Addison Winchester (Now Compl...

بواسطة LillyTheTurtle

890K 21.3K 1.5K

"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around the man who stood behind me he... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Witchy Winchester
War of the Winchesters

chapter 40

10.3K 271 13
بواسطة LillyTheTurtle

My first reaction was to knee him in the balls. Monster or no monster they always go down, at least for a second. And for that split second his focus wavered and both Dean and Morgan fell from the trees. Dean dove for what I now know to be the gun and shot off a round before I could even take a breath. The demon let out a yell, falling off his knees onto the forest floor, gripping onto his shoulder.

"Addison." Morgan grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to my feet. Dean kept the gun pointed at Rodney and held his other hand out to me. I took it and we we booked it in the opposite direction.

"We need to get the hell out of here."


I don't know how we did it, but we got back to the car faster then I could even process. Dean opened the driver door and pushed me inside, forcing me to slid across the seat into the passenger side. Morgan opened the backseat and slid in. Dean didn't wast any time in starting the car and pealing out of the parking lot.

"What the hell was that thing?" Morgan asked again, panic clear in his voice.

"Demon." Dean answered, I could feel the bruises forming on my throat where Rodney had griped me. It hurt to breath but I was out of breath. Dean heard me heaving and glanced over at me before turning his eyes back to the road. "You good?" He questioned. I gave him a thumbs up, not wanting to use up the air I was currently trying to absorb.

"A demon?"

"Yep." Dean answered.

"Like Hell? Like the devil?"

"Don't know about the devil but demons exist, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, just about everything that goes bump in the night exists." Dean pulled into the parking lot of the motel a few minuets later while Morgan thought everything over. He turned off the car and turned to face me. By now I was breathing a little slower and gently held my hand over my throat that was gently throbbing.

"You good?" He asked again.

"I can breath." He nodded and we got out of the car, Morgan following behind. Dean unlocked the door to the motel room and pushed it open. We all walked in and I went straight to the closes bed and fell back on it.

"Sammy?" Dean called, pounding his fist against the bathroom door. When I didn't hear an answer I propped myself up on my elbows, giving my older brother a confused look. He opened the bathroom door and it revealed an empty room. "Son of a bitch" He slammed the door shut the same time Morgan's phone started ringing.

"It's Hotch." He looked down at the ringing phone before looking at me like he wanted me to tell him what to do. "What do I tell him?"

"Ask him where that hell my younger brother is." I sat up completely. "I don't know, whatever you think he'll believe. But now you know why I wasn't so willing to come forward now don't ya?" He didn't answer me but he did answer the phone.

"Hotch-" He listened to whatever the older man, at least I think he's older, had to say. He glanced at the two of us. "Yeah I found her…yeah…got it." he hung up the phone and clipped it back into his weird little phone holder. "Hotch's got your brother, he's fine." Dean narrowed his eyes at him.

"Dean." I said in a warning tone.

"I have to take you back to the station." He said to me. "I don't…I can't just tell him we're looking for a demon."

"So what? You're just going to arrest me for trying to protect everyone from a raging monster? I don't think that's fair."

"I...I don't understand what's going on and I'm sorry for pressuring you into answering a question none of us would have believed but you still have to come back with me. We can't be worried about you while we're looking for Rodney."

"What makes you thin you'll be able to handle Rodney? You saw what he did and that's not even the beginning of what that thing can do. If you try and fight him-it, it will kill you all. It almost killed Spencer. So no, I will not go with you, not until this thing goes back to hell where it belongs." I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest. I felt the urge to start yelling but held myself.

"You aren't in any condition to be fighting monsters Addison. I shouldn't have brought you out today. You could have been killed." Dean pipped up.

"We both could have died, comes with the job description, I knew what I was in for when I said I wanted to go and you say condition like I'm dying. I'm pregnant, not dying from cancer." I huffed, "He wants me."

"No he wants us. You heard him, the problem is with our family."

"Then why did he go after Spencer?"

"To piss you off, I don't know." He threw his hands in the air.

"No, I don't think that's it. None of this started happening until I got pregnant!" I said, taking a step towards him. "I don't think this has anything to do with you or Sam. I think it has everything to do with Me, Spencer and this kid."

"Why would a demon try and kill you for a kid."

"I don't fucking know. Why did one kill Mom?" His face darkened at the mention of her.

"Don't talk about her like that."

"Like what Dean?," my voice incredulous, "You get all pissy anytime someone brings her up. She was my mom too and as far as I'm concerned, history is repeating itself." He took a deep breath but Morgan interrupted him before he could say anything.

"Addison, you can explain everything to me on the way to the police station. I'll see if I can get Hotch to let Sam go now that we have you. Him and your brother, Dean is it?, can take care of Rodney before we find him. That way everyone is safe and no one is getting killed."

"I like that idea." Dean said.

"Don't either of you understand what's going on? Just because you take me to the damned police station doesn't mean I'm going to be safe, in fact this motel room is probably the safest place for me. This thing hasn't gone after Dean and Sam. It had plenty of chances, Sam's been here on his own for the last month and a half. No one here to protect him. I'm a lot higher profile." Dean looked at me like I was crazy and Morgan looked thoughtful.

"Sammy's right out of the oven though. You haven't hunted monsters in years, you wouldn't have seen the signs, hell you didn't see the signs."

"I still got away."

"Yeah, you got lucky." I could feel the anger in the room rising.

"You know what Dean? Maybe I did get lucky. But just because I stopped hunting doesn't mean I went stupid. I never for one moment thought that I would get my 'happily ever after' just because I ran away. I know things don't work like that. I kept my guns, I kept my books and I went to the gym. So yeah I may have 'gotten lucky' but tell me I wouldn't have seen the signs. I not a fucking idiot Dean."

"Well maybe if Dad and I knew where you were none of that would have happened in the first place."

"You're right. You want to know why? Because I wouldn't be pregnant right now, I wouldn't be with Spencer, and I don't think I would be very happy."

"You wouldn't be happy with your own family?" We were yelling now.

"Being with family has nothing to do with it! I hate hunting Dean, I hate it so much. I hated waking up in a different bed every fucking day, I hated sleeping with one eye open wondering what monster would finally take one of us out. I hated almost dying on a regular basis, I was 15 Dean, you want to know what 15 year old girls should be worrying about? They should be thinking about the cute boys at there school, or going on their first date, not wondering if they brought enough bullets to kill the monster they're hunting!"

"You weren't a normal 15 year old girl, you had a job, we all had a job to save and protect people. If we weren't going to do it then who would?"

"Other hunters Dean. The weight of the world doesn't rest on our shoulders. Is it so wrong to want something different with my life, to want to be happy with someone other then my father and brothers?" I asked. "I just want a normal life Dean. I want kids and a husband, and parent conference nights, and sports games, Sunday dinners, no monsters." I felt a hand pull me away from Dean gently and Morgan stepped in between us.

"Lets stop before someone starts throwing punches." I breather heavily out of my nose and looked to Morgan.

"Lets go." I started pulling him to the door.

"So you're going to go with him now?" Dean questioned, I took a deep breath.

"I think we both need some time to calm down. I'll get Sam out of jail and you two can start looking for ways to trap this thing so we can send it back to hell where it belongs. We can use me as bait when everything's set." I didn't give him time to answer and just yanked Morgan out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

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