Squadd Bunch: Hajari's Destiny

Oleh YasirFireFairy101

3.6K 259 72

A magical world is waiting for you. Meet Hajari, a thirteen year old boy unexpectedly gets involved in a figh... Lebih Banyak

Opening Song
Chapter 2: Welcome To Magix!
Chapter 3: Alfea College For Fairies
Chapter 4: The Black Mud Swamp
Chapter 5: Date With Disaster
Chapter 6: Mission At Cloudtower
Chapter 7: Friends In Need
Chapter 8: A Friendship Sundered
Chapter 9: Betrayed!
Chapter 10: Hajari Tested
Chapter 11: The Monster And The Willow
Chapter 12: Miss Magix
Chapter 13: A Great Secret Revealed
Chapter 14: Hajari's Dark Secret
Chapter 15: Honor Above All
Chapter 16: Cold Spell
Chapter 17: Secrets Within Secrets
Chapter 18: The Font Of The Dragon Fire
Chapter 19: The Fall Of Magix
Chapter 20: Mission To Domino
Chapter 21: The Crown Of Dreams
Chapter 22: Storming Cloudtower
Chapter 23: Power Play
Chapter 24: The Witches' Siege
Chapter 25: The Ultimate Challenge
Chapter 26: The Witches' Downfall
Ending Song

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Event

413 20 36
Oleh YasirFireFairy101

A thirteen-year-old boy named Hajari lives in a small town in Los Angeles, California named Gardenia. He lives with his mother, father, and has a pet rabbit named Kiko.

On a hot and muggy day, the sun shines in Hajari's face through the wide-open window while he has a pillow over his face and the covers tightly over him.

"Wake up, sleepyhead. The sun's been up for ages," said Tia, Hajari's mother.

Hajari throws the pillow off his face. "Five more minutes Mom!" he said with an attitude.

"You're late, Hajari!" Tia yells.

Hajari jumps up and puts on his light blue shirt with yellow short sleeves and light blue slacks for school. Then, he runs into the bathroom and rinses and spits out his mouthwash. "Why didn't you wake me up before?! The alarm didn't go off! Oh no! I can't believe this." As soon as Hajari puts on his backpack he realizes something. "Wait a minute school's out." Hajari drops his backpack. "The alarm didn't go off because I'm on vacation. Oh, Mom, your joke is not funny."

"Ah! But you fell for it, didn't you?" Tia laughed.

Hajari yawns. "I'm sleepy. I'm going back to bed."

"You should try to go to bed earlier. You were up really late last night," Tia said as she picks up Hajari's book from the floor and places it on his desk.

"I was reading," Hajari says as he pulls the covers over him.

"Fairies Myth or Reality" Tia reads the title of the book. "Ugh, don't you ever get tired of these silly things?" asks Tia.

"They're not silly, okay?" Hajari responds.

"Whatever. Now that schools over you can help me in the shop," Tia says as she walks downstairs to the kitchen.

"Oh no!" Hajari puts his hand on his forehead.

Hajari stumbles downstairs. Downstairs, Hajari finds his father at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and his mother cooking breakfast. As Hajari walks up to his dad, Charlie, at the kitchen table. His dad looks up. "Good morning, son."

Hajari has his arms crossed. "I'm not spending my summer working in the shop. I wish I could go somewhere fun with my friends."

"When you're older you can go wherever you want," says Charlie.

"How old is older? I'm already thirteen, Dad."

"Only thirteen, but you're still my little boy."

"Dad, it's not fair."

"Listen, we'll all go to the beach like we do every year."

"But all my friends get to go on holidays by themselves. That would've been the best present ever."

As Tia puts Charlie's plate of waffles, eggs, and bacon on the table, she says to Hajari, "Speaking of presents we got you a little something."

Hajari's bright blue eyes lighten up with joy.

"Yeah, just a little something to help you get around Gardenia," Charlie says as he takes a bite of his bacon.

"Really?! Thanks, Dad!" Hajari says as he runs outside to the porch.

