
By werewolves_only

5.9K 289 33

Drew's entire kingdom requires her to be queen. Almost immediately after her parents died Drew is thrown into... More

The last words
1. 2 years later
2. Roses
3. Heartbreak
4. Shattering
5. Masquerade
6. Kiss and Makeup
7. Avoiding Oceans
8. Posionious Claws
9. Morning Surprises
10. Birthdays
11. Secrets
12. Finally
14. Joining
15. Taken
16. Kitchen Counters and Showers
17. Love
18. Monster
19. Grimoires
20. King
21. Again
22. Batteling Heat
23. Venus Transition
24. Little Wolf
25. Speared
26. Moon Kissed
27. To each thier own
28. Epilouge

13. Challenge

211 9 0
By werewolves_only

My alarm woke me up at 6am sharp, I climbed out of bed careful to not wake Braxton.
"Why didn't you want to wake me?" Braxton's grouchy voice sounded.
"I was going to after I got dressed" I said as he was getting up
"Why not now?" He asked, a flicker of mischief flashed in his eyes
"I thought you might want more sleep" I smiled sweetly, he grabbed my by my waist and crashed me into him and covered my lips with his. I smiled at first and then kissed back.

He finally pulled away,
"I don't want to sleep without you" he smiled and lightly nipped the tip of my nose.
"Ew!" I shook my head and laughed.

I went to my closet and changed into a pair of black jeans, a gray shirt that had a lace detail and I threw on a cropped black leather jacket since it's almost reaching the coldest months. I also put on a pair of white adidas. I tucked my moms necklace into my shirt and grabbed a white watch from a top of one set of drawers that was in my closet.

"During the challenge, I'm having someone put all of your clothes and new suits in the closet" I told Braxton, as I was walking out of the closet. I cleaned out a section of my closet that had 2 racks, one for his suits and formal attire, and one for his just regular clothes. I also left him 3 sets of drawers, and one row on my shoe wall.
"Thanks" he said and kissed my cheek. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and my hair. I left my hair in its natural messiness. I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Braxton, he was wearing another pair of black joggers and a white v-neck.

Me and Braxton walked to the kitchen with our hands intertwined. Once I got to the kitchen I saw Aiden and Xavier there, joking around. Like they aren't going to go and fight for a title in 30 minutes.
"Drew, this is my beta, Xavier" Braxton introduced me to Xavier
"Your highness" Xavier bowed slightly, he had light brown hair and light hazel eyes
"Please, just Drew" I smiled at him. I began to make waffles because it was the fastest thing I could think of. I made all three of the boys waffles and then Andrea came downstairs and wanted some, so I made her some. I wasn't very hungry so I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and excused myself. I really wasn't comfortable drinking in front of people.

I walked outside to the garden for a few minutes and enjoyed my bag. I went to my mothers roses that were slowly withering and touched one of the roses and watched as it nourished back to beauty.
"I guess there is no need for Katiya anymore" I heard Aiden behind me chuckle
"I guess not" I smiled and continued to look at the red flowers.
"We need to get going" he told me and I nodded my head and walked back inside and threw away the empty bag.

Braxton grabbed my hand and we walked outside to a clearing in the woods where a few people gathered to see the challenge. Aiden and Xavier were in the middle, shirtless because they have to shift for the fight.
"Shift" I commanded in my royal command and they did. Aiden's sleek, gray wolf was slightly larger than Xavier's caramel colored wolf.
"Let the challenge begin" I used my royal command again and then the challenge started.

They circled each other for only a few moments until Aiden struck and bit into Xavier's back hip. He helped and threw Aiden off of him, he then bit into Aiden's back Leg and pulled. Aiden quickly pulled away and bounced back. Aiden was now clearly pissed, but I'm hoping he can keep that under control. He snarled at Xavier and snapped ferociously, a small flicker of terror flashed through Xavier's eyes but quickly went away as he dove at Aiden's neck. He grabbed ahold of it but not good enough because Aiden threw him off quickly. Xavier then went and clawed his side, ripping it. I saw the look in Aiden's eyes I never wanted to see again. Fear even took over my body as he slowly stalked over to Xavier and snarled  viciously, like a rabid animal. I couldn't blame him, he was a protector, so that means we he gets very mad a switch flips and he turns rabid.

