Teen Wolf Imagines

By lovelyobrienn

3.5M 72.3K 26.3K


losing || theo raeken
the wound time could not heal || isaac lahey
period || scott mccall
who do you like? || isaac lahey
storms || isaac lahey
broken beyond repair || stiles stilinski
baby girl || theo raeken
mccall-stilinski household || stiles stilinski
boy who begged || theo raeken
helpless || isaac lahey
morning suprises || isaac lahey
back to you || isaac lahey
awkward || liam dunbar
psl || derek hale
white blood || stiles stilinski
torture || stiles stilinski
magical || liam dunbar
sweatshirts and unresolved feelings || stiles stilinski
lucky || stiles stilinski
star gazing || liam dunbar
undying love || derek hale
some guys have all the luck || stiles stilinski
i'll always find you || isaac lahey
sledgehammer || scott mccall
mashed potatoes and brownies || stiles stilinski
spin the bottle || isaac lahey
like me || scott mccall
a sorry for everyone || isaac lahey
a game changer || scott mccall
sweet little libby || issac lahey
babygirl and her babyboy || theo raeke
movie nights || liam dunbar
the jeep || stiles stilinski
a bit more than 'friends' || liam dunbar
my girls || stiles stilinski
marked || theo raeken
i will be there || liam dunbar
welcome home || isaac lahey
mr. jawline || isaac lahey
jealousy is a bitch || stiles stilinski ft. theo raeken
babysitting || scott mccall
first kiss || isaac lahey
cupcake wars || liam dunbar
off the hook || isaac lahey
fake girlfriend || isaac lahey
useless || isaac lahey
when you left || isaac lahey
steady || theo raeken
date night || scott mccall
jealousy || scott mccall
an awful place for love || isaac lahey
sleepover || isaac lahey
misson complete || theo raeken
i promise || theo raeken
cherry wine || isaac lahey
night terror || stiles stilinski
stiles saved me || stiles stilinski
stressed || stiles stilinski
senior prom || stiles stilinski
miracle in disguise || isaac lahey
bruises || stiles stilinski
solace || isaac lahey
when feelings resurface || stiles stilinski
not so bad || theo raeken
awkward announcements || liam dunbar
everything is perfect || liam dunbar
never || isaac lahey
drive || stiles stilinski
flirtatious bastard || theo raeken
you're forgiven || theo raeken
xxl || stiles stilinski
"secret" || theo raeken
promise || isaac lahey
scream || isaac lahey
all costs || scott mccall
gingerbread || scott mccall
let her go || stiles stilinski
remember || stiles stilinski
will you? || issac lahey
yes || stiles stilinski
we're the good guys || isaac lahey
sick || scott mccall
yeah, you are || stiles stilinski
teach me || liam dunbar
yet another love triangle || stiles stilinski and scott mccall
yet another love triangle pt. 2 || stiles stilinski and scott mccall
anchors || liam dunbar
because i love you || liam dunbar
accidents happen || stiles stilinski
once upon a time || stiles stilinski au
once upon a time || stiles stilinski au pt. 2
once upon a time || stiles stilinski au pt. 3
once upon a time || stiles stilinski au pt. 4
once upon a time || stiles stilinski au pt. 5
fire and ice || isaac lahey
you caught me || scott mccall
thinking of you || isaac lahey
thinking of you || isaac lahey pt. 2
it wasn't my fault || stiles stilinski
hey babygirl || theo raeken
this sucks || isaac lahey
best friends || isaac lahey
i'm here || isaac lahey
memory found || stiles stilinski
memory found || stiles stilinski (part two)
it's too late || isaac lahey
turn it off || stiles stilinski
saudade || stiles stilinski
don't || stiles stilinski
better with you || stiles stilinski
all for love || stiles stilinski
even if it's fake || stiles stilinski

once upon a time || stiles stilinski au pt. 6 (final)

5K 135 62
By lovelyobrienn

These past few weeks have been crazy and very dramatic. Emma had threatened Regina to go get custody over Henry. That wasn't even the biggest of their problems at the moment. After Malia had found out about Y/N and Stiles' affair, she decided to leave town and continue her life in Boston. Emma had gotten a call about a car right by the town border saying it looked like something bad happened. Emma ran the plates on the car and it belonged to one person.


