Frenemy With The Bad Boy

By macaroonhoneybee

171K 5.6K 1.7K

#1 IN TEEN FICTION! Fren·e·my || a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry... More

Chapter 1 - I'm So Dead
Chapter 2 - The Gate To Hell Is Wide Open
Chapter 3 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 4 - Mi Lady
Chapter 5 - Screw You, Clayton.
Chapter 6 - What The Hell?!
Chapter 7 - Drama
Chapter 8 - Beautiful Disaster
Chapter 9 - Ditching School With Brody Dane
Chapter 10 - Oh Dear Lord
Chapter 11 - Truth Or Dare
Chapter 12 - Three Wishes
Chapter 13 - Monday, Oh, Monday
Chapter 14 - Nobody Flirts With My Girl, You Monkey-Butt
Chapter 15 - I Would
Chapter 16 - Can We Please Not Talk About It?
Chapter 17 - Elliot
Chapter 18 - Boyfriend Material
Chapter 20 - Reality Show
Chapter 21 - Friday
Chapter 22 - As You Wish, Mi Lady
Chapter 23 - I'm Glad You Put Me Into Detention
Chapter 24 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 25 - Am I Ready For This?
Chapter 26 - Curiosty Killed The Cat
Chapter 27 - Lies Don't End Relationships, The Truth Does
Chapter 28 - I Can Treat You Better
Chapter 29 - The Truth Untold
Chapter 30 - The Evil Twins
Chapter 31 - Circles
Chapter 32 - Back To Normal
Chapter 33 - Fix What We've Broken
Chapter 34 - Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 35 - Catching Up

Chapter 19 - Drama...Again

4.7K 161 48
By macaroonhoneybee

"What are you doing this Friday night?” Clayton asked as he leaned sideways against the locker beside mine, facing me with his hands in his pockets. I pursed my lips and looked at him before cocking an eyebrow.

“Why’d you ask?” I asked, opening my locker and collected the books I needed for the next period.

He smirked and shrugged casually. “In case you have forgotten, my darling, I’m still waiting for my third wish to be fulfilled,” He said in a fake British accent.

Oh my sweet peanut butter. I don’t know about you guys but I really can’t handle cute guys with British accent. Take Alex Pettyfer for an example. Just the mere sight of him can turn me into jell-o let alone him speaking in British accent. Heck, I think him speaking in any accent can turn me into jell-o.

Oh god...

I think I may have turned into a melodramatic queen.

I chuckled and shook my head. “In case you’re wondering, Wade, I haven’t forgotten,” I said and slammed my locker shut. I clutched the books onto my chest and turned to face him. “Needless to say, how could I forget?”

He smiled. “Good because I’m taking you out.” He winked.


Before I could finish my sentence, he cuts me off. “Don’t ask where,” He put up his index finger. “Actually, don’t ask about anything. It’s a surprise. I know you don’t like surprises but I like them so I’m gonna do it anyway,” He shrugged casually.

I rolled my eyes as a smile crept onto my face. “Is this supposed to be a date?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Heck yeah it is,” He said and winked. “But just to let you know, I’m not a romantic kind of guy, I don’t do candle light dinners, I don’t do slow dances, I don’t plan on renting the whole restaurant just for the two of us. I’m not romantic, I don’t do those shits guys do in movies or books...” He trailed off until I put a hand over his mouth

I laughed and took my hand off his mouth. “Wade, I don’t really care about what kind of date you’re planning, as long as you’re there and I know that you’re not a romantic guy, it’s okay. I don’t want something extravagant or luxurious myself. I prefer something simple, and frankly I’d rather have a date in my house, chilling while watching netflix with a bunch of junk foods rather than eating at a five-star restaurant with small portions of food filled with people.” I said, offering him a smile.

“Oh cupcake, we're definitely made for each other,” He said and ruffled my hair.

“Clayton Wade,” an annoyingly familiar voice said from across the hall. “Nice to meet the so-called king of Lockwood High.” I turned my head towards the source of the voice and was greeted with no other than Dean Parker. He was standing there across the hall, leaning against his locker with his arms crossed on his chest.

“Dean Parker,” Clayton replied, his voice laced with hatred and disgust. He smirked as he stepped forward with his arms crossed on his chest. “How was the weather in Arizona? I heard it’s hot there,” He said, smirking.

Dean’s eyes flicker to mine, and I stare blankly back at him. He must have realised that I told Clayton because from the way he was looking at me, he seemed furious and there was anger written all over his features. However his features suddenly soften as he walked towards me. “Serena, can we please talk? Alone.” He looked at Clayton, who looked like he was ready to kill then back at me, I widened my eyes as I realised what he was trying to do.

