The Blood-Book III

By ZeroWineThirty

8.5M 366K 232K

It took one bite to change her life forever. Now Charlotte has found herself in the middle of a war that has... More

Chapter 1: Legs
Chapter 2: Truths
Chapter 3: Magic
Chapter 4: Voices
Chapter 5: Thorne-Everette
Chapter 6: Blue Bear
Chapter 7: The Creek
Chapter 8: Sisters
Chapter 9: Whipped Cream
Chapter 10: The Itch
Chapter 11: New York
Chapter 12: Lyle
Chapter 13: The Rock
Chapter 14: Memories Part I
Chapter 15: Memories Part II
Chapter 16: Snakes Part I
Chapter 17: Snakes Part II
Chapter 18: Balance
Chapter 19: Some Field
Chapter 20: Brown M&M's
Chapter 21: Levi
Chapter 22: Yes
Chapter 23: Jump
Chapter 24: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 25: No, It's Vodka
Chapter 26: Lucas Part I
Chapter 27: Lucas Part II
Chapter 28: Mini
Chapter 29: Swimming Goggles
Chapter 30: Long Live The King's
Chapter 31: Involuntary Sneezing
Chapter 32: Vanishing
Chapter 33: Blood, Dirt, and Tears
Chapter 34: Hang it High
Chapter 35: Thigh Highs
Chapter 36: Games
Chapter 37: The Club
Chapter 38: Blood Oaths
Chapter 39: Recovery
Chapter 40: Adventure
Chapter 41: Rules
Chapter 42: Let's Talk
Chapter 43: Horace and Hera
Chapter 45: The Last Tree Part II
Chapter 46: Timing
Chapter 47: Tequila
Chapter 48: Garden
Chapter 49: Cigar Smoke
Chapter 50: Itching
Chapter 51: Moon Dust
Chapter 52: Twist and Shout
Chapter 53: Luck
Chapter 54: Beetlejuice
Chapter 55: This Beautiful Life
Chapter 56: No More Talking
Chapter 57: Foxes
Chapter 58: Fifty Bucks
Chapter 59: Whiskey
Chapter 60: Witch With A Twitch
Chapter 61: Marching In
Chapter 62: Fire
Chapter 63: Lucky
Chapter 64: The Stick
Chapter 65: Real Damn Glad
Epilogue Part I
Epilogue Part II
Epilogue Part III
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 44: The Last Tree Part 1

91K 4.7K 3.9K
By ZeroWineThirty

Ethan and I spent the morning making blobs, making a mess, and making love in various parts of the kitchen before we had a movie marathon in the living room. Evan eventually linked us midday; there was rogue movement, but it was very little. Ethan had him move some men to another border, but for the most part, it was all we could do.

Derek and Elliot came over with Barrett, Evie, Dominic, Wynona, Evan, and Lyanna for dinner that eventually Bernard, Dagny, and some other witches crashed. It was a small dinner party that turned into a large one when Cora, Jake, Ryder, and Remi showed up; both couples hand in hand with fresh marks on their necks.

Ryder pulled Ethan and I aside with Remi, apparently, they were true mates which to their surprised we all pretty much guessed–well, Remi had an idea that everyone knew. Both of them started to list out how they could make it work and keep up their positions in their respective packs when Ethan stopped them and told them that it was their life and he was fine with whatever they chose.

Apparently, Levi was pissed at Remi, mostly because he lost fifty bucks to David on a bet that Remi and Ryder were going to come clean about it sooner. Remi was supposed to be Liam's beta, but he mentioned to Ethan something about transferring; it sounded more or less like Liam's death was taking more of a toll on him. He said he would be Lucas' beta if he wanted him to, but it didn't feel as right as it did with Liam. Ethan told him either way, it was fine, it was his choice.

Evan also lost twenty-five bucks to Martin; he thought Ryder was going to come clean about Remi sooner as well.

I was so happy for Cora. She was so ecstatic and beaming with happiness. At some point during the party, I sat back and looked around, a sad smile tugging at my lips as our friends laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Lyanna nudged me playfully, another glass of wine in her hands.