This case eventually became a missing person's case and quickly evolved into a homicide case when Ruby and Lydia had found a heart with Malia's DNA in a box by the old Toll Bridge. Ruby and Lydia had been helping Emma at the sheriff's station that week. Ruby quickly went back to working for Granny at the diner, but Lydia continued her job at the sheriff's station. Malia's homicide scandalized the small town of Storybrooke. At first all the evidence was pointing towards Stiles. It made no sense though. He had missing time in his memory and his phone records showed he was the last to speak to Malia.

Stiles went to Dr. Hopper, the psychologist, for help. He remembered something. He remembered being in the woods with Y/N and him saying 'Don't kill her.' to Y/N, but this memory was from their time in the Enchanted Forest when Y/N was planning to kill Regina. Stiles went to Emma and told her about his new information and Emma brought Y/N in for questioning. All the logic and new evidence pointed directly to her. The jewelry box Lydia and Ruby had found the heart in belonged to Y/N. Emma did a search of her and Y/N's apartment and found a dagger with Malia's DNA hidden in the heating vent inside of Y/N's bedroom. Emma didn't think Y/N murdered Malia. No, she knew Y/N didn't murder her. But there was no way a jury would believe her.

Y/N was so confused about this whole ordeal. She didn't kill Malia. Even if she had motive. Malia had made her hated by the whole town. Malia came between Y/N and Stiles' relationship, so motive was covered. When Y/N was ready to go to trial, someone showed up in an alley. Ruby had also found this person.

It was Malia.

Emma couldn't figure how the DNA on the heart was Malia's but they no longer had a homicide case. They had a kidnapping. Malia said that her car broke down on the way to Boston and she was gonna walk to a mechanic's shop, for help, but she'd been hit over the head on the way. Malia told Emma she was locked in a basement and was given food and water to stay alive.

A man named Sidney Glass had come forward and said he was the one to kidnap Malia. He didn't do it. It was Regina. Regina had tried framing Y/N for this heinous crime but it didn't fall through. There was no way Emma and Lydia could prove this so it was left alone.

Stiles wasn't exactly the best form of support for Y/N while all this was happening. He didn't think she killed Malia, but he wasn't sure. That hurt Y/N more than anything. All the time they spent with each other, all that he'd learned about her character and he was still unsure if Y/N was responsible. Y/N continued not speaking to Stiles and that hurt them both. Stiles made an effort but Y/N was in no position to speak to him. She couldn't.

Meanwhile, Henry was in the hospital. He'd been poisoned by an apple turnover Regina made. It was meant for Emma though, not Henry. Emma had grabbed Henry's fairy tale book and she began getting flashbacks in her head. Images of Y/N and Stiles holding her when she was born appeared, Stiles fighting the guards on his way to the Magic Wardrobe, Emma's white blanket with her name embroidered in purple which she still had, Y/N kissing Emma's forehead and saying goodbye. Lastly, Stiles placing her in the wardrobe and saying 'Find us' before kissing her head and closing the wardrobe. Emma believed.

The Curse was real. And Emma was going to break it and save Henry. She was going to save them all.


Ever since Y/N had drank the potion Rumpelstiltskin had given her, she'd been intolerable. She was rude to the dwarves, she was disrespectful, and she just wasn't herself. The dwarves had brought in Jiminy Cricket to help confront her. They really did get through to her, but not in the way they wanted. She left the cottage she'd been living in and went to achieve her new task.

She was going to kill the queen.

