The Journey Continues - Seven...

Autorstwa HeyGurl587

2.7K 69 2

Sequel to 'Seven And Ten Thousand'. Więcej

Part One - The Murphy
Part Two - White Light
Part Three - Zombie Road
Part Four - Z Weed
Part Five - Batch Forty-Seven
Part Six - Escorpion of the Zeros.
Part Seven - Another Loss
Part Eight - Zombaby!
Part Nine - Zombie Baby Daddy
Part Ten - Down The Mississippi
Part Eleven - A Near Miss
Part Twelve - The Collector
Part Thirteen - Teck
Part Fifteen - UFOs, Aliens, Are They Real?
Part Sixteen - We were nowhere near the grand canyon
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen - Corporate Retreat
Part Nineteen - Hotel Break
Part Twenty - La Reina's Offer
Part Twenty-One - Party With The Zeros
Part Twenty-Two - Adios Muchachos
Part Twenty-Three - Day One
Part Twenty-Four - Zeros Attack
Part Twenty-Five - All Good Things Must Come To An End

Part Fourteen - Rozwell

105 3 0
Autorstwa HeyGurl587

A yellow jeep without a roof drove down the long and dusty road in the middle of the night. A mix tape played from it. Warren was driving, Vasquez was in the front passenger seat. Doc, Murphy and Addison sat in the back seat, Ten K and Seven sat on the edge of the car, in the trailer space. The Pregnant woman, Sheila, didn't last more than a week out in the Zombie world. It had been over a week since she was mercied.

"We need to get off the road." Vasquez said as he turned the tap volume down.

"I don't like being so far into Zero's territory." Warren kept her eyes on the road. "I guess we really don't have a choice."

Seven looked out at the dirt filled fields, the full moon had risen, but not peeked it's high point yet. Dust followed behind them. A minute later, the radio began to cut in and out then returned to normal. Murphy leaned forward,

"Hey, what's that?"

All looked ahead on the left side of the car, on the edge of the road. There were large lumps. Ten K shone his flash light on it, relieving a neatly chopped up, and still live zombie. It lifted its head and growled at them, clawing at the ground.

"That is a new one." Seven heard Addison say.

"I want whatever did that." Ten K grinned. Seven rolled her eyes but smiled at him.

"Some kind of Samurai surgent." Doc stated.

"Somethings you just can't unsee." Addison shook her head. Ten K took the safety off his handgun and aimed. Addison ducked and Ten K fired, hitting the zombie's head. The bang echoed.  

"Four thousand, two hundred and thirty-four." he put his gun away again. "And a third."

"Take the whole kill, you deserve it kid." Doc told him.

"Thirty-five." Ten K smiled. 

"You know, they used to find mutilated cattle back here pre Z." Seven spoke up.

"Mutilated cattle?" Warren repeated. "Like X-Files Mutilated cattle?"

Ten Thousand rested his arms over the bar of the jeep frame above him and he leant forward and rested. "Yeah, my uncle knew all about it. Aliens did it."

Doc turned to look at both of them, "Have you two been smoking my Z Weed?"

Ten K looked straight at the back of Doc's head. "No."

Doc nodded, "Maybe you better start."

Seven chuckled. "Do you believe in UFO's?" Murphy asked.

"Sure." Seven answered. Ten K nodded.

"That's ridiculous, Aliens don't exist. If they were smart enough to get here, they wouldn't put up with the dumb ass human race for a minute." Murphy then muttered. "Pure science fiction."

"That's what people said about zombies." Ten K said.

"Well, I mean, maybe there's zombies but there sure as hell ain't no aliens." Murphy shook his head, assured with his answer. The radio crackled then the car slowed and stopped, its headlights switched off completely. Seven frowned,

"What happened?"

Warren tried to start it up again, it chugged but did not come to life. "Aw come on baby, don't fail me now." Warren pleaded. Doc rubbed his forehead. Seven sighed, but her eyes widened when she head a weird muffled sound coming from the radio. Ten K moved his arms off the bar, and instead he held them, his elbows now level with his side and he listened too. The muffled voices tuned in and out.

"What kind of language is that?" Vasquez queried. 

"Sounds like alien crosstalk to me." Ten K stated.

