Rose Thorne ✔︎

By marcie_lou

753K 25.5K 6.8K

Rose's life has order. She knows what she needs to do to stay out of trouble with her always traveling, never... More

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Epilogue: A Glimpse Forward


12.5K 406 78
By marcie_lou

^~Rose Thorne aesthetics~^

"I'm switching our Friday sessions to the afternoon." I said to the top of Liam's head.

His head lifted and he looked at me with such an exciting gleam in his eyes that I almost laughed at him.

"Daisy don't play with my feelings." He said carefully and I shook my head at his lack of faith in me.

"I'm not. It's too early to learn." I told him.

It's actually just too early for me to help him. Liam complain a lot when he's tired. Sure, he complains a lot when he's not tired also, but at least then I can try to steer his attention to what we're learning or something. But that is not easy for me to do at seven o'clock in the morning.

"Is this your Valentine's Day present to me?" He asked with a sly smile.

With it being exam week for the end of the semester, I completely forgot that Sunday is Valentine's Day. It wasn't until Liam showed up this morning with a bouquet of daisies that the realization hit me in the face.

Valentine's Day is not celebrated in the Thorne household. Because it reminds us of what we've lost. At least it does for me, my father just drinks the night away in his room.

"I don't give presents on Valentine's Day because I don't like this holiday." I told him as I gathered my things.

"But I thought you liked me?" He said with a pout and I had to blink a few times in surprise.

A boy pouting should not be that attractive.

"I don't like you any more than when I was first forced to tutor you." I told him and he gave me a dramatic gasp.

"And to think I brought you flowers." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"I did not ask you to." I told him before standing up and he followed suit.

"You know being mean is not good for the soul." He said as we walked out of the TC.

"And being annoying is not good for your social life." I shot back. He let out a loud laugh and I turned to give him a small smile.

"Mean, so mean." He shook his head at me and I shrugged.

"Not sorry." I told him before walking away.


"Happy Valentine's Day." Mia smiled at me when I took my seat during lunch time and I rolled my eyes at her. She and Sam both know that I do not like this holiday, they don't know the reason but they know.

"You too." I smiled at them. Mia slid a single slice box of pizza in front of me and my smile widened.

"Now this is a present I can appreciate." I said and Sam slid a small container of garlic sauce towards me.

"I didn't have any money." She pouted and I laughed.

"It's the thought that counts."

"Wait a second." Mia frowned and I looked at her before opening my box of pizza.

"Who else gave you a present today?" She narrowed her eyes at me and my eyes widened.


"What?" I asked before grabbing my pizza and taking a bite.

"You said this is a present you can appreciate. That means that someone already gave you a present today. Who was it?"

I took another bite of my pizza and chewed slowly to contemplate my answer.

If I tell them it was Liam, they will read it as something else. When in reality, it was just a gag gift.

"Don't read more into this." I sighed and their eyes lit up with excitement.

"Liam got me flowers as a joke." I told them and they both grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

"What kind of flowers?" Mia asked and I let out a sigh.

"Why does it matter, they're wilting in my locker right now as we speak." I bit into my pizza again.

"Were they daisies?" Sam asked and I nodded.

Her mouth opened in a silent scream and Mia clapped her hands together.

I knew this was going to happen. I should've just said that Mrs. Lewis the Tutor Advisor gave me a small box of chocolate.

Which she did by the way.

"It's not that big of a deal. I hear he got flower for Chelsea Vase too." I said with a shrug.

I do not know if that's true. Chelsea Vase just happens to be the captain of the dance team and she's always flirting with Liam.

"What are your plans for the weekend?" I asked trying to take the attention away from me. I may be very single, but both of them have very cute boys that they are currently kissing daily.

"Johnathan and I are going out to dinner." Sam smiled but Mia's mood turned sour and I frowned at her.

"I'm staying home with my dog and eating the entire box of chocolate my dad gave me this morning." She replies and I turned to look at Sam who was looking at me with the same shocked expression.