Prince Stiles had found out of Y/N's plan and began looking for her. He went to Rumpelstiltskin and made a deal. Rumpelstiltskin was given the Prince's cloak. He took a strand of hair from on the cloak and put it in a vial with Y/N's hair. The two pieces of hair had formed together and created magic. He was now the most powerful man in all the universe. He'd put true love in a bottle.

Stiles had eventually found Y/N, but she tied him to a tree and continued tracking Regina. Jiminy Cricket had found Stiles and told him he needed to find her. If she took Regina's life, her heart would become as dark as the woman's life she took. Stiles found her again and Y/N almost killed Regina, but Stiles stopped her. The arrow Y/N was gonna shoot had hit Stiles in the shoulder and he fell to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?" Y/N rushed to him. Stiles stood up and leaned on a nearby tree.

"Well, you said you appreciate action more than words." He let out a groan of pain. "So you're getting both. I love you, Y/N."

"But I don't love you. I don't even remember you." Y/N scoffed.

"I don't care." Stiles groaned once again. "I would rather die than let your heart be taken over by darkness. I only care that you don't forget who you really are. I care that you don't forget the kind of person you are."

Y/N's heart was touched. He really did love her if he'd die for her. "You'd really die for me?"

"Does it look like I'm making this up?" Stiles gestured to the arrow in his shoulder.

"No one's ever done anything like this for me before." A tear came from her eye as she spoke. "No one has ever been willing to die for me."

"No one you can remember." Stiles said. Stiles closed his eyes in pain.

Y/N stepped closer and put her hand on his arm. The sudden warmth of her touch made him open his eyes. As it snowed around them, she moved closer and placed her lips on his. Tears spilling from both of their eyes.

Y/N cut the kiss short and immediately opened her eyes to look at Prince Stiles.

"Stiles!" Y/N smiled.

"Yes! It's me." She kissed him again and she could feel his smile every time their lips met. They heard horses approaching and they turned to look. Stiles immediately recognized the soldiers as those of his 'father', King George. "King George's army." He pulled her hood up to hide her face, she's still wanted and if they saw her face, they'd immediately turn her over to the Queen. One of the soldiers grabbed Y/N and separated her from Prince Stiles as another did the same to him.

The leader of the soldiers came up to Stiles. "Prince Stiles." The leader pulled the arrow out of Prince Stiles' shoulder aggressively, erupting a scream from Stiles. "Leave the girl. We have who we came for."

"No!" Stiles yelled as the guard threw her to the ground. She stood back up.

"Stiles!" The guard that had thrown her slapped her across the face and she fell to the ground again. The guard drew his sword to kill Y/N.

"No!" Stiles yelled again as he gripped the bars of the cell they put him in.

"Enough!" The leader told him. The guard retracted him and put his sword away.

"Y/N." Stiles whispered as he watched her get further.


"Y/N! Y/N!"

"I will find you." She yelled. "I will always find you." Y/N whispered the last part and watched him go.

Regina had gone to King George when she learned he had Prince Stiles. King George was gonna kill Prince Stiles anyway but he gave him to her when she told him she planned to make it hurt. Stiles was being taken to the courtyard so he could be executed. Two guards held him up and then Stiles dropped. When one of the Queen's guards went to get him back up, Stiles punched him in the stomach. This resulted in a fight between the two guards and Stiles. Stiles ended up defeating both of them and took the sword on the ground. He ran down the hallway and encountered another of the Queen's guards. He had a bow and arrow while Stiles had no weapons. One of the guards that Stiles had taken down earlier came around the hall.

"Shoot him!" The guard holding a bow and arrow prepared to shoot at Stiles, but turned his aim towards the other guard and shot him.

Stiles furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to the one guard who had shot. "Who the hell are you?" The guard took off his face cover and it revealed the Huntsman who had let Y/N get away. In Storybrooke, he was better known as Graham.

"A friend." The man said with a twinge of a Scottish accent, but no red hair.