"You're just saying that to piss me off aren't you?" Murphy grumbled and glanced back at Ten K. Ten K only smiled. Seven stifled a laugh.

"Am I the only one a little creeped out?" Doc questioned. A bright light caught Seven's eyes. All looked up and behind them.

"Anybody know where that light's coming from?" Warren asked. Second later the light hovered past them speedily. Seven watched the ball of light head miles past them, it stopped and hovered and a beaming ray of light shone down on the ground. Ten Thousand's mouth gaped. The muffled voices continued in the radio. Seven's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but her heart raced. the thought of UFOs entered her mind and she thought she was going crazy. The beaming light disappeared and the ball of light then whirled up into the sky and also disappeared.

The voices still continued but were gradually tuning out. Ten K rested his head on the bar, "Like I was saying."

The voices stopped, music played and the jeep roared into life. Warren laughed and bounced in her seat. Doc looked about, "Well that was exciting."

"I wouldn't want my apocalypse anymore exciting than it already is thank you." Murphy fixed up his jacket. Warren began to drive them onwards again.

"Does someone want to go ahead and tell me what that was?" Addison spoke up.

"A plane?" Doc suggested. 

"Whatever it was, I hope it's friendly." Seven muttered.

"Alright listen," Warren chimed in. "My dad, was this no bullshit, tell it like it is, air force pilot. He told this story about seeing this bright lit craft, buzzing over him. And it made him a total believer. And even as a little girl, I like... I wondered."

"Well wonder no more. Zombies got here first. There aren't no aliens." Murphy said. Doc shrugged,

"Well I don't know. A UFO seems more likely than somebody still being able to fly a jet plane today." he pointed up, "Especially one that can do that!"

"I'm telling you," Ten K patted the bars, making a ringing sound.

"Don't make me bite you," Murphy threatened. Ten K's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced at Murphy oddly. Murphy rolled his eyes, "I was kidding."

"Mmhm." Seven rolled her eyes. 

Hours later the car passed the Welcome to Roswell sign. As the sun began to rose, Seven glanced back at the others. She was the one driving now, and all but Vasquez were sound asleep. A short while later, Seven pulled the jeep over onto the side of the road, in need for a pee. There was some sort or tavern not too far up the road, and Warren wanted to check it from afar before going to check it out in person. All were up and out of the car, Ten K had himself set up on the bar frame on top, his feet dangled over the bonnet. 

Seven disappeared with three squares of toilet paper. When she returned, Warren was looking through the scope attached to Ten K's rifle. "Something definitely crashed alright."

"If it was a plane, we should definitely find it and fly us the hell out of this apocalypse." Addison glanced up and hid her eyes from the blinding sun. "It's a lot faster than driving."

Murphy shook his head, "No thanks. The last time I got in a plane it didn't end so well."

"Does anything in your life?" Addison retorted. Warren then handed the sniper rifle back to Ten K,

"Yeah well it didn't look like any plane I've ever seen. But we are in Roswell."

"With a Z." Doc looked up, his wore his black shaded spectacles.

"Murphy's right." Vasquez spoke up. What ever it is, it isn't extraterrestrial."

Warren looked at him, "What? Some kind of drone?"


"What kind of drone moves like that?" Seven argued. Ten K squatted on the bonnet, his arms rested on his knees and he nodded,

"I'm telling you, my uncle-"

"Don't! Say it," Murphy cut him off and waved his hand. The group began to walk forward, Ten K jumped off the bonnet.

Seven walked alongside Ten K. She kicked rocks as she walked. The group walked over to the crash site, Seven glanced at it to see bits of broken and torn scrap metal, sticking out from dust and dirt. 

"Is this what I'm supposed to believe in?" Warren raised an eyebrow. Vasquez shrugged,

"Crash site of some kind."

"Looks like the future!" Doc stated as they walked through it, examining it more closely.

"Well, it's definitely been here a while," Seven nodded at some rusted pieces. "Probably crashed here when everything went bad." she lightly kicked and nudged some pieces with the toe of her boots. Addison squatted a little and pointed,

"Looks like there's some markings here. Kind of weird." she waved a hand and looked back at the others.

"It's not a plane, there's no wings." Ten K folded his arms.

"Maybe a helicopter or something?"

"Yeah but, who would have rode it?" Warren asked. All but Addison now stood on the edge of the circle created by the impact of the crash. Addison waved her hands and dropped her arms by her side.

