Eccentric|| Yuri On Ice x rea...

بواسطة TranquilNinja

579K 17.2K 24.5K

"The way she moves is astonishing!" "She's like a whimsical flower in the wind." "Her performance is truly... المزيد

History Maker
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
You Only Live Once

Chapter 4

39.4K 1.2K 1.5K
بواسطة TranquilNinja

Over 1k reads. Thanks so much!

Several people crowd the entrance to Ice Castle wanting to get in to watch Viktor.

The Nishigori triplets blocked them.

"It's reserved, and it's a private practice session!"

"Go home!"

Someone walked past them. Axel turned around.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" She said.

"Huh?" Yuri questioned glaring.

"Yuri Plisetsky!" The triplets exclaimed.

"He's the junior world champion..." A person whispered. Yūri Katsuki was just returning running up then stairs.

"Viktor's inside, isn't he?" Yuri asked the triplets.

"Come in, come in," they said. Yūri ran into the door panting heavily.

"" He gasped for air. "I'm exhausted..."

"Yūri..." The triplets whispered trying to warn him. Yūri didn't catch on.

"Hey, get this!" He said with a smile. "My weight's back to what it was before the Grand Prix Final!" The triplets pointed to an angering Plisetsky. "Now I'll finally get Viktor's permission to skate." He clapped his hands together happily.

Plisetsky grit his teeth. As soon as Yūri opened the door, he turned and kicked him in the back. Yūri crashed into the front desk.

"Huh?" It was common for Y/n to kick him across the room but he didn't recall seeing her. Yuri stepped on his face.

"It's all your fault. Apologize," Plisetsky ordered with a glare.

"U-uh, sorry, sorry," Yūri apologized frantically. But in the back of his mind, he was thinking, "why is he here? And why's he furious at me?!"

Outside, the Nishigori triplets had their phones out taking pictures and videos."

"Hey, pig!"

"Ow! That hurts! Stop!"

"The Japanese Yūri and the Russian Yuri are both here," Lutz said.

"This means..."

"We can go ahead with that, right?" They smiled deviously to each other.

"Oi!" Someone yelled. "Axel, Lutz, Loop, you said you'd prevent people from coming in!" Y/n walked out of the rink into the lobby upon hearing more noise that already.

"Y/n-" the triplets pointed to the two Yūris. Plisetsky blushed a bit seeing the girl before returning to his glare.

"He promised me first that he'd choreograph a program for me."

"Who, Viktor?" Y/n asked. Plisetsky nodded. Yūri stood from the ground.

"Huh? We haven't gotten to talking about programs or anything," he answered rubbing his head.

"What?!" Plisetsky exclaimed.

"You make him take a whole year off, and to do what? Isn't getting him as a coach enough?" Plisetsky closed in on Yūri who backed away. Y/n intervened.

"Viktor said Yūri had to get his weight in order first," she explained.

Plisetsky smirked. "As if a guy who'd sob in a toilet stall at the Grand Prix Final can change at all just by getting Viktor as a coach!"

'He's....' Yūri thought before remembering what Plisetsky said and how he acted back at the Final.

"I'd watch what you say, Yuri-Bozu," Y/n warned threateningly.

"Bozu?" Plisetsky thought.

"It's fine, Y/n," Yūri said smiling.

"Stop smirking, fatso!"

'He's totally underestimating me.'

"I don't really get the whole picture, so you should ask him yourself. Come on Y/n. I should be able to skate now."

"Hai." The girl followed.

'Viktor came all the way to Hasetsu because he wanted to. Just to be my coach.'

Y/n opened the doors to the rink. Viktor was practicing on the ice. Plisetsky's eyes widened.

"Huh? Those moves... They're for the short program Viktor was practicing for next season."


"Viktor was already putting together routines for next season," Plisetsky explained. "But he was really torn. Surprising the audience has always been his top priority."

"He told me that," Y/n said. Both Yūris looked at her. She remained focused on Viktor as he continued on with the movements. "He asked me for help while Yūri was out. Viktor said my unique moves gave him a bit of inspiration."

