Percy up over his shoulder so they could take him into the infirmary. Leo noticed that Frank didn't seem to mind the blood staining the left shoulder of his shirt.

            Once Percy was laid down on a bed, Annabeth grabbed a flask of nectar. After many failed attempts, she got Percy's shirt off of him. Annabeth whispered an apology, and poured the nectar all over the reopened wound. Leo watched as Percy twisted and kicked. His face was contorted with pain. It had worked, though, because the wound was slowly closing again. Everyone was relieved when Percy calmed down, and his breathing steadied out. Annabeth carefully wrapped gauze all around the wound. The white bandage like tape started up right at the top of his stomach, and down to the hem of his pants. Only a little bit of blood soaked through, which meant it was working.

            They all left so Percy wouldn't be disturbed. Leo was trying to sneak off to his room, when he was stopped by Annabeth. Her arms were crossed, and her eyes were like a never ending storm.

            "Leo..." Annabeth paused. "What happened to Percy?" Leo tried to dodge her, but she expected this, so she grabbed his arm and didn't let go. She had a death grip on him. Leo swore she was cutting off circulation.

            "Fine, I'll tell you," Leo decided. "But we better sit down." Annabeth followed him to the couch, where they both sat down. Leo really thought he should tell her, but then again he didn't want to. Decide, demigod, a voice whispered in his mind. Suddenly, it all made sense.

            "I did it," Leo told her. Annabeth stood up with a red face. He held his hands up in surrender position. "Just hear me out! It didn't make sense before; now I understand completely, though. I was possessed by Gaea. She's planning to tear us apart!"

            Annabeth didn't look too convinced. "What were you and Percy talking about, anyways?" Leo looked away and pretended like he didn't hear her ask that question.

            "Leo, answer me." Annabeth ordered. "I know that you're not deaf. You heard me loud and clear. Now, what were you and Percy talking about?" Leo cleared his throat nervously.

            "Calypso," Leo whispered. Annabeth just gaped at him. She then yanked him into a nearby storage closet, and closed the door shut tightly.

            "You went to Calypso's island?" Annabeth narrowed her eyes. "That's why you've been acting differently! Why didn't you tell us? Why'd you get so mad at Percy, anyways?"

            "Yes, I did," Leo admitted. "That's exactly why. I didn't tell you guys, because I wanted to get back to her, and I figured you guys would tell me I'm stupid for believing that. I got mad at Percy, because he left her there! I didn't mean to hurt him, though. That part was Gaea."
            Annabeth leaned against the wall and took it all in. "We have to tell the others." Leo gasped and tackled her before she could reach the doorknob.

            "No! Please don't," Leo begged. "I-I'm sorry, just please. I have to get back to her. The others can't know anything! I don't want them to know anything!"

            Annabeth pushed Leo off, but to his surprise didn't open the door. She just stood up and dusted off her jeans. Leo stood up, as well, using the nearby shelf to haul himself upwards.

            Annabeth looked down on him. She was much taller than Leo, which was awkward, and made him kind of nervous. "Listen, Leo," Annabeth began. "I understand you don't want to tell them. I respect that. You need to tell them sometime, though. Promise me you'll tell them?"

            Leo hesitated. "I-I swear on the River Styx." He said. Annabeth nodded, and opened the door. Light was shone through in the previously darkened closet. Annabeth started to walk out, but then turned around and opened her mouth to speak.

            "Leo, did you swear-" She was cut off by a roar. Annabeth pulled out her sword, and Leo dug around in his tool belt until he found his hammer. Leo watched as Annabeth held the sword out in front of her. It didn't fit her at all. It looked to wobbly and long for her, unlike her old dagger that was made for her.

            They ran out onto the Main Deck. Leo noticed Frank was just hanging up the ships phone. He had attracted a monster. They ran out, and Frank soon joined them. They were then face to face with a large flock of owls.

            "Wait, what?" Leo laughed. "Owls? This is so scary!" He cowered sarcastically, and then asked: "Annabeth, what are they thinking?"

            "I can't tell what they're thinking, Leo!" She growled. "What do you think I am, a mind reader? Would my Mom send me these?"

            "Athena?" Leo questioned with a snort. "Why would she send all these owls? So we could pet them?"

            Frank walked out just then, and saw what they were staring at. His eyes went wide, and he pulled out his bow and arrows. Leo raised a bushy eyebrow at him. Frank got an arrow in the bow, and started to aim.

            "Frank! What are you doing?" Leo called out.

            "These aren't regular owls!" Frank shouted. "They're Strix! They feast on blood." As if right on cue, the eyes turned a bright red color and they swooped down to attack. Arrows were shot, impaling at least two of the owls and killing them instantly. There had to be about twenty of them, though.

            Leo figured his hammer wouldn't do much good unless the owls landed. So he put his hammer down, and began forming fireballs at his fingertips. He threw them at the demon birds, and three of them caught on fire. They were squealing and squawking all over the place, until they died and turned into dust.

            "These 'stick' owls sure are fierce!" Leo screamed over the tweeting. Annabeth had climbed up onto the railings on the side of the ship, and was stabbing the owls forcefully.

            "They're not sticks, Leo! They're Stricks," Frank replied. He shot another arrow, and it caught one in the feathery head. Sparkly dust was everywhere.

            That's when Annabeth fell off the side of the ship, and into the water. A couple of birds shot after her. Frank and Leo gasped. Leo watched as Frank concentrated, and then as he began to jump into the water after Annabeth, he turned into a vicious...dolphin? A couple more birds followed him. Seven birds were still up with Leo.