"But I don't know you." Stiles said. The Huntsman began approaching him and took out some keys.

"But I know Y/N."

"Is she okay?" Prince Stiles asked right away. Huntsman had gotten to the Prince and began taking the chains on his wrists off.

"The Queen was travelling to meet her. Her fate is in a precarious place." Y/N had gone to meet the Queen so they could discuss what Regina wanted. Regina had given her a choice. She could take a bite of this apple and Prince Stiles would remain alive, or she could not eat it and Prince Stiles would die. Y/N ate the apple and fell into a deep sleep. The apple she'd eaten was poisoned by the sleeping curse.

"We must hurry. Follow me. I can get you out. I can try and stall the Queen. The rest is up to you." Huntsman hands the Prince a sword and some supplies. "Good luck."

"Wait, you're not coming with me?"

"I can not. I gave up my heart so that the Queen would spare Y/N's a long time ago. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain. Find her." Stiles nodded and exited the castle.'

Once Regina had learned of Prince Stiles' escape she was furious. Her magic mirror showed her where he was and she smirked. She used her magic to send him to the Infinite Forest. Confused by his change in location, he looks around. He continues running until he comes to a clearing.

"Lost are we?" a voice appeared. Prince Stiles turned to see Rumpelstiltskin sitting on a log with the cloak he'd received from the Prince.

"What are you doing here?" Stiles groaned.

"I'm just here to help."

"Well no need. I'll be fine." Stiles said. He started to walk away but was stopped when Rumpelstiltskin spoke again.

"No I don't think so. This is the Infinite Forest. There's no way out. Except for... my way."

"I want nothing from you." Stiles told him.

"Not even this?" Rumpelstiltskin held up the ring Prince Stiles received from his mother. The one Y/N and Stiles fought the trolls to get. The one he planned on giving to Y/N.

"My mother's ring. It was just..." He checked his pouch. "How did you get it?" Prince Stiles advanced towards Rumpelstiltskin.

"The same way I get everything I want." Rumpelstiltskin said hopping off the log he sat on. "Magic. The same magic that allows me to do this." He threw the ring up in the air and it landed back in his palm. The ring began glowing. "This ring is now enchanted. The closer you get to Y/N, the brighter it will glow. Interested?"

"Give it to me." Stiles said, taking a step closer to the man.

"Ah! It's not something for nothing, dearie. Time to make a deal."

"No! No more deals!" Stiles yelled. He drew his sword and tried to get Rumpelstiltskin in the face with it. But the man caught the blade between his fingers. Stiles retracted the sword and tried to swipe at his knees, but he vanished.

"Over here." Rumpelstiltskin stood at the top of the hill holding a sword in his hands. Stiles ran towards him and began to fight with him. Rumpelstiltskin vanished once again and went behind Prince Stiles.

"Persistent." Rumpelstiltskin comments. Prince Stiles throws his satchel to the ground and begins fighting with the man once again. "Had enough?"

"Never." Prince Stiles swipes the sword through the air. The blade nicking Rumpelstiltskin's skin. Rumpelstiltskin used magic to heal the cut. The fight continues and Prince Stiles was thrown against a tree by Rumpelstiltskin's magic. Prince Stiles rolled onto the ground and Rumpelstiltskin stands over him with a sword at his neck.

"Looking for this? So brave... so gallant. So pointless. Bravery won't get you out of this forest, dearie. Magic will. This is a deal you want to make, because we both want the same thing." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What's that?"

"Why, you and your true love to be together of course." Rumpelstiltskin pulls the ring out and shows it to Prince Stiles.


Y/N walks to her car right outside of Granny's Diner. She has a cup of coffee in her hands as she gets closer to the front door.

"Hey." Y/N turned her head to see the voice come from Stiles.