"Lucas said they are having a big time at Lander's tonight. I guess Jaxon's having a party too."

I sighed and nodded. "Good."

"Char?" My eyes watered and caught Lynnna's. She quickly set her glass down and took my hand, pulling me through the crowd and up the stairs into my bathroom. "Charlotte, what's wrong?"

"It itches Lyanna. It's been itching all day. What if–"

"We don't know that," she quickly said. "We don't know. It's the worst situation, so I am sure part of it is from that. We don't know, ok? We stick to the plan and you three turn around and come home."

"Promise me–"

"Charlotte no."

"Dammit Lyanna," I bit out, tears leaking out of my eyes as she sighed defeatedly. "Promise me if something happens to me that you will take care of Ethan. Help him finish it. Do not let him walk until he does."

I could see her beast whine before she leaned back against the counter and nodded. "Ethan made Evan promise him the same."

"We have to finish it," I said, sucking in a breath after so I could push back the tears. "We can't let her win. We've come too far."

"I promise," she replied, her voice almost a whisper. "I–just promise me you will turn her ass around and come back."

"Ok," I said with a tiny smile, more tears trickling out of my eyes before I hugged her tight to me. "I promise."

She sucked in a breath then laughed while she nuzzled my cheek. "It's going to be ok. No matter what happens, it happens, and it will work out."

"I know," I replied while I leaned my head against her shoulder.

Lyanna and I stayed up in the bathroom until I was done being sad; my beast and I agreed, we needed to enjoy our friends, this night, and our mate. Our mate who was laughing carelessly next to Evan and Jake while Evan waved his hands around dramatically as he told some kind of joke.

I walked over to Ethan, our eyes meeting before he pulled me to him with a kiss. Our friends stayed until Dominic kicked them all out; the night was waning out and dawn was coming.

Ethan and I couldn't sleep though. Once the house was quiet, the reality of the situation settled in. A reality that I found myself struggling to stay positive about.

However Ethan didn't care, he pulled me upstairs and into our bed where soon my only thoughts were of him and the heat we were creating. Eventually, we both fell asleep–that is until the sun started to barely peak out through the darkness.

"Did you sleep?"

"Not really," I yawned out. "You?"

He shook his head then looked down at me with a sigh. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too Ethan," I replied, my eyes slightly watering again.

Ethan's brows furrowed as his thumb wiped away a stray tear. "Don't do that baby, it's going to be ok."

"Ethan, I–"

"We will always find each other baby. We belong together, our souls are tied together–one way or another we will always be with each other. You were always supposed to be mine and I yours."

I sucked in a breath and nodded before I leaned forward and kissed his chest. "Your right."

"About that, I know I am," he replied, his voice gentle before he dipped down to kiss my swollen lips. "We walk, we stop, we turn around, and come back."

I nodded then leaned up to kiss him, my hand cupping his cheek before it reached back to play with his hair. "I love you."

"Come here," he said as he pulled me tighter to him. "Stop saying that like you're saying goodbye. You're not going anywhere, not without me."

"I'm sorry, I just–" I sucked in a breath and nuzzled into his chest. "We walk, we stop, we turn around, and come back."

"That's right baby," Ethan said before he kissed my hair.

We laid in bed a little longer, murmuring to each other how much we loved each other without trying to make it sound like goodbye before we eventually got out of the sanctuary of our covers. We started to dress; I found myself unable to choose anything to wear–what the hell were you supposed to wear when you walked to the moon?"

"Baby, just put on something that doesn't scream, 'I'm going to kill you,'" Ethan said as he pulled on some basketball shorts. "We don't want her to be suspicious, this is supposed to be 'peaceful.'"

"Right," I breathed out. I laughed nervously to myself then pulled on some mildly high-waisted blue jean shorts and a black t-shirt of Ethan's that I tucked in. I slipped on my favorite pair of Ked's then turned to Ethan who was slipping a sweatshirt over his white t-shirt. "Ya?"

Ethan flickered his eyes to me, looking me up and down with a soft smile on his lips. "If you're wearing your jean shorts, then I'm wearing my jorts."

"No, absolutely not," I said, holding his eyes firmly in mine before we both started laughing.