What happened to Noah?

"No plans with Noah?" I asked carefully.

"You mean the idiot who only seems to like me when he's shoving his tongue down my throat?" She said bitterly and for a brief second I was scared for Noah.

"What happened M?" Sam asked and I placed my pizza down and wiped my hand on a napkin before giving my best friend my full attention.

"Nothing happened." Mia replied with a sigh. "That's the problem." She muttered.

"All he ever wants to do is make out." She sighed. "Why can't he take me out on a date occasionally like John is with Sam?"

"Well, have you told him this?" I asked and she scoffed.

"Of course, not, that will make me sound desperate."

"Well how is he supposed to know how you feel?" Sam asked and I nodded in agreement.

"He's supposed to know that girls don't just want to make out all the time. Girls always want more." Mia replied and I frowned.

"You can't put every single girl under one umbrella Mia, maybe he's used to the girls that only wanted to make out. You need to tell him how you feel or just ask him out yourself." I shrugged and she scoffed at me.

"I wouldn't expect you to understand Rose." She snapped and I raised and I eyebrow at her while Sam gasped in shock.

It's not a secret to them that I've never been in any form of relationship with the opposite sex, but as my best friend, Mia shouldn't try to make me feel crappy about it.

Her words clung in in the air and I took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

"I never said I understood." I told her. "I was just trying to be a friend by giving my honest opinion.

"I'm sorry." She apologized and I shrugged.

"It's not a lie so it doesn't matter." I replied.

"It does matter, I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you, I'm just mad at the whole situation with Noah." She replied and I nodded.

The situation that I can't relate to because I haven't so much as kissed a boy.

"It's doesn't matter, I'm not mad." I told her and she let out a sigh.

She doesn't believe me.

"I'm serious." I told her with a small nod and I looked at Sam for help.

"I think Rose is right, maybe you should talk to Noah." She said and I nodded. "If not, ask him out yourself, forget society. Shoot your shot Mia."

I shook my head at Sam before looking at Mia. I nodded at her and she let out a sigh.

"I'll see what I can do." She finally replied and I gave her a small smile before picking up my pizza again.


The final bell rang and my shoulder dropped in relief.

Today has been long and all I wanted to do was go home and start my weekend. Even though Sunday is going to be a crazy day, I can at least get a good Friday night and Saturday.

I quickly gathered my things and made my way to my car without even stopping at my locker. I know I don't have any homework this weekend due to this week being the end of the semester.

I made my way to my car and made my way home.

I was pulling into my driveway but I frowned at the black Range Rover parked behind my father's Audi.

We have guest? We never have guests.

Still frowning, I placed my car in park and made my way inside.

"Daddy?" I called once I was inside. I placed my car by the stairs before making my way to the kitchen in search for my father.

Why do we have guest? Usually at this time my father is at the liquor store, restocking.

"In the living room." He said and I made a U-turn to go to the living room.

I breathed out long breath and braced myself for the awkward introductions before stepping over the threshold of the living room.

The sight in front of me made me breath in the breath I had released just a second earlier.

In my living room sat Jenifer all cuddled up with my dad while they watched a movie while Katelyn sat on the floor.

They looked like the perfect family.

"Hey Pumpkin." Dad greeted as if this was an everyday occurrence.

"H-hi." I stuttered before clearing my throat. "Hi." I smiled politely.

"Hi Rose." Jenifer smiled at me and I returned her smile.

"It's good to see you again." She smiled and I nodded.

"You too." I replied and Katelyn snorted.

"Hi Katelyn." I waved awkwardly.

"Hey Rose, my guess is you didn't know we were coming this weekend?" She asked with a raised eyebrow and I glanced at my dad.

"To be fair, I didn't know they were coming either." He smiled at Jenifer and she let out a soft laugh.

"I wanted to surprise you." She smiled and I wanted to gouge my eyes in frustration.

