Madly In Love [Joker Love Sto...

By Bambi2

125K 3.6K 1.7K

[Joker Love Story] People would say that it is impossible, crazy, insane or plain madness. Even the Joker him... More

Mr. J
Psycopath or The Faithful Boyfriend
Just A Joke
Not A Single Person Heard Me
I'll Kill Them
"You've Got Some Blood"
"I Never Back Down From A Game Mr J."
It's Right
Really Really Bad
Want Daddy To Save You?
Between The Counter And Him
Lost For Words
I'm All His
Forget About Me
Here For The Party
I Started A Joke
Why Would You Pick The Bad Guy?
You'll See
Joker's Girl
My Patient My Lover
He Missed Her Crazy Love
They're So Fucked
Mayhem On Arkham Asylum
Come To Daddy, Baby
He's Watching
Just Another Crazy Joker Fan
Getting In Trouble
Fuck Off
A Jam Or A Bullet
Toxic Love
The End

The Queens Of Gotham

1.7K 62 57
By Bambi2

(I'm sorry it's been a while since I've updated but it was the holidays. I was busy with studying at the last week of school and Christmas shopping. Spending time with family and etc. I've been busy. I am sadly a teenager in high school and can't update everyday, just putting it out there that I do have things outside of this book to do. Even though I wish I could write a chapter everyday. Thank you guys for being patient and enjoy the chapter :) )

-Joker's POV-

My men were reckless, excited, in need of celebration. It was there first time witnessing a beating, doing perfectly with no interruptions. I swung the cane again and the man groaned, spitting out blood. "Please, please stop."

"You screwed me over Paul." I said and held open my arms, laughing out loud. "You! Decided it would be fun, to give me. . ." I held up the printed paper. "Fake money, bullets, names?"

"It wasn't me. It must of been one of my employees." Paul groaned and I thrust the end of my cane into his gut. I leaned over him and giggled, pointing an accusing finger. "But your the boss Paul. Meaning-" I raised my voice, as if announcing an act "-what your little minions do reflex's on you, you do the business and you are the face of your operation. Meaning when they fuck up, you are the one that really. . ." I leaned over him and growled. "fucked up." 

The room was silent when Paul suddenly started blubbering like a child. Bagging, sobbing. I growled and pushed away from him, tapping my cane. "If you weren't so annoying I might have some respect for you Pauly."

"Please, I have a family." Paul cried as I faced him. I growled. "Shut up Paul, your making a fool of yourself. . BE A MAN!"

I hit him across the face with my cane and Bimbo laughed, but quickly coughed to cover it. I grinned and swung the cane as Paul spat out blood ones more. I looked at the new men and Frosty walked in with a case. He placed it down and opened it revealing the actual money. Paul seemed revealed. "See! I told you! Exactly where I said it was."

"Oh I'm not done with you." I growled and gestured to all my men. "My new  . . employees need a bit of training. Don't you boys?"

My henchmen looked at one another and had satisfied grins. Some mumbling yes bosses and more. All of them went at ones. Fighting one another to see who got to hit him first. I growled, rolling my eyes and took out my gun. I pointed it to the ceiling and shot.

My men parted and I held up my cane, pointing at them. I had there attention and moved my cane to the pronunciation of my words. My words almost playful. "Every . Body . Gets to . Hit . The man . In the . Chair."

Everyone backed up, glancing at one another. I then smiled brightly and pointed at Bimbo. He almost jumped as I spoke. "Starting with you."

He looked down at the cane that I held up to him and slowly took it. I held out my arms in gesture of welcoming. "Really?"

"Why else would I give you the cane?" I asked in amusement and he slowly walked towards Paul who started sobbing.Bimbo smiled. "Thank you Mr J."

"The pleasures all mine." I grinned and watched as he walked to Paul. He looked at the cane before he jabbed Paul in the stomach. I frowned, unimpressed as Bimbo giggled happily. But then he acted. He held back the cane and hit him across the head. He began to beat Paul and I laughed hysterically. As all my men beat him I turned to Frosty and nodded at him. He closed the case of money and we both left. The sounds of Paul's screams loud and ringing. 

