America To Korea

By chocolattekiss2

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Read Season 2: America To Korea: The Truth... More

Part 1: A new Exciting adventure
Part 2: Possibly a new friend?!
Part 3: So rude!
Part 4: The most Embarassing Mother
Part 5: Serial killer lady?!
Part 6: The Arts Campus
Part 7: Sweet memories
Part 8: A Contract With S.M entertaiment?!
Part 9: History Behind the Bracelet
Part 10: Blackmailed by Woohyun, the narcissist
Part 11: Accident At The S.M Museum
Part 12: The Formation Of EXO
Part 13: The 10th member of Girls' Generation
Part 14: Life in SNSD #1
Part 15: life in SNSD #2
Part 16: SNSD's comeback?
Part 17: Seohyun's secret husband?!
Part 19: The famous Dance Room
Part 20: SNSD's date with EXO
Part 21: The first day of School
Part 22: Debut Night: The Boys
[Trending] Netizens show Mixed Reactions to Girls' Generation's Jina
Jina's Profile
Part 23: Beatles Code
Part 24: Woohyun's "Girlfriend"
Part 26: The Meeting That Makes The Heart Beat
Part 27: At the MAMAs with Super Junior
Part 28: A letter from the heart of a fan
Part 29: Have you ever been in love before?
Part 30: Broken Promises
Part 31: Trail of Tears
Part 32: The Father Who Got Away
Part 33: The Old Life Of California
Part 34: A Date At Disneyland
Part 35: First Kiss
Season 2
Season 2 is up!

Part 25: A shocking Revelation

98 2 1
By chocolattekiss2

Previously: Wooden suddenly locked his attention to the refreshment tables. I followed his glare. It was him, Kim Joon Myun. The target. My heart suddenly began to race unconsciously because it was acknowledging that our little "mission" was about to commence. But on the other hand, part of me was a bit stroked by how neatly his dark hair swiftly brushed, framing his facial features. How bright and perfect his skin was, especially his eyes. How his suit suited him perfectly. He looked like a 1920s rich and young millionaire. Wooden gestured his right arms towards me and I wrapped my elbows around his, slowly dragging our steps.

Woohyun: Well it's been awhile old friend.

**Author: Just so you know, sometimes I switch from Joon myun to Suho without even knowing when writing. They are the same person just to make sure.


-Jina's POV-

Joon Myun looks our direction and formed an unamused expression. Woohyun clearly looked irritated but tries to conceal it.

Woohyun: It's been awhile chingu. Are you surprised to see me here?

Joon myun glances over to my direction and smiles effortlessly, a fake smile.

Joon myun: How can I forget? It's really has been awhile. How are you?

Woohyun: Oh you know. Just released a new album, tours, promotions, always busy. How about yo- OH WAIT..... I forgot that you haven't debuted yet. My bad.

Joon Myun shows no signs of irritation. I'm Surprised, that guy is really good at hiding his emotions.

Woohyun: You know, its really funny how when we were kids, you were the one who wanted to be a singer and I wanted to be a soccer player. Now we both are, although I kind if beat you to the finish line.

Woohyun cracks a smirk as he grabs a small muffin nearby. Joon myun is still wearing his smile.

Joon Myun: We're all just following our dreams. Quality matters more over quantity.

"Yes, seven years. That tells us a lot about quality." Woohyun chuckles. I couldn't believe what he just said. He basically insulted him indirectly. It is a relief that Joon Myun contains his emotions effectively. Back in America, Woohyun would have a black eye by now. Joon Myun simply curled the corners of his lips which angered Woohyun even more while I'm simply enjoying the view I have being in the middle person. Part of me was happy that Woohyun was slamming red and I thank Joon Myun for that.

Woohyun: On the other hand, I realized that I've been ignoring my friend here.

Woohyun's smirk was back and glanced over me.

Woohyun: I'd like you to meet my date, Jina. And no she's not my girlfriend.

Joon Myun smiles at me, like we haven't met before. He offered a hand and I shake it firmly. His hands were soft and pale like a baby's skin.

Woohyun: That reminds me, You're both from the same company right? It's interesting how she even debuted before you when she entered way later than you.

Joon Myun chuckles, "I see you haven't changed much Woohyun."

Wooden smiles, "And I never will."