Outside, Hajari sees a bicycle and makes a frown because he wanted a hoverboard. Hajari walks toward the bike sad.

As Charlie and Tia look out the window. 

"See Tia, he doesn't know what to say," said Charlie.

"I don't know, Charlie. Maybe he was expecting something a bit more sophisticated," says Tia.

"Maybe a bicycle with a speedometer."

"A scooter, Charlie."

"But scooters are dangerous and they cost a bundle."

"We'll try to put some money aside. Maybe next year we can get him one."

Hajari decides to take Kiko for a walk in the park. As Hajari walks with his bicycle and Kiko he bumps into someone a girl he dislikes.

"Hey, Hajari. Vacationing in Gardenia this year?" asked Nia, the girl says.

"No,  actually we'll be going away very soon."

"The same old beach? I'll send you a postcard from our vacation post. That'll give you something much better to see."

"Ugh!" Hajari says angrily.

"Hey you," says Nia talking to two men. "Careful handling that scooter." Then she turns back to Hajari. "It's brand new, you know?"

"Have a nice summer, Nia. See you in school." Hajari waves goodbye rides his bike away. "What a showoff Nia is."

At the park, Hajari parks his bike by a tree and sits on the beautiful green grass, takes out an apple, and starts to eat it. Then, Kiko runs off somewhere.

"Go on, Kiko, but stick around, alright?" 

Kiko runs back screaming. He saw a girl fighting a monster.

"What's the matter, Kiko?" asked Hajari.

Kiko points to the direction he wants Hajari to follow him.

At the place where Kiko saw the fight, a girl kicks a monster in the face."Rising Sun!" Her attack blasts the monsters back. Another monster tries to attack and she hits him with a spell too. "Solar Wind!" she said.

"Oh my goodness! Did you see that, Kiko?" Hajari says as he hides behind the tree.

The head monster roars.

"Go away, villain, or you will feel the magic of the Sun and Moon Fairy," says the girl.

"Ghoulies, take her scepter!" yells the monster.

All the monsters jump on the girl and knock the scepter out of her hand.

"My scepter!" the girl cries.

The head monster snatches the scepter from one of the monsters. "Give me that scepter!" The head monster gets up in the girl's face. "Not so brave now are you?"

"Let her go!" yells Hajari.

All of the monsters turn around.

"Or else I'll-" says Hajari as he looks around, "Wait, what am I going to do?"

The head monster grabs Hajari by his arm and holds him up. "Get ready, little boy! I'll crush you like a cockroach!"

"Oh no!" Hajari yells as a dragon comes out of him and knocks the head monster on the ground with his off-yellow skin and reddish-pink eyes.

A monster gets ready to hurt Kiko as he is sitting on a tree stump watching the whole altercation.

"Leave Kiko alone, monster!" says Hajari. Hajari picks up a broken-off tree branch and whacks the monster with it.

"Wow, powerful!" says the girl.

"Attack him!" yells the head monster as he is still laying on the ground and pointing at Hajari.

All of the monsters try to jump on Hajari, but before they can do so Hajari throws out an energy shield. "Whoa! did I just do that?" asked Hajari.

The girl picks up her scepter. She helps Hajari off the ground with her shiny black hair with bangs and two long pigtails flowing down, supported by two orange scrunchies, in the back. Atop her head is a blue headband. She has dark flawless skin and bright hazel eyes. Orange sparkly crop top and shorts with clear see-through wings. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"Fine. You?" Hajari replies.

"Yes and now that I have my scepter back those monsters don't scare me anymore." The girl blasts the monsters using her scepter and knocks them all on the ground. "Only returning the compliment, Your Beast," she then says.

"We'll be back," the head monster says as all of the monsters disappear into the portal.

"Thank goodness they're gone at last," the girl says. Suddenly, the girl faints and a flash of light sparks on her and she transforms into a regular human wearing a green crop top, orange miniskirt, and green heels. Her hair has been relieved of two pigtails and it is flowing down straight in the back with a green headband on her head.

