Sex Before Love (Drarry)

By ryouta_raven

162K 5.4K 4.6K

A few years after the War of Hogwarts and the death of Lupin, Fred, and countless others, Draco and Harry run... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
IMPORTANT!!! Author's Note

Pub Night (a.k.a Seamus and Harry's night)

7.3K 230 91
By ryouta_raven

A/N Since the next chapter happens a few weeks after the last one, this is a vignette for pub night, since I knew that none of you would want to miss out on the drama.

^Harry's POV^

Harry Apparated directly outside the bar, checking to make sure no Muggles were near, or had noticed.

"Merlin, Harry." Draco gasped, letting go of his arm. They had decided to Apparate together, 'saving time.' (Honestly, Harry just wanted to feel Draco clutching to him, but he wasn't exactly going to tell him that.)

"I am never  doing that with you again," Draco groaned, stumbling a few steps before righting himself and regaining his composure.

"Are you ready, Harry?" he asked, turning to look at Harry, concern crossing his face. 

Harry swallowed, nodding. "I'm ready."

Draco nodded and grabbed Harry's hand, pulling him in, smiling softly at the slight waver that he had heard in his voice.

"You'll be fine, Harry. I know you can forgive him." 

Harry cracked a smile at that, and nodded. "I know I can, I just don't want to." 

Draco's head shot up towards him, but he relaxed visibly when he saw the teasing smirk on his face.

Harry sighed. He knew that by the end of the night, he was probably going to forgive Seamus- well, either that or he was going to have to.

---- page break ----

Ron waved them over to their usual table, smiling widely, Hermione's head on his shoulder.

"Don't you look comfy," Harry heard Draco say, sitting down across from them.

Hermione laughed. "Glad you two could maeeeit," she slurred, smiling widely.

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked at Ron, who laughed and shrugged. "She- She's already been drinking." 

Shaking his head, laughing softly, he looked up and down the table, seeing who had come.

Luna and Neville had split a few years after both going back for their eighth year, and Neville was now comfortably dating Hannah Abbot, who was sitting next to him, in the same position as Hermione, and Luna was crazy head-over-heels in love with the grandson of the author of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,' Rolf Scamander. 

His grandfather had apparently brought a case full of creatures into 1920's New York, there was a whole story with that, he wasn't sure, but it sounded interesting enough.

Dean was there with Seamus, alternating between smiling widely at Seamus and sending worried glances Harry's way. Seamus' eyes flicked towards Harry, then towards Draco, then back to Dean, but not before Harry saw the slight distaste in his eyes when he looked at Draco.

Gritting his teeth, he made to move, when he was stopped by Draco's hand on his thigh. 

"I saw, Harry." Draco said out the side of his mouth. "Don't worry, you can talk to him later. Just please leave it alone for now."

Harry was about to protest, looking towards Draco, but he stopped when he saw the angry heat in Draco's eyes, directed straight at Seamus. 

Relaxing slightly, he leaned over and kissed Draco on the cheek. "Thank you," he said quietly. "I'm getting a drink, you want anything?"

"Firewhisky," Draco said immediately, turning towards Harry with an excited look on his face.

Harry nodded and turned towards the bar. 

"Oh, Harry, could you get me some too?" Ron asked from behind him.

Nodding again, Harry walked towards the bar.

*Draco's POV*

As Harry walked away, Ron waited until he was safely out of earshot and then turned to Draco.

"He and Seamus are going to have to talk tonight." he hissed, shooting a look down towards the end of the table.

Draco sighed. "Unfortunately," he groaned in agreement.

"We'll have to get them alone," Ron said, a look of concentration crossing over his face.

Draco shrugged. "Just wait until Harry goes to the bathroom, then send Seamus in after him."

Ron's head shot up towards Draco, a look of confusion crossing his face, before he started nodding. "That would work. That would definitely work."

Seeing that Harry was heading back towards him, Ron leaned over and hissed something to Neville, who nodded and waved Harry over. "Mate, hope you don't mind, could you get some for the rest of the table? I'll get the next one."

Harry sighed and nodded, placing down his, Draco's, and Ron's smoking Firewhisky down on the table, then turning back towards the bar.

"Ahem," Ron coughed once Harry was back at the bar. "I'm going to make a toast to Ginny." he announced, immediately drawing the attention of the entire table to him. Everyone at the table, by then, had heard the tale of Harry and Ginny's unhealthy split, although they didn't know that Seamus was the 'other man.'

"Are you mental?" Hannah hissed, lifting her head up and glaring at Ron.

Flinching slightly under the heat of her glare, Ron regained his composure quickly and nodded. "You'll see," he said confidently, right as Harry came back.

*End of Draco's POV*

Harry, barely able to carry all the Firewhiskies he had in his two hands, cursed his decision not to ask for a tray.

As he sat down, passing down the drinks, he noticed that everyone was staring at him worriedly, like he was about to explode.

Once they all had their drinks, Ron stood up, once again drawing the attention of the entire table.

"What the hell are you doing, Ron, sit down!" Hannah hissed, tugging uselessly at his shirt.

