Addison Winchester (Now Compl...

By LillyTheTurtle

890K 21.3K 1.5K

"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around the man who stood behind me he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Witchy Winchester
War of the Winchesters

chapter 30

12.7K 316 11
By LillyTheTurtle

After Aaron left I literally felt the blood drain from my face. The two of waited a few good minuets before we said anything. The last thing we need is for them to be staring down out backs. But it looked like they would be doing that anyway because Aaron assigned two officers to stand at the door because both I, Spencer, and Sam can all be considered targets. Now you might be asking why Sam is one also, well considering that the only reason that Rodney came after me in the first place was because my dad pissed him off and since both of us have the same dad...well, you get the point.

"So Rodney was dead, and now he's not. Any doubts I had before about this not being out kind of thing are gone." I crossed my arms in an 'x' above my chest before sweeping them out as if to clear the board.

"Are you sure he was dead?"

"Yes, I spoke to his sons who told me without a shadow of doubt that he was dead. They gave him a hunter's funeral!"

"Okay, calm down. First of all too much stress is both bad for you and the baby. Second we will figure this out." He assured me and took a deep breath. "If the body was burned then that rules out ghost."

"Not if he's holding onto something else. But even if he was he shouldn't be able to move around like this." I shook me head and sighed. "Maybe a shapeshifter of some kind?"

"We've never seen anything like that."

"Doesn't mean that they don't exist. There's lore on shifters in almost every religion, every culture that I've ever read about... I think we would be naive to think they aren't real." He thought over that for a second.

"I need to do some research." He stood up and started pulling on his jacket.

"Do you think the guards are going to let you leave? Aaron told us to stay put."

"It's a safety thing, if I don't want to be protected then I don't have to stay here. And all they need to know is that I've got a paper due in a week and I need to go to the library." I chewed on the inside of my lip.

"Well, while you do that. I'm going to call Dad." The look he gave me almost scared me. It would have if I hadn't just spent several hours thinking that Spencer was going to die. "Sam, this isn't just my life on the line, He almost killed Spencer, actually, he did but thank fucking God he somehow came back to life! I can't risk my child's life, Derek's life, and Aaron's life because you don't want to work with dad." I took a deep breath. "So you don't have to talk to him, you don't have to look at him hell, if he comes into the room you can walk right out if that makes you feel better."

"What if this is just Rodney, that his kids lied to you to protect him from Dad? Then what, you called dad all the way out here for a human."

"Then I'll take whatever heat he throws at me. But I haven't hunted is almost five years, I don't have any of my weapons, and I'm four months pregnant! And I have the feds breathing down my neck because I'm considered a target. So I would like to have the comfort of knowing that not only you, but dad and maybe Dean is also on the case." I had stood up and with every word I moved closer and my voice got lower until I was right in front of him and my voice was a whisper.

"Okay." He took a step back. I could tell that my action had surprised him. For the time I've been here with him I had been nothing but happy and a little sad. He saw me angry when I spoke to Aaron but at that point it hadn't been directed at him. Someone had once told that me being angry was like watching a rabid snake. You didn't know what they would do, when they would do it, and where they would strike. I took another deep breath and walked back over to the chair I had been in before. "I'll call you if I find something." And with that he left, but he stopped at the door and turned to me. "We'll find him. I promise." I nodded.

"I know." Even I could hear the empty echo in my tone, but it wasn't empty like I didn't care. It was darker then that. We both knew that it didn't matter if they couldn't bring me his head on a stick, then I would get it myself. Doesn't matter when, doesn't matter where, and it doesn't matter how.


I looked around my little hiding spot in one of those rooms that have a bunch of vending machines and little coffee makers. I left Spencer's room and told the officers at that I was just going to get something to eat. I didn't want to go into one of the bathrooms and call because I thought talking in there would be louder then doing it somewhere else. I didn't want to run the risk of someone like Aaron or one of the officers walking in and overhearing. At least in here I can see people before they come within hearing distance.

Once I was sure that I was alone I pulled out my phone and called my father's main phone. It rang and rang and rang until his voicemail picked up. It gave the usual spiel about how he wasn't there to get the phone and to leave a message. I huffed and called him again. Still no answer so I told him what was going on and hung up. I ran my fingers through my hair in a frustrated manner and leaned heavily against the pale wall.

I waited a few minuets, giving him some time to call me back. Maybe it was the middle of the night wherever he is, or he might be in the shower. Hell, he could be in the middle of digging up a grave. I decided that I couldn't wait any longer and pulled the phone back out and ran though my options. I didn't have the contact information for anyone else except Dad, Dean, and now Sam. There's a good chance that Dean is with Dad so I could call him. But I really don't think that he wants to talk to me at this point in time.

"Get over it." I mumbled to myself and opened the phone back up. I found Dean's numbered buried in the contacts and tentatively press the call button.


Derek walked down the hall towards Spencer's room. He wanted to check on the kid himself, not that he didn't believe Aaron but he felt like he should have done something before or noticed the guy. He also wanted to see how Addison was holding up. She looked like she wanted to rip out Aaron's throat before and he wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to kill the doctors. He saw the two Officers sanding in front of the door when he turned down the hall so he didn't bother looking at the room numbers. He nodded to them when they moved aside so he could walk in. So far the locals weren't giving that much of a hard time. Normally when working with the police it was like pulling teeth. No one likes the government.

"Where's Addison?" Was the first thing he asked when he opened the door. Spencer was still passed out though he looked a little more put together then he had on the ground of the clearing after he was shot.

"She went to the vending machine room down the hall a few minuets ago." The older one said. He looked to be about 35 maybe a little older. His hair was graying on his mustache but he had the same eyes that most seasoned cops get.

"By herself?"

"She said 'if he got this far into the hospital without being noticed then the security here sucks.'" The younger one said though he wasn't that much younger. He sounded slightly annoyed. Derek accepted there answer and asked where the room was. They told him, he gave Spencer another look and deemed that he was going to be okay and started moving towards where they said Addison was. The best thing he could do for Spencer right now was keeping Addison and the baby alive. When he came up on the room he saw her with her back to him and her phone pressed against her ear. He was about to call out to her but she started Speaking.

"It's Addison, don't hang up!" She said into the phone. She sounded panicked and slightly out of breath. He couldn't hear who she was talking to or what they said. He felt a little bad about ease dropping but something about her tone and the way she was holding herself he felt like he needed to.

"He's not answering his phone and I need help, Rodney's back." She pressed her hand to her forehead and turned around. Derek moved back, afraid that she would see him but her eyes were firmly placed on the ground. "Yes I'm sure he was dead, they burned his body! There is no way in hell he sould be up walking around, let alone shooting Spencer in the chest with a silver bullet!" Her voice got a lot louder but she quickly regained herself. Obviously she didn't want to bring unwanted attention to herself. Derek moved back and a little down the hall so he could still hear but she wouldn't really see him if she turned around.

"I know...Dea-....Okay I'm sorry I hurt your feelings but I don't really care about that right this moment. Right now the man that I love has a hole in his chest because some asshat has some fucked up 'eye for an eye' complex. Not to mention the two FBI agents that he works with are looking into it and have no fucking idea what they're getting themselves into. I don't like withholding information but at the moment I don't have any other choice. So this is me asking you for help Dean, I know you're pissed, I know you would rather jump into hell then see me right now but can you please help?" She said the last part a lot softer and Derek had to strain to hear her but he managed.

"Please don't make me say it again." She sighed heavily and Derek could almost see her shoulders sagging with it. "Make it six." He heard the phone close and decided to make himself known.

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