"Oh my...we have to get her home, Kiko. This girl needs help!" Hajari says.

In a dark surrounding, there are witches. They cannot be seen, just their blood-red eyes.

"Knut, come forward!" says the first witch. Knut, the head monster, walks up to them. "So, you have failed?!?" says the first witch.

"Not my fault, Your-Highness. I had the scepter in my hands, but then this Earthling Boy appears and messes everything up."

"An Earthling Boy?" asks the second witch.

"Hm...describe him?" says the first witch.

"Well... " Knut says as he tries to remember what Hajari looks like.

"Knut, where are your glasses?" asks the first witch.

"Right here," Knut says in fear.

"Well! Put them on, you dolt!!!" yells the third witch.

"A near-sighted ogre. How ridiculous," whispers the second witch.

"If only he'd wear his glasses he'd be alright," says the third witch.

"Oh, will you stop defending him," says the second witch.

"An ogre with glasses sounds kinda lame," says Knut.

"Quiet! That boy could mean something to us," says the first witch.

Knut pulls out a piece of Hajari's pants from the fight. "Well, this is a piece of that boy's clothing. To us this is nothing, but to a troll, it's an important clue."

A troll comes out of nowhere and sniffs the piece of Hajari's clothing.

"Well this time go back to Gardenia and find the boy and this time don't let us down," says the first witch.

Back at Hajari's house, Hajari places the girl on the couch as he, Tia, and Charlie discuss the situation.

"Hajari, I'm not sure I'm understanding. Can you run that by me again?" asks Charlie.

"I just told you. We were attacked by some horrible creatures. She's some kind of fairy," says Hajari.

"A fairy, ey?" asked Charlie.

"You believe me then?" asks Hajari.

Charlie pushes Hajari out the way. "No, I don't. I think we should call the police and take this girl to a hospital."

The girl wakes up. "No please, don't tell anyone," she says.

"She's coming too. How do you feel, dear?" says Tia.

"I'm fine," the girl says. Then she turns to Hajari and says, "Thanks for helping me out."

"Oh, it was nothing," says Hajari as he smiles.

"My name is Hajarianna," says the girl. "Hey! you look like me," she then says.

"And you look like me," Hajari says.

"I accomplished my mission," Hajarianna says.

"What mission?" asked Hajari.

"You're my triplet. There are three of us. So I live with our aunt and uncle. You went missing never to be seen again and so as our parents, who just went into the kitchen, and our triplet brother stays with our grandparents. Our parents were the King and Queen of Domino-Solaria and they went into exile with you.

"Woah, I can't believe this," says Hajari. "Is this a dream?"

Charlie and Tia come back into the living room with a glass of water and a hero sandwich. They hand Hajarianna the food and drink as she takes a bite off the sandwich. Hajari angrily crossed his arms at Tia and Charlie.

"Why didn't you tell me we were royalty, and that I had siblings??" He asked.

"Um, we wanted it to be a surprise. We wanted to wait till you were old enough to understand," said Tia.

"So anyways, I was trying to get to Alfea castle in the realm of Magix-" Hajarianna said.

Charlie cuts Hajarianna off. "Oh, but of course. I'm calling the police. I don't believe this girl says who she is", says Charlie. "We are not royalty! And you are our only child, Hajari!"

Before Charlie can dial the number, Hajarianna turns the phone into a carrot and cabbage.

"Huh?" Charlie says.

"Alright you believe me now?" asked Hajarianna.

"I saw her and I believe her," says Hajari.

"Those creatures attacked me, and I was forced to land here on your planet, but Hajari sure showed them who's boss," says Hajarianna.

"I actually don't know how I did it," says Hajari.

"Fairies don't need to know how they just do it that's all," says Hajarianna.

"I'm a fairy?" Hajari says as his bright blue eyes lighten up.

"Of course you are. Don't tell me you're not. Have you registered for the new program at Alfea Castle? It's the best school for young fairies like you and me," Hajarianna says all snobbish.

"No no! Stop talking nonsense please," says Charlie as he put his hands on his head.

