Destiny (Watty's2017)

Por CrazilyInsaneArtist

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6 heroes. 6 different kingdoms. 1 hero lives the life of a prince Another lives the life of a fisherman Anoth... Más

Chapter 1: The Prince and the Lava Mob
Chapter 2: The Assassin's Pet
Chapter 3: The Fisherman and the Orphan
Chapter 5: Shadow Maze Training
Little Mini Update :D
Chapter 6: Protectors and Old Friends
Chapter 7: The Pack Splits
Chapter 8: Underwater Temple
Chapter 9: The Dead King's Emerald
Chapter 10: Riddles, Mazes, and Parkour
Chapter 11: MAC and the Rescue
Chapter 12: Redstonia
Not A Chapter, Just Fan-Art I Made
~A Thank You~
Chapter 13: Preperations and the Final Battle

Chapter 4: Start of the Pack

700 24 67
Por CrazilyInsaneArtist

Sorry this wasn't uploaded yesterday guys. I accidentally had my finger on the control button and then pressed a button to make all 2567 words delete. I was very upset because I literally had 2 sentences left to type out and then it would be finished. I almost cried because of last nights events.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter.


~3rd person POV~

It was the day. The day of the Destiny Celebration. Everyone in the seven kingdoms were excited for the day! Humans, sorcerers, Baccas, and hybrids all took the day off from wars, businesses, and everything else to celebrate this glorious day. While those who have turned 18 make their way to the Emerald Empire, their parents spend the day cooking cakes and setting up for the firework display the wizards make.

Prince Rob had turned 18 the day before ceremony day. He spent his entire day showing Preston the sights and scenes of the city. He made sure to never leave Preston's side. But Preston had other ideas. He had Nooch, Rob's personal guard, distract Rob while Preston went to a nearby park to set up a picnic. Preston surprised Rob with the picnic, and Rob thought it was the best thing ever. The next day, Preston spent all morning trying to wake up Rob. He eventually got him up, but they had to hurry otherwise they were going to be late for the ceremony. With a quick goodbye to Rob's mother, they rushed off to the stables where they met Rob's dad. Rob scowled at his dad. He knew his dad wanted him to run the kingdom, but Rob hoped that his destiny would lie elsewhere. Preston, on the other hand, had no idea what his future had in store for him.

Meanwhile, Jerome and Mitch said their goodbyes to Team Crafted, then joined their friend and newest member, Seto Silver.(I had no idea what last name to give Seto so yeah :P) Seto was an 18 year old who wore a grey and purple robe. His grey hood was pulled over his head to hide his curly brown hair and silver headband. His hazel eyes had bits of purple in them. Every sorcerer has a certain color magic. From black dark magic, to white light magic. Seto's magic is purple, which on the magic scale, is the second best magic. Next to white magic of course. The three friends decided to take to the forest. They didn't feel safe traveling in broad daylight, being assassins and all. While Jerome and Mitch jumped through the trees, Seto used his magic to fly through the air next to them. They laughed and joked, Jerome and Mitch occasionally getting pushed off the trees by Seto or each other. This continued for the entire trip.

While those three had their fun, Lachlan had finally been released from the mini hospital in his town. He and Vikk joined Ali-a, Tyler, and Jon on the trip to the Emerald Empire. Like with MItch, Jerome, and Seto, their trip was filled with jokes and laughter. Along with Ali throwing Lachlan into a river. Lachlan decided to repay the favor by scaring the crap out of Ali with a creeper mask that he had bought before he left. The pranks continued throughout the trip ranging from harmless scares, to getting attacked. Eventually, Lachlan and Ali tackled each other on the ground, both forgetting about Lachlan's injuries. The group stopped to take a break and to laugh at the two. As soon as the two stopped play fighting, the group continued their trip. 20 minutes later, they arrived at the city. Ready to enter the kingdom gates.

The six heroes entered the castle, unaware of what fate had in store for them. With the castle walls enchanted to show their true form, Jerome and Preston turned into their bacca and lava mob form. Now, time to see what destiny has in store.


~Preston's POV~

The enchantment on the castle walls shows your true form. And my true form, was just my human form with lava colored hair and eyes. Along with the control over fire. When I entered the auditorium, people noticed me and started to whisper among themselves. Some of the whispers ranged from, 'what is he' to 'oh look, it's a lava dork'. In all honesty, I was used to the whispers and insults. Along with Baccas and sorcerers, we are treated like wild animals. Just because we are hybrids. It's annoying, but it's something you get used to after listening to them all your life.

I looked for a place to sit, since hybrids and humans aren't allowed to sit together. I found a place, and to my surprise, there were four kids sitting there already. They noticed me and waved me over. I smiled and walked over to them, waving to Rob as I passed.