"That went well." I said with a grin. Happily I had a little fun with torture and not to mention more money then I was suppose to get. Paul paid for his mistake with a beating and three fingers. I climbed into the passenger seat and Frosty climbed in as well. As he started to drive I sat back in thought, laughing to myself.

"One million boss," Frosty told me and I grinned. My laughter had died off and I looked out the window. The voices banged around my skull but I formed thoughts to make them go away. My mind had wondered off to Harley. I growled.

She had been pushing me. She knew I was mad. She was being an idiot. I growled at the thought, frowning as my mood changed. Sometimes I wanted it to be just me again, but then I would remember the time she had been in Arkham. 

When we reached the house I grabbed the money and got out. Telling Frosty to make sure the men left I then walked to the front door. I swung my cane and opened the door. I heard Bud and Lou become reckless as I threw the cane in the basket I moved upstairs and to my office. 

When I walked in I remembered the events from before I left. When Harley had asked again, and kept pushing. She pissed me off and my insanity got the best of me, when I had her pinned against the wall I didn't see her, I saw bats. The only thing that kept me from killing her was hat I could feel her hair.

"Idiot." I growled and walked behind my desk. I placed the case on top and opened it up. Looking at the money I giggled. A grin played on my lips before I shut the case and opened the safe under my desk. Careful to get the exact password because if I got any number wrong . . well, let's just say my arm might be by the door and my brains all over the floor. I giggled again at the thought of Richard, he had tried to open it. He's no longer with us.

I dropped the money inside and after I got up turned on the TV. I sat back in my chair and leaned back, watching the news. My favorite channel . . sometimes. At the moment it was talking about a robbery at the museum. The police lights in the background, ambulance. The works.

"Earlier tonight two young woman were found stealing from the museum of-" the same old reporter blabbed her mouth. Long black hair and big doe eyes. She glanced back at the museum and then at the camera. "These two woman stole a diamond worth three million dollars and six plant toxins."

The reporter moved so the camera would view the ambulance and a police car crashed into a rock. "The woman exposed the toxins to three police officers and caused another to crash. One was described as Poison Ivy with a woman with a pale complexion and tattoos, most noticeably a jesters diamond pattern on her right upper arm. Both girls are dangerous and-"

I didn't listen anymore as I clenched my jaw. Getting up from my seat I placed my hands on my desk. "Harley!"

When she didn't answer my rage grew. Knowing. Just knowing she wasn't here. "HARLEY!"

I swiped the case off the desk and stormed to the door. Throwing it open I stormed to our room to find her no where in sight. I clenched my jaw as Johnny walked in. "Boss?"

I snapped, throwing my phone at the wall. I turned to Johnny, laughing in anger. "Oh she's in fucking trouble. . . Start the car. . NOW!"

(Please play only until it get's to Amber's POV)

-3rd Person-

There was a large house, in the middle of a small abandoned -vary toxic- town. The house encased with vines and rare flowers, emitting the smell of nature. Inside the luxurious home were two woman. Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.

Harley was in the living room, sitting on a vine she had her eyes shut. Slowly, she moved back. Tightening her grip with her thighs she let go, using her abdomen to keep her steady and graceful.

The room was filled with plants. The windows made of glass meant for a green house, making the home hot in the living room. Harley had discarded her jacket in the closet and fitted her dress between her legs and tied it, creating a one piece. The only furniture was two chairs and multiple small tables. On the ground was a yoga mat and there was exorcising equipment in the corner.

Ivy walked in quietly. Looking at Harley who hung upside down, playing with her hair. Ivy placed down the plant and looked at the needle in her hand. She had one more minute until the toxins would take effect on Harley.

"Harley." Ivy called and Harley opened her eyes. She quickly pulled herself up and jumped down from the vine. She giggled. "They're sturdy."

"I know." Ivy said with a grin before sitting in one of the chairs. Harley sat in the one across from her and frowned at the needle. "I'm tired of those things."

