Confession of a Cheerleader (...

By underthesun

1.3M 16.5K 2.5K


Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story)
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 2
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 3
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 4
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 5
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 6
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 7
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 8
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 9
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 10
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 11
Confession of a Cheerleader (Lesbian story) 12
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 13
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 14
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 15
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 16
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 17
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 19
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 20
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 21
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 22
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 23
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 24
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 25
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 26
Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 27 LAST CHAPTER

Confession of a Cheerleader (lesbian Story) 18

38.9K 514 54
By underthesun

I took my seat in the class and quickly had my gaze to where my previous chair, which was unfortunately taken and owned by Micah. She hasn't arrived yet. I looked around, everyone was busy, either chatting away or doing their own thing.

I stealthily took the blue cap I had found just days ago. I then stroked my hand on its embroidery. "JMS" I read in mind. I am going to find out on what's really going on. There was something about Jane and Micah being related. It was definitely a reason on why Micah was so affected about me "dating" Patricia and her mysterious indirect signs.

Suddenly, I felt a grab on my shoulder. I quickly put the cap back in my bag and turned around. It was Micah.

"Hey!" I greeted, still frightened of her. She then came closer as if wanting to see what I was hiding. I moved aside, covering my bag.

"What are you up to now Arch?" She politely asked. She didn't seem to have the hate aura with her. She has probably cooled down.

"Nothing" I responded and released a sigh.

"Nice ride by the way." She said and walked over to her seat. My eyes followed her. She looked familiar from behind, with her brunette hair tied up.

"Thank you." I mumbled. As she took her seat, my eyes were glued on her. There was something about Micah. I watched her from her side and outlined her features in my head. I watched her blinked her eyes and laid her head on her hand. She seemed bored, or rather sleepy. She suddenly glanced at my direction and I looked away, but my eyes still looking at the side.

The lesson started from the moment our advisor stepped in the class. During that period, my focus was on Micah. The longer I looked at her, I noticed that she appeared, and somewhat looked like Jane. She has kissable lips like Jane, lashes that was very provocative like Jane, and eyes that was a little tragic than Jane, but stunning. Micah has features of Jane. I froze. It couldn't be...? Are they sisters? It could probably be the reason on why Micah reacted in a way I never expected.

My attention was then directed to the blue cap in my bag. I secretly took it out again, and observed the letters sewn on it. "J. M. S." I read softly again. "M" could stand for Micah and "S" for Smith. And what's with "J"? Jane?

"Ms. Ramsey!"

I looked up to see everyone's attention on me. So was Micah. I then dropped the cap back in my bag and hoped she didn't notice anything. Mrs. Callie, my advisor, glared at me. I nervously smiled at her. She then went back to her lesson and I quickly released my breath I held when I heard my surname. That was close.


"Arch!" Patricia was waiting just outside my classroom. I've almost forgotten about her tailing me around. I passively walked to her. She then kissed my cheeks and wrapped her arms around mine. I then noticed Micah rolled her eyes from the side as she passed us. I swallowed hard. She still hates me, I thought.

"Let's not go to the cafeteria Arch." Patricia said, pulling me. I followed submissively. We then ended up in the middle of the school garden. There was a feast on what looked like a folded table just beside the fountain. A server was waiting patiently at one side, while holding a champagne bottle. Patricia could sure do anything with money.

"What's all this Pat?" I asked a little surprised. She then smiled and gestured me to take my seat. The waiter then opened the champagne and filled our glasses halfway. He then lit the candle which was placed in the middle and started slicing the steak.

"This place's important." She responded with both her eyes glinting. Patricia looked like she was about to cry. This was in fact the place where she confessed of her feelings. I didn't bothered and started eating.

"Oh yeah, does the principal know about this?" I asked, with mouth full. It's not that I do not have manners, I just want Patricia to get over and done with me by making my self looked horrendous.

"Uh huh." She retorted, while taking a sip on her glass of champagne. I noticed that Patricia wasn't eating, but instead, she watched me with loving eyes. Could she have spiked my drink or food with love potion? I then lost my appetite and quickly wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"You're done?" she asked, a little disappointed. I nodded and gave out a yawn.

"That was fast." She responded. Patricia then walked to my side and wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me on my head and then sat on my lap. The server looked away.

"Baby, when will you learn to love me?" She asked, as she played with my hair. I felt uncomfortable but couldn't do anything about it. I then stood up, causing Patricia to fall flat on her ass. I wanted to laugh but stopped myself from doing so.

"Patricia, I almost forgot about my homework for my next lesson!" I lied. I then helped her rose up and apologized.

"Do you need my help?" She asked with concern, although sounding a little irritated after the fall.

"Well... it's a school project...with my other classmates." I lied, again. She seemed to have noticed my eyes lying and quickly grabbed my hand as I was about to turn.

"Arch, I'll pick you up after your practice."

"I've got a ride now Pat." I retorted. She then smiled and said, "We could at least drive together."

"I won't be around in you practice though" she said, sounding upset. My mind started singing. "I've got some rehearsal with my club." Patricia explained.

Thank you glee club! I cheerfully thought. She then gave me her kisses and I rushed away from her.


