By nutjob

628 1 4

Ava Finn her life is normal and perfect loved by all her friends with her obnoxious brother her life is compl... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter 2 (Picture of Aiden)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Picture of Stephanie)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 [Prom]
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9 (Picture of Terry)

20 0 2
By nutjob

Ava Ava get up sleeping beauty we’re getting late!!!!”

 BRINGGGGGGGGG BRINNGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!! The sound of the alarm clock was almost bursting my ears

“What’s wrong with you Terry is this a way to wake someone up?” I shouted a rubbing my eyes and not even opening my eyes properly I laid back into bed.

“Get up breakfast’s ready get up I know not a very good way but I’ve called you a thousand times you just wouldn’t wake up c’mon it’s  time to get up!!”

“Yea I’m waking up you would mind getting out of the room so I could change” I replied still closing my eyes.

“Fine I’m going out but don’t fall asleep again”

“Bite me “

Only two more days until Prom and I haven’t pick my dress and I still am having second thoughts regarding going to prom but I have to go for three reasons:

·         For Stephanie  she would for sure kill me  if I  didn’t go

·         For George who is someone very sweet and really wants to go with me

·         Thirdly and most importantly I have to see who this Dream girl of Aiden’s is!! Well the third reason is more appropriate well actually this Is the reason I wanna go

Today I decided to go in my casuals and not where something to grand today just in my blue V-necked t-shirt and for a jacket and denim jeans to go with…..when I checked my phone 22 missed calls what the hell!!! How come I haven’t seen all this? Maybe after coming back I was too tired so I feel asleep and when I checked the most Missed class 13 of them was from Stephanie what is wrong with her again? Then 5 more are from Terry and 2 from Stefan and 2 from George!!!! Why does suddenly everyone need me? While I was checking a message suddenly popped out:

Hey nerdy , today I’ll have to leave early in the morning so you have to go to school with someone else I’ll be taking the car and mom called she will be coming back within a week and I’ll leave very early around 7 have some things to clear up.

Seeing Terry’s message I instantly looked at the clock it was 7:45 am so if Terry has left at 7 then who was that in my room and came to wake me up even made the breakfast, I could get the smell from my room upstairs …. Who could it be was it George? No he doesn’t have the keys then could it be Stefan or Steph? Not guessing anymore I went down immediately…

When I found out who was downstairs cooking a Breakfast for me and also woke me up and that even so early in the morning and was also baking the breakfast I love the most Grilled cheese I felt like I would almost choke seeing such a surprising sight….

“Ai- Aiden what are you doing here?” I asked in a calm tone not showing him I was surprised.

“Oh hey Ava finally you woke up ….seriously waking you from sleep is harder than passing in Spanish”

“But how did you get in the doors were locked right?”

“Yea I Broke in…” He joked laughing

“Funny…but really you didn’t need to do all this for me “

“Oh I’m not doing this for you I’m doing it for me you’re just an excuse to eat Grilled Cheese”

I smiled “Yea alright then let’s have Breakfast we’re getting late”

“Yea sure…if there less cheese in the grilled cheese act it’s good “He told winking at me

“No, I’m sure it’s good”

“Well let’s not be so sure about that ….so how come George is not coming to pick you up today?”

Oh I asked him not to I thought I’ll go with Terry today so!!!”

“Oh that’s fine I’ll drive you”

Suddenly my phone rang and it was someone I expected …..

“Hey Steph sorry I couldn’t take your calls I was really tired yesterday”

“Oh thank god you’re alive I thought you died crying or something we were really worried about you”


“I mean me Stefan and George too he also called me when you weren’t picking up his calls”

“Oh I see...”