In a dark alley, Knut, the troll, and the monsters are back in Gardenia and are looking for Hajari and Hajarianna. The ugly blue troll is sniffing for the siblings.

"Troll, do your thing," says Knut.

The troll sniffs. "This way!"

All of the monsters follow the troll.

In Hajari's bedroom, Hajari and Hajarianna walk in.

"So this is your room, huh?" Hajarianna asks. Hajarianna looks at all the pictures Hajari drew. "Did you draw these?" Then she says, "Sorry I'm being nosy."

"It's okay, Hajarianna. Actually, things are not okay. For instance: I still don't understand what happened at the park."

Hajarianna looks out the window to the dark blue skies and chirping crickets. "Hajari, you used your powers to save me, you should be proud of that. In the world I grew up in, magic is a part of life, and powers such as yours are perfectly normal. I like it here on Earth. It's much nicer and more relaxed."

"I don't even know how to use my powers," says Hajari.

"Strong feelings such as fear have summoned up the wonderful powers that are in you. They were always there you just didn't know it. It's just a question of concentration. With your energy, you can do anything." Hajarianna turns a bunch of crayons into one big crayon."Now, give them back their original form."

Hajari tries to use magic to turn the crayons back, but he fails to do so. "Nothing. I can't do it," says Hajari.

"This is why you need to come to Alfea College. You can learn to master your powers." Hajarianna reverses her spell.

"Where's Alfea?"

"It's in the enchanted realm of Magix, a place in time where any and everything is possible."

"I wanna go."

Hajarianna takes out a small picture of Alfea. "Here's a bottomless postcard," she says. Hajarianna places the picture on the floor and steps in it. "Follow me," she says.

"I just jump in like you?" asked Hajari.

"Yes, hurry up before the gate closes."

Outside Hajari's house...

"I've lost the scent, they've disappeared," says the Troll.

"Well, we'll just have to wait for them to come back," says Knut.

In the postcard...

"So this is Alfea?" says Hajari.

"So, Hajari, are you ready to take the plunge?" asks Hajarianna.

"I don't know. Everything is happening so fast. What about my high school in Gardenia?"

"Listen, I have to leave tomorrow morning with or without you."

"Alright, I'll sleep on it."

In the living room, Charlie and Tia are having a conversation about everything that has happened today.

"Admit it! You and I both know that Hajarianna is Hajari's triplet sister and that she is a real fairy, but you're afraid to believe it! Charlie, if this is Hajari's true nature, who are we to stop him?" says Tia.

Suddenly, Kiko hears banging on the door and runs to the living room because he knows that the monsters are here, so he runs to Charlie, pulling on Charlie's pants.

"Kiko, we're busy right now we'll play later. Okay?"

Kiko runs to the kitchen and stacks all the kitchen appliances to block the door.

"What is that rabbit doing trashing the kitchen?!? Kiko!" yells Charlie.

The monsters manage to bang down the door.

"Fairies! Where are those fairies?!?" yells Knut.

Charlie and Tia cower in fear as they hug each other. Hajari and Hajarianna run down the stairs as Hajarianna punches Knut in the back of his head.

"We're right behind you!" yells Hajarianna. "Now, let's settle this. Ring of Solaria!"

Hajarianna Fairy Transformation:
Squadd power!
Ray of light!
It's magic!
Rising sun!
I got powers, I'm a Squadd!

Hajarianna flies in mid-air and kicks the troll in the face.

"You dummy, you got beat by a hazel-eyed fairy!" says Knut.

"But I'm no ordinary hazel-eyed," says Hajarianna. "Hajari, we're outnumbered we gotta split them up," Hajarianna whispers to Hajari.

"Let's take this outside ghouls," Hajari says running to the backyard.

"Alright, hazel eyes! You wanna see what the troll and I can do? If I were you I'd get ready to lick my wounds, you know what I mean?" asked Knut.

"Ha! Let's see what you can do against that, Burning Sun!" Hajarianna yells as she blasts the monsters.