Clayton scoffed as he glared at Dean furiously and stepped in front of me, creating a barricade between me and Dean. “Go anywhere near her or touch her and I’ll kill you,” He stated. I swear if looks could kill, Dean would already placed inside his coffin right now.

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” Dean spit. “I’m not asking for your permisson, Wade. Can you please step away? I’m trying to talk to my girlfriend,” Dean said and pointed at me.

Did he really just say that?

“She’s not your girlfriend dude,” Clayton smirked. “Quit dreaming.”

My jaw literally dropped at his choice of words. Did he just say that I’m his girlfriend? Did he really just say that? I scoffed in disbelief and pushed Clayton from in front of me and stepped forward until me and Dean are face to face. “Your girlfriend? You’ve got to be shitting me! I am not your girlfriend,“ I said emphasizing every words. “God! I can’t beelive you actually had the nerve to say those words with your own mouth. I guess, shits really do came out from your mouth, do they?” I said harshly and laughed bitterly.

“Serena please. I know what I did was a shitty thing to do but can’t you see I’m trying to win you back? I just want things to be the way it was! Goddammit! I’m in love with you!” He shouted and before I knew it, he grabbed my arm harshly and yanked me towards him, making me stumble. Crap. He does have a death wish.

However the next thing happened in a blink of an eye. Clayton quickly ripped his hand away from my hand and twisted Dean’s hand as he groaned in pain. Dean tried to get his hand out of Clayton’s grip but he was weaker than I thought. Clayton was clearly on the stronger side. 1 point for Wade. “You really do have a death wish, don’t you, Parker? I told you to not go anywhere near her and yet you still had the nerve to touch her? You’re—“

Before Clayton could finish his sentence, Dean break free from his grip, catching him off guard and swung his fist across Clayton’s face. Almost immediately, people started crowding all around us. I let out a small scream as I watched Clayton clenching his jaw and laughed bitterly. I guess, he didn’t see that coming. I stepped behind Clayton and patted him on the shoulder. I shook my head, telepathically telling him not cause a scene. Instead, he winked at me and focused back on Dean. Shit, shit, shit.

Before I knew it, Clayton took a full swing across Dean’s face causing him to fall on the ground with a loud thud and I could hear a loud ‘oohs’ and ‘ouchs’ from the crowd all over. It was definitely a strong punch. I watched in horror as the fight increased and the crowd grew bigger and bigger. I think the whole school was here. Clayton ever so easily dodged all of Dean’s punches while Dean was getting all of Clayton’s punch. Clayton was definitely winning. Yay, Clayton for the win!

God, Serena. It’s not the right time to be cheering on your favorite, is it?

“You hit like a little girl for a big guy,” Clayton teased cockily, winking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Is that all you can do?” Dean clenched his jaw at the taunt, and he goes for another punch but once again Clayton easily dodged it. I stepped back from the two boys as I realised there’s nothing I could do to stop them. I looked around, pleading whoever can stop them but much to my luck none of them dared to even step forward. Heck, of course none of them would. Meanwhile, I could hear the dreamy sigh of the girls in the crowd right now.

Not blaming them though – even I thought he looked extremely sexy. Like a wild beast. The sexy one, of course.

Quit daydreaming about him, you pervert.

Geez, okay.

After a few more minutes of Clayton’s teasing and taunting and dodging, Dean managed to land a weak punch to Clayton’s jaw, but I knew that it was nothing compared to the punch Clayton threw earlier. Clayton smirked cockily before he finally goes for the finale that everyone has been waiting for. He landed a perfect hit at Dean’s stomach which made him fall on the ground pathetically, wincing in pain. “That’s how you throw a perfect punch!” Clayton exclaimed, beaming with confidence. “You threw the first punch and everyone saw it so the school can’t suspend me,” He casually shrugged.

I know I shouldn’t be happy because I just made my friend got into a fight but I seriously could kiss him right now. I stepped forward and immediately attacked him with a bear hug. He seemed shocked at first but returned the hug as I felt his arms wrapped around my back. “Wade,” I grinned as I broke the hug. “I don’t know what I would do without you! That was awesome!”

Clayton laughed as he ruffled my hair. “You can’t just live without me, can you? Well, what can I say? I’m just that awesome."

“Out of the way!” Mr. Greene, the principal, incredibly loud voice echoed through the hallway and almost immediately people started backing away to the left and right to make a way for him. Trailing behind him was Mr. Johnson, the math teacher, and Mrs. Brown, the teacher who hated Clayton with all her guts. “Get to class, all of you!” He shouted, grabbing Dean by the arm while Mr. Johnson was taking care of Clayton. Hurriedly the crowd started reducing as people get into classes. However, unfortunately for me, Mr. Greene spotted me and gestured me to step forward with his index finger. “Ms. Castello, are you involved in this fight?”