“Something wrong?? Aves you seem down”

“Oh nothing …I’ll tell you later”

“Ohk!! But I called you because I have a surprise for you I don’t know if you are gonna like it or not but I want you in front of me in school within the next 20 minutes”

“Really what?? What surprise you know I Love surprises Steph gosh don’t kill me 20 minutes I’ll be there in 15 I’m coming” I said in a very excited tone

“Yea that’s more like it …I’ll see you then bye”

“Yea bye”


“So…what are you all excited about?” Aiden asked after I hung up the phone

“Stephanie just called she says she has a surprise for me …I’ll just get ready in 5 minutes and then we can take off”

“Yah!! Not a problem …but finish your grilled cheese first”

“Oh no I’m full I have to go to school now”

“Ok then “

“OH and by the way Aiden thank you”

“For what?”

“For the awesome Grilled cheese and for being the perfect gentleman while waking me up”

“Ha-ha I was a gentleman?”

“Well close” I joked saying this I went upstairs

After coming back to my room….I got ready in exactly 5 minutes just quickly wearing my dress and putting on some mascara to go with I’m not a very heavy make-up fan …but then which got me into thinking was about Aiden I seriously don’t get what he wants but about today I’m sure terry must have asked him to be here with me so he’s just doing a favor to a friend….Not wasting my time anymore I came down and we hit the road and as usual Aiden being  the perfect gentleman  opened the door for me ….we didn’t talk much though the drive to school was really quiet and this time I remembered not to start any conversation.

“There you go …now run to your surprise Ava I got here as fast as I could” Aiden replied

“Yea thanks Aiden” I replied I got so excited that I left my file and books in his car.

“Av-“Before he could say anything I got out of the car and I spotted George

“Georgeeeee” I got really happy (Well pretending to) and pulled him into a tight hug making sure Aiden was watching …I don’t’ know why I did so? But I’m sure I would regret it

“Ava I was so worried for you where have you been?” He replied cupping my face

“Sorry Love it won’t happen again”

“That’s fine” He replied and that when our lips met well it was a short kiss

“Hey Ava you forgot these” Aiden came when Gorge kissed me and He had no reaction seeing us together … yea why was I even doing all that lovey dovey things with George.

“Oh thank you Aiden …got a lil excited”

“Was it for me? George interrupted winking

“Partly…we should head to Stephanie she has a surprise for me” I told George

“Yea let’s”

“So I’ll see you around Aiden have to rush now” I replied not waiting for his, holding George’s hand I went …


“Stephanie Cooper I’m waiting for your surprise tell me what is it please or else I might burst”

“Yea Stephanie she was literally jumping with excitement” George also replied

“Ok ok I know how much you love surprises Ava but just wait a few more minutes Stefan will be right here with your surprise “

“Stefan? Why Stefan? “

“Cause it’s big and was a hard work”

“Big yay” I was smiling so hard that my jaws started to ache

“Oh he’s here”

I tried to look what Stefan had and I started guessing what could it be ….but I saw some papers in his hands all of the same size so when he came  in front I snatched it from him .

“So Ava you like?”

I was shocked for the first few minutes with my mouth open but then I knew I needed an explanation.

“Stephanie what is this?”

“Well Surprise surprise!!! I signed you for the next Prom Queen and these are your posters we are going to need these so the students vote for you and this time Stacey is also participating I don’t want her to win so give your best Ava”

“Talk about Hugh school cat fights” George replied

“Well I how? When I-I can’t” I started Stammering not knowing what to say

“Ava dear I have to rush now I’ll meet you in recess tell me what you decided” George replied giving a kiss on my cheek.

“Stephanie I WONT run for the Prom Queen you know I can’t do it”

“I knew it …I knew you will act like this that’s why I didn’t tell you while I signed up for you but Ava give it a chance proms don’t come all the time give it a shot and this will also help you distract yourself from all the Aiden Issues”

“I know but..!!!”

“I guess you should give it a try Ava” Stefan suggested

‘Ok if you guys insist so much …but I know nothing about prom queens”

“That you can leave up to me “Stephanie suggested

“Well sure I can …” I forced the words out of my mouth


So guys that’s for you Chapter 9 hope you all like it Prom is coming around the corner so don’t miss the fu keep on reading …and Fan Vote and comment….

<3 Rae

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