"You'll die of the toxins if you don't take it." Ivy stated causing Harley to sit back in thought. She then shrugged and held out her hand. Ivy jabbed it into her vane causing Harley to curse. "You didn't have to stab it!"

-Amberly's POV-

I grumbled as Ivy put needle away, mumbling about how I was being a baby. I flinched as she turned away from me, remembering some of the injections I received when in Arkham. I sighed and got up. "I like your place, it's. . . Hot."

"Thank you," Ivy accepted the half compliment and got up, dusting the green dress I hadn't noticed before. Green really suited her and I would guess it was her favorite color. As she watered some plants I strolled around the room and to the hallway. My curiosity getting the best of me. 

I strolled into the kitchen to find it was a neutral amount of heat and cold. I walked to the fridge and a feeling of unease overfilled me and one name came to mind Joker. How mad would he be at me? He'd be pissed. Should I call him? Tell him where I am? No, that might get Ivy in trouble somehow.

I placed my thumb between my lips in thought. I know I was the one mostly at wrong today. I pushed him when I knew he wasn't in a good mood. But then again he has to learn that I can do my own thing too. He can't control my every move. I smiled slightly in thought, but I still can't help but miss him.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I jumped at the sound of Ivy's voice and cleared my throat. Pressing my lips together as best I could I replied awkwardly. "What? No, I'm not- is it that bad?"

"I'm surprised you weren't drooling." She said monotone and stepped into the room. She had another plant in arm, resembling three red lilies. She placed it at the window as I looked at my feet, embarrassed. I've never really had another girl friend to tell me this. Wait, is Ivy my friend?

"Who were you thinking of?" Ivy asked, turning to face me and leaning against her counter. She had her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. I bit my lip before a smile split across my face. I leaned backed against the table behind me, sighing. "Mr J."

"Mr. . The Joker?" She asked and I had my eyes shut. I smiled, remembering his features. "Uh-huh."

I opened my eyes slowly, coming from my dreamy state only to see Ivy staring at me disapprovingly. I jumped up like a child who was caught doing something wrong. "I! . . Sorry! I mean. . He's my boyfriend."

"I didn't know that psychotic creep could have feelings." She said, turning away. I bit my lip and ran a hand through my hair. I looked down. "Well he does. . . In his own way."

"I'll take your word for it." Ivy said distastefully and I looked up to see her grabbing some food. I pushed myself away from the table, playing with my hair. She spoke up. "You can take what you want, your room is upstairs to the left."

"Oh, okay." I said as she walked out. I glanced at the fridge before walking over and opening it up. I guess it's good she doesn't like Joker, it's better then her being all over him. She doesn't seem to like men vary much, during the car ride I found that she didn't like men much at all. She was an extreme feminist, or feminazie. 

After grabbing a tub of Ben and Jerry ice cream I strolled upstairs. Taking spoon full as I walked upstairs, it was my favorite, chocolate and cherry. Once I reached the top steps I turned left and opened the first door. The room wasn't small or big, a little smaller then my room at home. I closed the door behind me and walked to bed.

-Three Hours Later-


"Shut up!" I screamed, my eyes flying open. I tugged the blanket to my chest and was gasping for air. I had that dream. That stupid dream. The one where none of this is real and everyone hated me. All of them yelling my insecurities and Mason, he was still alive.

"Joker?" I whispered in the darkness, sniffling. I moved to cuddle closer to him only to find an empty right side of the bed. It only took me a couple seconds to realize I wasn't home. I was at Ivy's home, and Joker was nowhere near me.

A shiver ran down my spine and I whimpered, tugging my legs into my chest. The blanket had fallen from my body and I slowly reached for the lamp and turned it on. My eyes landed on my jacket that Ivy had put in my room, my phone sitting in the pocket. He was only one simple phone call away. . But he would be pissed.

I bit my lip. I hadn't realized this fact about me until now, but I hated being alone at night ever since Arkham. I hated not being able to hold onto him and hearing his little growls of annoyance when I cuddled into him . . but him always just letting me stay there. I didn't like being alone to sleep. I hated it.