As I ran back to the school, I heard a melody coming from somewhere. It sounded that it was coming from someone I knew. I searched for it. A girl was sitting on the swing that was attached to a tree, humming. Her back faced me so she didn't noticed my presence. I watched her from behind, her hair tied up. She looked like she was Micah from the back view. I choked in fear and quickly turned to walk away. Sadly, I stepped on a twig nearby and drew her attention.


I froze. She would probably shout at me again. "Hey." I replied, facing to another direction. I slowly turned to face her and was surprised to not see Micah, but Jane. I gulped hard.

"Jane..." I was then reminded of the pain I felt after that day when she walked out on me. Jane smiled and walked closer to where I stood, frozen. She halted not far from me and smiled.

"How are you?" she asked. Her voice was still a melody to me. I wanted to hug her in that very moment.

"I'm fine, I guess." I sadly retorted. I wish she could just see my longing for her. Jane smiled. I noticed that she was carrying a file in one hand.

"Anyway, I've got to go." She said. "I need to pass this to dad... I mean Coach Sam." She continued and giggled.

As she was about to walk off, I mechanically grabbed her arm. "Jane..." I said, trembling. "I could help you with that file." Damn, why couldn't I just tell her directly? Maybe I was afraid of another rejection from her, I thought.

Jane held a breath, as if surprised to my offer. Then she grinned and gladly passed the file to me. "I trust you with this." She responded and went off. I watched her walked further.


I sat back for my next lesson, which was chemistry. While I was waiting, I was reminded of the file. I started browsing it. It was a positioning plan for the basketball team. I searched for my name. I was an off/point guard. I then noticed that the plan was printed on pink papers. I giggled and thought that it was funny for Coach Sam to love pink.

Suddenly, Mrs. Jones came in the class and told us to move to the science lab with our lab partners. So that means, I would have to suffer for 45mins with Micah. I moaned as I took a glance at Micah, who was then glaring at me. I couldn't work with someone that scary, I thought.


I survived the whole chemistry experiment with Micah and other lessons for the day. I quickly went to my locker to return some books. Jen was there waiting, she looked thrilled. Her excitement probably has got to do with Misha.

"Arch, guess what?" Jen said as I opened my locker.

"What?" I asked, looking uninterested.

"Well, Misha..." I told you so. "Misha has asked me to go out with her." I frowned in confusion. "Misha and I are going shopping this coming weekend for the prom." She continued.

Then our heads both turned when we noticed the glee club members marching down the hallway. Patricia was on the lead. They stopped just in front of me, Jen looked away.

"Take care baby." Patricia said, with kisses and gave a wink. I enforced a smile. She then marched back with her group. I heaved a sigh and quickly looked at Jen. She had probably noticed my misery and asked, "Are you sure you're into her Arch?"

I nodded in silence. I couldn't be detailed with everything and quickly passed the positioning plan to Jen. "Remind me to pass this to Coach Sam later."

Jen looked curious and started browsing it. I watched her expression changed from curiosity to a shocking look. She probably didn't like the position she was assigned to.

"Arch, do you remember this?"

She then showed the plan, but instead told me to focus on the paper, the pink sheets that were used.

"What about these sheets?" I asked, all confused.

"Feel it." I felt the sheets. It felt nothing special though. I gave Jen an absurd look.

"Smell it." I smelt the sheets. It smelt like any typical sheets anywhere. What was Jen thinking? I asked myself.

"Arch, you don't remember?" Jen asked with a little annoyance in her tone.

"Make me." I retorted as I slammed the locker shut.

"The anonymous girl, Arch." She responded, as she felt the texture of the sheets. I froze.

It was in fact the same paper that was used by that anonymous girl who I was supposed to meet at the deserted court.

"No freaking way..." I said. "It couldn't be her."

"Who is it Arch?" Jen asked.

"Jane passed this file to me during break." I retorted in amazement. .

"No way..." Jen then grinned. "Jane Smith's the anonymous girl?"

I was speechless and nodded. I swallowed hard and mumbled, "I hope so."

And then I was reminded of the blue cap. "Jen, do you happen to know Micah's full name?" I asked.

"No. I've never asked." She retorted. I quickly took out the blue cap from my bag and handed it to her.

"Micah left this in the public toilet on Saturday in the mall." I explained. "And she was the girl who was with Coach Sam at the car park." Jen eyes were wider now.

"The one in white shirt and Bermudas?" Jen asked, shocked. I nodded. I then showed her the initial that was embroidered on the cap.

"JMS" Jen read and continued, "Jane Micah Smith?"

"I don't know." I replied, still lost.

"Are they sisters?" Jen asked curiously. My best friend was thinking of the exact same thing that came to me in the class.

"They have to be." I retorted. Jen looked at me, still stunned.

"Well, Coach Sam couldn't be dating Micah right?" I continued. Jen giggled.

"That would be disgusting Arch!" We both laughed at such thought. And suddenly, we heard someone cleared a throat. We looked up to see Micah looking at us. Her gaze went directly to the blue cap. She too appeared to be blown by surprise.

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