Mirror Image

By cupcakediamondx

41.8K 1.8K 725

Michael and Mike are twins. They look exactly alike but they couldn't be more different from one another. Mik... More

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 1
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 2
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 3
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 4
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 5
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 6
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 7
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 10
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 11
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 12
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 13
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 14
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 15
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 16
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 17
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 18
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 19
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 20
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 21
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 22
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ FINAL PART
Mirror Image ~ THANK YOU!! ♡
MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 8 (republished!!!)

MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 9

1.6K 75 18
By cupcakediamondx

~ Michael's point of view ~ 

To my surprise, I fell asleep pretty fast, even though I was worried sick about Mike. I haven't heard from him since I left his place after he pretty much threw me down on the floor. . . I still can't believe that he did that . . . I will go by his place as soon as I got ready for work.

I just took a shower and got dressed. It's 10:30am and I'm getting ready to leave in a second. I shove a huge piece of carrot cake in my mouth while putting on my shoes. Even though I think I had a good night sleep, I still feel like sleeping for another hour or two. . .

Whenever I'm worried about something it's hard for me to fully relax and fall asleep. I'm never really asleep when there is something on my mind. That's me . . . I can't help it. . . especially when it comes to my family . . . I can't close my eyes and fall asleep knowing that my brother is out of control. . . I mean, who knows what he did last night after I left? . . who knows? . . I don't trust him one bit. He's not himself. . . not when he's on drugs. . . . today I will break it to him and tell him that I want him to move in with me. . . 


"Good morning Doctor Jackson" - "Morning everybody" I walk into my first patients room and take a seat. "Hello Andrea. . how are you feeling today?" She looks up at me with her big, cute eyes. Andrea is a 9 year old little princess. She hurt herself on both legs at dance practice and will not be able to walk for at least two weeks. "When will I be able to dance again Doctor Michael?"

I brush my fingers down her leg and give a little pressure while doing so. "Outch!!" Her eyes fill up with tears. "Did that hurt you, Andrea?" She nods with a tear rolling down her cheek "Yes, that hurt . . not as much as it did before but it still hurts"

I take her hand and give her a comforting smile. "Very soon you will be able to dance again . . I'm very sure of that, you know why? the hospital fairy told me!" She smiles "The hospital fairy? there's a fairy here?" - "Yes . . she watches over all the patiens. . she makes everybody feel better"

Right this second the door opens "Doctor Jackson, new patient in room 104! you're needed as soon as possible" - "I'll be right there, thanks!" I look back at little Andrea and pinch her in the cheek "I will tell the hospital fairy to come by tonight and put something under your pillow while you sleep . . ok?" She smiles big. "A present? from the hospital fairy?"

"Yes! . . alright Andrea, I got to visit someone else now,
I will be back later to check on you, alright?"


I walk out and head straight to room 104. . one of my nurses runs up to me "Here are the papers Doctor Jackson" - "Can you tell me something about the patient?" - "Umm yes . . umm . . it's Misses Allen, I think . . or, or Ullen. . ummm"

"Could you please tell me why the patient is here? some information?!" - "Umm . . I'm not completely sure. . ummm. ." I stop in the middle of the hallway and give her a serious look. "I wanna know the name of the patient, their age and I wanna know WHY the patient is here, I don't wanna walk into the room knowing nothing Leah!! that's your job to inform me!" She swallows hard

"Yes, Doctor Jackson! I'm sorry . . ." 

I walk inside "Hello, I'm Doctor Michael Jackson, and I will be taking care of you" The nurse in the room helps the patient get comfortable on the bed. "I hurt my back Doctor Jackson, I'm hurting so bad. . it got to the point where I couldn't even stand anymore. . there is something going on and it scars me so much" - "Alright . . May I ask you to take off your top so I can take a look?"

"Yes, of course" The woman takes off her sweater and slowly lays down on her stomach. She's around 40 years old. I run my hand down her spine, giving a little pressure while moving from her neck, down to the small of her back. "Can you tell me where it hurt the most? where do you feel the deepest pain?" - "Right in the middle . . right there . . yes . . ouuuutch!"

"Alright . . . I will take a look at the shoulder region now and I
want you to tell me where you think the pain is also clearly noticable"  

Door opens . . . One of my nurses walks in with a phone in her hands. "Doctor Jackson, important call for you!" - "I will call back as soon as I get time, could you please ask for the number and write it down for me? you can't just walk in and hand me a phone when I'm busy with a patient!"