Plisetsky focused back on Viktor. "He had the whole world in his hands. But now, no matter what he does, no one's surprised anymore. He knows that better than anyone."

"Viktor said that too," Y/n added. "He said maybe a female input could help. He already knows that if you run out of inspiration, you're as good as dead."

"If he's going to take the next season off, I wonder if he'll let me use his program," Plisetsky said. Yūri gasped lightly looking at the younger male. "I know I can surprise people more. I need Viktor's help if I'm going to make my senior debut and win the Grand Prix Final."

"Huh? Win?" Yūri questioned.

"You look like you're doing great, Viktor!" Plisetsky yelled. The white haired male had stopped skating and looked like he was deep in thought.

"Yuri, you're here? I'm surprised Yakov let you come. What do you want? I need Y/n's help more." Plisetsky gave him an angry expression. "Judging from that look, I'm guessing I forgot some promise I made," Viktor said knowingly before giving a closed eye smile.


"Hahaha," Viktor laughed rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry. I totally forgot," he admitted. "But you knew I was the forgetful type, right?"

Plisetsky shook in anger. "Yeah, I'm painfully aware of that. But a promise is a promise. You'll choreograph my new program, Viktor! Let's go back to Russia!"

Yūri's eyes widened and he looked over at Viktor. Y/n frowned sadly. To be honest, he was starting to grow on her. As serious as he was about skating, Y/n loved Viktor's carefree and childish personality.

"Hmm.." Viktor thought about it. Both Yūri and Y/n began to panic.

"He's seriously thinking of leaving?" Y/n thought sadly. Viktor glanced over and saw her sad expression.

"Ok! I've decided."

"Huh?" Both Yūris questioned.

"Tomorrow, I'll choreograph a program for the both of you to the same music I'm using in my short program," Viktor conclude.

Both of them were shocked. "What?!


"With the same choreography?!"

"The same music as him?!"

"No, this piece has several different arrangements," Viktor answered shrugging. "I was trying I decide which one to use. I'll have Y/n help me think of a different program for each of you, of course. I'll reveal the programs in one week!" Viktor pointed to the two. "You'll compete to see who can surprise the audience more!"

"Whoa! Let's take a step back here." Yūri waved his hands frantically. "I don't want to be punished for losing..."

"Viktor will do whatever the winner says!" Plisetsky interrupted. "If those are the terms, I win."

Viktor smiled widely eyes sparkling. "Great! I love that kind of thing!"

"Wait just a minute!" The Nishigori triplets said in unison. They all had devious smirks on their faces.

"Will you let us organize the event?" Lutz asked. "A face-off between Yuri of Russia and Yūri of Japan!"

"Let's throw... A huge party!" The triplets exclaimed. They raised a fist in the air along with Viktor. Y/n sweatdropped.

"They are way too excited for this."

"One week from now, the "Hot Springs on Ice" show will premiere at Ice Castle Hasetsu. Please come to the event," the news reporter said. People also saw the information in the newspapers.

"Talk about a hovel," Plisetsky complained. "Where's my room?"

"You're staying here?!" Yūri exclaimed. Viktor sat on the couch rubbing Makkachin's fur. He forced Y/n to sit with them on the small furniture.

Plisetsky looked back at him. "If you get Viktor to yourself all the time, it won't be a fair match! I'll say here too, alright!"

"It's not like you care what I think," Yūri said shrugging.

"The hot spring is great," Viktor changed the subject.

"I can't take a bath with other people! I'm going to sleep!" He slammed the door to what Y/n thought was a closet. A loud growl came from the area. "Give me food! And a bath!"

Y/n silently giggled.

Yuri soaked in the warm water sighing contently. Immediately after, he wharfed down a pork cutlet bowl Y/n graciously made.

"This is great!"

"The pork cutlet bowl is good, isn't it?" Viktor asked. "Printsessa does such a good job." Y/n blushed.

"Printsessa!?" Plisetsky exclaimed. Viktor signaled him to be quiet not telling Y/n what it meant. Plisetsky glared slightly before going back to eating.

