Ohana (Lilo family)

By -NewRules-

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Louis and Liam are both enrolled into Wolverhamptons Boarding School and as both are now over 18, they have b... More



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By -NewRules-

Louis POV

This week's been a really tough one. I've got my exams coming up soon so the teachers are squeezing as much revision and homework in as they can.

This would be fine if I didn't have three sons.

They have been really rowdy lately and because Liam's now working at his Dad's company instead of the nursery he's been here a lot less which has left me alone with the boys a lot.

Niall's been whining a lot, Harry seems to have discovered the word 'no' and Zayn just coops himself up in his room all the time.

"Niall get back into time out now!" I say sternly from sitting at the kitchen table, trying to get my Spanish work done.

Niall was put in the corner five minutes ago for lying to me about doing his homework. I asked him to wash the dishes and he told me he had a lot of homework to finish off for tomorrow so I let him do his homework instead. I took time out of doing my work to wash the dishes and then went to see how Niall was getting on to find him playing on the Xbox.

I told him he had to go into timeout for fifteen minutes to think about what he's done and why it's wrong.

"But I'm bored sitting in the corner." He huffs and stamps his foot.

"Well too bad. You should've thought about that before you lied to me. And don't stomp your foot or you'll be getting a spanking off of Daddy when he comes in." I say and lead him back to the corner.

"You're lucky I'm not starting the timer again." I say and set the timer for ten minutes. "Ten more minutes Niall, and if you move from this corner then I'll tell about Daddy what's happened today and he won't be pleased."

I return to the table and sigh looking to down at the essay I'm supposed to complete.

"Papa, can I have some chocolate?" Harry asked coming into the kitchen.

"No Harry, dinner will be soon." I say.

"But I want chocolate now!" He says on the verge of a tantrum.

"Harry I don't have time to deal with your bratty behaviour right now so you either take an apple to keep you sustained until dinner or you have nothing." I say.

"But I. Want. Chocolate!" He shouted.

"Harry Edward! We don't shout in this house and you know that. If you act up again it's corner time mister." I say sternly.

"I hate you!" He says and runs away.

"Ughhhh." I groan out loud and drop my head down to lay on the table.

Why do I have to be a shit dad? Things are just getting too much. Maybe Liam and I weren't ready and we shouldn't have jumped in so soon. But I couldn't imagine anyone else with our boys, in fact, it hurts to think about. I love all of them with all my heart and life had actually been a lot better since they've arrived. They've spiced up Liam and I's life so it's not boring anymore.

"Baby I'm- what's up?" Liam asks dumping his car keys on the table and rubbing my back. I don't know why, it's probably all the stress, but I start crying. Just small sobs but they shake my body as Liam notices.

"Lou babe, what's wrong?" He asks lifting my head off of the table and wiping away some of the tears.

I jump on him wrapping my arms around his neck and my feet around his waist and crying into his neck. He supports my body with his hands holding my thighs and rocks us back and forth.

"The b-boys." I sniffle and Liam carefully places me on the kitchen worktop and stands in between my legs.

"What about the boys?" He asks curiously.

"They've just been awful since they came home from school, Zayn's not spoken to me, Niall's been in a mood and has been sent into time out for lying to me only to try and escape time out and I had to threaten him with you spanking him to get him to stay in the corner. Also Harry seems to have found a love for the word 'no' as whenever I've asked him to do something today he's said no. He also asked for chocolate and I said no because it was too close to dinner time and he thew a tantrum and said he hated me!" I started sobbing again.

"Shhhh baby. I'm sure he didn't mean it." Liam soothed as I cried into his shirt.

"I know it's just I've been trying to finish a Spanish essay and I can't quite think of what else to say in the essay - or how to say it and the boys were just being really difficult today." I sighed.

"It's okay baby, everyone has their off days. How about you take a little break from your Spanish work and I'll make you a cup of tea. You can watch an episode of friends and I'll sort the boys out okay?" He asked and I nodded before hopping down from the counter.