"Ummm. . but I was informed the phone call is important" I turn around and give her a look. "Leah! do what I just told you and please leave the room!" - ". . . FINE! . . . asshole"

She whispered it but I heard every single letter of that last word. "LEAH!" She turns back around.
"Yea?" - "LEAVE! I want you to go home!"

"What?! why?" - "The asshole wants you to leave the hospital!!" She walks out of the room angrily. . . 18 years old and acting like a 10 year old . . . unbelievable . . . "I'm awfully sorry for the interruption!" - "Oh that's ok doctor . . it's perfectly fine" 

~ Mike's point of view ~

Damn . . Michael got angry at that girl for wanting to hand him the phone . . . I just took a shower and got ready. . . I had a terrible head ache when I woke up but I'm feeling better now. Yesterday evening was crazy and I can't believe how rough I was on Kelly . . . .

I feel bad now, I really do. . . The cocain gave me all kinds of energy and most of all power . . negative power to be honest . . . I felt like killing someone. . . first you feel on top of the world and then slowly but surely you feel like ripping it all apart . . . . I'm glad she got out of the car and ran away . . . . . I couldn't control myself . . . lord knows what I would've done to her if she stayed . . . .

I just hope she doesn't call the cops on me, which she most likely will do . . . . DAMMIT. I hope I will get away with this . . . I really, really hope so. . . . I know Michael will help me. . . he always does. . . I know I can count on him.

( phone rings ) . . . 


"Mike . . you called? . . is everything ok?"

"Yea sure . . . just wanted to ask what's up"

"Mike, I'm working . . that's what's up . . ."

"When are you gonna be home tonight?"

"I don't know. . it will be late for sure . .
I have a lot of patiens today . . why?"

"I'm just asking . . . maybe we can grab a bite to eat at lunch time"

"You know what? that's good . .
I want you to come because I wanna talk to you about something"

"About what?!"

"You'll see . . it's nothing bad . . I just wanna talk to you,
be at the hospital at 2:30pm, alright?"

"Alright . . . bye!"


I just arrived at the hospital . . . "Hey, where's my brother?" - "Hi Mike . . he's in his office" - "Thanks shorty!" I walk up to Michael's office . . he's sitting there drinking coffee while eating a salad . . only Michael drinks coffee while eating a salad. "I brought Kentucky Fried Chicken, what the hell are you eating a salad for?"

"FYI, I like salad and that stuff is not good for you" - "Why?! chicken is a good choice of meat . . why is it bad?!" - "YOU EAT IT LIKE EVERYDAY. . . eat healthy, will ya?! I don't want you to be in this hospital with heart problems in a few years"

"Dude . . chill . . grab a wing and chill!!" 

We eat a few pieces while sitting there in total silence . . what is it that Michael wants to talk to me about? I'm sure it's about the drug use and I'm so not in the mood to talk about that . . . . "Mike listen. . I've been thinking a lot lately . . . and I think I would feel a lot more comfortable with you living at my place" - "HAHA, WHY?"

"Because I kinda wanna keep an eye on you . . ." - "You wanna keep an eye on me? why? . . why would you wanna do that? because of the drugs?!" - "Yes . . . I want you to move in with me . . for a few weeks, maybe a couple months . . . you know how I feel about all this, Mike . . you know it!"

"Michael . . . I'm a grown man, I know what I do!! I don't need to live with my brother so he can take care of me . . I don't need nobody to take care of me. . . ok?! . . I'm not a fucking drug addict . . . I was simply trying it out a few times. . there is nothing for you to worry about" 

"Nothing for me to worry about? . . you threw me down on the floor! . . you never did that before!!" - "I threw you down on the floor? stop lying . . I would never do that!" - "YES you did! . . you threw me down, I still have a black elbow . . . Mike you were out of control . . you weren't yourself!"

"Dude, what are you even talking about?! of course I am myself . . I didn't throw you down on the floor, you are making this shit up to scare me but it's not working, baby!"

"Why should I make this up?!! you grabbed me and you literally threw me down!! I was shocked . . I left not even 5 seconds after . . . you scared me! you hurt me with that action . . more than you could think!! ok?! . . I spent the night lying awake asking myself tons of questions . . I'm worried about you! THAT'S why I want you to move in with me!" 

