The Reply (JackSepticEye x De...

By tackytella

62.3K 2K 2.6K

As an adult living with your grandparents life can be, difficult. Stressed for money, friend stopped talking... More

Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 1
Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 2
Untitled Part 3
Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 5
Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 6
Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 7
Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 8
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Cɦǟքȶɛʀ 4

4.1K 150 192
By tackytella

You fumbled around with you laptop a bit. How would you reply? You literally met him a few days ago and he wants to see your face. A million thoughts buzzed in your head. What if he's a creep behind Sean's profile? What if Sean really is a creep? What if he's genuinely trying to help? You sat there for a while before typing back a reply.

Reply from (u/n)
That would be great, but.. I'm a little nervous?

You sent it. Great, You thought, I sound like a little a wimp.. 

Reply from JackSepticEye
I totally understand that, you don't have to. And don't worry, I assure you I'm no pedophile :)

You let out a small laugh and typed back a response.

Reply from (u/n)
Lol, I don't believe you are.. well, you can add me on Skype I guess, my Skype username is (u/n).

You nervously tapped your fingers on the bed as you opened up your Skype. You felt your heart racing in your chest while you waited for his contact request to come through. Your thoughts drifted to other things now. I look horrible.. what'll he think of me? You huffed. You knew very well that Sean would most likely not care about your appearance, but still, this was like meeting a friend for your first time, so you wanted to look nice. 

You quickly grabbed your new scarf and went to the bathroom to brush your hair. Why am I doing this? You thought to yourself Why do I care about impressing him? You made a face in the mirror. You always did try to look nice around Alice, maybe it was a friend thing. The thought of Alice made your stomach hurt with something you've felt so many times, desire. 

As soon as you walked back in your room to your laptop, your stomach filled with a newer feeling, overwhelming anxiety. You felt a similar experience when you first Skyped Alice, when you were trying so hard to be her friend years ago. Now that the feeling returned, you couldn't help but let your mind drift to thinking about her. 

Now that Skype was opened, you noticed the little orange notification dot over the contacts section, notifying you that you received a new contact request. You took a deep breath and accepted it. You noticed Sean had his do not disturb status up. Duh, he's a Youtuber. You thought He probably has it up for recording reasons. You sent him a Skype message.

Hey, we still have a little over an hour before the count down. Wanna wait before the call?>>

You noticed Sean's status didn't change as he was typing.

<<Sure, I was going to go eat a past midnight snack anyways. I'll contact you in about a half hour. 

You sighed in a little relief, having a bit more time to let the idea of a famous person Skyping you sink in. You got up and shut your laptop, walking out of your room. 

Since you were much more calm than before, being irritated at your grandfather making you come home, talking with your grandparents would be much easier. You walked into the kitchen, but your stomach seemed to hate you right now, resting at a dull ache. you didn't feel like eating anything, but the chocolate covered berries looked really good to you. 

"Hey, Grandma, may I eat something?" You asked, now noticing a whole assortment of food. the smell of Garlic bread came from the oven, some nice bread and butter sat in another corner, and some cheese sticks sat out with mozzarella dip. When your grandmother wanted to make something, she went all out.

"Oh, of course! You didn't have dinner, help yourself." She answered from the table. You took a plate and placed a few berries on it, along with some bread and butter. You took your plate and set it on the table, across form your grandparents. 

"Thank you Grandma, for taking me out and making this food." You said, digging into your food that was set out in front of you. After a few bites, you realized you were hungrier than you had thought.

"You're welcome." She said as she took a small bit out of hers.

"Thank me too, if it weren't for me you'd both be eating at that crappy diner instead of eating this amazing assortment of food." Your grandfather said. You glared down at the table, you were sure he was attempting to make you feel better, but it made you feel more bitter towards him. You shrugged in a response.

"Well I guess. Thank you Grandpa," You said, trying your best not to add a sarcastic tone into it. 

"So, are you going to be this sassy for the count down?" He asked. You must have sounded sarcastic after all. 

"Well, actually, I have other plans for the count down now." You said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

"And what might those plans be?" Your grandfather asked. Your grandmother looked curious as well, most likely due to the fact earlier you told her you had no plans for the day. 

"I wa-why do you wanna know?" You asked arching your eyebrows.

"You live in our house, we care for you, pay for you," At the last part he gave your grandmother a glare. He must have found out about your grandmother taking you shopping with her money. "I believe we deserve to know what you're doing." 

"Why do you even care? But fine, I'm Skyping a.. friend." You said, taking another bit out of your bread.

"Alice? I thought she stopped talking to you.." Your grandmother piped in. You wished she hadn't.

"Um, no, not Alice. Someone else." You said. You stayed quiet after that to not raise suspicion of who this person was.

"Well, (y/n), be a dear and tell me who." Your grandfather said in a mock tone of compassion. 

"Um, well, it's a guy I met.. um, online.." You said, stammering on your words.