"Hey Frags!" One of the guys said. I knew his name as Pete Hutt. He was a slime hybrid who was one of my best friends before the Squid Army attacked. His skin was light green and he had black eyes. He wore a black suit with a red tie and a red cap.

"Hey Hutt!" I joked back. When we were little kids, we found each others last names funny. We then decided to call each other by each other's last name. It was our little joke.

"It's great to see you again bro!" Pete said jumping up and giving me a hug. I hugged back and looked at the other people who sat in this section. Two boys and a girl sat in a circle smiling as me and Pete hugged.

"So Hutt," I said, pulling away from the hug, "Who are these guys?"

"Oh! Let me introduce you! From the left over we have Red, Tiffany, or as we like to call her Cupquake, and Choco. Red and Cupquake are Enderman hybrids and Choco is, as you can see, a yellow bird." Pete finished up, the guys waving their hands at me.

"Well guys, my name is Preston Frags. You can call me Preston. Hutt here is the only one who can call me by my last name." I said playfully jabbing him in the ribs with my elbow.

We continued to talk to each other until one of the wizards stepped up to the podium and asked for silence. The entire auditorium went silent as the wizard began to talk.

"Welcome everybody to the Destiny Ceremony! My name is Waglington and these are my fellow wizards, CaptainSparklez, FireFoxx, Jericho, and Syndicate. But please, call us Wag, Sparklez, and Syn. The other two don't have a shorter nickname for their names so, yeah. Anyway, let's begin the ceremony shall we?" Wag wore a simple grey and red robe with a hood. The hood was up on his head, hiding his eyes but still showed his mouth. His skin color was a misty grey color.

Applause and cheers rang throughout the entire auditorium. Wag and his fellow wizards stepped forward, so that they were all in a line along the edge of the stage. All five thrust their hands out palm facing up. They started to chant words in an unknown language. Different colored mist flew from each of their hands. Purple for Sparklez, red for Wag, green for Syn, orange for Firefoxx, and light blue for Jericho. The mist came together and rushed towards the ceiling. Before it hit the ceiling, the mist swarm exploded into a giant firework of color. Everyone watched in awe as the mist fell from the ceiling and fell among the crowd. Everyone started to clap and cheer again as the wizards put their hands down and smiled. They all stepped back and walked towards the podium. It was now Syn, a zombie hybrid in a suit, who addressed the crowd.

"And now ladies and gents, we shall begin the ceremony. When I call your name, you will come up to the stage, approach FireFoxx who will give you a potion to drink. Once you drink the potion, you will get a glimpse of what the future has in store for ya. And don't worry, Mr. Sparkly pants here will be in the vision with you. He will be able to see what you see. Now, without further ado, let's begin with the ceremony!"

~Lachlan's POV~

"Now without further ado, let's begin the ceremony!"

Me, Vikk, and Ali were chatting to each other about what we thought our destinies would be. We joked around while people one by one went up to the stage and drank the potion. Some went back to their seats either happy, sad, or angry about their destinies.

"Lachlan Craft. Please come up to the stage."

I froze mid-sentence. It was my turn. I slowly got up from my chair and made my way towards the stage. I climbed the stairs two by two, wanting to get it over with fast. I approached the one Syn and called Mr. Sparkly pants. A weird nickname. It was a man no older than 20, who had black hair styled to the side and hazel eyes hidden behind red rimmed sunglasses. He wore a white t-shirt with a black jacket as well as black shoes and pants. He smiled at me before FireFoxx came up next to him. She had bright green eyes and light brown hair with red colored tips. She wore red shorts, a white t-shirt under a orange jacket, and orange tennis shoes. Her hood was down to reveal white and orange fox ears, with a same colored tail waving behind her. She smiled at me as she handed me a neon blue colored potion. I took the potion, and in one gulp, drank the potion. My vision slowly became over-run with black spots. Before my vision was completely over-run though, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Knowing it was Sparklez, I calmed down. Then together, we entered the vision that would show my destiny.


I opened my eyes to the sight of  a battlefield. I was fighting off mobs from the nether. By my side stood Vikk, in the middle of fighting a wither skeleton. I was fighting a blaze that kept shooting flames at me.

In the corner of my eye, I could see to figures battling a ghast. One was a human, the other a bacca. Behind them, six people in hoods fought another ghast that had just appeared. The group of eight were a lethal combination.

Behind the blaze I was fighting, I could see two figures fighting a man with glowing white eyes. I knew those eyes. They brought fear wherever they went. Herobrine. The two figures dodged and blocked as Herobrine went on the offensive. One of the figures was a boy wearing a flower crown and the other was a lava mob hybrid.

When a bell sounded, me, VIkk, and the four mystery people all rushed Herobrine. Herobrine jumped into the air with his magic. The six of us jumped into the air to intercept him. Just before we hit, the vision ended and me and Sparklez fell to the floor of the stage.


Before I knew it, I was rushed of the stage and into the back room by Sparklez. He pushed me into the room and shut the door behind him. We were silent for a few seconds before I decided to speak up.