He took hold of Xavier by his neck and I started to take off my jacket and shoes.
"What are you doing?!" Braxton growled at me
"If I do not stop him now, he will kill Xavier" i said calmly
"I'm not letting you intervene" he grabbed my upper arm roughly.
"He's a protector, Braxton" I growled and shifted fast and walked over to the two betas. It was clear that Aiden has already won, but once that switch is flipped he has no control. 

Aiden I called into his mind, but got no reply. I tried a few more times but got no reply. I finally grabbed him by his neck and threw him off of Xavier. Who was about to shift back. 
You need to calm down I growled at him through the mind link. He shook his wolfy head and tried to walk over to Xavier to finish him off but I pushed him back, once he tried again, I grabbed him by his neck
Stop now! I commanded him and he fell limp and I let go of him.

Braxton gave me his shirt and I shifted and put it on and went to Xavier. He had large wounds on his neck and the rest of his body. I knew he was close to dying so I placed my hands over his neck wounds and began to mumble the spell. He was quickly healed and I stood up, Aiden tried to walk over here but I growled
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose control" I looked at him and he's already shifted back and only had a few scratches.
"You could've told me you're a protector" Xavier chuckled hoarsely
"I didn't think I would lose it" Aiden looked down ashamed.
"No worries" Xavier stood up and shook Aiden's hand and did that bro hug thing.

We all went back inside, like nothing ever happened. I went to my room and saw that Amelia, one of the pack members who enjoys helping out, has put Braxton's clothes in the space that I left.

I put on a pair of black leggings, a white shirt with the black adidas logo on it, and I also put on my white sneakers again as well as my leather jacket. I ran my fingers trough my hair and sighed deeply, pulling at the roots of my hair.

I'm just stressed, I didn't think that Aiden would lose his temper like that, I thought he would win, sure. But not that he would go into protector mode, it hasn't happened for a long time. The last time it happened he killed 27 rouges within 10 minutes because they threatened me. As royal beta it's his job to protect me, and even if he lost the challenge he would still be my protector.

Now I had to go and help set up the gender reveal in the ball room. The plan was that when it's time confetti cannons would shoot out the colored confetti, pink for girl and blue for a boy. We will also have cupcakes with the center of it a colored icing. We have pink and blue balloons placed around the large room and 4 tables full of cupcakes. I was to make a speech and at the end the cannons would go off.

Soon, people started to fill the ballroom, Andreas old friends and pack members along with some of my pack members. I started going over my speech, running through the lines again.
"Drew, this looks amazing" Andrea said to me
"I tried" I laughed slightly
"I'm excited to see what it is" Aiden looked curious
"You find out soon. I have to go make my speech" I smiled and then climbed up on to the stage.

"Hello, I'm Drew" I said into the microphone with a smile, "and for the past few days, I got to have the pleasure of torturing my two best friends with the gender of their baby." Everyone chuckled.
"But today, I have to give up the secret and I'm very excited to share with you guys, that it is a..."I trailed off and then the cannons shot out confetti the color of pink. I heard a high pitched squeal from Andrea as she hugged Aiden. I then jumped off of the stage and went to eat a cupcake, or two.

The celebration got boring so I went to my office Only to find Braxton there, on the couch
"Hello" I smiled at him, he looked at me and smiled
"What are you doing in here" I asked and then sat next to him.
"I don't know, I thought you would be here" he shrugged, I glanced down at his lips and felt to need to place mine on his. I placed my hands on the sides of his face and pulled him towards me planting my lips onto his hungrily

He was shocked at first but then kissed me back, the kiss was rough and passionate. He slightly pushed me down onto my back so he was hovering above me, I didn't like that he was being so dominant so I flipped us over and supported my weight on my knees and continued to kiss him. I then began to ace kisses down his jaw and to his neck, he groaned lowly when I got to a certain spot and he grabbed my hips roughly. I dragged my canines over the delicate skin and he pulled my hips down to his and I could feel just how excited he was, and it kinda made me excited too.

I licked softly on the skin before I dug my canines into the flesh, he tightened his grip on my hips for a few seconds before he loosened it and groaned in pleasure. I retracted my canines and licked the wound. He pulled my lips back to his and then sat up with our lips still connected. I was placed firmly in his lap and my hands were tangled in his hair and his hands were placed on my bum. He began to place open mouthed kisses all over my neck and the top of my chest, he would suck in some places making me moan slightly in pleasure.

