Addison Winchester (Now Compl...

By LillyTheTurtle

890K 21.3K 1.5K

"Looking for something?" A chill voice sounded from behind me. Whipping around the man who stood behind me he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
Witchy Winchester
War of the Winchesters

Chapter 12

24.3K 608 169
By LillyTheTurtle

It was three or four days before they let me leave the hospital. Within that time there hadn't been any visits from my father or brothers. Spencer had only left the room one time and it was because I had demanded some food that didn't come from the hospital cafeteria. The only visitors I got other then Spencer were doctors and nurses. They did a bunch of blood tests to make sure everything with the baby was going okay, they put me on prenatal vitamins and Spencer got to see an ultrasound. He had been a lot more excited about that then I thought he would be.

"Maybe you shouldn't carry that," Spencer's worried voice sounded from behind me.

"Spence, it's just a bag of clothes. I'm not even using my bad arm." That didn't seem to phase him, he took it from my hands anyway.

"You shouldn't be walking either, you're feet aren't healed completely yet. you're just going to make it worse and then it will take longer. Let me go get you a wheelchair." This isn't the first time he's tried to put me into one of those things.

"Spencer, I already told you that I don't need a wheelchair." I tired to make my voice show that that would be the last of the conversation but Spencer was never one for social cues.


"No, I can walk to the damn car without a damn chair." I felt a little bad for snapping at him but it was the only way I could get him to drop the argument. It did take us a little longer then expected to get to the car because of my feet but I blamed it on being tired even though I knew he could see right through it.

Spencer had tired to talk to me about my family when I mentioned that Rodney had called them. He wanted me to call them and tell them that I was okay, that I had gotten away and Rodney was dead. Somewhere in my mind I knew he was right, I should call them, I should tell them that everything's fine but I knew that that phone call can turn ugly really fast. I didn't want to deal with my family's anger. I hadn't seen them in almost five years, that a long time for someone to be angry with you.

We also spoke a little more about the baby, we came to the conclusion that there wasn't much we could do other then grab the bull by the horns and see what happens. I've always waned kids, its something I've known since I was a little girl. But I didn't think that now would be the time. Maybe after I had started a career and Spencer was well into his. That would have been a better time to bring the kids topic back up but nothing in my life ever seems to go as planed.

It turns out that the hospital was only a few minuets away from our apartment and I was thankful for that. I really just wanted to sit on our brand new couch and cuddle, never thought I would use that word.

'You sure you can make it up the stairs?" Spencer asked once he turned the car off. I thought about it for a second before answering. Just walking to our car had been difficult. My feet weren't nearly as bad as they were when I was running through the woods but now I don't have the adrenalin running through my body. But no one's ever gotten anything done by saying they cant do it. The weirdest part is that my shoulder doesn't even hurt as bad.

"I'll be fine." Spencer looked like he wanted to argue but thought better of it. There's not a lot of things that Spencer would fight me on, but my well being happens to take a very high spot on that list. Have I mentioned the thing that actually got us together had been me getting stabbed? It took us a little while to get upstairs but we made it. Our apartment was cleaner then I had left it. Someone had pushed all the boxes flush against the wall allowing us to see the floor. The couch had also been cleared off and the TV was on its stand.

"You cleaned up." I felt a breath of relief escape my body as I slumped down on the couch, allowing my head to roll on the cushion behind me and closed my eyes. I'm not sure what's more stressful, getting kidnapped and shot, or trying to listen to everything doctors and nurses tell you to do. Spencer says it's only stressful because I don't like listening to people.

"I didn't want to trip over anything." Heat rose up on his cheeks as he sat next to me, sideways so his bach was facing the arm rest. "I came by when I went to get you something to eat the other day." I let myself fall onto his lap, pushing him against the arm rest and using his chest as a pillow.

"I'm tired."

"Then we should move to the bed. You'll hurt your next on the couch."

"But I want to sleep like this. I don't want to move." He didn't say anything. I felt one arm wrap around my shoulder and his head rust on top of mine. "Can we just stay here?"