Ethan walked over to me and pulled me to him, kissing me quickly before he rested his forehead on mine. "We walk, we stop, we turn around, and come back."

I nodded then tip-toed up to kiss him again. Taking his hand in mine that pulled me out of our bedroom, a bedroom I didn't dare look back at. I wasn't going to say goodbye, I was coming back–we were coming back.

Evan was waiting with Lyanna for us at the bottom of the hill that led to our house. "Morning," Evan sighed out, his eyes trying to hold back any worry as Lyanna quickly hugged me.

"Let's do this," Ethan said. "Where's Levi?"

"Should be here soon," Evan said. "Jaxon and the others are coming to meet us at the line."

"There are a good four hundred wolves, more or less, waiting on the other side of the southern line," Evan said while we turned and walked down the path.

"The witches set up at Jaxon's?"

"Yes," Evan breathed out. "The witches are ready with the dust. The dynamite is ready, they should be poofing there any minute. Caden and Dagny are there with them. On Jaxon's cue, they will blow after you make the exchange."

"Perfect," I replied, a satisfied smile tugging at my lips as I thought about the look on her face when she realizes that we destroyed half her hard power. "Other rogues? Any more sightings?"

"Deryl, Torrence, and Brandon said they haven't seen them but we expected that," Evan said. "They have smelled traces–faint. It's probably safe to assume that they have those rocks."

"Let's assume they do," Ethan said while we turned a corner. "Our men?"

"Everyone is in place," Lyanna answered. "Our warriors are hiding like we discussed, in cabins closer to the borders. Martin has them ready with Jake and David, when we cross the line they will come out and take their places."

"Do we think she will grow suspicious at all?" I asked.

Ethan shook his head. "She'll understand, it's more than understandable. It's there if something goes wrong, it's safe to assume that she will have some kind of presence there as well."

"Ok," I breathed out.

Ethan leaned over and kissed my crown. "It will be ok baby."

"That's right little sister. We're skinning a snake today," Evan said as Lyanna growled in approval.

We eventually mad it to a path that turned and rounded into a trail that led north; Levi, Lander, Lucas, Bernard, Dominic along with Derek and Elliot were there. Levi caught my eyes and sighed. "Well, ready to walk girly?"

"Are you?" I asked while I walked into a hug.

"More ready to skin a snake, but that can wait," he replied before he kissed my brown.

Lander walked over and hugged me tight to him, kissing my crown as well while Levi hugged Ethan to him. "We've got them set up," Lander said. "Aaron and Aiden are all on the south line with Deryl, Torrence, Brandon, and our men."

"Good," Ethan breathed out as Lucas walked over to me, hugging me to his side as we started to walking. "I want our pack underground now, Ev?"

"Already linking Cora," he breathed out. "She's got it locked down with the other females."

"Fruit Loops is a real good female," Levi breathed out. "Real solid wolf."

"Her name is Cora Levi," Lyanna said with a scowl.

He chuckled and hugged her to him. "Well, either way, she turned out to be a good little wolf. Lander, link Claire, get ours underground too. I don't want to take any chances."

"Already on it. Jane has Lusa going underground early this morning, as did Talia and Angeline with their packs."

"Tell the warriors helping to melt down some more silver and paint it over the doors," Bernard breathed out. "Of the shelters that is. It will ward off any trespassers and magic."

"Silver can stop magic?"

"Some of it Goldilocks."

"Huh," Lyanna mused before she turned to Evan. "I need to go."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Back to the pack, Cora will need help," she replied with a brave smile before she hugged me as the group paused. "I'll see you later."

I nodded before Ethan pulled her into a hug. Dominic sighed and zipped to me, "You ready?"

I shrugged while Levi gave Lyanna a long hug and kiss on her crown. "I guess."

Ethan sighed and took my hand again. "Come on sunshine."

"Ryder and Remi just linked me," Lander breathed out. "No movement on the borders."

"Good," Levi said. "Keep those trackers moving up and down the lines. Becker with them?"

"He is," Derek answered. "He's out with them on the borders."

"Well, keep them going. If a squirrel crosses the border, then kill it."