"No, absolutely not," Your grandfather interrupted. "I'm not having my granddaughter talk to some online creep."

You felt your face heating up out of anger. "I am nineteen, I can make my own decisions! Besides, he makes Youtube videos of himself, he is not some random online creep, he's a famous comedic game player. Give me a break!" You shouted. 

"Oh yeah?" your grandfather said, his tone rising as well. "Why would a famous person try Skyping you?"

"Oh I dunno, maybe I'm more likable than you think!" You yelled back. Your grandmother sat back, looking extremely uncomfortable. If you weren't so angry, you probably would have comforted her. 

"You? Likable? Now that's comedic!" He said with a forced mad laugh. You felt tears start to brim in your eyes.

"Well damn pops-" You started, but couldn't finish. The tear slid down your cheek, the damage had been done. "I'm just gonna go and enjoy my night, okay? Sean is going to- he's.." You muttered as you stumbled back to your room. It hadn't quite been a half hour, so you opened Youtube to calm yourself down, so Sean wouldn't have to see the mess you were in. In the background, you could hear your grandfather fuming, refusing to let you grandmother calm him down.

☽ ☆ ☾

After a while, you felt a bit more calm, but not completely ready when Sean sent you a message asking if you were ready to call.

Sure, ready when you are, you can send the call>>

You sent your message. You took a deep breath, you weren't quite as nervous as earlier, but your stomach still held a few butterflies. You felt the butterflies increase when you saw a call coming through from Sean. You hovered your mouse of the answer button. You felt too timid to click it, and the call expired.

<<Hey, is something wrong?

Came a message from Sean. You took yet another deep breath.

No, sorry I wasn't paying attention. You can call again>>

You replied, a poor lie. This time when his call came through again, you answered it. Your eyes glued to your screen, there Sean was, live, talking to you. 

"Well, hey there." He said, he sounded tired. You checked your time, it was about four fifty a.m. where he was.

"H-hey.." You said, it came out quietly. He let out a small chuckle. His laugh sounded contagious, it made you want to laugh, though there was nothing to laugh at.

"Well, ya don't need to be nervous. It's, uh, nice to see ya!" He said, it almost sounded like forced enthusiasm. Maybe he does this for multiple people, why does he sound so bored? This is our first time meeting. You thought, feeling a little let down.

"Uh, y-yeah, nice to see you too.." You trailed off. "You meet your fans a lot, this probably isn't exciting for you is it?" You asked, letting a small chuckle out now. His face fell, and you regretted what you said.

"Uh, well, no actually. It's great to see ya, really!" He said. Now you realized his eyes had deeper bags underneath them. He didn't just look exhausted, he looked.. sad.

"Ja-Sean.. is something wrong?" You asked "Sorry for what I said I dunno-"

"Heh, I'm fine. Don't worry, you didn't offend me or anything. I just, have a lot on my mind.." He said, he stared off into space for a second before snapping back into reality. "Oh, uh, heh, Don't worry," He said, seeing your troubled expression. "Anyways, since you call me by my name, I was kinda wondering what was your name?" He asked. 

"Oh, I'm sorry I haven't mentioned it before. It's (y/n)." You said. You didn't feel scared or nervous anymore. Something seemed to be bothering Sean, you wished you could help, but you knew you were in no place to be trustworthy to him. 

"(y/n).." He repeated. "Nice name."

"Uh, yeah thanks." You replied. Awkward silence filled the room for a moment.

"Well, if I'm seeing right, we only have two minutes before the new year for you." He stated eventually. You looked at the clock on your computer, which had it in exact seconds. 

"Yeah, huh, I'm in (year) and you're in (next year)," You said "Any resolutions?" You asked. He shrugged,

"Nah, I wasn't thinking of anything like that because-" He stopped himself. He let out a sigh. You made an awkward noise that was meant to be comforting as you waited for the clock to tick down a bit more. 

"Is there something wrong Sean.. I-I know you said not to worry but-" You started, but Sean cut you off.

"Oh, look, thirty seconds until new year." He said with an unenthusiastic tone. You sighed and started counting down.

"five, four, three, two, one.." You said. You could hear a distant noise of some neighbors setting off fireworks. 

"Hey, (y/n), thanks for Skyping me.. I guess I needed a bit of a mood lift." he said with a slight laugh. You nodded.

"Yeah, and thank you.. I just ended yet another big-ish fight with my grandfather." You said, your tone drab. 

"I'm really sorry to hear that." He said genuinely. You smiled a bit. 

"Hey, but thanks for Skyping me, this'll be a year I most likely won't forget. And Sean.." You started.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Um.. well, I know you barely know me.. but, of you ever feel like talking.." You said, unsure.

"Maybe eventually," He said tiredly. "but right now I'm gonna sleep. Or lay down and think. Anyways, Happy new year (y/n)."

"Yeah, happy new year Sean."

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