"You'll regret it in the morning." His voice was muffled by my hair.

"I don't think I will."

"You always say that, it's never the truth." I found myself laughing a little. he's right, he's always right.


So Spencer was only given so many days off. This all happened in his first week on the job so it's not like he had a bunch of vacation time saved up. Not that I really minded, he did tend to hover a little. They only gave him two more days after I got home and then he was off back to work.

"Maybe I should just stay home." Spencer mumbled as I pushed his overnight bag into his hands.

"Spencer, go to work." He didn't seem to hear me as I gently pushed him towards the door. He looked me over like he was trying to find an excuse as to why he should say. I pulled him against me when his back connected with the door. "Everything will be fine, go catch the bad guys."

"But you weren't here last time I came home." He looked like a puppy that just found a home only to be taken back to the shelter.

"I promise I'll be right here when you get back. Rodney is dead and was alone in his plains as far as I can tell." That didn't seem to reassure him any. "I'll sleep with the shotgun under my pillow?" His frown deepened. "Board up the door and the windows?"

"I don't think our lease allows that." Only Spencer would take that statement literally.

"Go Spence." I laughed. He didn't understand my amusement but did as I said though he wasn't the least bit happy about it. "I'll call you later." I promised as I pressed a kill his lips then one to his cheek. "Everything will be fine."

"Please call me If anything happens..." I told him I would and he left I waited until after he disappeared down the stairs before shutting and locking the dead bolt. Within the two days of being back, Spencer and I unpacked the rest of our stuff. It took us a while to get the his books in the right order, turns out he's got them organized by the publication date. Our bedroom was looking pretty good and I'm sure this is as good as it will ever look. I've never been one to make the bed and Spencer wouldn't be home enough to yell at me about it.

The kitchen didn't have enough stuff in it to be considered anything other then empty. All we've got is a coffee pot, two mugs and a thing of paper plates. Spencer's mother had broken all of the old dishes and we hadn't gotten around to replacing them. All we ever ate was takeout. Its not like I know how to cook and Spencer may be able to memorize any cook book but he hasn't mastered anything but setting a pot of boiling water on fire. Maybe we could take a few classes together. I haven't ever raised a kid before but constantly eating cheap takeout doesn't sound like the best diet plan for a growing child. Hell, even I ate mostly diner food growing up.

I took a seat on the couch and looked around the tiny apartment. Our stuff barely fit inside, granted most of it was books, but there wasn't room for baby things. The apartment is technically two bedrooms but the second room is more a small office. That could work as a nursery but nothing more. We'd defiantly need to move after the baby's born.

I'm not sure how long I sat on the couch before loud pounding sounded on the front door. I had a feeling that I already knew who it was but that didn't stop me from going to the room and garbing a small handgun before moving going to answer it. This time I did look through peep hole before I opened the door.

Two men stood on the other side of the threshold. neither one of hem looked very happy. Licking my lips I pushed the gun back into my waistband. The older one, my father was looking at me with an expression I couldn't read. My arms crossed themselves over my chest and I wasn't sure what to do. Dean moved past dad and pushed past me into the apartment. Dad wasn't far behind. I gave one last glance at up and down the hall before shutting and locking the door.

Dean had taken a seat on the couch where I had been a few seconds before and propped his feet up on the coffee table. Dad was looking at me with a very guarded face. Dean didn't even try to hide the anger in the body and eyes. Part of me wanted to run but the other part reminded me that this was my home, not there's.

"So this is where you ran off to." Dean's voice held a very large amount of sarcasm. "We've stayed in motels better then this." He scoffed. I didn't say anything. I looked over both men and tentatively took a seat on Spencer's reading chair that sat next to the bookshelf in corner of the room.

"What happened to Rodney?" I guess he wanted to start on a safe topic.

"He's dead." That seemed to get Dean's attention. "Where's Sam?" I asked the question carefully but worry creeped in.

"He decided to follow in your footsteps." Dean snapped. "Decided to abandon his family."

"Dean." Dad's warning tone rang throughout the room causing Dean to sigh angrily and lean back against the back if the couch. "He's at collage." I wanted to ask more questions but the look Dean was giving me made me stop.