I bit back a laugh as Lander broke out into laughter, tossing an arm around Levi's shoulders. "Brother come on now, just a squirrel?"

"In my book, anything that comes from the north today is evil and needs to be put down," Levi replied.

"I like the sound of that," Dominic said.

We continued walking until we met up with Jaxon, Andrea, Ajax, Talia, Issach, and Blair. There were two extra witches there with pouches on their hips, ready to poof Issach and Blair away; they had word of rogues moving near their pack and were both itching to get back to protect it–as were we all.

Jaxon and Ajax had a group of about fifty warriors with them. Andrea jogged to me with Talia behind her. She hugged me tight to her, nuzzling her cheek against mine before she let out a shaky breath. "If you start crying I'll kill you myself."

"Jesus," I said before I smiled at her. "Note to self," I added as I hugged Talia and rubbed my cheek against hers.

Blair, the only other female in the group–lanky with a black bob walked to me with a sad smile. "Well, I wish we didn't have to meet this way."

"It's fine," I replied as we rubbed cheeks.

She nodded to me as Jaxon walked over to me while Andrea hugged Ethan. "You get your ass back, understand?"

"Alright Jaxon," I replied before I hugged him. Ajax eyed me next, I sighed and cocked a brow at him. "Well, do you want a hug as well?"

"Nope, you can do that when you walk your short legs back over that portal."

"I am not short!"

He chuckled and shook his head while Talia slapped his chest. "Ouch baby, I'm still wounded."

"Oh wounded my ass," Talia hissed out. "He was the worst."

"You're telling me," I grumbled before Ethan playfully narrowed his eyes at me.

"Well, let's get this party going. We hurry this up we may make it home in time to bust open that keg," Lander said as he walked forward.

"We're opening that keg no matter what time we get home," Evan added.

"Wine?" Andrea asked as Ethan pulled me to his side, an arm around my waist.

"Oh yes," I said with a slight laugh in my tone.

"I like the sound of that," Talia added.

Andrea eyed her in approval. "Caden's a huge wino. Drive's Jaxon crazy."

"No sweet thing, Caden just in general drives me crazy."

Ethan chuckled under his breath and looked over at Jaxon as we continued to walk. "You wouldn't be saying that if he had long blonde hair and green eyes."

Andrea bit back a laugh while Jaxon shot Ethan a scowl. "Really?"

Ethan shrugged. "Uh, ya?"

"Bite me, Ethan."

"Later Jaxon, you're not supposed to tell the girls!"

I bit my lip to surprise a laugh until Andrea and Dominic did start laughing. Jaxon just marched forward, tugging a laughing Andrea along with him as Ethan chuckled lowly.

Levi shook his head. "Damn males."

The Last Tree was swaying in the wind. It wasn't like the tree that we had pulled out of the ground, it was like a big oak tree that had proud limbs extending to almost the sky. I could feel it–the energy coming off of the tree. It was almost like our tree used to be, just not as strong. Like an electric hum sang off of it as the green leaves were rustled in the wind, and swayed gently as the breeze grazed through it; for a moment, I almost forgot why we were walking towards it.

That is until I saw them–saw her.

It was everything I had not to run out and tear her throat out right there. If I hadn't made a blood oath with her, I would have. Jaxon was pulling Andrea close to his side, more to keep her from charging after Aurelia who was waiting with Cole Clawfoot, and about thirty witches, but no warriors.

Levi looked over the scene then eyed Ethan. "David, something's off."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"There's no warriors here," Ethan said, his voice tense. "Not even the northern alphas."

"Where are they?!" Ajax rushed out.

"On it, just stay calm."

Bernard walked up as some witches laid some opened notebooks on a small wooden table. "No tricks Aurelia."

She threw her hands up in a mock surrender, as if she was stunned by his question. My beast eyed her, our blood sparking to life more–she didn't even have her snake with her.


"I know baby. Just keep calm."

"We're just making the exchange Bernard," she said as she held his gaze before she walked towards me; faded ripped black jeans, black boots, and a loose tan knitted sweater with a scoop neck that showed her collar bones bare as her long red hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Her fingers were toying with something that caught my eye, though–a necklace with a small glowing red stone on the end of it. "Charlotte, are you sure this is what you want? You can always change your mind?"