"Thanks Li. I love you." I say wrapping my arms around his toned torso and once again burying my face in his chest, inhaling his scent.

"No problem baby, now go sit on the couch."

I sat on the couch and a couple of minutes later Liam walked in with a cup of tea.

"Here you go." Liam said and handed me a steaming cup of my favourite tea.

"Thanks." I said as I took the cup off of him.

I got comfy on the couch and Li draped a blanket over me.

"I'll be in once I sort the boys out love." He said after he kissed my forehead and then left the room.

Liam's POV

I walked into the boys room to see Zayn on his phone and Harry watching the TV. I walked over and took Zayn's phone off of him and turned the TV off.

"Hey-" they both started but immediately shut up once they saw the glare I was sending them.

"Why haven't you been helping your Papa?" I asked as I folded my arms.

"Didn't know he needed help." Zayn mumbled.

"Well of course he does! He's still at school but on top of that he has to look after you three and make dinner and I'm not home as quick as I used to be because I'm working at the company now so you need to help out." I said.

"And Harry, I don't know where this knew found attitude has come from but it stops right now. If your Papa tells you no, it means no. Also you've really upset Papa by saying you hate him."

Tears started to gather in Harry's eyes.

"Niall get in here!" I shouted and heard Niall enter the room.

"Why did you lie to Papa and then leave time out after Papa told you to stay there?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Well I don't know either but I want all of you to sort it out." I said and then re entered the living room where Louis was still watching Friends.

I sat down beside him and brought him into my chest.

"It's okay baby, I spoke to them." I said and he hummed.

"Papa?" A voice behind us broke us out of our trance.

"Yes Zayn?" Louis said.

"I'm sorry I didn't offer to help you with anything. I promise I'll help our around the house more." He said and came over to give Louis a cuddle.

"It's okay bud, I was just really busy today and got really stressed." Louis said rubbing Zayn's shoulder. Zayn then turned around and sat on my knee.

"I'm sorry too Papa. I shouldn't have lied to you or left time out. I'm sorry." Niall said looking down.

"It's okay Ni, you know not to lie now though?" Louis said and Niall nodded.

Niall gave Louis a peck on the cheek and then sat on my other knee.

Now that left Harry standing in front of all of us.

"I'm sorry Papa! I don't hate you I just wanted a bit of chocolate and then I got annoyed. I don't hate you Papa." Harry sobbed.

"Shhh baby, it's okay. I know you were just annoyed but it did hurt my feelings. I'm glad you apologised though." Louis said, a few of his own tears slipping out as Harry thew him self into Louis arms and sobbed into his chest.

"As much as I'd like to stay and cuddle, I've got some Spanish homework to do." Louis said and sighed.

"I can help you Papa! I'm almost fluent in Spanish!" Niall said.


"Yeah, my auntie was a modern languages teacher so she taught me Spanish, French and a little bit of Gaelic but that's just because some of the people in the village spoke Gaelic more than English." He explained.

So that's how the night ended. Niall and Louis sitting at the kitchen table doing Spanish work while Harry, Zayn and I made dinner.

Sure the boys could be a handful but I know for a fact that we wouldn't have it any other way.

Hey guys!

So late update... Again. I'm sorry but I've just been really busy. It's not been too late, but it's been late enough to annoy me because I feel like I'm letting you guys down.

Anyways I'm thinking of also starting another book. I've already thought of the title and the description so:

It will be mostly fluffy chapters about the boys taking care of Niall. They will be in One Direction and Zayn will still be apart of 1D but their ages will be different.

Liam's 22, Zayn's 21, Louis' 22, Harry's 18 and Niall's 14.

It will include the ships Larry and Ziam.

If you would read this book please comment here. If people comment then I'll write it but if no ones going to read it then there's no point.

Thank you all for reading this chapter!

Comment! Vote!

Thank youuuuuu



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