Crawling out of the be I tip toed to the door. I turned the nob gently before opening it, causing a squeal that made me flinch. I glared at the door and whispered harshly. "Shut the fuck up."

"Honestly, inanimate objects don't know how to be quiet." I giggled, strolling through the dark hallway. 'You don't know how to be quiet', a commentator on my life decided to speak in my mind. I snickered, whispering. "I know Lonnie-2-5-0-8, now shush. . . Love you."

I had on a wide smile and peaked into a room, no one was there. I tip toed to the next and found no one there too. As I was about to check the next one I noticed a door that admitted an exotic smell. It smelled like a rain forest but also maybe Hawaiian. I wasn't really sure sure but I opened the door a crack. I peaked through and immediately spotted Ivy. Her eyes snapped open and I jumped, gripping the door handle. "You scared me."

"What do you wan't Harley?" She asked, sitting up in her bed and yawning. I became a little shy and bit a lip. "Uh, well, I had a bad dream and um. Arkham really made an effect. Well, actually-"

"Spit it out Harley." Ivy groaned, falling back in her bed. I rocked back and forth on my feet, playing with my hands. "CanIsleepwithyou?"

"What?" Ivy asked tiredly and I huffed. I cringed as I asked it slower. "Can . . I-"

"Damn it Harl! Medium speed!" Ivy yelled at me causing me to jump. I blushed. "Can I sleep with you?"

She gave me a deadpan look and I laughed awkwardly. Her frown deepened and I stood up straighter. "Please? I can't sleep alone."

"Fine." She sighed and fell back in her bed. I smiled to myself and closed the door before tip toeing to the bed. I whispered. "Thank you."

I repeated the thank you as I crawled into probably one of the most comfortable beds in the world. She mumbled a go to bed and I laid my head down on one of her many pillows. But after a minute I took another and wrapped one arm and leg over it, imagining J was with me.

-Three Days Later-

"So what bring you two . . lovely ladies up here?" 

The CEO was sat back in his chair. Looking us up and down. I had covered my tattoos with paints and my hair was half up and wore a tight fitted long sleeve black top and a red pencil skirt. Ivy wore a green pencil skirt, a matching business jacket and shoes, and a white blouse that showed off her chest. I grinned. "We wanted to chat a little."

He looked me up and down, his eyes trailing down my legs. I rolled my eyes but smiled when he looked up. He seemed to snap out of something and gestured to the seat. "Sit, please!"

"To say frankly," Ivy started as we both moved to sit. "I'm surprised you let us come up. With how busy you are."

"There is always room for two beautiful girls like yourselves." He said and looked down the grab a few paper and pen. Myself and Ivy looked to one another before rolling our eyes and looking at him. He looked up and we both emphasized big smiles. He smiled back.

"So, what did you want to chat about?" He asked and I glanced at Ivy. Her gaze was on a plant on his desk, a dead plant. I cleared my throat to catch her attention and answered his question. "Plants."

"Plants?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I nodded in confirmation. Ivy smiled tightly at him. "Yes Mr Jackson, I've noticed that your little company is one of the largest reasons so many tree are cut down for your factories. This building here is standing over what use to be a park."

"I wouldn't call it little," he laughed and sat back, crossing his arms. Ivy's eyes darkened and she got up. "You're murder Mr Jackson. Millions of innocent lives."

"What?" He laughed in astonishment. I explained. "The tress Mr Jackson."

"Oh my god," He coughed and covered his face. "You're tree huger's aren't you? Why are the hot ones crazy?"  

"Oh, you have no idea." I giggled with a smut grin and he stared at me with wide eyes for a moment when we both heard Ivy mumbled the words, 'so sad.' We both looked at her to see her softly caressing the dead leaf of the plant. 

"Let me get rid of that." Mr Jackson said and reached over the table, snatching the plant by the pot while saying. "I've never been good at taking care of these things anyway."

He stormed to the garbage and I glanced sideways at Ivy, who's eyes darkened. A sly grin played on my lips and I giggled at the CEO as he faced us. "What are you doing?"