"Yes, let's do this," I replied as Ethan pulled me tighter against him.

"Alright then cousin," she said before she nodded to the witches.

"Is that?"

"Yes," Dominic hissed out. "She's got a blood stone hanging off of her neck. It's like she's channeling from it."

"Great," Ethan breathed out.

Cracks sounded around us; cracks of witches and northern warriors poofing in with large baskets of bloodstones that they dumped around the tree. The cracks made Talia jump, and Lander snarled, but Ethan and I just held Aurelia's gaze before she smiled sweetly at us. "It is nice to see you all well again. We'll have to celebrate later."

Ajax almost took a step forward when Talia pushed him back. Dominic was eying her, a mad bloodlust in his eyes that I had never seen before–it almost sent chills down my spine.

"Dom, you ready?" I asked.

"Yup, as soon as you make the exchange I'll compel her."

"Good," Ethan breathed out. "Wynona?"

"Safe in the shelters already."

More cracks sounded and more bloodstones dumped out until the pile of them started to overflow almost to where we were standing. Cole walked around then leaned on the table; he eyed our group then looked over at Levi. "Levi, fun time seeing you again."

"Come over here and I'll show you a real good time Cole," Levi said with a cold murderous smile.

Lucas chuckled. "It's alright dad, Charlotte already did that. Cole loves the pits, didn't you Cole? Fought so much they had to pull him out."

Cole snarled at Lucas then moved to take a step forward when Camille pulled him back and hissed something at him. Aurelia rolled her eyes as she flipped through the pages of her notebooks. "Really Cole, quit being dramatic it isn't becoming," she said, almost like she was bored."

Cole eyed her. "Really?"

"Really," Aurelia bit out before she looked over at Lucas. "Sorry about him."

She flipped some more until she looked over at the tree. "That's good! I think we're good on the stones!" she called out.

The warriors moved to stand on either side of us, their numbers at this point equalling ours. My eyes kept scanning the top of the mountain as did Ethan's, while my beast and I sniffed and sniffed and sniffed for the smell of rogues–but we smelled nothing. My heart beat picked up as Aurelia picked up a bowl and walked over to Cole. "Blood. Now."

Cole held her gaze before he bit into his wrist and squeezed some blood into her wooden bowl. When she was satisfied she turned, not telling Cole to stop and causing him to spill his blood on the ground. I smirked at him as Aurelia walked calmly over to Issach. "Your turn please."

Issach huffed as Blair rubbed his back. He bit his wrist and drizzled some blood into it until Aurelia held her hand up. "That's plenty, thank you."

She went down the line, taking some from Ajax while Talia flashed Aurelia her fangs, then from Levi who smiled coldly before he drizzled his blood into the bowl, she moved to Ethan next who had already bit into his wrist and squeezed a generous amount in as I bit into my wrist. I squeezed my blood into the bowl, holding her gaze until she looked at the crimson liquid pooling in it. "That's good cousin, Jaxon?"

Ethan quickly took my wrist and licked it as Jaxon drizzled some blood into the bowl. Aurelia looked into the bowl then at Jaxon with a wink. "So much like your father, that's good thank you."

Jaxon stilled while Andrea's face went while. I reached out with my free hand and took Andrea's, giving it a light squeeze and stirring her from her frozen rage.

Aurelia turned and slowly stirred the bowl before she walked up to the tree. She dipped her hand into the bowl hen began to smear the blood all over the base like she had the rock. She wiped her hands on her pants then walked the bowl back. "You may want to take a few steps back," she said over our shoulder.

Ethan pulled me back as some withes gathered around her, like last time, they started chanting until the blood stones glowed like there were Christmas lights lit under them. They glowed and glowed until the hummed–until they sang out. My blood sparked some more in me, a fire brewing inside me as the tree swayed some more, almost like someone was shaking it.

