The football jocks kidnapped...

By Soulsurfer600

195K 4.5K 857

So I might possibly...maybe... have been kidnapped by five really hot football jocks...? Because I caught the... More

1 They Had NO Idea
2 Ugh. My Life
3 Crap! They saw me!!!
4 They are chasing me!
5 Things you (the reader) need to know:)
6 Waking up
7 Wait! He is a she?
9 The Boys
10 Don't call me KITTY-CAT!!!!
11 What did you poke me with?!!!
12 Mc Donalds... Um ewwww...
13 Pick a guy-slash room!?
14 Stay on your side
15 I'm not hungry...
16 I'de like to see you try
17 I didn't pass out
18 Because bathtubs are comfy
19 Sensitive Ears

8 DON'T try to escape

10.5K 237 15
By Soulsurfer600

*Madelyn's POV*

Those butt heads turned the lights out on me and just left me here!!!

"Whatever!" *I sit and listen for a few minutes trying to hear if they are anywhere close. Doesn't sound like it.

I lift my arms back over the chair and stand up.Maybe this will be my chance to escape. I sit down on the floor and slowly but surly worked my cuffed hands over my butt and legs.

"Now at least my hands are in front of me."

I sigh reaching to my hair to pull out one of the many hair pins stuck in my long locks. "They don't know I have these so I can use them to my advantage." I thought sliding it into the part where he tightened it on my wrist. Using a hairpin as a key is hopeless. You hafto fool the levers into thinking you have the key in.

*Click* "Boom shaca laca!!!" I'm home free." I started towards the door.

"Dude, come on!" I heard steps and shuffling comming towards the door.

Panicking I ran back to the chair and sat down on the hand cuffs to hide them from view. I threw my hands behind the back of the chair just before the door opened.

I once again found the floor fascinating!

Haha... Not.

The lights were turned on.

My eyes first went to about a 6 ft., tan Will with icy blue eyes. He had longer spiked hair, brown with blond streaks.

*Conner* "Dude why did you turn the lights out in the first place?"

*Will "I duno..." he shrugged as he leaned on a wall, looking quite attractive while doing so.

Conner pulled up a chair, turned it around backwards, and sat on it. He was 6"1", super tan, and had longer brown hair in kinda a (Zayn Malike from one direction look) and hazel Brown eyes.

"Ok, so we might have possibly... Maybe...Got off on the wrong foot because we thought you were... a... a guy... And we kinda roughed you up some... so ya...." He awkwardly stated.

I shifted my bruised jaw that im pretty sure had some dried blood on it still.

I also didn't give him the satisfaction of a reply. I just glared.

"Anyway, we should to introduce ourselves so, I'm Conner. The awesome one." He said giving me a quick wink

I rolled my eyes.


My eyes looked up at 6"2 Jason.

he had longer blond hair in spikes, and enticing green eyes.

"I'm Jason, leader, head, captain, whatever you prefer." *gives me a weird man nod thingie.

I cocked my eyebrow in response.

"I'm Will" *gives me a weak smile.

(you already know what he looks like)

"Nick." he said smoothly wagling his eyebrows at me. Everything to his 6"1" height, to his plale complection, blue eyes and long swingy blond hair were perfect. I realized that he didn't have a scratch on him so that meant to was the one that he me over the head and knocked me out.

I very unlady likely snorted to show my disgust for this "Nick" he's the reason I'm captured, and the reason for my concussion!!!

"Shaun." a voice growled from a corner in the room. it belonged to none other than the guy that punched my jaw and my ribcage!!! he is pale, 6 ft. long black emo hair and light brown eyes.

"So? Does our kitty cat have a name?"

Nick asked flirtatiously swishing his perfect blonde hair.

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