Wait a second.

"Did you say weekend?" I asked as warning signals went off in my head.

Jenifer turned to look at me with a light smile and nodded.

"So that means you're leaving on Monday?" I asked.

Please for the love of everything say no. If my father 'loves' this woman he will make sure that she never sees him on Valentine's Day. Or maybe if he really loves her, he will change his valentines traditions.

"No of course not, they're leaving late Saturday." My father spoke up and I nodded.

"Actually, we're leaving late Sunday morning." Jenifer replied and the warning signals started going off again.

"What?" Katelyn asked in shock and my eyes shifted to her. She looked at her mother with a hard glare.

"I couldn't find a flight for Saturday night." Jenifer replied.

"God, mom I had plans. Plans I had to push aside for Sunday because we came here." Katelyn shouted and my eyes widened at the way she's talking to her mother.

"All you were planning to do was go to the mall with your friends Katelyn, you can do that any weekend." Her mother said in a calmed tone.

"All I want is for us to have one weekend as a family." Her mom added before glancing at me and I blinked before giving her a small, awkward smile.

She can't expect anything else from me, I didn't know about her until less than two weeks ago.

"No offense, but this is a shitty family." Katelyn rolled her eyes.


I glanced over at my dad and I frown at his expression.

He looks... calm.

If I ever dared to speak like that, I would be sporting a new bruise. Not on purpose of course, but he'd probably grab my arm a little too hard to shake some sense into me and that sometimes leave a mark.

"Here's what we'll do." Dad said in a relaxed tone. "Tomorrow you, your mom and Rose can go to the mall and shop to your heart's content." He replied and my head turned to the side as I gawked at my father.

I'm sorry, what?

"Are you okay with that Rose?" Jenifer asked but my attention stayed on my dad.

"What?" I asked in confusion. Who is this man sitting across from me? Because I don't think he's my father.

"The mall." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Uhm." I blinked.

"Yes, the mall. We can go to the mall." I nodded at Katelyn and Jenifer.

"What about you honey?" Jenifer asked my dad.

"I have to meet with a client tomorrow for a few hours." He replied with a sigh and I raise an eyebrow at him again.

He looks remorseful that he won't get to go spend endless hours at the mall with them. Whereas when I asked him to delay his trip to California on my birthday, he simply told me that I'm a grown girl and he doesn't need to be present on my birthday. That I should be grateful that he even remembered.

"Bu we can go out to in the evening, maybe to dinner?" He asked them and they nodded in agreement.

He smiled at the two of them before looking up at me.

"Sounds good?" He asked but I would be a fool to believe that he was actually asking me.

He was just telling me and I am expected to be there.

"Sounds perfect." I nodded.

I was about to head upstairs to my room but Jenifer stopped me.

"Would you like to join us? We're watching a movie." Jenifer asked.

That is the last thing I want to do.

I wanted to be alone. Because I don't know if I can handle another minute of this version of my father.

A father who is loving towards his family.

"I actually have some homework to do and I'd like to get them done today that way I don't have to worry about them over the rest of the weekend." I told her and she nodded in understanding.

I let out a sigh of relief and started making my way out of the room.

"Nonsense." Dad said and I froze.

This is it. This is where he shows his true colors.

"Just watch the rest of the movie with us." He replied and I slowly turned to look at him.

"There's like thirty minutes left, you can do your homework later." He said before waving me towards them.

I stood there in shock for a few more seconds before slowly making my way towards the couch.

"Okay." I nodded slowly before taking a seat.

Dad smiled at me before bending down and kissing the top of Jenifer's head.

I returned his smile with an awkward one of my own and turned to face the television.

He's calm.

And I should be happy about that, but like the saying goes...

It's always calm before the storm.


I hope you have a very happy New Years. Don't get too wasted tonight 😜




Coming up: Rose takes Jenifer and Katelyn to the mall.

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