Thug Twins (Urban)

By Thug_Paradise

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"I am the King, My brother is Prince. The streets of Oakland our signed to me, And whom I owe my life. I am m... More

Thug Twins *Urban Love*
Oakland Streets
Guilty Conscious
You Never Gave Me Your Name
Feel The Tention?
Why you so stuborn?
Im Not like Everybody Else Khalob?
A Different Feeling.
Love? Impossible.
Love & War
Realizing The Truth
I'm Not ready
Making it Official......
I Don't Know What To Do, Who Do I Turn To?
Tired of all these secrets.
Everything Get's better.
I forgive you
Close Again?
The Truth *Last Chapter*

Strictly Business

13K 314 77
By Thug_Paradise



         Chapter 8 

    Strictly Business.

      Writing by : Thug_ Paradise.

Mr.Hendrix. Get up the both of you.

Kory, Man take your raggedy ass to front of the board an write some math problems tryna beef with a bunch of 11th graders. Yo ass stay stalk watching us when everybody else in here on they own shit. God damn i know me an onika show out on these hoes but  we ain't going no where they'll be plenty enough time to hate.

Mr.hendrix, Hate on what? A bunch of hood rats an hoodlums? You all will grow up to be either prostitutes or Gang bangers. Ugh niggers. 

*Everyone in the class turned to him*

Onika, Wow they all ways put up a frame on us because we from the streets. You don't know how we live an you don't know what we go through so damn right you can call me a Hoodlum cause imma be OAKLAND bound for the rest of my life. But don't get shit twisted a hood rat an a hoodlum is two different things.

Kory, (laughs) Man I laugh at fat ass racist niggas like you. Cause while you talking you might wanna keep your guard up everybody in this classroom heard you so watch what you say before your ass be stuffed in that hot pocket you eating.

Random student, Naw don't worry we ain't gone stuff his ass in that hot pocket we just gone pull at them riffles an shit. You learn a few things when a gun shoved up your ass. 

Mr. Hendrix , You know what i will not take this behavior no longer. Im quiting!!! Cant be around you Niggers for not one more minute!! Hope all you end up in jail an rot!! Especially you Kory Greyson you think life's a joke well hahaha laugh it up in a jail cell!!!

Kory, (Yawns) I'm sorry what'd you say i was to busy not giving a shit. Plus all the blubber around your neck clogs up your Vocal Chords couldn't hear a thing.. Repeat please?

 He groaned an walked out the class.

Onika, Damn kory you bad asf.

Kory, Only on certain occasions. I shoulda blowed his fat ass up when i had the chance probably woulda exploded with cheese ole big ass.-

Onika laughs.

Exactly how were you going to do that?

Chop a fucking grenade in his salad blow that bitch right up. But we know damn well he wouldn't of ate a salad if it was the last thing damn thing on earth. But lets go i guess we got free period cause shit we no longer gotta teacher. 

Alright "she said"

Being the gentle men i am (fix collar) i picked up both of our book bags an walked out the class.

Onika, So where we going?

Kory, OHH imma holla at Big Homie real quick i haven't seen him in forever yo.

Onika, Who's that?

Kory, You dont know big homie?!! 

Onika, obviously not dumb ass if i asked.

Kory, Niq don't get slick i will violate your ass.

Onika, Kory you know me better then anyone if you "Violate" me imma slice yo ass in yo sleep. keep one eye open  homie. 

Kory, ahh that's why you my day #1 you just keep shit trill. 

Onika, (laughs) no doubt.  But can we stop by umm Cold Stone i want some ice cream.

Kory, yeah iight

Onika, i just realize we left Chris an Isaiah in there.

Kory, ohh man lemme call these fools.


Yo Chris! " i said"

Yeah wassup where the hell y'all at?

Nah the better question is why ya'll left ya'll retarded ass in there when we left. 

Ohh!! I ain't notice you was gone you know i was fooling around with them hoes.

(laughs) Chris you be tricking nowadays get y'all ass out here.!

Alright (laughs) where ya'll at.

By the exit nigga hurry up for we leave y'all.

End Of Call~

After about 2 minutes Isaiah an Chris walked towards us.

Onika, To be on a damn football team y'all walking slow as shit.