"I was wrong. About you. About me. About everything." Stiles said. Y/N opened her mouth to speak but Stiles cut her off. "I didn't believe in you, and I wish I had a good reason why, but it's like I keep making these wrong decisions and I don't understand why they keep happening. You know, ever since I woke up from that coma, my life hasn't made any sense. Except for you." Y/N raised her eyebrows. "What I'm feeling... it's love, Y/N."

"Stiles, why are you here?"

"Because Malia put a down payment on an apartment in Boston. She's not going to use it. But I am." Stiles smiled through the tears visible in his warm, amber eyes. "Unless you give me a reason to stay."

"Stiles... I can't." Stiles nodded in understanding. Y/N got into her car and as soon as her door closed, Stiles started crying.


"Behold the most powerful magic of all... True love." Prince Stiles reaches to grab the vial of purple magic. "Ah! Careful... this is all I have left of it." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"What do you know of true love?"

"Well, not so much as you perhaps, but not so little as you might think."

"You? You love someone?" Stiles said, surprise evident in his voice.

Rumpelstiltskin tensed. "It was a brief flicker amidst an ocean of darkness."

"What happened?" Stiles asked.

"She died. That's the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It's the most powerful magic in the world. The only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs."

"I don't understand. What is it exactly you want me to do?"

"I want you to help me protect it." Rumpelstiltskin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "By putting it in a safe place for me." Rumpelstiltskin used his magic to make an egg shaped container appear. He opened the container and placed the vial of true love inside.

"And where is that?"

"The belly of a beast of course." Rumpelstiltskin threw the egg into Prince Stiles' arms.

"Why hide it?" Prince Stiles asked. He examined the casing carefully.

Rumpelstiltskin cackled. "Let's just say... I'm saving it for a rainy day."

Rumpelstiltskin had guided Prince Stiles to the Forbidden Fortress, where the beast was supposed to lay. The Prince had hidden behind the throne of the woman who lived here. She sat down in her throne and a blade was put to her throat. It was the blade of Stiles' sword.

"Where is it?" Prince Stiles said. "Where is the beast the reigns over this castle?" He walked in front of her so she had a clear view of him.

She raised her hand and used magic to throw him down the stairs beneath her throne. "That would be me." The woman stood up and walked towards him. "But, 'beast' is so harsh. I prefer 'Maleficent'."

Prince Stiles looked to the big egg in his arm. "I'm gonna need a smaller egg."

"Such a shame. So handsome." Prince Stiles stood ready to fight Maleficent. She blew around the room, putting the flames of the candles out. Stiles turned around looking for her. He heard her cackling echo throughout the big room.

Prince Stiles prepared his sword. "Show yourself, witch." He heard her a very low growl come from behind him. He turned to see Maleficent had turned into a dragon. He began running and he hid behind a column. Her breath ignited fire and he barely escaped her hot breath.

Maleficent continued shooting flames at Prince Stiles, who still hid behind a column. He looked behind the column to see Maleficent looking the other direction. He looks to the side of her head to see openings in the flaps of her skin. They were big enough for the egg to be thrown in. He looks at the egg briefly and smirks. He had a plan.

"Come on!" Stiles yelled as stepped out from behind the column. Maleficent began chasing him around the room. Prince Stiles runs up some stairs nearby. He jumps over the railing and lands on Maleficent's back. Maleficent tries shaking him off, but she's unsuccessful. She begins hitting her body on the walls and the same result occurs.

Prince Stiles finally had his shot. He threw the egg into the opening he'd discovered earlier and he fell from her back. He landed on his feet and looked at her. She began walking towards him and he turned to run. Prince Stiles ran as Maleficent shot her fiery breath at him. He met a window and ran straight into it. He broke through and fell into the water surrounding the Forbidden Fortress.

The Prince's head broke through the water and he smiled when he saw Maleficent still in her dragon form blow fire in the air.


