worlds colliding (Harry Potte...

By YoSoyEspanol

28.9K 1K 228

worlds collide. Heroes united to destroy a bigger evil. Keep reading to see the worlds of harry potter (by J... More

The beginning
Diagon Alley
Draco's situation and King Cross
The Sorting Prt.1
The Sorting Prt. 2
Draco's back.
The final sort
Nico's crush and wizards in demigod camp
Chapter 9: An unexpected event
Chapter 10: More unexpected events
School project
Chapter 11: The last prophecy *
Chapter 12: The Intergalactic Staff
1000 reads!!!
Chapter 14: The corridor
I have something to say
My last Words
Chapter 15: Leo

Chapter 13: Tragic

625 30 14
By YoSoyEspanol

Hey guys, I'm in Dubai now and I will be updating more often now that I have internet. Please get me to 100 votes, and thank you again for the 1000 reads!

 - Annabeth's POV -

After Percy finished telling us his dream, everyone was deeply talking about what Percy had said, but I had my doubts.

 - Wait Percy, - I started saying - we've been really close to chaos once and I felt awful. Horrified, scared and hopeless, did you feel any of those things?

Percy suddenly seemed confused, but before he could answer, Jason said: 

 - He didn't have to feel like that, - he started - because Chaos is actually four gods. Nyx (Night), Erebos (Darkness), Aither (Light) and Hemera (Day)...

 - And they are situated, respectively, in: Tartarus, bottom of Tartarus, the sky and the line between space and the atmosphere. - Hermione finished - You probably met Hemera, it's said that he is the most cooperative.

After that comment, everyone was staring at Hermione, including me, with their mouths open at least an inch.

 - Hey! I know she's pretty, but stop staring! - Leo said, putting fake protective arms around her.

We started laughing and couldn't stop for a while, because when in tension laughter is a weapon to fight it off. After a long while, breaking the silence, Jason said:

 - So... what was that paper and that box you said? 

Percy's expression changed to confusion and then said:

 - Oh! Of course!

He went running to his cabin and came back as fast as he could. He unrolled the parchment and read:

 - New York, Ridge Rd, Greece...

 - Wait, what? Greece is in New York? - Ron interrupted - I thought it was in Europe!

 - Is that guy, I mean Chaos, like, gone cu cu - Leo said doing circles with his finger next to his forehead. 

 - Hey, Leo I don't think you should even think that. - I started telling him - Did you know that he could blow your head before you even blinked.

After that comment, of course, Leo blinked. I rolled my eyes while everyone started laughing.

 - Well, and is it? - Ron asked again.

 - It doesn't mean Greece COUNTRY, it means CITY - I said and then made a face that said "DUH!" all over it.

 - Ok, can I finish now? - Percy asked but continued before anybody could answer - Bank of America, Justin Michael Quintin.

 - That is, I think, a twenty minute ride from here - I said - so, let's go!

Before I could even start walking away, I saw Percy reaching for the box, he put his hand on the top, but then stopped and put the box in his pocket.

As we rode to Greece I thought about the box and why didn't Percy open it.

 - Ginny's POV - 

It all happened to fast. We were going to land in a few minutes and I was in the lead. We had made a bet at the beginning, that who could get there first. Annabeth had told us all the directions, so we all went fast to our brooms/pegasus and flew across the path between us and our destination. We were already descending when I felt that something was wrong. I couldn't see anything below because there was fog below and that was one of the reasons it felt weird. And then, it started.

 - You shouldn't be here - A womans voice said, but with a shriek.

Before I could notice everything started going black and I heard Harry screaming, and then I realized, I had a pool of blood where my heart was. And that is when it all went black.

 - Ron's POV - 

I heard Harry's scream and then I saw Ginny. At the distance she seemed like a doll, but then I realized, she was in the floor, her broom crushed to bits and her arms and legs folded in imposible angles plus a pool of red around her. Blood. My heart stopped beating for a second  when I realized that there was no point in helpng her, not even now that the empousai had gone away and the fog was gone. First Fred, now Ginny. I would do anything that it took to stop this. All of this. The war, the deaths. Everything.

 - Percy's POV - 

After I landed, I didn't even have time to go with the others. A hand grabbed me and took me to a dark corner. 

 - What are you doing out here? Are you mad? - a body-less voice said.

It came from the end of the hall that I had thought it was a corner.

 - Who are you? - I asked getting closer to the voice.

 - That's not the case now, right now you have to leave - the voice said coming a out a little from the shadows. 

I now could see what he was wearing a black hoodie hanging a bit and letting me see his sleeve-less shirt. He had black steal toe shoes and a black cape behind him. It would have made me laugh that outfit in anyone else, but this guy was freaking me out a little.

 - We can't, we have to do something here - I said, hoping I hadn't said anything that would take my cover of a normal kid.

 - Sorry, but whatever god you're helping must have to wait - he said, and taking a long stick that was taller than me he continued - or else.

I was sure I hadn't said anything about gods so I knew he was demigod.

 - Who is your father? - I said changing of subject.

 - I must tell you again leave or they will come back. - he said ignoring my question.

With one last thing to say, I asked:

 - We need to find Katherine.

That changed his expression in an instant.

 - Call your friends and come with me.

It took me a long time to get them and bring them back. Ron had been crying on top of Ginny while Harry stood at his back, holding his tears but still sobbing. Annabeth and Piper crying next to Hermione. Jason and Frank came closer and stood in both of Harry's sides, and Nico and Leo nowhere to be seen. I had to tell them that Ginny had died in process of completing this mission and was killed by Gaea's forces and commands, and that we had to avenge her. And after half an hour, I got them to see shadow-boy and his plan to get us killed.


I've been crying while I was writing this. And only an update of any favor, could you get me to 50 comments? One more thing, actually, two. The mystery person has been given me by 


and I have 1,423 reads + 100 votes. A big thank you to every one and an even bigger thank you to any one that voted. :)

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