Suddenly, it split open. It split right down the middle, parting so either side of it lay flat on the ground as an arch shot up like a rainbow and this glittery moonlight like substance rained down below it; it was like rain on the windshield of a car that had not turned on its wipers. The moonlight drops continued to rain down as Aurelia chanted louder with the other witches until it coated the entire area, leaving this film with a shiny bubble sheen in its place. A sheen that became more of a solid layer, rippling like water as little sparkles of light glistened in it.

It was a layer that looked directly into the other side of the moon.

My heart stilled.

On one side was my father. He was waiting in front of what looked like hundreds of men with Chris and Eve–Luca standing behind him with what looked like Billy. Billy smiled and waved, causing Andrea's eyes to widened and her knees to buckle. I felt my own breath catch in my throat as Billy also waved at me.

Hale was on the other wide with what looked like almost a matching number of men. Hayden was at his side; stormy blue eyes that looked directly at me with a sinister smile. Ethan flashed him his fangs, only causing Hayden to chuckle under his breath. A storm was brewing behind their side in the distance, a storm of dark clouds–shadows.

"Well, want to say your goodbyes?" Aurelia asked.

Levi sighed as Lucas hugged him; he whispered something to Lucas, that made Lucas still. Quickly, Lucas walked to me and hugged me to him. "Sis you better get your ass back here."

I hugged Dominic, who gave me a reassuring nod before Ethan put his arm back around my waist and pulled me forward with a shaky breath. Levi hugged Lander, murmuring something to him as well before he nodded at Dominic and walked over to me. "Come on you two, let's take a walk," he said while he put a protective arm over my shoulders.

My blood hummed louder as we got closer. We walked all the way to the edge and stopped as Aurelia walked up. She smiled what looked like a sincere joyous smile and waved at her father and brother. "Dad! Hayden!"

"Coming love!" Hale called out before he cast Hadrian a smug glance. "Ready Hadrian?"

"As we will ever be little brother," my father answered as he walked forward with Chris and Eve next to him.

"We're twins," Hale said.

"Sure we are three minutes too late," my father snickered out.

They stopped about ten yards away. Aurelia looked at the shadows then at her father. "Hagan?"

"Will be along soon dear," he replied with a soft smile and cold eyes. "Shall we?"

"Come on," Ethan said as he tugged me forward. "Hey, dad!"

Chris sighed and waved at Ethan as we got closer to the layer. "Hey, son, just nice and easy."

Levi was staring with wide eyes at Eve, whose gaze was locked on him. We took one last step before we stepped into the portal, a chill running across my body like the feeling of bubbles running over your skin when you jump into water. Ethan sucked in a breath and looked at Levi, who nodded to him.

My father walked forward and smiled at me. "Come here baby girl."

I walked into my father's arms as Hale and Hayden passed us, each of them giving me a smug grin as they stepped away from us. Chris hugged Ethan to him and leaned towards his ear. "Easy son."

Eve smiled, her smile sad while Levi pulled her into a tight hug as he let out a shaky breath. "Little red, what are you doing here?"

She leaned up and kissed Levi, startling him before she pulled away. "Stall," she breathed out.

I looked over my shoulder; Hayden and Hale had not quite made it yet. Chris nodded to Hadrian then smiled at me. "Come here Charlotte." I eyed Ethan who nodded to me while he hugged my dad as Chris hugged me to him. "Ethan is going to take you and run when we say, alright?"

My heart skipped a beat as Ethan nodded to his father. "Ok," I replied shakily.

Ethan took my hand in his, holding onto it like we were keeping each other from falling.

"Kiss me again," Eve whispered to Levi. "Now!"

He quickly complied and dipped down to kiss her, holding her to him as she turned them so her back was facing the portal exit. I looked over my shoulder as Eve's hand reached towards Chris, Hale and Hayden stepped out of the portal; my eyes shot down to my hands, waiting until I saw what both gave me relief and a great sense of fear.


It was like grains of sand slowly lifting off of my skin.

I blinked and Eve pulled a knife out of Chris' pocket. I blinked again and she was turning quickly, throwing it at Hale as Hayden caught sight of the knife. He jumped in front of it, blocking his dad from it as Aurelia let out a shriek.

His body hit the ground and rolled back into the portal, right as Ethan turned while Chris yelled at us, "Go Now!"