I have to fight the urge to scoff at the question. Hell no! But then again, this fight wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t because of me. So, being the ignorant kid I am, I nodded. “Dean was bothering me so Clayton helped me,” I shrugged and looked away only to met Dean’s angry gaze.

Mr. Greene rubbed his temple and sighed. “You three come to my office now.”

Clayton, Dean, and I followed Mr. Greene to the principal’s offrice – each of us wearing different expressions. Clayton simply had his hands inside his pockets with his smug face, Dean had his jaw clenched, and I was simply scared of what’s about to happen.

“Take a seat,” Mr. Greene ordered. “Quickly.”

Hurriedly, I sat down on one of the leather seats, while Clayton sat on my right side, and Dean on my left side, and Mr. Greene sat behind his desk, narrowing his eyes at each of us. “Now explain to me what happened,” He said. “One of you.”

Instantly, the room was filled with Dean and Clayton’s voice, the two of them telling a very different version of the story. The two of them obiviously too biased on themselves. Meanwhile, I just sighed and shook my head before slapping them on the arm to shut them up. “Let me explain” I said and turned to face Mr. Greene.

“So Mr. Greene, as you know Dean just moved here a few days ago and he happened to be an ex of mine and for your information, we’re not in friendly terms,” I went, glancing at Dean who still have his jaw clenched. “So this morning, Dean forcefully grabbed my arm, hurting me, saying that he wants me back but thank goodness, Clayton stepped in. He was only trying to protect me, and before I knew it the two of them are already punching each other. Dean made the first punch, you can check the CCTV if you want. I’m telling the truth.”

Mr. Greene nodded approvingly. “Thank you, Miss Castello. I believe that you are telling the truth so I won’t check the security cameras and for you Mr. Parker, may I ask why would you land a hand on Miss Castello?”

“With all due respect, sir. I think I would like to have that information to myself and Serena to know.” Dean stated.

“Very well,” Mr. Greene nodded and turned to face Clayton. “And Mr. Wade, I would like to say that this is probably the first time I’m sending you out without a suspension but I’m only going to give you three days of lunchtime detention for punching another student, I won’t give you more because it was, in fact, an act of self-defence. As for Mr. Parker, I’m sorry to say that I will be giving you two weeks of after school detention for harrasing two of my students and I would like your parents to be here tomorrow and visit me at my office.”

Serves you right!

“Thank you, sir.” I nodded respectfully, standing up from my seat, with Clayton following me. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Dean muttered and scoffed in disbelief, before storming out of the office in rage.

“He’s such a jerk,” I said as we stepped out of the office, giving Dean the infamous middle finger behind his back. Clayton laughed before following my action. Feeling someone staring at me, I glanced to the side. Oh wow another jerk on the way.

Kendra was standing outside of the principal’s office, narrowing her eyes at me with her cold and icy glare.

Before I could say anything, Clayton beat me up to it. “What do you want?” He snapped as he landed his eyes on her.

She looked at me before throwing me her devilish smirk. “I was going to ask you earlier but, can you say hi to Nora for me?” She asked and winked at him, before walking away beaming in confidence. However after a few steps, she stopped and looked back. “Oh and by the way, is it a boy or a girl? I want to buy some presents,” She smirked. “Oh wait, I think I should just ask the mother,” She said and laughed, walking away. “Toodles! I wish you the best of luck!”

For a second I thought, I saw Clayton stopped breathing but it was soon replaced with a grin. “Don’t worry about her. She’s talking nonsense.”

What does she meant by that?

“What the hell was that?” I whispered, ignoring what Clayton said earlier. He looked away and clenched his jaw. “Wade? What’s wrong?”

He sighed. “Nothing. It’s nothing. Let’s just go, okay?”

I nodded but kept my gaze suspiciously at him. I decided not to ask any further because knowing Clayton, he wouldn’t tell a single soul if he didn’t want to. He might blurted it out someday but not now. I’ll just wait...

But I can’t help but to wonder though.


“So, is there anything I should know about you and Clayton?” Claire asked curiously, turning to face me with a smirk on her face. Can’t people stop smirking for god’s sake? I groaned as I turned to face her with a blank expression. “What? I’m just asking,” She shrugged casually.

“Well, he asked me out on a date today—“ Before I could finish, Claire shrieked and jumped to pull me into a hug. She squealed as she tighten her grip around me. I shook my head playfully as I wrapped my arms around her. “Happy now?”

Claire nodded vigorously before breaking the hug. “Oh my god, I’m so happy for you! Where are you going?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, he said it’s a surprise.”

Claire, once again, squealed like a fan girl. “When?”

“Friday night.” I answered.

Claire clapped her hands and smiled. “Oh I am so going to turn you into the most beautiful creature on earth he will ever see!”

“Please no,” I shook my head

Another update! What do you think Kendra meant by saying that?
Read to find out :)

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