"They're just plants." The guy spat at Ivy and pointed to the door. "Now leave."

I laughed and giggled at him. Shaking my head in pure amusement. "You're so screwed."

The building shook and the lights flickered as gigantic vines slid around the base of the building. I laughed hysterically as he stabled himself using the wall. Screams were heard as the vines trapped the people inside. Ivy growled. "Now let's talk about those plants."


"Please!" He gasped as I threw down his cane again. I giggled out loud. "Now I know why Mr J likes using these for beating!"

"Want Harley to stop?" Ivy asked as vines held him down. Two venus fly traps snapping at his cheeks. Tears streamed down his face. "Yes! Please!"

"Then stop murdering the poor creatures Mr Jackson." She growled and he choked out. Moaning in pain. "Please."

Ivy looked at me and I grinned before hitting him in the face with the cane again. He spat out blood the venus fly traps hissed in his ears. I leaned over him. "It's all one little promise Mr."

"Please! Please stop hitting me with the cwane! I can't do anything about the plants!" He cried and laughed out loud, before leaning forward, moving my head to the side in mock confusion. "Cwane? What's a cwane?"

"Cwane." He tried again, his teeth falling from his mouth as his nose sat in a weird position. "What's a cwane!? Do you understand him Ivy?"

"Just hit him again." She said, rolling her eyes but a slight grin playing on her lips. I grinned as she strolled to the computer. "Gladly."

"Whawt are you dooing?" He cried and I snickered. "Whawt. . Dooing. . I love this guy."

I hit him with the cane and he hunched over forward, narrowly missing the venus fly traps. Ivy answered as she went through the computer. "Erasing your companies bank account. You'll thank me later."

"Stawp!" He cried and I rolled my eyes. Holding up the cane and growling. "Oh shut up."

As I was about to hit him again something in my peripheral vision had my blood run cold. All that ran through my mind was Joker's words. "-I don't want to lose my toy because she's running around in the city with a sign yelling 'TAKE ME BACK TO ARKHAM!"

"Uh, Ivy! Someones come to visit!" I said, backing up. Ivy looked up and growled, quickly getting up and holding up her hand. I watched as the black figure flew towards the window only for the giant vines to quickly cover it. The CEO whimpered in dismay and Ivy moved to the computer, finishing her work. She then grabbed the pot from the garbage and walking towards us. "Next time," she growled and threw the pot down at his head. I snickered. "Water."

Ivy gasped suddenly and growled, looking at the window. "He's hurting them!"

"Batsy's always so rude." I teased, although my heart was hammering. She growled and did a motion causing the vines to move, revealing Batman. It had a hold of his leg and hurled him at the window. It smashed and he fell to the ground. Ivy grinned. "How nice to see you Batman, it's been a long time."

"Ivy." He growled, deep voice demanding. He got up and his eyes landed one me. He frowned. "Harley Quinn."

"Bats." I growled and Ivy grinned. "It's nice to see you Bats but sadly we have no more time for dates, maybe next week?"

"You guys coming with me." He said, walking forward. I held up my hands. "Without even a first date?"

He reached for me and I quickly grabbed his arm. Catching him by surprise I flipped him over my shoulder. But he didn't give up easily. He pushed up and threw a weapon. Ivy moved to the window, making her plants grow as I fought Batman. 

Soon we were in a full blown fight and I was discovering what Ivy's needle was doing to me. Not only did it make me immune to all toxins, it seemed to have increased my strength. I was able to do damage to the large hero. Not that he didn't do any bad to me.

I gasped as he punched me and covered my face, pretending to cry over the chair. He stopped and I slowly looked up at him, sobbing. "I surrender, I surrender bats."

He reached forward and I grabbed Ivy's bag off of the chair. Opening it I threw it in his face, releasing the dusty yellow toxin in his face. He seemed shocked before he started coughing and fell on his knees. I laughed, strolling behind him and kicking his back side, causing him to fall on his stomach.