"Guys! What is it?"

"If anyone says flying saucer, I'm out of here." Murphy grunted. Doc turned to look at everyone,

"Well it sure looks like a f-f." he paused when he caught Murphy's eye. "Airborne disk of some kind." he quickly covered up. Warren placed her hands on her hips,

"Well whatever it is, it's not the thing we saw last night." she glanced at the others. She nodded at the town. "So let's keep going." Murphy looked at her as though she had grown a second head.

"Into Roswell?"

Warren pulled a face and shook her head a little, "We need supplies." she said in a duh tone.

"Well great." Murphy sung his arms up then down. "More alien huggers." A loud chorus of zombie growls chimed. Seven looked up to see several coming in from different directions. 

"Never mind aliens. Puppies and kittens people." Warren said and aimed her gun, taking the safety trigger off. Warren shot two down. Vasquez stood next to her with his gun slightly raised.

"A couple more over here," Doc called. Warren lowered her gun and looked at ten K. 

"Ten K, you're up." 

Ten K stood several meters away from the others. He looked at the approaching zombies.

Seven glanced at Ten K to see him pulling his sling shot out. He pressed his lips together to form a flat line and put a bolt in his sling shot. Two were running at him. Ten K released the sling and the bolt went flying, it hit the zombie furtherest away from him, going straight through its head. It dropped to the ground with a thud. Ten K went for another bolt but he was out. He tossed the sling shot aside and pulled another spiky trinket out, he piked the zombie on the top of the head. It fell to the ground and he yanked the weapon out of its head, blood spurted with it.

Ten K held the weapon high as he stared down at the zombie. He dropped his arm by his side, "Four thousand two hundred, and thirty-six- Thirty seven." he then adjusted the strap on his shoulder and looked at Seven.

Seven jumped, startled the a loud zombie growled behind her. She yanked her machete out, spun around and stabbed its chest. She then kicked its stomach, sending it falling backwards. She then ripped the machete out and with both hands, rammed it into the zombie's forehead. 

Half an hour later, the yellow jeep rolled into town. Ten K stood on the back this time, holding onto the railing on top. Seven sat with her back facing the front and her legs dangling over the edge. The car bounced and wobbled when they hit a pot hole. Seven grabbed onto Ten K's leg to stable herself. Music blared from the radio.

The car slowed when it neared the tavern. Seven glanced over her shoulder to see the silver tavern had a large crafted UFO on the roof. The corner of her lip twitched upwards. Warren parked them in the parking spot inline with the entrance. Seven slid off the back and walked straight to the doors. She stopped when she heard zombie growling. The others were still hoping out of the car and stretching.

"Three o'clock." Doc pointed out. Ten K was quick to aim his sling shot at the single zombie. He fired and hit it.

"Four thousand, two hundred and thirty-eight."

"Kid's on a roll." Doc said. Seven waited as the group followed after her.

"Okay, talk about I want to believe." Addison glanced at the metric looking windows and the large UFO on top.

"The only thing the people of Roswell believe in is liberating money from suckers." Murphy muttered.

"Looks like we got some believers inside." Warren glanced back at the others then walked up to the entrance doors. Seven opened the door and stepped in, Warren and the others were right behind her. It was dark, a few alien head posters hung about and a large white board with crosses on it.

A man with a short clipped beard and glasses stood out the front of another door. He looked at them, "Are you here for the visitors?" he rushed out with a smile.

"Visitors?" Warren repeated in question. The man walked over to Warren as Murphy spoke,

"Uh, I think he means uh-" before he could finish, the man asked Warren,

"Have you been touched by Bernadette?"


The man with the clip board looked between everyone. "Don't worry, I'll help you with the orientation."

"Orientation?" Warren questioned. Seven walked around, looking at the sheets of paper sprawled along the table. All had drawings of UFOs. She turned around to see Ten K picking up a pair of alien eye goggles and he put them on. Addison giggled as did Seven. He looked pretty funny in them.

"Yeah! For the exodus."

"What exodus?" Vasquez asked. A woman with blonde hair walked in and out of the room, through the doorway the bearded man was originally standing in front of. 

