Senior Year •HSM book 3/Ryan...

By Sadie_2024

98.5K 1.9K 308

Bri, Ryan and the East High gang are back...again but this time they are taking on their Senior Year. Join B... More

Senior Year •HSM book 3/Ryan Evans•
[1] Prologue
2. Basketball Game
3. After Party
4. Talking To Ryan
Message :)
5. We All Signed Up?
6. Free Period
7. 15 Minutes Until Lunch
A/N: Sorry that its not an Update
8. Lunch
9. Arguing & Talking
10. Lunch Promposals
11. Jealous & Hurt
12. Goodbyes
13. Walk Away
Please vote ♥️

14. Prom

6.7K 179 115
By Sadie_2024

Sorry I've been MIA except my last "vote for Mark" chapter but I'm back... hopefully for good since I only have two weeks of school left. My grades still aren't where I want them to be but they are all B's or A's, so I'm passing and that's fine by me so I hope I'm back for good.

But here's the next chapter I'm sorry if it's crappy!


Bri's P.O.V

I was currently in my bathroom where we're staying getting ready for prom. You heard me right! I'm going to prom but not with Ryan... Jason actually asked me to prom. Shocking, right? But I agreed to go as friends and now I'm currently getting ready. The thing is though, is that Jason didn't tell anyone that he asked me or that I'm going with him. It's really early in the morning. It's like 8 I think and he's already started driving here so we'll make it on time.

The thing I love about my hair is that the curl is hard to fall out and my favorite thing about my makeup is that my face doesn't stop greasy so as long as I use primer and setting spray my makeup can last all day. That's with it still looking fresh and new. I'm going to change into my prom dress last because it's white and I don't wanna get stains all over it.

My dress is two piece white dress and costed around $350.00. That's not including the shoes, jewelry, and everything else. I'm paying someone to do my hair which is currently getting done right now. Is by Dylan's cousin, remember Dylan? The guy I met. His cousin is a cosmetologist and she's doing my hair and makeup.

My hair is just going to be curled then a really elegant, fancy, updo with my curly hair. My makeup is gonna be a smoky eye with a dark pink lip. I'm honestly excited to see all my friend at prom though. When I was younger I would look at prom pictures and now my day has come to be the one in the pictures.

"How does this look?" Mandi asked as she gave me the mirror and let me look at it. I smiled loving how it looked.

"I love it!" I exclaimed and kept staring at it. This hairstyle made me totally fall in love with my hair.

"Great, now let's start your makeup." She told me and took the mirror out of my hands and placed it on the counter. She done my foundation, concealer, powder, and contour first. Then she done my eyebrows, eyeshadow,  eyeliner, eyelashes and lipstick. Then she sprayed the setting spray.

After she got done with my hair and makeup it was about noon. There was a knock on the apartment door and my mom told me it was Jason. I quickly closed my bathroom door, after Mandi had left, and got into my dress and shoes. I quickly put my earrings, bracelet, and necklace on. I sprayed two squirts of perfume (one on my wrist and one on my neck) and re applied deodorant.

I grabbed my clutch and walked out of my room and into the living room where Jason was waiting in a white tux. "Oh my gosh! You look beautiful!" My mom gushed. I rolled my eyes a little then laughed as she hugged me.

"Thank you mom." I thanked her as she took her phone out and said she wanted pictures.

"You look amazing!" Gabby told me after mom had got done with what seemed like a photoshoot.

"Thank you gabs." I told her as I hugged her. Jason and I told everyone bye and then we left. I dreaded the ride back though.

"You do look amazing." Jason told me as we pulled into the interstate.

"Thank you." I told him softly. Mentally hoping it wasn't a mistake to come tonight.


Jason and I had arrived thirty minutes after prom started. At the door he handed the teacher our tickets and they marked them off and let us in. I was dreading walking into the cafeteria where the prom dinner was held. Hopefully since prom had already started no one would be in the cafeteria.

Luckily there was no one in the cafeteria and we made our way to the gym. The lights were off in the hallways and were decorated with lights and disco lights.

"I'm probably gonna kill myself before I get to the gym. I'll probably trip because of my heels." I told Jason which caused him to laugh.

"You may trip but I won't let you fall." He told me after he had quit laughing.

We got to the entrance of the gym, which were just the gym doors which had been decorated with shiny streamers of some sort. I took a deep breathe and walked in beside Jason. As we made our way through the crowd, I could feel the eyes on me. Of the people I used to go to school with and be friends with.

Jason stopped when he got to the group of basketball players. But one was missing... Troy. I shook it off because he probably didn't come because Gabi couldn't make it.

"Oh my gosh!" Taylor exclaimed as she looked over at Jason and I. Which got the rest of the ball players attention. "Brianna!" She added a squeal and ran over and hugged me which caused me to stumble back a bit.

"Well that was entertaining." Chad laughed and I shot him a glare.

"Hey, Taylor. Long time no see, huh." I told her as we pulled away from the hug.

"Why didn't you text me and tell me you were Jason's date?" She asked me. I shrugged not really wanting to explain everything. I looked around the gym and spotted the "couple" that made my happiness end.

Ryan and Kelsi were sitting at a table alone. He didn't look like he was having fun but she looked like she was happiest person in the world. I then seen Zeke with Sharpay and Martha with Zach which was some new guy who came a week before Gabi and I left.

When Zeke saw Jason he led Sharpay off the dance floor and towards us.

"Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you came back!" Sharpay exclaimed as she stood in front of me. I gave her a confused look and she noticed and rolled her eyes. "Ryan has been the most annoying thing since you left and broke up with him. He's been moping around and blaming me!" She snapped the last part.

"Yeah... well, it is your fault so." I told her with a snarky attitude. I'm done putting up with her!

"How is it my fault!" She snapped at me with a glare.

I rolled my eyes which caused her to scoff, "you couldn't just leave us alone! He had to be your slave. You MADE him ask Kelsi to prom while he was dating me and that's why we broke up. So it is your fault."

"Fine, I'm sorry. Now go fix it." She then shoved me in Ryan's direction. I stumbled and before I could turn and walk away Ryan looked up and saw me.

When he saw me he stood up and before he could start walking my way I turned around and sprinted out of the gym in my high heels around all the juniors and seniors and their dates.

Why does this have to happen to me?


Sorry it sucked :/ *not edited*

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