The Jock

By brilliam-love

25.9K 550 57

The school jock (and jerk) Harry Styles is partnered with Penelope Bryant (the school nerd) for a school proj... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

981 23 1
By brilliam-love

Chapter 9
As I climbed the steps on the bus, I saw Harry sitting in the third seat. I smiled and sat in front of him. "Hey babe." "Ello love. Can we tell them yet?" "I just don't want your reputation to get hurt." "That won't happen. Please babe?" "...later today." "Thanks!" "You're welcome?" I laughed. He smirked. "I've got a game tonight. Wanna come?" "Sure babe." He smiled goofily. "What did your mum say this morning?" "Nothing. They're both ignoring me. How mature." He rolled his eyes. "Why are they so protective?" "I don't know babe...oh we're here." I stood up and stood in the aisle. I felt his hands on my waist. I turned and gave a small smile, laughing. I walked off and hopped onto the sidewalk. I turned around and started walking with Harry to the doors of the school. "I'll see you in biology." "Alright. Bye babe." He hugged me lightly before running off. I smiled to myself as I walked up to my locker. "Why so smiley?" "Harry...he's really sweet." "Yeah, I noticed he was really nice. Especially around you." I smiled wider and grabbed my books. "I'll see you later." "Alright bye Pen." "Bye K."
"C'mon Harry!!" "I'm coming babe." He mumbled laughing. "Sit beside me." I nodded and found an empty seat in the middle of the bus. He slid in next to me and grabbed my hand. "Hey Styles?" "Yeah?" He asked turning around. "What're you doing hanging with HER?" His jaw clenched as well as his fist. "Babe, stop. It doesn't matter." I whispered. "Yes it does." "Harry, stop. Now." I said sternly. "Fine." He turned back towards me. Soon, I felt paper and other things hit my head. "Hey nerd!!" "Goodie two shoes!!" "Geek!!" Harry stood up, his fists clenched. "Harry, sit down." "NO. Not now." He looked around the bus. "Who said that?" They all pointed to Justice, Brayden, and Austin. Harry walked over to them, the other 4 boys quickly following. "P, c'mere." Louis said, and pulled me into the group. "You're trying to bully her huh? That's gonna be a problem." "W-Why?" "Because this girl you just hurt, she's my girlfriend." He said angrily. He picked up Justice by the collar. "You're gonna leave her alone. Got me?" He nodded frantically. "Good. Austin?" He asked, shoving Justice down and lifting up Austin. "Y-Yes. I'll leave h-her alone." He pushed him back down and lifted up Brayden. "Why would I listen to you?" "So you don't get your brains beaten out." "I'd like to see that." I tensed. This was getting out of hand. Well, it already was, but it was getting worse. Louis' grip on my arm tightened, telling me it was going to be okay. Harry reared back and hit him in the stomach. "Still gonna mess with her?" "Hell yeah." Harry punched him in the face this time, harder. "MR. STYLES!" "What?!" "GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MR.CRAIG." Harry pushed him down. "Dentition tomorrow!" "Sir, it's not his fault." "Well, whose is it then?" "...mine." "Well, I'm very ashamed of you. You both have dentition tomorrow then." I sighed and sat back down. Harry soon joined me and held my hand tightly. "You shouldn't have done that." "Why not?" "You might get hurt." "I'll be fine." "But won't it mess up your perfect record?" "Yeah but I don't care." He gave a sad smile and kissed me quickly.
"Where are you?!" "I'm on my way. Don't worry." "Thanks babe!! :)" "Haha. You're welcome. :P" I put my phone away and hopped into my car. Yeah, I'm trying. I started up the engine and backed out of the driveway.
Before I knew it, I was at the game. I climbed out of my car and made my way to the bleachers. "Hey what are you doing her-Ohhh." Karen. "Yeah, I'm here to see Harry...what're you here for?" "Jimmie. He's playing." "Oh yeah. I completely forgot." She smiled and pulled out her phone. "He just texted me and said Harry wants to meet you down there at the fence." "Alright." I ran down the steps to the fence separating us from them and saw Harry run up. "I'm so glad you could make it babe!" "I am too. So why didn't you just text me?" "My phone died." "Oh. So what'd you wanna talk about?" "Anything. I'm so bored!" "I'd say. So are they any good?" "Eh, they're alright. We're not very good though." "I doubt that. I know you 5 are really good and I think Jimmie's pretty good." "Thanks love." He said smiling. "You're welcome babe." "STYLES!! CMON!!" "Sorry babe. I gotta go." "That's fine. Good luck." "Thanks P. Bye! So I'll see you after, right?" "Of course." He smiled and kissed me quickly before running off. I waved as I went back up the bleachers. "I saw that." "What?" "Your kiss." She said, raising her eyebrows. "Oh my gosh. It's not like you two haven't." "We haven't! It'd be too weird!" "Yeah I guess that's true." I watched as the game start up. Louis started off with the ball who ended up kicking it to Zayn who scored. Twice. He passed it to Liam who automatically passed it on to Harry. He kicked it around for a while and when he made a goal, I stood up and clapped loudly. He looked straight at me and smiled wide. "Hey Penelope!" I turned my head to see Sarah, the class snob, standing to the side. "Can I talk to ya?" "Um sure." I said walking over to her. "C'mere. Let's go somewhere more private." I nodded and followed her behind the bleachers. She snapped her fingers and my hands were pulled behind my back. "Let go of me!" "I just wanna talk. You're not gonna get hurt....yet." "What do you want?" "I just want you to get away from him. He's mine. I've had a thing for him since 7th grade." "Wow, but I'm not going to do that." "And why the hell not?!" "I like him. A lot. I'm happy being with him and I'm not going to stop my happiness just because you want him." She snarled and stared me down. "I'm telling you, he's mine." I looked her in the eyes and said seriously, "Well I guess that's not gonna happen any-" Whoever was behind me, pushed me to the ground, and stepped on my glasses. She slapped me in the face hard until I fell over on my side. "Are you going to listen to me now?" "Y-Yes." She smirked. "Good." She stomped off in her heels to the fence where I heard her yell, "Go Harry!!" I rolled my eyes and looked around for the person who had been holding me. I saw no one. I got up and felt for my glasses. Broken to pieces. I sighed and felt my way back up the bleachers to my seat. "Where are your glasses?" "They broke." "How?" "I uh, dropped them." "Alright?" She said, obviously not believing a word. "Need me to drive ya home?" "Please." "Alright. Wanna go now?" "I thought you were gonna watch Jimmie." "I can come back." I smiled lightly. "Thanks." "You're welcome. C'mon I'll help ya." As we were walking off, I heard my name being called by someone, possibly Niall. I refused to stop because if I did, it meant I would probaly have to face Harry, which I didn't want to do. Not now anyway.

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