Isaiah,  To be Captain of varsity Cheer Squad you lame as shit.

Onika, Get right nigga i ain't lame don't be mad cause them legs don't go to far.

Isaiah, Shut up onika always talking shit but when i bust that ass open you sure moaning daddy.

Kory, you ain't busting shit nigga.

Onika, don't tell em nothing he keep talking my foot gone be so far up his ass it come out his nose.


Chris, I would never try Niq Niq she a killer. 

Onika, Shit a killer when i got to but a homie when I'm down to. 

Kory, true that.

Isaiah, mmm whatever an why yo ass so damn offensive when i said i was gone fuck onika.

Kory, cause nigga that's my homegirl, my bestfriend ,my shoota an if you ever try to fuck her imma fuck you up.

Isaiah, (laughs) You funny as shit bruh i swear.

Kory, Yeah i know im real funny , but aint nothing funny to laugh at right now i aint joking thats one thing i take serous.

Onika, Ahhhh homeboy got my back an isaiah you be dreaming high cause my nigga glocks pointing to yo head when you come to close to me.

Isaiah, Damn its like that

kory, Straight like that homeboy 

Isaiah, I was just goofin anyways no need for the hostility. 

Chris, Yo can we go time is money.

*We started walking to the exit door*

When we get in kory car we drive to the corner store where i saw this big dude. He looked like Rick Ross or some shit. 

When kory, isaiah an chris got out the car i thought it'd be best if i stayed in cause ion know that man an it was probally about their gang meetings in stuff.  Yeah i know kory an Khalob an isaiah an chris in the gang, I dont really approve of it but i mean shit they still gone do what they wanna do anyways i learn from that when you rolling with some true thugs. Also it really dont phase me cause imma have they back on anything they do an i promise you that.

 I was looking out the window when they all turned to look at me. God damn am i the topic? 

Outside the car~

Big Homie, I see you with her alot man whats her name?

Kory, Ohh thats my bestfriend Onika.

Big Homie,  Ohh well she pretty you should wife her up.

Isaiah & Chris burst out laughing.

Chris, Ohh lord Lets imagine onika an kory together. Thats like fighting fire with fire, in an arguement both of them would go head to head for days cause they act just alike.

Kory, Never kinda pictured it that way but......

Isaiah, Ya'll would make the perfect match ya'll be riding with eachother since day one an shit yall would pop guns for eachother so why not? I mean yall "swear" yall the SHIT.

Kory, (laughs) we are nigga, dont hate.

Big Homie. Yeah nigga think about it i been seeing you an homegurl around the streets together since yall was 7. You fuck alot of bitches but i can tell you would give em all up for lil shawty in that car.

*We all look at onika in the car* 

an she look at us weirdly i couldn't help but to laugh that girl is more then just my bestfriend i'd die for her. Thats my Partner in crime i dont know about that whole dating thing but she'll forever be my bestfriend.

 Big Homie, Just think about it. But imma bout to slide tho finna go get some weed from Ferg.

Kory, Alright an tell Ferg holla at me cause i need some right now.

Big Homie, Alright catch you on the streets youngin tell khalob he no where i be at an i gotta message for em.

Kory, alright.

I get in the car along with Isaiah an Chris.

Onika, Ya'll was talking about me.

Isaiah, Yep we said you was an annoying ass little bastard.

Onika, Haha im dying of laughter. NO BIHH. what'd yall really say?

Chris, ohh he just said what was your name cause kory ALWAYS with you.

Onika, Ohh well can we get my icecream now?

Kory, yeah.

As we arrived to Cold stone an sat down in a booth  i suddently had to pee.

Onika, ayy imma finna use the bathroom.

Kory, uhuh.

Isaiah, Didnt no one ask for all that.

Onika, Man shutup Isaiah damn!! Imma slap your ass when i get back.

I squeezed out the booth an went to the restroom.

once i finish doing what i had to do i washed my hands. 

Who you? 

Someone asked from behind me.

I looked to see some rachet ass looking girl.

Who you tf? 'i said back"

I seen you came in with my man who you is to him? "she said"

Girl please. And which one is you talking about? 

Kory. an you know who i was talking about anyways. "she said rolling her eyes popping her bubble gum"

Basic ass rachet hoe at that.