"Time to go Harl." I was shocked hearing the nickname pass Ivy's lips as purple took over my vision. Joker's face and his lip's forming the word 'Harl'. I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them and looking at Ivy as a large flower stood proudly, fully blooming at the broken window. Ivy sat in it, arm out. I laughed and strolled over, jumping into it.

As the flower moved away from the window bats woke up. He looked at us and we both waved goodbye. The flower then closed around us and we were free falling. I screamed, laughing hysterically until it opened and caught the wind. It floated down the the ground and we both jumped out, running to Ivy's car as police raced after us. Ivy started her car and drove off.

We both laughed and looked at each other. We both high fived, the sirens behind us. 


"Harley!" I jumped as Ivy placed a newspaper in front of me. I looked down and grinned, seeing an image of us. "The Queens Of Gotham."

"Exactly." She grinned and picked it up, looking down at it fondly. She strolled over to the fridge and grabbed a magnet, placing it on the fridge. She glanced at me and grinned. "You should stay."

"What?" I asked and she moved to sit in front of me, grinning. "Live here with me Harl, we can be a team. Me and you."

I smiled at the thought but felt the tug at my heart strings. Joker filled my vision and Ivy's hopeful smile in reaction of my own disappeared. When Joker was gone I saw her frowning. "You're not thinking of Joker again are you?"

I looked away and she sighed, standing up. She ran a hand through her hair. "He's not good for you Harley!"

"You don't know that!" I snapped and she gasped at me. "Harley! He's a psychotic anti-social freak!"

"But I love him!" I snapped back and she stared in shock. I looked down, surprised by my outburst. I sighed and looked up at her. "Can we please just celebrate? Talk about this later?"

Ivy bit her lip, crossing her arms over her chest. She then sighed and dropped them reluctantly after seeing my pout. "Fine."

I smiled and she smiled back. We both met half way and hugged one another. She forgave me for snapping and I forgave her for her words. We moved on and celebrated our achievement. We were happy. We were the Queens of Gotham.


I stared at the phone. The image of the Joker emoji I had made in my spare time. I glanced at the guestroom door, knowing Ivy was showering. I looked down at the phone and felt the lump in my throat.

I needed to hear his voice. I missed him. I felt like I was riddled with guilt and that I was betraying him. I've done this every night. Stared at that damn contact, debating calling him. Texting him. But I was scared. Scared he would hang up on me, wouldn't answer. Didn't care. Every time, when I was about the tap call, I was overwhelmed with nerves and fear.

Quickly I clicked away from his contact and tapped Frosty's. I tapped the call button and hesitantly held it to my ear. When the first ring sounded against my ear I jumped. I panicked and almost hung up, until I heard a voice.

"Harley?" I bit my lip hearing Frosty's voice. He sounded shocked and urgent. I bit my lip. "Uh, hi Johnny."

"Where the hell are you Harley? Joker is pissed!" He told me and my heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name. I bit my lip, and almost asked him if I could speak to Joker. But I chickened out. "I'm fine Johnny, I'm safe."

I glanced around the dark room, clenching and unclenching the blanket. Johnny sighed loudly. "I have to-"

"No! Don't tell J!" I gasped, feeling my eyes sting. I was rushed with emotions, as the heavy feeling in my chest pressed. I swallowed a lump, remembering the words I had rehearsed in my head. "Just, listen, okay?"

"Am-" he started saying my real name but I cut him off. "Please."

The other end of the  phone was silent and I felt the tears start to run down my cheek. I shut my eyes tightly and drop my head. I had hoped I wouldn't cry like before when I rehearsed. But I knew I would no matter what. I continued, hating what I was saying. Hating that I knew it was the truth.

"I'm, I'm okay. I'm staying with a friend for a bit, I don't know how long. . . I just." I stopped and sniffled, running a hand through my hair and then gripping it. I sobbed. "I think it's best I stay away, for him. . I've been making him mad and, I know he's about to snap. I'm. .  He's use to being alone and I'm. . I don't know. I do everything wrong and. . I'm making him unhappy Johnny." I whimpered and closed my eyes tightly, pressing my forehead against my knees. I dug my nails in my palms. 