Wooden glanced at his watch, acting surprised at the time.

Woohyun: I forgot that the members are supposed to leave for Tokyo today. I have to go now or I'll miss the flight. Can you do me a favor?

Joon Myun: What is it?

Woohyun smiles idiotically, "Keep my date occupied and take her home."

I panicked, "Wait You're leaving me here?!

"Sorry Jina. I totally forgot that we were supposed to meet up with the members." Woohyun winked. "Sorry."

Wooden rushed out but I managed to grab his arm.

"The plan is in action." He whispers in my ears with a smirk and leaves.

I am left speechless. I did not plan this out at all. What was I thinking? I should never have agreed to this! I turned back to Joon Myun nervously and smiled. He smiles back, not saying anything. Looks like I have to be the conversation starter.

Me: So I seen you around the company.

He doesn't answer, more focused on his drink so I try again.

Me: So how's the debut coming? I heard that there's a lot of members.

Joon Myun: I'm sorry, but we're not supposed to give out confidential information.

How stupid am I.

Me: You're right, sorry I shouldn't have asked.

It was back to silence again. I was too nervous to try to think of another question to break the silence. I was never the outgoing one as a child. I left that job to my friends.

The he suddenly put down his glass and left. Great, I wanted hide hide under a rock and never come out. Well that was an epic fail. Not that I was expecting to be successful anyways.


-Suho's POV-

After Woohyun left the conversation to just me and Jina, I felt there was no point for me to stay there anymore. Woohyun may have asked me to look out for that girl, but I never promised to do so. That girl is his responsibility. I paid no attention to her as she tries to start a conversation with me and left the scene.

I began searching for my mother. That woman always disappears and I always seem to have difficulty finding her. I found her standing by the wine with her friends.

Me: I'm leaving now.

Suho's mother: If you insist, go right ahead. Just remember to stop by tomorrow okay?

Me: All right.

I made my exit and walked out into the hallway that directs to the underground garage. From a distance, Woohyun reemerges. I intended to ignore and walk pass him when he grabs my shoulders.

Woohyun: Where's Jina?

I didn't answer, took his hands away from my shoulders, and walked away. He manages to catch up to me and regrabs my shoulders.

Me: I thought you had plane to catch.

Woohyun: And I asked you a question. Where's Jina?

Me: I have somewhere to be right now so I'll need you to get your hands off me.

He tightens his grip on my shoulders.

Woohyun: I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it. Where's Jina?


-Jina's POV-

Waiter: May I help you to some wine?

Me: Oh no thank you, I'm underage.

Walter: May I ask your age?

Me: My Korean age?

The waiter looked at me as if he thought I was joking. I wasn't.

"Yes. Korean age." He answered.

"20." I answered.

He hands me a glass of red wine. What am I suppose to do with this now? I have no intentions of getting drunk tonight whatsoever. I placed the glass down for a lucky person to pick up. I was beginning to become sick of the party and wanted to leave. I asked a nearby waitress for the ladies room and she advised me to use the one near the garage. I walked straight into the hallway in hopes of a stall not being occupied. I see Joon Myun and Woohyun. I search for a corner to hide behind and the atmosphere was intense even though I was 10 feet away. Their voices were loud enough to echo across the hallway, allowing me to hear. Woohyun was glaring at Joon Myun and Joon Myun seemed to be glaring back intensely. Joon Myun scoffed and forcefully swiped Woohyun's hands off his shoulders.

Joon Myun: Rather than wasting your time here, you should've spent your time with your date instead of pushing her to someone else.

Suho walks away, fixing his blouse that Woohyun disarranged.

With full sarcasm, "You know what? You're right since you're so experienced with girls."

I couldn't help but question him. What happened between the two of them that they are at odds now? Then it all tied down to one question, why did he blackmail me in the first place?

Woohyun give his signature smirk again. "While we're here, let's take a walk down memory lane shall we? It's been awhile." He dusts off Joon Myun's shoulders. "Best friend."

Joon Myun looks at him with a fake friendly smile that scares me. "I.....I don't have time to deal with you. Go pick a fight with someone else." He tries to walk off for a final time.

Woohyun: How's Mi-young doing?

Joon Myun stops as if the mention of "Mi-young" has the ability to make him panic.

Woohyun: How many years has it been? Five? Haven't seen her in awhile. Tell her I said Hi.