He kissed my mark making me shake in pleasure and chills cover my body. He sank his teeth into the skin making me moan out in pleasure, he pushed me impossibly closer to his body.
"Braxton" i barley whispered, he pulled out
"Mmmhm?" He hummed, still placing kisses on my neck.
"We need to stop" my voice was still quivering
"We aren't doing anything" he smirked. I looked down at his neck and saw my Mark on his neck and I smiled slightly to myself and trailed my fingers on and around it.

"That feels nice," Braxton said and placed his head on my shoulder. I threaded my fingers into his dark locks and played with the ends.
"I want to sleep" he mumbled
"Lets go to the room" I said and he shook his head and placed his arms on my things and hoisted me up and began to walk to the bedroom. I giggled when he threw me on to the bed and pulled off my shoes and his. I took off my jacket and threw it on the floor.

He crawled on the bed, hovering over me. I smiled at him and he kissed my lips shortly and then pulled me into his arms and rolled over so that he was on his back and I was laying on top of him.
"Am I not heavy?" I asked him
"Not at all" he mumbled and lifted up my shirt And began drawing patterns on my bare skin.
My eyes began to feel heavy and I drifted into sleep listening to my mates steady heartbeat.

I was shake awake lightly, I groaned and rolled over, only to fall onto a soft mattress. I heard a deep chuckle and my body was being lightly shook again.
"What?" I groaned out
"It's time for dinner" I felt Braxton rub my back soothingly.
"Okay" I groaned and opened my eyes, to be met with Braxton's beautiful blue eyes that reflected the sun set light. I reached my hand out and touched his cheek, his eyes fluttered shut as a small smile appeared on his lips. He grabbed my hand and then kissed it, and the sat up pulling me with him.

I sighed deeply and stepped off my nice bed, walking with Braxton behind me to the dining room. Aiden and Andrea were already sitting at the table, with their food in front of them.
"Finally" Aiden said and then started eating
"Oh my gosh" I rolled my eyes at him and sat down at the small table with Braxton sitting next to me.

I began to eat the pasta that had shrimp in it but I was still hungry for something else. I took a drink of my water, but ended up drinking all of it.
"I'm going to go get more water" I said and took my glass
"I can take it" One of the servants said to me
"No, I got it" I snapped, they just stepped away with a fear twinkling in their eyes. I carried my glass to the kitchen and opened the fridge I grabbed a blood bag and drank it hungrily, I then grabbed a second, I was about to reach for another but then someone interrupted me
"Drew," I heard Aiden speak
"Yes?" I asked
"Are you okay?" He asked
"I'm fine, just hungry" I shrugged
"Are you sure?" He asked, sounded sincere
"I said I'm fine" I snapped and grabbed another bag and drank it fast and then filled up my glass and walked back to the table to finish my food.

I was still hungry but I didn't want to drink too much, I don't think it's good to develop a habit of addiction. Aidens eyes stared at me throughout the rest of dinner, Braxton glanced my way Only a few times.

I finished my dinner and then went upstairs to take a shower, I needed to clear my head of this hunger. Regular blood wasn't fulfilling my hunger, I needed something more fresh. Like Braxton's blood, just thinking about it made my fangs elongate and my eyes burn with hunger.

I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around me.
"Braxton" I called out
"Yes?" He called back from the closet
"I need a favor" I said sweetly
"What is it?" He asked, unsure as he walked out of the closet in just a pair of pj pants, which was totally adorable.
"It's kinda weird, but can I have some more of your blood? Just like a little bit?" I asked, he looked taken aback at my request
"I guess" he furrowed he brows, I walked closer and grabbed his wrist and began to drink hungrily.

I only drank a little, not enough to fill my hunger, just enough to subside it. I kissed the slowly healing wound and went to the closet to put on some clothes. I dressed in a long tshirt and a pair of panties. When I walked out Braxton growled and his eyes turned a few shades darker

"You tempt me" he said huskily in my ear once I got into bed. I giggled like a school girl and tucked more into the blankets as he grabbed my waist to pull my back flush against his chest. I fell asleep again listening to my mates steady breathing.

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