            Leo threw fireballs, but kept missing. The birds wouldn't stop flying back and forth as fast as possible. Leo was starting to get dizzy from watching them. He aimed a large ball of fire, and thrust it forwards randomly, hoping some of the birds would die. Thankfully, four of the owls burnt up. The bad news: The ship was now on fire.

            The remaining three owls weren't letting up, and Frank and Annabeth still weren't back from the water. Percy was still passed out in the infirmary. It was up to Leo. He jumped onto the couch, and leapt into action. He threw all of the things on the coffee table at the stick owls, hoping to injure them. He started to get desperate, and pulled different things out of his handy dandy tool belt.

            "EAT BREATH MINT!" Leo screamed, and threw the tic tacs at the owls. They screeched as Leo hit them. One of them actually landed in an owl's mouth and choked it to death. Leo took that chance to kill them.

            "Now you all can die with minty breaths," Leo said with a grin. It was soon replaced with worry, though. Frank and Annabeth still weren't back. Leo thought that it had been about ten or fifteen minutes, already.

            That's when Leo saw it. Land, to be exact. Athens, Greece, was dead ahead. Leo wanted to take the ship off autopilot, but he couldn't until everyone was back on the ship. A couple minutes later, Frank hopped on deck, transforming while he did so, with a pale Annabeth coughing and wheezing out salt water.

            "Are you two okay?" Leo wondered. Annabeth nodded, and coughed more sea water out of her lungs. Frank cupped his hands around his eyes and squinted.

            "Is that Athens?" Frank looked at Leo for an answer.

            "Yeah. I was just waiting for you two to arrive back up here so I could land my baby. I was thinking about landing it in a nearby parking lot or something."

            "Parking lot?" Annabeth groaned. "You have got to be kidding me! Leo, you are so obtuse! Just land it in the water, and tie it to something so it doesn't float away!"

            "Obtuse?" Leo frowned. "Does that mean fat, because if it does I, then I disagree. I'm more skinny than fat, at least I believe so."

            Annabeth groaned at him. Leo rolled his eyes at her and did as she had suggested, by bringing the flying ship down gently into the water. Okay, so maybe it wasn't gently, but it still worked. Hazel would've been puking over the side of the ship, if she were there.

            Leo put the anchor down so they would stay put. "Land, ho!" He yelled into the intercom. It rang throughout the speakers. He scratched his head, and turned the ships engines off so they wouldn't be wasting power. Or if Leo accidently fell asleep on the starting lever.

            "I'm going to go explore town," Leo remarked. Frank stood awkwardly in the doorway. Annabeth and Leo both looked at him.

            "Er, guys," Frank stated. "I don't mean to bother you, but the ship is still on fire..." He trailed off. Leo sprinted onto the Main Deck, and sure enough, flames licked at the walls. He blew on it, but it made matters worse!

            "Annabeth get some water!" Leo yipped. She ran to the kitchen, grabbed a large pot, filled it with water, and came back. Leo dumped it on the fire, which helped it die down, but not all the way. She quickly got more water, and he poured the large pot on the flames once more. Steam and smoke covered the air. The fire alarm chose after the fire was almost out to go off.

            When they did get the fire to go out, Leo was sweating badly. They were in Greece, after all. In the summer time, too. Plus, they just had been right next to a fire. Leo wanted to strip all of his clothes and jump in the ocean at that moment. He figured Percy's Dad wouldn't be too happy, though.

            "Now I'm going to go explore town," Leo repeated from earlier. "Both of you watch over my baby. If something happens to him, I'm blaming it on both of you. Actually, I'm blaming it on Buford." He waved goodbye and saluted.

            Now, Leo was out wandering the town of Athens. It was sure different than the U.S. Leo knew that for certain. He wondered if technology had been invented yet here. He saw a light bulb on. Yes it had!

             Suddenly, Leo felt his blood run cold. He saw something up top of a hill nearby. Something very large, and super ugly. It was a giant. Leo somehow immediately knew that it was the giant Mimas, or the bane of Hephaestus. He gulped. Maybe Leo wouldn't be visiting around town, after all.

            Leo turned around and walked calmly back towards the ship. Then, he started in a full out run. If it was any other giant, Leo would be fine, but that was the bane of his father. He didn't know if he could defeat that giant. Especially by himself.

            When he came back inside, Annabeth and Frank looked at him with amusement.

            "Back so soon, Leo?" Frank questioned.

            Leo was panting for breath, but was able to answer. "Mimas...up on" Annabeth and Frank looked at him warily.

            "It probably doesn't even know our ship is here, yet," Annabeth responded confidently. "Unless it recognizes us, which it probably won't, it's not likely to attack at any given time. Trust me, we're fine. Mimas won't attack us. He was probably just doing some business for Gaea."

            Then, they heard the bellowing voice. "I KNOW THAT YOU'RE IN THERE, DEMIGOD FLESH. COME OUT SO I MAY KILL YOU."

            Leo peered out the window to find Mimas standing there in all of his hideous glory. Leo leapt backwards from the window. "Annabeth, if we survive this fight, I'm going to kill you for making me think everything was okay."

            "Good to know," She said. "Let's prepare for battle."


          This is like the fastest update I've done yet! I'm so proud of myself :') Anyways, now you know what happened to Percy :) He's okay!!!

Dedicated to Shadow_On_The_Earth! Thanks for commenting :D It means a lot to me!!! So yeaup...

I updated again because school starts again tomorrow (blech) and I might be busy! I'll try to fit in another update soon, though. Remember, more comments/votes means faster update!!!

 Does anyone not have school tomorrow because of that storm? If you you're luccccckkkyyyy! Anyways. Yeah. I'm practically just writing random stuff now because I'm bored

Maybe I should go.

So yup. Vote and comment ♥ I love you guysss


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