"'And yes, she was beyond hope, beyond saving. This was her end. When the Prince saw his beloved Princess in her glass coffin, he knew all that was left was to say goodbye.'" Y/N read to Henry from his storybook. She sighed at the word goodbye. "'He had to give her one last kiss and when he did, true love proved more powerful than any curse. A pulse of pure love shuttered out and engulfed the land, waking up Y/N and bringing light to the land.'" Y/N had tears in her eyes as she closed the book.

Y/N grabbed the comatose boy's hand. "Henry, when I gave you this book, it was because I knew... I know life doesn't always have a happy ending. But I thought--" Her voice broke. A rapid beeping cut off her words. Y/N looked to the monitor next to him and began to worry. She stood up to get a better look. "What is that? Scott! Scott, what is that! What-what's wrong?"

Scott and his mother, Melissa entered the room. Melissa and Scott worked alongside each other at the hospital. "Mom, get her out of here. NOW!" Melissa helped Y/N walk out of the ICU. "His heart rate's falling. Come on, Henry!"


"Impressive, dearie." Rumpelstiltskin said as Prince Stiles came up from the water and began walking to shore. "Very impressive, indeed. Come, warm yourself."

"I have done what you've asked. Return my ring to me!" The Prince said as he got to Rumpelstiltskin. Prince Stiles' clothes were soaked.

"Of course, you're in a bit of a rush. How rude of me." He holds up the ring. "With this, Prince Stiles, you will find her."

Prince Stiles took the ring from her and the green gemstone began glowing. "Thank you." He said walking and he began walking away.

"Something's missing." Prince Stiles turned around as Rumpelstiltskin spoke. Rumpelstiltskin snapped his fingers and a cloud of maroon smoke appeared around the Prince. Once the smoke had cleared, Prince Stiles was now in much fancier attire. "Now you're ready for your big moment!"

"Why do you want Y/N and I together? What's the big deal?" Stiles asked. No one this powerful is all of a sudden interested in the love between a fugitive and a runaway prince.

Rumpelstiltskin shrugged. "I'm a fan of true love, dearie. And more importantly, what it creates."

Prince Stiles rode through the countryside on a white steed. He looks to the ring to see the glowing getting brighter. He urges the horse to go faster as he nears the forest. Prince Stiles jumps off the horse when he gets to the coffin. Y/N's glass coffin is surrounded by all seven of the dwarves.

"You're too late." Doc said as Prince Stiles approached the coffin.

"No. No!" He looked down to see Y/N in a white dress with her hands over her heart. He looked back at the dwarves with tears in his eyes. "At least let me say goodbye." Grumpy, Happy, and Bashful remove the lid and Prince Stiles leans down placing his lips on hers. When their lips meet, a burst of magic erupts from the two.

Y/N awakes with a gasp. She looks up to see Stiles standing above her. "You found me." She said placing her hand on his cheek. Stiles put his hand over her's.

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He asked. Y/N smiled up at him.

Prince Stiles and Y/N told the dwarves they wanted to take a walk. The two walked along the shore of water, Y/N's arms linked with Stiles. "How did you do it?" She asked.

"With this." Prince Stiles held up the ring Rumpelstiltskin enchanted. "It was my mother's ring. It led me back to you." Stiles stopped walking and stepped in front of Y/N, so they were facing each other. "And now, I never want it off your finger." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, and tilted her head in confusion.

The Prince got down on his knee and Y/N gasped. "Will you marry me?" Stiles asked, holding up the ring. Y/N smiled and held her left hand out. Prince Stiles placed the ring on her ring finger. She held up her hand to look at it.

Y/N looked back to man in front of her. "What do you think?"

Prince Stiles smiled and stood back up. Y/N grabbed his cheeks and pulled him closer. Their lips touched and they kissed each other passionately. They kissed each other with all the love they could muster into one.

Y/N pulled away and Prince Stiles could see the look of concern on her face. "What is it?"

"There's the little matter of your father and my stepmother." Y/N said.

Stiles nodded. "Ah, that. I'm open to suggestions." Stiles looked down at her.

