Dancing with Danger

By theoddaud

7.6K 241 10

A/N: This story is under construction! I'll be adding much needed editing and lots of other goodies! Hope you... More

Chp. 1 Dancing with Danger
Chp. 2 How to Get a Dancing Scholarship
Chp. 3 Dance Partner
Chp. 4 We Begin to Dance
Chp. 5 Having a Little Fun Dance
Chp. 6 The Drunken Dance
Chp. 7 The Par-tay Dance
Chp. 8 The Forgivness Dance
Chp. 9 Six Pack Show Off Dance
Chp. 10 The Acceptance Letter Dance
Chp. 11 The Runaway Dance
Chp. 12 The Hey Hilly Dance
Chp. 13 The Dance Practice
Chp. 14 Mom's Dance
Chp. 15 The Competiton Dance
Chp. 16 Beach Dancing
Chp. 17 The First Day of Dance Camp
Chp. 18 Rainbows and Painful Dances
Chp. 19 The Final Day of Dance Camp
Chp. 20 Let's Talk About Sex Dancing
Chp. 22 Clapton's Past: Clapton's POV
Chp. 23 BootCamp Dance

Chp. 21 Round Two Canceled Until Further Notice

179 12 0
By theoddaud

On Monday, Clapton and I were the only ones home, we were waiting for Elias. I was nervous and obviously pacing the living room. Thursday had been amazing, and it was so special, I love Clapton, but neither of us brought up the subject of sex for a few days. I don't think Clapton wants to ruin everything by asking for round two.  

Clapton watched me as I walked back and forth nibbling on my thumb nail. He looked so calm, stretched out on the couch, his hands behind his head. I hated him for it.

"You should calm down," he said. "Are you worried that he's going to be hotter than me or something?"

"Yes, actually," I said. It was meant to be sarcastic, but it came out like I was telling the truth. I stopped pacing and faced him. He had his eyebrows raised. "I'm joking."

"Are you?" he asked. I nodded and walked over to him. I straddled his hips and took his face in my hands. 

"I am," I said. "So, how about tonight we try round two?" 

"Round two?" he asked. "You mean-"

"Sex?" I said with a smile. "Yes, I do." 

"Wanna start now?" he asked. I kissed him gently. Just then the doorbell rang.

"Tonight, I promise," I whispered and quickly climbed off him and ran to the door. I looked at Clapton who was getting up, slowly. I pulled the door open and my jaw nearly dropped. Standing in front of me was a god. He was tall, and muscular. His hair was wavy and golden, it was kind of long coming down a little past his ears. He gave me a lopsided smile.

"You must be Hillary," he said extending a hand out to me. I took it and shook it. "I'm Elias, or Eli."

"You can call me Hilly," I said slowly, there was a presence behind me, and Elias's gorgeous blue eyes went to whoever was behind me. "This is...Clapton."

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Clapton reached past me and shook Eli's hand. 

"Why don't you come in?" I asked pushing Clapton back and opening the door wider for Eli to come in. 

"Ok, so I am here to help you two perfect every aspect of your technique," he said. "Hilly, what dance do you want to major in."

"Alternative, I think," I said. 


"Hip-hop," he said with no hesitation. 

"Perfect," Elias said. "So, is your studio near here, or..."

"We have one downstairs, or we could go to the one where I teach at, either is fine," I said. 

"Let's go downstairs, then," Elias said. I showed him where the basement was he looked around. 

"This space is nice," he said. He gestured towards our laptop, which was hooked up to the stereo system. "Can I take a look?"

"Of course," I said. I logged into the computer, opened the iTunes and handed him the computer. Eli scrolled through it and nodded. 

"Excellent, I like your music taste too," he said. "So, I guess we should start then." 

We started out with some basic stretches, then some ballet. It wasn't as bad as Frail said it was going to be. 

"And one, two, three, four," Eli said as we danced. "One, two, three, four. Pick up the pace Clapton. Three, four. One, two, three, four. Looking good Hilly." I glanced at Clapton as I did the pattern. He didn't look happy. "Ok, I think we've had our fill. Frail told me you guys liked to do lifts, why don't you show me a few."

Clapton wasted no time, and he looked at me. 

"Which one are you going to do?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He whispered it in my ear. "Anything is fine by me." He took my side then my leg and lifted me. I lifted the other leg and pointed it straight into the air. Eli examined us and after that we did a few more lifts, the basic ones. After the last one Clapton put me down roughly. 