"It's okay to be confused. Many new arrivals are," the man walked towards Vasquez. Seven found herself wondering through the door the woman had disappeared through. She walked through a small room and out the door on the other side. She then found herself stepping outside onto a paved under cover area. People were roaming about. She stopped and looked at them. 

"So, who's this Bernadette chick?" she asked loudly. A couple people looked at her,

"The messenger of the aliens!" a woman exclaimed. "They talk to her and-" she stopped talking when the bearded man and Seven's group came walking out side to join them. The bearded man was rambling to the group, mainly Doc.

"No, we are not abductees. Those people are crazyyyy." his voice was high pitched. "We're inductees. We've been invited, not kidnapped." he then threw his hands up and said in a louder voice, "We refer to ourselves as extronaughts because we will be the first humans to explore the alien world."

"So um," Murphy stepped forward and pulled a 'Just wondering' face, "How do you plan on doing that? Exactly." he then frowned.

"The visitors are coming to save us from the apocalypse. We have been chosen and they're almost ready. Just six more days! Bernadette is in close contact with them."

"Bernadette?" Seven spoke up.

"Yes. We all see them, but Bernadette is the only one they choose to communicate with." the bearded man answered. It was then Addison's turn to talk,

"And who are the um, the aliens you communicate with? Do they by any chance have a radio?"

The man nodded and shook his head as he spoke, "A radio is far to primitive for them. They don't need our technology. They communicate with her, telepathically." he held the pencil tip to his ear and spun it in loops.

"Finally." a new voice entered the conversation. All turned around to see a grinning blonde approaching them. "They are here. It's happening, just like they said it would." Seven looked about as she said this. The woman then walked into the circle and looked Doc up and down. "Strangers have arrived." she then stepped back from him and looked at Seven and the others. "Among them, will be the one, the visitors are awaiting for." she walked a circle around Seven, looking her up and down, then she moved to Warren.

Seven arched an eyebrow. The woman then examined Vasquez. "They said he would help us transition to the next reality." She was now looking into Ten K's eyes. She then turned to Murphy who looked away, scratching his patchy head. She stepped closer to him, "And here he is. The emissary!" she then hugged him. Murphy's eyes enlarged and he froze.

"Oh, okay..." he said. The people around applauded.


Ten K and Seven sat on the bars of the Jeep. Two zombies came running around a building in the near distance, they growled and started towards them, Ten K picked his sniper rifle up and shot at them. The first bang went off. "Four thousand, two hundred and thirty nine." he said as he looked up from his scope and at the actual zombie on the ground. He aimed again and fired. The bang echoed loudly. "Four thousand, two hundred and forty."

"Are you really going to change your name to Jeff when you hit ten thousand?" Seven glanced at him. Ten Thousand shrugged. 


"Ten Thousand sounds so much cooler." Seven nodded. Ten K rolled his eyes but smiled. His eyebrows then furrowed. "Hey, whatever happened to that journal of yours?"

"Why? Wanna peak in it again?" she poked her tongue out at him. She then shrugged, "It got drenched in the Mississippi."

"That sucks."

Seven nodded. "I can always draw them again."

"True. So this Dax guy, you really think he'll be waiting for you in California?"

Seven nodded. "I know he will." She could feel it in her bones. Dax would stop at nothing to see her again. Ten K nodded, his face fell slightly. The corner of Seven's lips twitched into a smirk. "You're not jealous are you?"

Ten K shook his head profoundly. "Of course not."

"Sure sure." she laughed. Ten K frowned and she lightly hit his shoulder, "I'm kidding Ben Ten, chill." she smiled then she wrapped her arms around him and give him a side on hug, her left cheek smoothed against his arm. "What was your first day like on the apocalypse?" she suddenly asked.

Ten K thought for a moment, his eyes still scanning the area to make sure there were no Zombies. He then answered. "I was fishing. Near the woods. When I was walking home I came across this guy with many arrows sticking out of him. I didn't know he was a zombie until there was about five of them chasing after me." he explained. He glanced down at her and slightly smiled. "I ran into a tree." Seven stifled a laugh. She imagined it happening. "When I woke up, my dad was shooting the Zs and telling me to get the rifle and run." he shrugged, "That's all I remember really. What about you?"

"I was at the mall." Seven grimaced. Ten K's eyebrows rose. 

"Jeeze. That would have been tough escaping."