"Here's one." Y/N turned her head and Prince Stiles' palace was in sight. Stiles looked over as well. "Let's take back the kingdom."

"How?" Stiles turned his eyesight back to her.

Y/N smiled up at him. "Like we shall do everything. Together."


Stiles walked to his jeep with a duffle bag. He went to the trunk and put the bag in. He walked back to the driver's side and opened the door. He looked at the clocktower before getting in and driving away.

Emma and Regina had been working on getting something for Mr. Gold, also known as Rumpelstiltskin. But they were manipulated. Emma and Regina both got a message telling them they needed to be at the hospital. They rushed to the hospital and up to the ICU.

They walk in to see Dr. McCall and his mother, Melissa coming out of the room Henry was in. "We did everything we could." Scott said.

"I'm sorry. You're too late." Melissa said. Suddenly, the whole world came crashing down on Emma and Regina. Emma slowly walked into the room Henry was in. She approached his bed as another nurse was turning off the machines and removing the tubes connected to Henry. Emma stopped walking and let out a breath as she saw the boy.

Emma had tears on her face as she walked closer to the bed. She grabbed his hand and her chin trembled, mascara running down her face. The only person she ever loved, the only family she had was gone. And he wasn't coming back. Emma ran her fingers through his hair and let out a sob.

She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I love you, Henry." A burst erupted from the two as Emma pulled away from the kiss she placed on his head. She looked around confused and Henry woke up. A gasp fell from his lips, as Y/N's did. Emma smiled and touched his face.

"I love you, too, Mom. You saved me."

"You did it." Regina said. She realized she not only broke one curse, but she broke the Curse. The burst of magic hit the whole town. It hit Ruby and Granny, also known as Red Riding Hood and Granny. Memories flooded in Lydia as she sat at the sheriff's station putting away the Malia file. Malia's memories came back as she was at home, her memories of being with Isaac in the Enchanted Forest came back to her. Scott and Melissa's memories hit as they watched Emma and Henry in the hospital.

Walking down the street, a force almost knocked Y/N off her feet as the magic hit her, and gave her memories back. She looked around and realized everyone got them back. Stiles, driving in his blue jeep hit him. He stopped driving and widened his eyes, realizing the Curse was broken.

In the hospital, everyone around Henry and Emma seemed to be shocked. Scott and Melissa looked at each other and embraced in a hug. "Henry, what's going on?" Emma asked as Henry sat up in his bed.

"Oh, no." Regina said.

"The Curse... I think... I think you broke it." Henry said, a smile on his face.

"That was true love's kiss." Scott said approaching Emma. "It's strong enough to break any curse."

"No! No!" Regina said. Scott turned to look at Regina.

"If I were you, your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide." He said to her. Regina walked over to Henry.

"Henry, no matter what you think. No matter what anyone tells you, I do love you." Regina said, tears in her brown eyes. After her words, Regina left the hospital.

After Stiles got his memories back, he turned that jeep around and went back to town. He parked his car on the street somewhere. Stiles hopped out of the jeep and began looking for his wife. Y/N.

He spotted her walking by the mechanic's garage and smiled. "Y/N!" He yelled her name.

At the sound of his voice, Y/N stopped walking. She knew who said her name and smiled. She looked across the street and saw Stiles standing on the other side of the road.

"Stiles." She whispered to herself and began walking towards him. They ran to each other, meeting halfway. Y/N looked up at him and smiled. She cupped his face and just looked at it.

"You found me!" Y/N said, a smiled plastered on her face. She scanned every inch of his face. Every single mole. Every single freckle and beauty mark. Every piece of stubble. His eyelashes. His soft, amber eyes. Then her eyes fell to his pink lips, she ran her thumb over the soft skin. Her eyes went back up to his eyes.

He did the same to her. Stiles just looked at her face, surprised at how nothing has changed in twenty-eight years. He looked at her soft skin that was blemish free. He looked at her long eyelashes. Her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. Stiles inspected every last detail of her face. "Did you ever doubt I would?" He asked his beautiful smile taking over his face.