The tension in the room was suffocating, but I knew that I was only going to get a lot worse. I wanted to offer them something to eat or drink, get myself out of the room, even if It was less then a minute. But there wasn't anything for me to give them, we literally just ran out of coffee this morning and I was supposed to go to the store later today. Dad seemed to be looking me up and down over and over again. He frowned when he took in the still healing bruises on my face and the rope burns.

"You could have been killed." His voice was dark and reprimanding.

"You're right. I could have been killed. He would have done it if Spencer hadn't found me when he did." I wanted to meet his eyes I wanted to be angry at him. He's the whole reason Rodney came after me in the first place. But I couldn't feel anything but guilt.

"Spencer?" Dean started again. "Who the hell is Spencer?" Dean was suddenly leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and clasped his fingers together. I felt my tongue run over my lips once again before I answered but dad beat me to it.

"He's the father..." Dean seemed even more confused but dad was to focused on my face to explain. The suspense was really starting to get to me. I wish he would just start yelling and get it over with.

"Yes." All I could do was answer, I didn't have anything else to say. 'I'm sorry' just didn't really cover it.

"Father- Your freaking pregnant?" Dean's voice echoed off the walls of the apartment and made my entire body just about a foot in the air. "That's great, just...Amazing. There we were thinking you were dead, but no, you were out getting knocked up." He stood up and tossed his hands in the air. His reaction sent anger thorough my being. I found myself standing as well.

"Don't talk to me like that." Dad looked like he was about to step in but it was already to late. Nothing was going to put out this fire except blood. "What I do with my life is none of your concern."

"Really? 'none of my concern' your my freaking sister. Did you ever think for one second that I, that we wouldn't be worried about you. That we wouldn't drop everything to come and find you? Did you even care?"

"Of course I care Dean!" I exclaimed. "But the only way I was ever going to get out was to cut everything and everyone off- none of you would have ever let me go if I had asked to leave!"

"You were 15!" Dad was joining in now. "You wanted me to just let you leave?" At this rate someone's going to call the cops.

"I had to get out and I knew you wouldn't understand that." I shook my head and coming close to tears. This pregnancy hormonal crap is kicking me in the ass at the moment.

"Look at me right now and tell me what you would do if your child did that to you?" Dad's voice was deathly quiet. It was the tone he always used when ever one of us kids were in deep shit.

"That's not going to happen."

"Oh really?" Dean scoffed, "How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm going to actually parent my kid!" I found myself yelling again.

"So I didn't 'parent' you? Is that what you're saying?"

"No, you gave us a gun and pushed us into the line of fire! Or you would drop us off at someone's house for months at a time. Or, this one's my favorite." A sarcastic laugh bubbled up from my throat. "Leave us a motel room for weeks at a time, no phone calls, no idea where you were. Hell! Dean got arrested for stealing food from a grocery store because you didn't leave us enough money to get any kind of food!" By now tears were streaming down my face and there was nothing I could do about it. "So no, you didn't 'parent' us. When my baby asks me if there's a monster in their closet-" I took a shuttering breath, "-I'll look and tell them no. I will not hand them a shotgun and tell them to take care of it." I couldn't tell if Dean was still angry but dad seemed to be shaking. I couldn't find it in myself to care.

"Do you honestly think that the monster's wont find you here?" Dad asked moving to stand right in front of me, looking down at me with narrowed eyes. "You really think that you can just walk away?"

"Get out." This seemed to surprise both men. "I have built a life for myself here. I found someone who loves me, I've got a baby on the way and the last thing I need is monsters. You are my family and I will always love you but this is my life and I will live it the way I want."

"You can't just-" Dean started.

"This is my apartment and yes I can." I quickly stalked over to the door, unlocked it, and ripped it open moving to the side so the doorway was clear. "Get out and don't come back." My face was hard despite the tears. Dad angrily moved past me and didn't look back. Dean went to follow him but stopped next to me. I didn't turn to look at him.

"I don't even know who you are." And then he left and I was alone.

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