"You have no idea." Seven shook her head a little and laughed. She then frowned as the memories returned to her, she shoved them aside again. "I was lucky Keith was with me. He saved me. We were about to see a movie, but he had to go to the bathroom. So he went down to the first floor, but came back seconds later. Told me and the others we had to get out. So we headed for the nearest exit but a heard came running in." she shook her head again, closed her eyes and sighed. "Keith and I made it out alright. Nicked a car and got away. It was crazy."

"It would have been," Ten K nodded. A growling and choking noise echoed. Both looked up to see four zombies headed their way slowly. Still about forty or fifty yards away. Ten K lifted his rifled up but Seven put her hand on the top of the barrel and lowered it. 

"Can I try? With the sling shot?"

He nodded and pulled it out. He passed it to her. Seven jumped off the Jeep, squatted and picked up a couple small but sharp edged rocks. Ten K now stood beside her. Seven aimed the first rock. She shot it, but it missed the zombie by a mile. The second rock was closer but still missed.

"Here." Ten K cut in after the third failed attempt. He placed his hands over hers, and guided them. Seven's back pressed into Ten K's front, his chin hovered over her shoulder and the side of his large goggles lightly pressed into the side of her head. He positioned her hands and aimed it. They both let go of the rock and it soared through the air, it went straight through one zombie's head, then through the one behind it. Both zombies fell to the ground. 

"Wicked." Seven gaped. She then looked over her shoulder, at Ten K's blueish green eyes. "Help me with the other two?" He nodded.

Minutes later the two decided to head back inside. As Ten K went to open the door it pulled back and another man went to walk out. He stepped to the side allowing Ten K and Seven to walk past. The door shut after them. Sitting at the long table, was the rest of the group. Ten K and Seven walked over to them, Ten K pulled an extra chair to the table, Seven took the other spare chair at the table and spun it around the proper way. Both sat down,

"Okay, the lunatics have taken over the asylum." Murphy smiled and leant forward. He nodded, "Time to go." Warren then spoke,

"What about that air craft thing we saw," she used tigers as quotation marks. "That could fly us out of here.

"There's an air force base here actually," Ten K said as he sat down. He puled his sniper rifle in front of him and held it standing up. "They abandoned it back in the 60s, but that's just a cover story." he stared at Murphy. Warren pulled the large sheet of paper from Doc and looked at it. Seven glanced at it to see it was a map.

"Well I want to believe in UFOs." Doc piped up. He chewed on his food as he spoke, "I mean if someone wants to fly my ass off this God forsaken planet I'm cool with it." he then leant back in his chair and continued to eat the chicken in the black tray of his. Murphy frowned at him.

"Are you serious!?" he then looked at everyone else. "Are we actually talking about going to an abandoned air force base, in Roswell, to see if we can find a UFO, to fly us, to California?"

"Well when you say it like that," Doc looked back down at his food again.

"You mean in English?"

"Look we did see something," Warren told him. "And that something was flying. Which means there's a ground crew with fuel, food and communication." she then pointed at Ten K. "And I want to get a look at that base." Ten K nodded as did Murphy who pointed a the door,

"Well maybe your buddy Dan can show us the way. To Pluto."

"I can show you." Bernadette cut in. Everyone jumped in surprise, Vasquez reached for his gun on the table and pointed it. Seven's eyes widened when she noticed Bernadette was sitting right next to her. She pointed around the room and back at her.

"How did.. How did.." she stammered. 

"Oh my God," Murphy said. "How long have you been there?"

She patted her hands, her forearms rested on the table. "A while." she said. Still she wore a large, toothy grin as she looked around them all.

"Okay... That's not creepy." Murphy looked away. 

"I can show you where the base is, it's not far. I go there all the time. That's where they contact me."

"The aliens?" Warren tilted her head. Bernadette stared at Warren,

"They prefer the term, visitors."

"Hmm. Who knows. Maybe we'll find a plane," she glanced at Seven then at Addison. "And a radio." she looked back at Bernadette. 

"And Big Foot," Murphy waved a hand. Ten K looked at him,

"Hey don't laugh. My uncle had a sasquash Belt." he nodded. Murphy growled at him. Seven had to hide her smile. She loved how irritated Murphy was by this.

"Come." Bernadette smiled. "I'll show you."

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