Joon Myun turns around, Woohyun's attempt to antagonize him had worked.

Suho: We're not in contact anymore.

Woohyun: Oh really? Because the last time I saw my girlfriend, she was with you, in your arms.

Joon Myun stays silent. Although he seemed unamused, there was a hint of guilt in his expression.

Woohyun: Seems like that rang a bell in your memory, I'm glad.

Woohyun then placed his hands on his shoulders again, this time as a friendly gesture. "Since that was the day where I found out Kim Joon Myun's true colors."

"For the last time, get your hands off me" Joon Myun pushes Woohyun's hands off and walks away. This time he manages to escape out of the hallway for good.

Woohyun grins with full capacity. He is the villain in my left eye, but a victim of betrayal in my right eye. He doesn't show it, but he is hurt, even to the eyes of an outsider like me. There's no way Joon Myun failed to notice. Woohyun was hurt, betrayed by the woman whom he loved and the person whom he trusted the most. Today, he still is hurt.


-Lee Soo Man's POV-

The waiter comes in pushing a cart full with the finest cuisine and red wine in Korea. "Enjoy." He says and exists out of the room. With me at the table is Kim Yang Ha and His wife, Kim Ho Sook (secretary), and Tak Young jun (EXO's manager)

Yong Ha: It is a pleasure to eat with you Lee Soo Man shi.

Me: Please, treat yourself. This is an apology for my absence yesterday. I had a important meeting yesterday so I couldn't attend. I hope you don't mind.

Yong Ha: Why would I mind? A successful business man like yourself should be busy all the time. I should've known.

Young Ha's wife: We're very thankful for your donations. It's more than we needed.

Me: Don't mention it. I juts hope that my money will do some good other than being spent for selfish needs.

Yong Ha: On behalf of millions of Korean students, thank you. With your donation, we expect to build ten more schools than we anticipated.

Lee Soo Man: Yong Ha, why so formal? Just use informal speech with me like in junior high. You're technically still my hyung.

Yong ha and his wife smiled so widely. I offered them some Korean pork and wine. We all made a toast enjoying the wine.

Young Ha's wife: I've been meaning to ask you about Joon Myun, how is he doing? Is he fitting in fine?

Young jun: The boy is doing quite well madam. He gets along with every single one of his members and takes care of them too.

To his wife, "Our son is fine. You worry about him too much." Yong Ha addressed.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm worried. I am his mother after all.

Me: I wanted to discuss something with you today. In fact, today was supposed to be a meeting with all the parents of the members, but no one was available. EXO's debut is just right around the corner and we wanted to go over some things with you. As the parents, you have the right to know.

Young Ha's wife: Really? How far?

Young jun: Their debut single? Or their prologue?

Yong ha's wife: What is the difference?

Me: Let me clear things up. EXO will release two singles prior to their debut single which is five months from now. During that time, they will go on music shows for awhile and participate in the upcoming SMTown concert in Japan next year.

Yong Ha's wife: That's it? Shouldn't they have more activities?

Kim Ho Sook: Madam normally since they're rookies, they don't start with heavy activities. Of course they will travel over the country doing performances.

Mrs. Kim nods her head to show that she understands. "I see."

After lunch ended and we all paid our respected goodbyes, Kim Ho Sook and Tak Young Jun escorted me back to company headquarters.

Rings. Rings.

Ho Sook: Annoenghaseyo?............ Yes........Yes?......Oh yes! Thank you, we will get back with you. Yes... Kamsamida.

Ho Sook hangs up with a big fat smile on his little face. "President-Nim, that was a staff member from Universal Music Group. It looks like they have agreed.

Me: Really? That's great! Call Park Seojoon and schedule a meeting along with the members of SNSD tonight.

Ho Sook: Yes, on it.

Take Young Jun: What seems to be the happy occasion president-nim?

Me: Great news. We're expanding our reach to the west. We are introducing our first K-pop group to the rest of the world.

Author's note: Tada!!!! What do you think Lee Soo Man is talking about? P.s you would be able to guess if you are a sone:) And what do you think about the shocking revelation between Suho and Woohyun? (well, at least it was shocking to me lol) Stay tuned for the next part! I'll give you a small hint: Yongseo. That's it for now my readers!

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