Addison Winchester (Now Compl...

By LillyTheTurtle

917K 22.2K 1.6K

"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around the man who stood behind me he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Witchy Winchester
War of the Winchesters

chapter 39

10.1K 291 7
By LillyTheTurtle

"Dean, any ideas?" I looked at him. Just stating here was starting to piss me off. If we move, we get shot, if we don't move we'll end up getting shot. Just a matter of when we choose to bite the bullet.

"We could run?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Try not to get shot?"

"Probably our best bet."

"No, that's not our 'best bet'," Morgan said.

"Well do you have anything else to add? I didn't think so." I turned away from him and back to Dean. "When do you want to do it and where the hell do we go? We can't go back to the clearing, I don't know how to get back to the entrance of the park from here and if we try to run around blind we're going to get ourselves killed."

"I say we run away from the bullets. If he's in a tree then we just need to get out of range. It'll take him time to climb down and by then we could be far away."

"Or we could wait for the other cops who I'm sure have heard the gun shots." Morgan said. "I can't risk your lives."

"You wont be." I said,

"We do it fine on our own." Dean added. "Okay, so on three?" I nodded. He didn't count out loud this time, he held up his fingers and held one up, then two, then we were off but of course I had to run head onto into something/someone.


Sam glanced at the clock again for the eight time in the last hour. They never told him how long it would take for them to get back but after six hours he was starting to worry. Neither one of them where answering there phones, or in Addison's case, a prepaid phone she made Dean buy at a convent store.

He wanted to go to the park and check on them, make sure that whatever was out there didn't get them. He read all the books he checked out from the library, he ordered some pizza, hell he tried watching Tv but he couldn't stop worrying about them. This is the first time that they've all been together since he was 13 years old. Back when their father would disappear for weeks at a time. He remembered watching movies with Addison while she read him Greek Myths from the original dialects. Dean used to laugh at her for it and she'd curse him out in Greek. Those were the only words she knew how to properly pronounce.

After she ran away they didn't talk about her much. Just her name would cause John to pop open a whole new bottle of Jack Daniels. When Sam turned 17 he asked Dean about her, wanting to know what he thought happened to her. Dean told him that if their father couldn't find her then she was more then likely dead.

Sam was pulled from his thoughts by someone knocking on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up form the chair, letting his pizza drop onto the plate. He knew it wasn't either one of his siblings so he debated on whether or not he should even open the door. The Tv was up loud enough that whoever on the other side of the door could more then likely hear it, but then again he could pretend just let it be and play the whole 'forgot to turn it off' scenario.

They hit the wood again, this time it was followed by, "FBI, open up!" He recognized Agent Hotchner's voice. He felt the color drain from his face and went over his options. The window in the bathroom was to small for him to fit through, and the only other way out, other then the front door, were the two windows next to it. He could try and play innocent, like he didn't know where Addison was.

"Here goes nothing."


"Nice to see you again." Rodn- I mean the demon looked down at me with a crooked grin. I slowly backed away from him, glancing around trying to find my brother. He, as well as Morgan, was pin to two different trees by an invisible force. The demon had an Assault Rifle propped up on his shoulder.

"How long have you been wearing him?" I continued to back away from the Demon though I had no idea where I was going. I dropped my gun when I ran into him, and I didn't see it from where I stood. I couldn't remember much about Demons, I haven't looked at the lore in almost five years, I could think of the first few verses of an exorcism off the top of my head but that was about it. If I thought about it long enough I'd remember but as of right now I don't have that kind of time.

"What the hell is that?" Morgan's confused voice echoed around the trees, though it sounded constricted, like something was pressing on his chest. Well I guess something was.

"Now where's the fun in telling you that?" He ignored Morgan and walked closer to me as I backed away. I kept trying to remember the damn thing in full but it was only coming through in bursts, oh what I would do to be able to remember things like Spencer can. "Ready to end up like boyfriend?" Why would he want to injure me? Unless he thinks Spencer is dead.

"Why don't you let my brother and friend go?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because your issue is with me?"

"My 'issue' is with your family." My back connected with a tree.


"I'm not going to waist this meat suit's breath when I'm just going to kill you."

"You're not gonna at least tell me why you're going to kill me? Come on, at least pay me that respect." I glanced over Rodney's shoulder at Dean who was nodding his head to the side, gesturing to something I couldn't see.

"I don't have any respect for you." His free hand clamped tightly around my throat and lifted me off the ground.

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