"Ok, when handling a lady like that, we like to do it gently," Eli said. "Hilly, do you mind?"

"Oh, no, go ahead," I said. He stood in front of me and set his hands on my hips. He lifted me over his shoulder. 

"Spread your legs out so your leg and hip are holding you in place on my shoulder. I obeyed and his hand gripped my other hip. "Arch your back and stretch your arms out." I obeyed again.I felt his other hand on my leg. "Comfy?"

"Not really," I said straining against gravity. 

"Ok, hold it for a minute," he said. "See, Clapton. Keep a firm, but gentle grip. Always use two hands if she is higher than your waist."

"Yeah, I got it," Clapton said. 

"Can I come down now?" I said. Eli slowly lowered me to the ground. I looked at Clapton, I could tell he wanted to punch something. Eli sighed.

"Well, great first day you guys, it's late and I have jet lag," he said with a smile. "I'll see you both tomorrow."

"I'll walk you out," I said glancing at Clapton again. I followed Eli up the stairs and opened the front door for him. He stepped onto the porch and turned to face me.

"Great job today, Hilly," he said. "You're a beautiful dancer."

"Do you think I have a shot at Julliard?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Totally," he said. 

"And Clapton?"

Eli hesitated, "I wouldn't worry about Clapton too much. Goodnight."

"Oh, I think we should go to the dance studio tomorrow," I said. "It's right down the street next to the ice cream place, it's a big brick building, can't miss it."

"Eleven tomorrow morning, got it?" he said. I nodded. "Good night."

"Night." I shut the door and turned around. "Clapton!" 

"What?" he said from the kitchen. I walked there. He was fuming, but trying to hide it. "What is it?"

"Why are you so angry?" I asked. "I give you criticism like that all the time. And you're only going to get more when you go to college."

"I know, it's just..." he slammed his water bottle down on the counter. I jumped at the sudden aggression. "That guy is an arrogant douche bag!"

"No he isn't," I said. "Calm down, you're freaking out over nothing!"

"Hilly, he had his eyes all over you," Clapton said. "He's a pervert!"

"Clapton, it's ok if he looks at me, it's not like he's going to get anywhere with me just by looking at me," I said. 

"You were looking at him too," he said. "He's got way more muscle than me. He's better looking than me all together!"

"So what?"

"So, you're not denying it?"

"Clapton, I can't believe you don't trust me."

"I do trust you, I don't trust him!"

"If you don't trust him why are you yelling at me?"

"Because you like him!" That stopped me. Just because I liked the way he looked doesn't not mean I liked him. I crossed my arms.

"If you still think I'm having sex with you tonight, you're wrong," I said and ran to my room.

"Hillary!" I heard him shout. 

"I don't want to hear it!" I yelled back and slammed my door shut. "You just want to apologize so you can do me! Well guess, what Clapton, it isn't happening!"

"I don't care if it isn't happening," Clapton said. "But...I am sorry. I love you." I kicked the door. I heard him muttering curse words so I assumed he was leaning his head against the door.

"Just go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow," I said. 

"Goodnight." I didn't say anything. I stood there and crossed my arms. I still had to take a shower. I pressed my ear to the door, didn't hear anything so I threw it open and stormed across the hall. Clapton had retreated to his bedroom.

In the middle of the night I woke up to the sound of my door opening. I sat up on my elbows and looked at Clapton's silhouette  in the doorway. I stared at him for a minute.

"What?" I snapped after a long moment of silence. "What do you want?" He closed the door and then came over to me. The room was dark so I could barely see. My breathing picked up when he sat down on the bed. 

"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions Wildfire," he whispered. His hand brushed stray hairs out of my face and slid to the back of my head. "Please forgive me. I can't stand the thought of you not talking to me." I just stared at him. "Say something."

"I don't like Elias like that," I whispered. "Also, I forgive you." He pulled me forward and our lips met for a brief second.

"Does that mean you'll sleep with me?" he asked after pulling away. I scowled and he began laughing. "I'm kidding, Wildfire, I'd much rather just sleep in the same bed." I smacked his arm.

"You're a jerk, you know that?"  I said. He pulled me and kissed me again. Then he slipped under the blankets with me. We fell asleep in each other's arms.


Hello again. Seriously you guys COMMENT. I love hearing from you guys, and none of you are commenting and it's really starting to bum me out. Ok, so where do you guys think this is going? Because it's going to get interesting! Ok, I'm going to start 22, you guys go comment, and then we'll all be happy, right? Right? I'm right.





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