Ohh so you must be one of his hoes right? Aha girl i gotta tell my homie bout his self he can do way better then you boo. "i turned back around to the mirror looking at myself an left the restroom.

I got back to the booth and slapped Isaiah on his neck. His face made me angry.

Kory one of your hoes want you an umm btw dude you lowered your standers to the floor with that bitch.

Kory, what you talking about?

You'll see cause here she come now.

i looked at her ugly ass wobble our way.

 Kory POV

I turned to see kelsey. Damn, damn, damn kelsey is that bitch i fucked like a week ago an then snook in my room to tell me she pregnant. Man that hoe getting on my last nerve an her head game getting a little weak anyways.

Kelsey, Kory why you tripping you aint calling me back i thought you loved me!!

Chris, Bitch chill you yelling like you done lost your mind! Take yo ghetto pregnant ass on somewhere. Let me just handle this real quick. No kory aint yo damn baby daddy cause im pretty sure he wrapped it up, you a hoe anyways so bitch take ya ass to maury.

Kelsey, And who the fuck is you?  talking to me like you some Thug you better know what type of girl i am.

Chris, I honestly dont give a fuck.

Kelsey,  Betta shut your mouth while you a head imma get my brother on your ass.

Kory, mannnn both of yall chill out.  Ion know who the fuck you thought was coming up here yelling an shit like you somebody damn momma but check yourself kelsey cause you know i aint with that rachet shit. And aint nobody over scared of yo damn brother cause his pussy ass aint gone do shit. I dont get where yall get that "Imma get my brother own you" shit from cause dont nobody give a fuck like we suppose to be scared.

Kelsey, what ever but like i said this yo abay kory, you aint gone take care of it ohh you triflin. 

Kory, Man ion even wanna hear that shit when you get some DNA test done then we can start talking but un till then you gone have to slide. " i say getiing up going to the cashier to order"


Khalob POV

i was in second period bored as always. Listening to music an i got Aaleece staring fucking wholes in my damn face. Fuck wrong with her.

We was suppose to do that debate shit today but our teacher canceled it an told us to start on them baby trials. You see why i dont like that bitch? Cause everytime i actually do work for her bitch ass she wanna have a change in plans. Her stupid ass.


I was the first one to hop up out that class. But it was time to go to lunch so i stopped by my locker to put my books in it.

Then i felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned to see Aaleece,

I just looked at her.

Hey . "She said smiling"'

Dont think this is becoming a regular thing cause it aint. After we finish this project its going back to how it use to be. Just strictly Business. "i said bluntly"

her smile soon turned into an frown.

Ohh yeah i know its just a strictly business thing. I was just gonna say that. (she fake laughed) Well thanks for putting me on my bed lastnight..... bye. 

With that she walked away from me. I could tell she was kinda sad but i mean shit who said we were becoming friends in the first place.

Aaleece POV

I actually thought he would want to hang sometimes. But i guess it is just strictly business. Sometimes i wonder why he's so mean to me when i did nothing wrong. I thought because he came to my house an everything we would at least be associates. Well thats my mistake for actually thinking Khalob Greyson was an okay guy after all. 

I frowned an walked to the cafeteria lonely as ever. I was still new to this school so i had no friends at all. I knew guys liked me an all but i didnt wanna hang with them that would make me seem like a hoe. 

I grabbed my headphones out my pocket an put them on an jammed to Woop ; pussy nigga

i really dont get the part in this song when he say 

" My dawg lost his life to a pussy nigga. How a pussy nigga kill a real nigga. I guess that in my city aint nobody pussy. Cause them pussy niggas seen a pack of pistols."

But foreal tho how a pussy nigga kill a real nigga? I guess that the real nigga turned into a pussy nigga. Confusing right? Shit dont make no since. The dude was obviously not a pussy nigga if he killed someone so that made him turn into a real nigga.

You know what lemme shutup i sound stupid as hell right now.

I changed the song an got in line to get my nasty ass food. Ive only been here for about 2 weeks but damn Stoneway academy food is shit.

Who told you meatloaf an black beans go together. ohh lord.

I grabbed it an swiped my card. I looked to my right an saw Onika an kory come in the cafeteria with two other boys. They were cute i guess.