Mari slid open the door. "You have another visitor, Yūri?" She asked.

"Huh?" Plisetsky turned around. Hearts filled Mari's eyes.

"No way!" She exclaimed with a light blush on her cheeks. "He looks just like my idol, The Blond Takao!"

"Mari-nee, get this. His name's also Yuri!" Y/n said. Plisetsky blushed a bit but tried to ignore her.

"What? That's confusing. Okay, you're Yurio!" Mari declared.


"Where will Yurio stay?"

"Upstairs in-"

"The storage room?!" Mari interrupted her brother. "Oh, no! I need to clean it up!" She walked off before coming back. "Yūri, come help."

Yūri then followed but stopped just outside the door as he was seemingly out of earshot.

"Good for you, Yurio," Viktor said.

"Shut up! That not my name!" Yurio snapped. Viktor laughed.

"Yurio, Yurio, Yurio," Y/n repeated giggling. Yurio blushed and didn't say anything.

"Oh! You didn't say anything when Y/n said it. Yurio has a crush!" Viktor teased.

"I do not!"

"I didn't know Yurio had a thing for older women," Viktor continued.

"Don't go saying things like that!"

"Hey, Y/n, how much older are you?" Viktor looked at the H/c haired girl.

"Yūri's one year my senior making me twenty-two. So Yurio is seven years my junior," Y/n replied. Yurio's face was beet red. "Don't worry, I'm just teasing."

Yūri's eyes widened. His heart ached seeing Viktor laugh at Yurio and even more when he teased him about liking Y/n.

'I see... Of course. That Yuri has more potential than I do.'

"Yūri, where are you going?" Mari asked carrying a box. Yūri ran past her completely ignoring her as well.

Running across the bridge, he got lost in his thoughts.

'He's pretty confident, saying he'll win in the Grand Prix Final on his first run as senior.

Above all, he's comfortable in front of Viktor and even seems like he's warming up to Y/n.

Compared to me, he's much more...'

"Huh? Where's Yūri?" Viktor asked upon realizing he was gone. Yurio slept at the table. Y/n sat on Viktor's back as he laid down playing with his hair. She does the same thing to Yūri.

"He left a while ago," Mari said picking up the dishes.

"He might've gone to Minako's place or to Ice Castle," Y/n said putting another piece of Viktor's hair into a pony tail. She then got up and went to Yurio careful not to disturb him as she braided a couple strands of his hair.

"He does that a lot in times like this. He's always been that way."

Viktor left to Kachu Snack Bar.

"Huh? Yūri? He's not here," Minako said. "By "my place," she meant my ballet studio. Whenever Yūri gets anxious, he always wants to practice. I or Y/n usually go along with him.

Ice Castle let's him skate anytime if it's not booked already. Yūri was able to grow because he had a place where he could practice alone whenever he got anxious. And also because he had such a good friend to support him.

He's no genius, but he was gifted with more free time than anyone else to practice.


"He's always come here to practice by himself," Takeshi said as he, Viktor, Yuko, and Makkachin watched Yūri skate by himself. "This may be one of the first times he's come without Y/n."

"It always made me think he really loved skating," Yuko added. "He didn't even play with his friends apart from Y/n when she moved here. But most of the time the two practiced skating."

"Well, he was never very good at making them," Takeshi said. "It was a miracle Y/n came along. Skating aside, he's not good at putting himself out there. I don't want this to be the end for him."

Viktor put his hand to his chin thinking as he watched Yūri.

"Me neither. He actually hates losing. Especially if it's in front of Y/n."

"He needs to hurry up and confess."

Yuko smiled. "I hope Viktor along with Y/n-chan will bring out a side of Yūri-kun we've never seen before."

Viktor closed his eyes momentarily before placing his pointer finger against his lip. "So, a magic spell to change the little piggy into a prince..."

"Huh?" The couple said.

"Nothing. Thanks. I know a lot more about Yūri now," Viktor thanked walking away. Makkachin followed.