"What the heck was that?" I asked as I sat in a chair that sat along the edge of the wall.

Sparklez looked at me before speaking.

"Aright, you know the prophecy Notch created after he first banished Herobrine to the Nether right?" I nodded. "Well, that vision of your destiny was what Notch was talking about." He then proceeded to say the prophecy.

 Six heroes shall come together,

To start a Pack and beat the man that can live forever,

Change the sky from red to blue,

And save the world and start anew.

I listened to the words on repeat in my head. This was a lot to take in. Me, one of the six heroes to save Minecraftia. I put my head in my hands and took a heavy sigh.

"And now you wait here. I have to go watch the other destinies unfold. Hopefully, we have all six of you here. We already know from your vision that Vikkram Barns is one of the six, but we will look at his destiny to be safe." And with that, Sparklez left the room. Leaving me alone to my thoughts.


~Mitch's POV~

After I drank my potion and saw my future, I was rushed off with Jerome and three other doods I didn't recognize. We followed Wag to a back room where another kid I didn't recognize sat. One of the three guys that wore a blue t-shirt ran over to the red hoodie kid and hugged him. Wag motioned for us to sit in the remaining chairs. We all sat down and waited for Wag to talk.

"I will be back. But for now, introduce yourselves. You'll need to get to know each other since you'll be together for a while." Was all the explanation he gave. To be fair, he explained that we are part of a big prophecy to defeat Herobrine but please! I need more of an explanation!

Wag left the room, leaving the six of us in silence. It was like that for about five minutes before Jerome decided to break it.

"I guess since no one's speaking up, I will be a brave bacca and start. My names Jerome Aceti. I am a color blind Bacca as well as a deadly assassin. You can call me Jerome, or Bacca."

"Or you can call him fluffy." I said smirking. I knew Jerome hated that name. Sky had given it to him the first time I introduced him to the team. I knew I was in for it when Jerome tackled me off my chair. We wrestled each other for a while with the other four watching and laughing at us. When Jerome had finally pinned me, I gave up. Knowing he would beat me with or without his bacca strength. He laughed at my defeat and helped me up.

"Guess it's my turn." I said chuckling. "My names Mitchell Hughes. Like Jerome, I'm an assassin. I go by many names, but you guys can call me Mitch or Benja."

"So you two are the deadly assassin duo in Torona. Benja and Bacca. Dude, you two are legends mate!" Red hoodie said throwing his hands in the air.

I chuckled at his excitement and went to sit back down.

"I'll go next then. My name is Lachlan Craft, I'm a normal fisherman and I don't have a nickname." Red hoodie said.

"My name is Vikkram Barns. But just call me Vikk." Blue t-shirt said.

"I'm Preston Frags. Call me either Preston or Lava mob. And yes, I'm a lava mob hybrid before you start asking." Lava mob guy said.

"And I'm Robert Woofless. You guys can call me Rob or Woofless." The guy with the flower crown said. The flower crown reminded me of this one guy but I don't remember who.

"Wait a sec, aren't you Prince Rob? The Flower King?" Lachlan asked looking at Rob curiously.

"Yep. And I'm glad I don't have to be king. It's very stressful. I'd rather not have a job."

"Yo, Rob-a-dob-flob doesn't want a job!" Preston screamed out causing us to laugh.

We continued to talk and joke with each other. We talked about our pasts and how we met the other people in the room. The conversation slowly died down until the room was silent again. But it was a comfortable silence. We sat their for a while until Preston decided to break the silence with a question.

"So now that we're a group, what's our group name?" Preston asked looking at all of us.

We remained quiet for a little longer until Lachlan answered.

"How about the Pack?"

"And why would we choose that?" Vikk asked laughing, looking at Lachlan like the rest of us.

"Because of two reasons. One, because the prophecy says, that they shall create a pack and two, because there are six of us and six abs in a pack."

We all smiled at each other before I stood up and put my hand out. Everyone else followed suit until they all had a hand on top of mine.

"On three, we say the Pack. Okay?" I said looking at each person in turn. They all nodded, their smiles never leaving their faces.

"Okay on three! One. Two. THREE!"

~3rd Person POV~

"Okay on three! One. Two. THREE!" 

"THE PACK!" Everyone screamed, throwing their hands into the air.

They began to talk again for a while until Wag and the wizards entered the room to take them to their room. They would all be sleeping in the same room which held three bunk beds. Wag and the wizards said their good nights, and left the Pack to settle in. Each Pack member took a bed and said goodnight to each other before drifting off to sleep.


Finally! After four hours of work, I finally finish with 2825 words! I am so happy I finished this chapter! It would have been uploaded yesterday, but because of last night's fiasco, I was done.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Destiny! The Pack is finally together! Hooray!

Thanks for waiting my Flames!


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