"I'm not moving in to your place so you can keep an eye on me! . . how do you think this makes me feel?!" Michael laughs "Wanna know how I feel?!! huh?!!!" The door opens . . one of Michael's nurses walks in "Doctor Jackson I'm here to . . ." - "MINDY! I'm having lunch . . can't you see? I'm EATING!" - "Wow . . you're in a grumpy mood"

"PARDON ME?!" - "Ummm. . . nothing!" She rushes out of the office. . . . Michael rubs his eyes and leans back in his chair. "Mike . . please, stay at my place. . just grab some of your stuff and move in with me . . . please . . just do me the favor!!" - "WHY? I DON'T GET WHY!"

"Because I want to have you near me . . . . I'm really not in the mood to keep talking, I'm just so done with this day . . . I want it to end and I wanna come home to you sitting on my couch . . . ok?" 


I'm sitting here eating a sandwich . . . at exactly 11:32 the door opens and Michael walks in. He just came home from work. . . . "Hey Mike, I see you decide to come . . I'm glad" Michael takes off his coat and shoes and sits down on the couch next to me.

"I'm glad you're here . . I really am" - "Yea me too . . not so bad here, your house smells good and it's actually clean here . . why wouldn't I wanna stay here?" Michael laughs . . .

"Yea I can see how that would make you wanna stay here" - "I ordered pizza. .  are you in?" - "No . . thank you, I already ate on my way home" . . . 

"Hey Michael . . what's this note on your coffee table. . Gummybear children's house? why did you write that down? am I missing something?" I look at it and smile. "Ohh . . no . . umm . . I kinda met someone and  . . that's where she works" - "YOU? . . you met someone?!" I give him a look "YEA! what's so weird about that?!" - "Nothing. . it's just that . . you know . . you never meet anyone" - "Well Mike, I actually met someone and I'm planning on going by her place, asking her out for dinner . . ."

I literally jump up in excitement. "DAMN. . my brother met someone . . I can't believe it!!!" I grab him and pick him up! "YEA MAN!!! I'm happy for you!! that's great!!!" He chuckles. "Thanks . . . she's really nice . . I'm very excited about getting to know her better . . only talked to her for a few minutes but those few minutes were such a pleasure" . . . YEA . . my brother met someone . . I'm seriously so happy right now . . . . 

It's 1:30am . . Michael went to bed an hour ago . . . I'm here in the kitchen heating up some left over pork chops. . . . The door opens, Michael just scared the living crap out of me . . . "Mike! it's 1:30 in the morning, what the heck are you doing standing in the kitchen? the whole house smells like a restaurant, I'm trying to sleep I have to get up early tomorrow!"

"Dude . . have a pork chop with me!" Michael sits down and pours himself a glass of milk "No thanks . . but you enjoy . . I'm just gonna drink this milk and then I'll be back in bed . . . . I'm glad you're here Mike . . I really am" - "I'm glad too . . your fridge is full with all kinds of great foods, man!!!" - "Oh . . so my fridge is the only reason why you wanna stay here?" I laugh "Kinda . . . no I'm kididng . . . you know I love ya" 

NEXT DAY . . . 

Michael just went to work . . , it's 7:30 am and I can't fall back asleep . . . I decide to get up and take a shower. . . . DAMN, I forgot to bring clothes . . . . oh well . . I'll just wear something of Michael's and go by my apartment to get some stuff of mine. . . . . 

I'm on my way driving back to my place now . . . I feel weird wearing Michael's clothes . . we really look exactly alike. . . . . I stop at a red light and look around . . . OHH . . that's the children's house . . . the gummybear one where Michael's chick works at . . . . damn . . I'm so curious . . I wanna know what she looks like . . . . he kept telling me how pretty she is . . . .

I have to take a quick look inside . . I just wanna see what she looks like!! . . just a tiny peek through the window . . . . . I park the car and make my way to the children's house . . . . . I see the children sitting on a carpet in a circle listening to a woman who is sitting in the middle wearing a cowboys hat . . . . . is that her? . . . damn . . . she is FINE AS HELL

. . . . I walk closer. . . . . wow . . . Michael got himself a nice looking chick . . . . wow . . . !! I'm happy for him . . I really am . . . I can't wait for him to finally start dating . . . . . I take one last look inside and then walk back to my car . . . . Suddenly I hear someone behind me. "Michael? . . . is that you?" I turn around. . . she's actually standing by the door now looking at me! . . . oh god no . . . she thinks I'm Michael . . .

"Michael? . . right? . . yes! it's you! we met at the gas station! Aww . . I can't believe you took the time to come by here, I'm so glad to see you!" 

. . . FUCK . . . 

~ to be continued ~

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