Y/N shook her head with a smile. The two both leaned in and their lips smashed together. They kissed in a way they never have in Storybrooke. They've never kissed knowing they were married. They never what they had was true love. Stiles and Y/N never knew they were soulmates. But now that they had every memory they'd ever experienced together back, they kissed with every ounce of love and passion they could draw.

They pulled away and looked around. Red, Granny, and Lydia approached the two. "Red, Lydia!" Y/N said, when she saw her two best friends. The three embraced each other into a hug as Stiles hugged Granny. They pulled away and Y/N gave Granny a hug. Stiles gave individual hugs to Red and Lydia. The dwarves began walking up to them.

"Your Highness?" Grumpy said. Y/N turned around and smiled when she saw all the tiny men. They bow and share a group hug. "The Curse, it's broken?"

"It would appear so." Stiles said shaking hands with all seven of the dwarves.

"Well, what do we do now?" Lydia said.

"Now? Now I find my daughter." Y/N said, smiling at the thought of Emma.

"So it's true?" A voice came from behind Y/N and Stiles. The couple turned around to see their grown daughter in front of them. Henry next to her, hand in hand.

Y/N walked slowly to Emma, Stiles did the same. Y/N apprehensively touches Emma's face. Then Y/N pulls her into a hug, tears in her eyes. Stiles does the same. He wrapped his arms around his daughter and wife. He felt complete. "You found us." Stiles said.

"I found you." Emma said, tears spilling from her eyes. Emma relaxed into the hug and wrapped her arms around both of her parents.

"Grandpa?" Henry said. Y/N laughed and they all looked at him.

"Yeah, I guess so kid." Stiles said. Henry wrapped his arms around his mother and grandparents. The group pulled away. Malia and Isaac approached hand in hand as well as Scott and his mother. Stiles saw Scott and hugged him, happy to have memories of their lifelong friendship back. Melissa hugged Stiles and Y/N.

You may be wondering if Stiles knows about the time Y/N and Scott spent the night together. And he does. Stiles was very upset about it, but he forgave Scott. Afterall, Y/N wasn't his in this world when it happened. Y/N was friends with Malia in the Enchanted Forest.

"Oh my god! Y/N, about the time I slapped you. I am so sorry." Malia said. Y/N just laughed and hugged her.

"It's okay. I forgive you." Y/N said. Y/N turned to Isaac.

"Lahey!" Isaac hugged her, sort of picking her up off the ground due to her small height.

"Um, quick question. Why didn't we go back?" Isaac asked setting Y/N down.

Stiles wrapped his arm around Y/N's waist as Y/N held Emma's hand. Henry was standing in front of Stiles and Stiles had his right hand on Henry's shoulder.

"We should be going back soon." Y/N said. The Blue Fairy had informed Y/N before the Curse hit, that they would for sure go back to the Enchanted Forest.

"We're all going?" Emma said, a little worried.

"Yeah, even Henry." Stiles said.

"Are you nervous?" Y/N asked her daughter. Emma nodded slowly.

"Uh, yeah. A little."

"Do you want to go?" Stiles asked.

"Of course. I want to stay with you guys. I just got you back." Emma said with a smile on her face. Emma took her hand out of Y/N's and held Henry close to her.

"Good! Because you're stuck with us now." Stiles said smiling at his daughter.

A cloud of smoke just like the smoke that brought the first Curse rolled over the town.

"Here we go!" Y/N yelled. She gripped to Stiles' hand tightly and buried her face in his chest.

"I love you, Y/N." Stiles said before the smoke overtook them. Y/N placed a kiss on Stiles' clothed chest.

Everyone closed their eyes as the curse hit the group. "I love you too, Stiles."

The smoke of magic sent them all home. Stiles, Y/N, and Emma were together again.

And they lived happily ever after.

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