"I love him and I hate making him feel. . . I hate making him feel like he's babysitting me... I don't know how long I'll be gone but. . We both need time apart. I hate it but I'm making him unhappy Johnny. He's going to snap and it's because of me."

We were both silent and I almost hung up. But Johnny spoke. "You make him feel Harley."

"What?" I whimpered and he was silent. He spoke again. "You're the only one who can make him feel Amberly. . It's not a bad thing."

I sobbed out loud and bit my tongue. I whined my words. "Yes it is."

"No it's-" I hung up and threw the phone on the other end of the bed. I cried into my knees. It was bad because Joker doesn't like it. He's use to not feeling and he'll see it as a weakness. Me as a weakness.

-Eight Day's Later//Third Person-

The light  of the sun was shining through the windows. The bedroom was large. A queen size bed in the middle of it covered with pillows and blankets. The animals Harley had brought home  -that were given Ivy's needles- sleeping in the bed. Two ally cats named Whiskers and Cuddles, three blue birds name Tweety, Dee, and Doo. A white rabbit with red eyes named Fluffy, a possum with a missing leg named Possy, and a fluffy skunk named Fee-Fee.

In the bed with the multiple animals were Harley and Ivy. Ivy moaned and got up, stretching her arms with a yawn. The birds woke up and flew into the air around her, creating a beautiful scene belonging to a Disney princess. She dropped her hands to her side and glanced to a sleeping Harley Quinn. She sighed and climbed out of the bed.

Ivy has grown to think of Harley as a close friends. Her only friend. She liked her and felt protective. She never wanted to see her hurt by anyone. So she strolled around the bed and leaned over Harley and pressed her lips to her cheek. She grinned at Harley. "Sweet dreams my little psycho."


I stood in the kitchen, yawning as I looked through the fridge. My mind was still in a state of sleep but I hummed non the less. I had my first undisturbed sleep. No bad dreams. I was happy about that.

I turned around with the ice cream and my large smile drop. In front of me were three people. A tall woman with curly brown hair and eyes similar to mine, a woman with red hair and green eyes, and a unmistakable man with green hair and gray eyes. My mom, Ivy, and Joker. Dead.

I fell back, eyes wide at the sight of gore around the whole room. Blood. The smell. Oh god the smell was overwhelming. I whimpered, moving my hands to cover my face only to find a bloody butchers knife in my right hand. I stared at it with wide eyes.


"No." I gasped as another body fell to the ground. My dad. I dropped the knife, the images so vivid. "No, no, no."


"Kill them, kill them, kill them-"

"Ring around the rosey, pocket's full of-"

"Shut up!" I cried. 

"You'll hurt them Harley!"

"You've always hurt them."

"They don't need you. You're worthless."

"STOP!" I screamed and felt and arm grab me. I screamed and grabbed it. I kicked my knee into there stomach and shoved them down, pinning the arms. The person was a dark figure and I screamed at it as it didn't struggle. I hit it's arms down repeatedly. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!


I gasped, my eyes flying open. Ivy. She was the person beneath me, staring at me with wide eyes as tears ran down my cheeks. I gasped and fell off of her, looking around the room.

A chair was thrown across the room and a plants pot smashed. No blood. No dead people. I choked, realizing what had happened. I had a hallucination. The voices were like when I was back in Arkham. I felt like I was back at Arkham. Alone. Away from him.

I felt comfort as Ivy pulled me against her. I cried into her chest but only one thing I knew would really help me. It felt like I was addicted. I craved it, wanted it, needed it. It was all I could think of. Joker. All I wanted was him to hold me. He was my drug, and I needed him so bad. 

I whimpered. "I hated it, I hated it, I hated it....


A belated Marry Christmas-

I know this chapter had it's sad moments but at least we got some Ivy and Harley together :)

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Doctor Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist turned psychopath by none other than The Joker - The Clown Prince of Crime himself. The Joker was always going...
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!!COMPLETED!! Warning: a tiny bit of smut Dr.Harleen Quinzel, a new psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, is assigned to Dr.Pamela Isley, a former biochemis...