The lunch lady snapped her fingers in my face.

Move along others are waiting! 

I rolled my eyes an walked out the line an looked around for a seat.

i swallowed the lump in my throat this was like where it all comes down to in highschool. Who will you sit with? 

When you pick THAT SEAT then thats YOUR SPOT in highschool. I started to lose hope in finding a seat cause everyone was full an everyone seemed like they werent nice at all. 

I sighed an just started to walk towards the the exit. 


I turned to see onika calling my name.

I smiled an walked over to her. There sat kory, Khalob, Onika, Those two boys an that other girl that doesnt seem to like me.

i smiled at them all.

Kory, where you going ?

Aaleece, Ohh umm well i couldnt find no where to seat so i was just goign to leave.

Kory, ohh naw you can sit with us you cool.

Maraih, ugh why. (she mumbles) 

Chris, damn you fine as fuck! "he shouted" when he realized he said that out loud he quickly covered his mouth.

i laughed. 


Onika, sit down.

Okay, ' I simply replied" 

Khalob didnt look at me once. He doesnt even care that my presence is here. All he ever did was stare at his phone an listen to music.

Isaiah, Wait so kory how you know her. I told you that she was new.

Kory, ohh she had to do a project with my bro an (gco)]

Isaiah burst out laughing.

Onika, mann why tf your stupid ass think everything funny.

Isaiah, (sucks teeth) shutup. And because you know khalob ohh stuborn ass aint doing know project with anybody.

Kory, well he did.

Isaiah eyes got big

Wow suprising. "chris said"

khalob head shot up from his phone.

Can ya'll to shut-up ya'll never stop damn talking!! "he got up an left the cafeteria"

Kory, Wow. Who shitted in his cheerios?

everyone looked at him.

Mariah, The hell you get that from?

Onika, Ohh he got that from an comer(gco)

Wasen't asking you. "she said an fake smiled"

Aaleece POV

That girl is really a bitch i swear. I don't even like her an i barely know her. Its like she such a fake ass thug. She act like she hard as fuck but she ain't no real G.

 Kory POV

The hell wrong with them to. Either they always being slick to each other an trying to play it off with a fake ass smile or they just ain't talking to each other. Why the hell they acting like they beefing? Niggas don't tell me shit no more an onika my best friend an she ain't telling me wassup.

Chris, ANYWAYS did i forget to mention my name is Chris an obviously yours is Aaleece.

Aaleece smiles.


I'm Isaiah an Chris is my dumbass brother. Cant you tell? 

she laughs. 

I guess

Kory, ohh Mariah you never introduced yourself to Aaleece.

Well i did now. "she said fake smiling" 

Aaleece POV

Slick ass bitch. So that's her name. Its funny cause i dont like Mariah Carey anymore either maybe thats her mother they both got that fake ass gold looking hair.



I swear man Chris an Isaiah never stop fucking talking. Ive known them half my life an its getting real tiring having to hear them all damn day. They not even my friends that my brother stupid ass homeboys. They in our gang but shit fuck them.

Now all of sudden everybody wanna be buddy buddy with Aaleece? I hope she dont think cause i put her in her bed last night that i feel some type of way about her cause she gone get her feeling hurt.



Onika POV

Mariah really starting to piss me off.  I never did shit to her what is she jealous of? Imma just take my mind off of her an get ready to hear these cheerleading tryouts. Me an my Co-captain have to pick 10 new cheerleaders this year.

Ayy kory dont forget you got football practice today. "i said" While we were at his locker. 

Mariah walks up 

Ohh dont worry i already told him. 

I nod. 

Of coarse you did (mumbles) 

Mariah, Ohh yeah onika did i forget to tell you im trying out for the cheersquad today.

Kory, ayy thats great you probally gone have a friend to kick it with before games.

Great. "i said nonchantly" 


 Author POV

Who getting real tired of Mariah tho? AYY should kory think about dating onika? Yall think that hoe kelsey baby daddy is kory lol? Is Isaiah an Chris annoying as hell but still cool? In the next chapter ya'll think Aaleece will try to talk to khalob again? Will khalob actually get tired of being a loner an hang with Aaleece? ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.

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