Levi took my other hand and began to run with me while Chris, my father, and Eve all ran with us; Chris and Eve went to Hayden's body and pulled it back as fighting broke out amongst the people behind us, mirroring the chaos that has erupted in front of us.

My father ran towards Hale while Dominic zipped towards Aurelia, but there was a crack. There was a crack, then a loud boom that shook the ground outside of the portal. "The caves," I breathed out with a smile.

Dominic was almost to Aurelia when a witch poofed in with Wynona. Levi, Ethan, and I skidded to a halt while my father eyed Dominic. "Dom?"

Dominic looked on with wide eyes as Wynona thrashed and flailed around as Aurelia held a knife up to her neck. "Not so fast Dommy," she said while magic whizzed past them in the chaos of the fight around them.

"Dom?" I asked as I looked over my shoulders, the darkness of the shadows growing closer.

"Why?" he breathed out. "Why?"

Wynona stopped her thrashing then cocked her head. "I made a deal. I don't want to die."

I felt my heart sink while Ethan snarled at her. Dominic moved towards Aurelia, but she was too quick; she blasted him with a whiz of green light before she kissed Wynona. "Sorry, you really are a troll," she murmured to her before she stabbed her in the gut, then turned her quickly to slit her throat.

Dominic was clutching his side on the ground while my father jumped across the portal towards Hale. Levi, Ethan, and I jumped out of the portal–Levi breaking off to run to Lucas who was fighting a witch while Ethan and I moved around Aurelia.

She sighed and eyed me with a look of disappointment. "I think we should talk cousin."

I growled out furiously, my blood crackling before I ran to her with Ethan on my heels. Something hit me though, something that burned. I hit the ground hard, rolling out of the way of a pink stream of light when I heard a hiss; Aurelia's black snake barring its fangs at me.

I tried to push myself up but fell as it quickly slithered to me–fangs ready to sink into me until something grabbed its neck. "Kill it!" Ethan yelled out while he dodged its fangs.

I scrambled up, the claws on my hands extended as I sent them through its neck while it snapped at Ethan and quickly ripped its bones out before it could snap at me. Aurelia screamed out in horror, eyeing Ethan and me with a cold fury. She pointed her fingers at us, but Dominic tackled her down.

They rolled while Ethan and I ran towards her, dodging magic as my father beat his brother back towards the inside of the portal. She jumped up then snapped her fingers, sending a blue stream of smoke in the shape of a snake towards Dominic before his eyes could even dilate.

"Dominic!" I cried out as the snake bit his hip.

He roared out; Derek snapped his head around, the head of a witch in his hands. He ran towards Dominic while Ethan and I hauled ass towards Aurelia. I jumped over her and landed behind her while Ethan sent a fist towards her.

She ducked then back handed him, blasting him a few feet away with a stream of while light before I nailed her in the mouth. "You're way past due for an ass beating cousin."

She gritted her teeth and held a hand out in front of her towards me, but I snatched her wrist and broke it, nailing her again in the nose as Ethan slowly stood up. He looked passed me with wide eyes. "No," he breathed out.

I kicked Aurelia forward in the stomach, knocking her to the ground before I stalked to her, my beast licking her lips while Aurelia clutched her broken hand. That is until she held up her other hand and snapped; sending a stream of yellow light to me that hit me hard and pushed me back towards the portal.

I looked up; the right of rogues running down the mountains like ants causing my beast to roar out in the back of my mind. "Why are there rogues! I thought they blew them!"

"Apparently not!" Evan linked back before he turned to me. "Charlotte!"

I jumped up and took a step towards Ethan, who was on the other side of Aurelia–facing her. She clapped her hands, muttering something under her breath and causing this shiny silver film to expand from her fingertips.

Ethan roared and came for me, running into the film and flying back as if it was made of a plexiglass. "Charlotte!" he roared out.

I snarled at Aurelia who whispered something that caused her broken wrist to snap, drawing a wince from her before she moved it around with ease. "Now let's have some fun cousin."

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**YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THE BITE FIRST TO READ THIS** When strange events start happening on the pack line, Levi Alexander Thorne is eager to prov...