The next morning

"Good morning," Viktor greeted the fisherman.

"Hello!" Y/n cheered. Once again, she and Viktor rode bikes to Ice Castle with both Yūris running. Yurio kept up more to the point he was beside Y/n.

"Good morning," the fisher said back.

"You say hi too, Yurio."

"I'm not Yurio!"

"Come on Yūri! Keep up!" Y/n called back.


Yūri laced up his skates.

'Viktor will finally start teaching me today. Whether this is my last season or not depends on this.

I'll never win if I wimp out here!'

Yūri stood and zipped up his jacket.

'I can't lose this "Hot Springs on Ice" match! And then I'll aim for the Grand Prix Final!"

The two Yūris met Viktor and Y/n on the ice once they were ready.

"First, let's have you two listen to the music," Viktor said. Y/n pressed the button on the remote starting the iPod. In her other hand she held a notebook.

A gentle song played.

"The piece comes in two arrangements, each with a different theme.

"On Love: Eros and Agape," Y/n said.

"Have you ever thought about love?" Viktor asked.

"Nope," Yūri said though he was completely lying.

"All right. Then what do you feel when you listen to this music?"

"It's very clear and innocent, like someone who doesn't know what love is yet," Yūri answered. Yurio gave him an "are you for real?" look.

"I don't like this piece. The innocent crap makes me wanna barf."

"Ok." Y/n changed the song. The next was more upbeat. "What about this?" She asked.

"It's like a completely different song," Yūri stated.

"Viktor, I want to skate to this one," Yurio said. He glared at Yūri.

"The first piece is "On Love: Agape," Viktor said. "The theme is unconditional love."

"This piece is "On Love: Eros." The theme for this one is sexual love," Y/n explained.

"I'll have you two skate to these opposing themes. This is how I'm assigning them...

Yūri, you'll skate to "Eros"!

Yurio, you'll skate to "Agape"!"

Viktor pointed to each male leaving them with dumbstruck expressions.

"What?!" Yūri exclaimed.

"Switch them! That piece isn't me at all!" Yurio demanded.

"Want to impress the crowd?" Y/n asked. She smirked. "Then do something that isn't you."

"She's right. You have to do the opposite of what people expect," Viktor agreed. "How else will you surprise them? That's my motto.

Actually, you're both far more ordinary and mediocre than you think. You need to be more self-aware. I'm surprised you think you can chose your own image."

The two males were tense. Yūri started sweating. Y/n was writing away something in her notebook.

"From the audience's perspective, you're just a piglet and a kitten," Viktor continued. "If you aren't up to my standards by next week, I won't choreograph either of your programs and I'll take Y/n on a date."

Yūri was mostly worried. Y/n tried to hide her face with her notebook to keep them from seeing her blush. Viktor placed his pointer finger to his lip before winking.

"Both of you are fans and like Y/n, so I'm sure you'll manage." Yūri was speechless.

"Fine," Yurio agreed. "I'll skate to "Agape". My senior division debut depends on it! You'd better give me a program that'll let me win!"

"It's up to you whether you win or not," Viktor simply said. "If I skated the program, I'd win for sure."

Yurio grit his teeth before kicking some of the ice up. "If I win, Viktor, you're coming back to Russia. And you'll be my coach! That's what I want!"

"Sure." Yūri became nervous after that agreement. Yurio smirked confidently. Y/n noticed this.

"Yūri, what do you want if you win?" She asked.

"I want to eat pork cutlet bowls with you, Viktor," Yūri answered. They were surprised by his response. "I want to keep on winning, and keep on eating pork cutlet bowls with you and Y/n! So, I'll skate to "Eros"! I'll give it all the Eros I've got!"

Viktor and Y/n smiled widely.

"Great!" Viktor exclaimed. "That's exactly what I like!"


Me at the end of Episode 9

Yūri: Intai made, boku no koto, onegaishimasu! (Please take care of me until retirement)

Viktor: *kisses Yūri's hand* it's almost like a marraige proposal

Viktor: I wish you'd never retire


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