"I-" Ron cut off, clearing his throat. "I would like to make a toast."

Shrugging, Harry raised his glass and took a sip, only to see that no one else moved an inch. Casting a curious glance around the table, his attention was drawn back to Ron as he started speaking again. 

"To the one missing person at the table," Ron said uncomfortably. 

Harry spit his drink across the table, drenching Hermione, who sputtered uselessly, watching the saliva and alcohol run down her outfit. 

Casting a few Cleaning and Drying Charms, she turned her heated glare from Harry back to Ron.

"To Ginny!" Ron said again, holding up his glass, a slow smirk spreading across his face. "And to the hope that that stubborn bitch never comes back to haunt us, or take over my house!" 

A laugh burst out of Harry's chest, surprising him. Nodding in agreement, he raised his glass, watching as everyone around the table did, glares turning into hesitant smiles.

"To Ginny!" They all chorused, clinking glasses with the person across from them, then taking a long gulp, in Harry, Ron, Luna,  Neville, and Hannah's case, and slow, slooow sips, in Draco, Seamus, Hermione, and Dean's case. 

Slamming his drink down after finishing in two gulps, Harry laughed again, the atmosphere around the table relaxing, conversation growing.

"So," he teased, turning to Draco. "Don't drink much?"

"Shut up," Draco grumbled. "Mother and Father never let me drink more than a sip at social functions, and besides, Butterbooze is-" he broke off into coughing, as a fiery sip went down the wrong way.

"-better," Harry finished for him, slapping him lightly on the back.

"Y-Yes," Draco finished after he had recovered. "Much better."

Harry shrugged. He loved Butterbeer, but having that with alcohol had just tasted unnatural.

Getting the bartender's attention, he signaled for more.

----- page break -----

Shifting awkwardly in his seat, Harry laughed at what Draco said, distracted by the urge in his groin.

"I'll be right back," he excused himself from the table and headed towards the back of the bar, praying that the bathrooms were empty.

*Ron's POV*

"Go after him," Ron hissed, reaching over and jabbing Seamus in the side.


"Because, mate, unless he forgives you, it's going to be awkward for the rest of the night and after," Neville said. 

Seamus nodded thoughtfully. "Makes sense."

Getting up, he nodded to the rest of the table. "Be right back."

*End of Ron's POV*

Harry buckled up his pants, sighing in relief, and stepped out, only to walk directly into Seamus.

"Seamus?" he asked, taking a step back. "What're you doing?"

"I came to see if we could talk," Seamus said seriously.

"A-About Ginny?" Harry asked, sobering slightly.


"So talk." Harry said, well-deserved anger creeping in. "Tell me why my wife cheated on me with you more than fifty times, I can't wait to hear it."

Seamus winced. "I probably deserved that-"

"Probably?" Harry asked incredulously. "More than fifty times, Seamus. 'Probably' is an understatement."

"I'm sorry!" Seamus burst out. "I'm sorry I did that, Harry, you have to believe me. She- She was a bitch anyway, so-"

"She was, wasn't she?" Harry interrupted, a strained smile creeping onto his face, a small (slightly maniacal) laugh escaping.

Seamus stared at him for a second, then cracked a smile, nodidng. "She really was." 

"Just wondering, did she name your dick?" Harry asked, the smile growing.

Seamus snorted. "Merlin's beard, she named everything."

Harry snorted, nodding. "What was her favorite?"

"'Patrick'," Seamus said, starting to laugh. "You?"

"Seth' and 'Simon,'" Harry said, trying not to realize how weird it was that he was talking about his ex-wife like this.

"Wait, your-?" Seamus asked, waving his hand down near his crotch.

"Yup," Harry said.

The alcohol, along with the ridiculousness of the situation suddenly hit him, and he burst out laughing, clutching onto Seamus for support. 

Seamus snorted again, then followed right along with Harry.

"Merlin, this is weird." Seamus said, gasping, then let out another wave of laughter.

(A/N The pub is loud enough so that no one hears them, but it looks pretty weird to their table.)

"Couldn't-couldn't agree more." Harry said, letting go of Seamus and slowly standing straight.

"So, am I-?" Seamus asked hesitantly.

Harry contemplated saying no, then sighed. "I guess so." he relented slowly. "Seeing as if I didn't, it would be awkward for the rest of the night and after."

Seamus chuckled. "Y'know, Neville said that exact thing."

With that, they headed back to the table, random spurts of laughter escaping both of them.

(Meanwhile, the table watched them come back, sighing in relief.)

Harry sat back down, Draco's head dropping immediately onto his shoulder. "Did it go okay?" he whispered.

Harry nodded, smiling. "Yeah. It did."

"That's good," Draco said, smiling softly.

A/N Well. DRAMA. LAUGHTER. And forgiveness :D

If anyone thinks that the 'forgiveness' was rushed, please say so.

What did you all think of this chapter? I hope you liked it :3

The next chapter is in the works, don't worry. It should come out by Christmas.

Dedicated to Xx_bieber_rebelle_xX for the success in her search for Scorp. 

Over and out


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