tattøøs and cøffee beans // p...

By LoveFromHowellLester

12.6K 633 651

"Hello Phil! How are you?" "I'm doing pretty good." he mumbled, looking up at me with a glum expression. My s... More

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899 46 45
By LoveFromHowellLester

I strolled into the coffee shop earlier than normal. I had been wanting to ask Phil on a date for quite a while, and I had just smothered up the courage to grab my bag and go. PJ had seemed oddly possessive when I told him my plans, claiming Phil was a "bad influence" and that I should be careful around him. Like he would know.

The small bell chimed yet again and I saw Phil look up. I smiled warmly and walked over, noticing his cheeks flush bright red. He scrubbed the mug he was holding with more force. "Hey Dan."

"Hello Phil! How are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good." he mumbled, looking up at me with a glum expression. My smile faltered a bit. Why did he seem so sad?

His hand was resting on the counter in front of me. I hesitantly placed my own on top and made eye contact once again. "You okay dear?"

He blushed redder and smiled slightly. "Yeah, don't worry about it.

"But I worry about everything!" I replied, removing my hand and resting my head on my closed fists.

"There's no need to worry about me, sunshine." Phil looked down at his feet, hurt hidden deep behind his eyes and the blush replaced with pale skin once again. "I've been through enough to get through on my own."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion but decided to drop the subject. "I got to do a really challenging tattoo today. I had to do a whole half chest, I'm finishing the rest tomorrow. Giant tiger with rainbow fur, massive flourishing jungle behind with flowers scattered everywhere," I made large gestures and looked at Phil to see if I had lost his attention, but those crystal eyes were still locked on my face. I blushed lightly and continued. "with the word 'imagine' over all of it. And  the guy wants me to sign it at the bottom! He said that every artist deserves credit for their work, which I can't argue with."

Phil grinned and I saw a small pink tongue stick out of the side of his mouth. I smiled back, both to return the gesture and because of how cute his smile was.

"You should give me another one sometime, you know? Another tattoo wouldn't hurt." He offered, shrugging and meeting my eyes.

"Yeah, maybe you could tip more this time, too."

Phil scoffed. "People don't tip tattoo artists."

"Maybe you don't have to tip with money-"

He raised an eyebrow. "So like a date then?"

I blushed a deep crimson red. "I was thinking more along the lines of a bag of chips, but that works too."

"I-I mean you don't have to-"

"No no no, it's fine, I'd love that."

"Pick you up at 7:30, in that case?"

"That's perfect, Phil."

"See you then, sunshine."

And then I left the shop, ecstatic and anticipating with a dumb grin plastered onto my face.


I heard a soft knock at the door and I quickly jumped off the couch where I was sitting, watching Supernatural with Peej. I started towards the door when he pulled me back, gripping my shoulders. "Is it that Phil guy? I'll let him in -- I should make sure he's not a sexual predator or anything." PJ laughed lightly, gently pushing me back onto the sofa. I was hesitant about letting him answer the door, but Dean was about to die again and I was too invested not to watch.

The door clicked and I heard Phil's cheery voice. "Hey Da-"

Then silence.

"You're  that guy at the coffee shop that told me to stay awa-"

I rushed into the kitchen and to the door, confused. "What are you two doing?"

"This guy came to the coff-"

"You guys have a great time now!" PJ interrupted, shoving me out the door and slamming it in our faces. I just looked at Phil and shrugged, slipping my hand into his. "So where are we going?"

"My apartment."

I gulped audibly. "What are we gonna do there, exactly?"

"I was planning on going on the roof and drinking some hot cocoa while looking at the stars, but if you want to do something different, we can."

I shook my head. "Sounds perfect."


"Do you want the fuzzy blue blanket or the cozy green one?" Phil asked, holding up two almost identical blankets. I reached for the blue one and grabbed my cocoa, letting him lead us out of the apartment, up the stairs and onto the roof. Stars shone brightly against the black night sky illuminating the concrete we stepped on . We sat down next to one another and sipped our coffee in silence.

"He's really pretty, you know?" Phil said. His piercings sparkled in the white moonlight.

"Very. O'Ryan is my favorite constellation." I agreed, adjusting my flower crown.

"I wasn't talking about the stars." He replied.

I looked at his face. Pale cheekbones and slim, curved nose. A messy flop of black hair atop a porcelain head, almost to perfect to possibly be real.

Our eyes met suddenly. Those crystals hidden behind glinting pupils. The best thing.

Damn, did I want to kiss him. Soft lips that looked like they would melt perfectly into mine.

And then they did.

I didn't even realize it was happening at first. My eyes opened wide in shock, but quickly fluttered closed after the initial amazement had worn off. His lips were indeed soft, and they fit like puzzle pieces against mine. I could taste the cocoa and a hint of strawberry, the scent of lavender and blueberry muffin surrounding me.

I cupped Phil's cheeks softly, his skin one of the softest things I had ever touched. His hands hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into his lap.

I broke away for a moment and looked into his blue eyes. "I've never kissed anyone on the first date."

"I'm glad I'm the first, then."

And the gap between us closed once again, hot and full of need.


that was over 1k words holy shizzle

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