In the backyard...

"Oh no, what do I do now?" Hajari asks himself as he is surrounded by monsters. Hajari sees a pot moving by itself, so he picks it up to see what was in it, but nothing was on the ground, but Kiko is still hiding inside the pot. Hajari drops the pot on the ground. 

As Hajari trembles in fear, he hears Hajarianna say really loudly, "Burning Sun!" 

"Wow! Hajarianna sure knows how to command a speck," Hajari says.

Knut throws Hajarianna out of a window and glass shatters everywhere.

"Hajarianna!" Hajari cries.

"I'm fine. I called the Specialists," says Hajarianna.

"Who?" Hajari asks while he scratches his head.

The troll hovers over the siblings as a long string grabs the troll by his neck.

Alright, guys, I'm ready," says a Specialist named Tecna. Tecna has the string wrapped around the troll. Tecna tightens the string as her hot pink pixie cut hair glows in the moonlight as well as her purple catsuit and blue-green eyes.

"Alright, let's take them to jail where he belongs," says a Specialist named Bloom, with her red hair and bright blue eyes, she chops up some monsters.

"Come on, hurry up guys!" says Tecna as she struggles to hold the monster.

"What's the rush don't you guys wanna have a little fun?" asks a Specialist named Riven.

"I wouldn't be so cocky if I were you, this is only our first mission," says another Specialist named Brandon.

Tecna tasers the troll. Knut tries to attack Bloom and Brandon from behind, but Hajari and Hajarianna blasts Knut face down on the ground.

"Wow!" says Hajari.

"See, I told you you can do it," says Hajarianna.

"Then, I'm really a fairy," says Hajari.

"Of course you are. I'm never wrong," Hajarianna responds.

"Give up, ogre, you're cornered," says Bloom.

"Drats," says Knut. 

Knut and the ghouls disappear as Brandon puts the handcuffs on the troll.

"Hajari, meet our four heroes: Tecna, Riven, Prince Brandon, and Bloom, she's Prince Brandon's squire."

Riven is arrogant and rude with his dark purple hair and blue soldier uniform. Brandon has large muscles and brown eyes and hair.

"Well, we have to go," says Bloom.

The Specialists walk into a portal and as they are leaving they say, "See ya later."

Hajari blushes as Bloom winks at him.

The next morning Charlie is sweeping up all the damage from last night in the living room. As Hajarianna walks in the living room she greets Charlie.

"You know I can fix up this place with a little magic," says Hajarianna.

"No thanks, I'd rather fix up the place the regular way."

"Hajari's ready," says Tia.

Hajari has all his bags packed.

"Hajari, are you sure you're ready for this?" asks Tia.

"Yes Mom, I'm going with Hajarianna to the realm of Magix."

"Call us as soon as you get there. I still can't believe we agreed to this," Charlie hugs his son tightly. "What if you get sick? What if you meet these monsters again? What if-"

"Dad, I'll be careful. Promise," says Hajari.

"I'll transport us there," says Hajarianna.

"Oh no! Did you think we'd let you go that easily? We're going with you," says Charlie.

"Wow, Dad, this is so great, thanks!" says Hajari. "Hajarianna, is this possible?"

"Well the rules don't allow it, but as they say, rules are made to be broken," says Hajarianna. Hajarianna takes the ring off her finger. "Ring of Solaria! Teleport us to Magix!"

On Planet Magix, Hajarianna, Hajari, Tia, and Charlie arrive on a beautiful enchanted grassland and right up ahead is the Majestic Alfea College.

"Here we are. Alfea College," says Hajarianna.

"Wow! It really does exist," says Charlie.

"You believe us now?" asks Hajari.

"Let's hurry up classes are about to start," says Hajarianna.

"Well here goes nothing," says Hajari.

In the next chapter...

At Alfea, Hajari will discover an amazing new life and amazing new friends, but in the Magic Dimension, he will also meet the witches from the school of Cloudtower; the first problem he will have to deal with. Peace in Magix will be threatened.

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